
May 8, 2006
Some of you get waaaaay to upset about a review.
Anything that score a 9 or higher is pretty damn good. Relax.

Anyway, buying this game 4sure.


Feb 2, 2009
"Any review that contains the word 'fanboy' in the first paragraph is a crap review. Luckily there are some good reviews out there to help this game (i.e. the first ever good GT review).

EDIT: And what's with all the comparisons to Gears of War 2? Is this a 3rd person shooter? Why is a guy with the Playstation team comparing it to Gears? It doesn't make sense and just cheapens the review. I'm not upset about the score, but the team at IGN (all countries) continue to disappoint."


Of course this game will be compared to gears of war 2, as most casual gamers will have played it, and want to know what its like. Compare it to something they know. And when reviewing something, if there is something similar to what is being reviewed, they should be compared to each other. Gears 2 is the competition in this case. Just because its 3rd person doesn't mean that the two games aren't similar. Fallout 3 could be called a first person shooter, but would comparing that to KZ2 make any sense? It wouldn't.

And for the record, i own both systems, and was into my PS3 far before my 360, so i couldn't be considered biased. I see both sides, and in my opinion, Gears 2 is incredible, and I'm sure KZ2 will be also when i pick it up.


Sep 29, 2008
Wow a 9+ score from all three IGN's? This game must be something. I can't wait for demo. So far the RE5 demo is keeping me busy until KZ2 demo comes out.


Prime Member
Dec 29, 2001
Why do people give a game a reader rating or even a review when they haven't even played the game?

Just because it's highly anticipated and getting good reviews doesn't necessarily mean you, personally will enjoy the game. For me, I couldn't get into MGS4 because of all the cutscenes, yet it got great reviews on all the sites. Stop "reviewing" KZ2 until you've actually played it.
Feb 3, 2009
Why are IGN so biased towards xbox? how can u compare gears of war to Killzone? one is 3rd person the other FPS. And why are most FPS's for PS3 being compared to gears?
Apr 2, 2006
Why can't they review a PS3 exclusive as just a game. Why does it always have to be compared to the 360. Gears and KZ2 are totally different, they reviewed Halo, Gears without mentioning the PS3, why do it here. We want a review on what you think of a game, not how it shapes up in the console war.
Sep 14, 2001
Ultimate-killa. They compare it to the PS3 catalogue of FPS games (and have done, with the only good one being resistance 2, mentioned in the review) and what ever is the rivalling game, in this case, almost the whole back catalogue from the 360 is the rivalry. SImply put, if people want an FPS they get the 360, it has many more of them and they are fantastic in quality. This gets compared to gears 2, halo etc because its a way to try and lure gamers to the ps3 as a fps console. otherwise, despite how good one or two fps titles are, people will just go "yeah but for £30 i can get gears 1, halo 3 and some nachos".

This game needs to make the ps3 sell, it can only sell if people believe this offers something that the xbox doesnt and as much as they sell it, i still don't think this is as good as the rival titles on the xbox like gears or halo. Still, atleast Killzone 2 may make you feel like you havent just wasted £400.

(ps. the reason they didnt compare halo or gears to anything on the ps3 is because - yep, you guessed it, the ps3 had nothing decent on offer so comparing them would be pointless.)


Almost Not a Noob
Jul 18, 2008

All shooters are the same anyway. I am not a fanboy as I am a true hardcore gamer that has all 3 consoles. The only good thing about Gears of War 2 is the multiplayer and the graphics. The singleplayer is a one trick pony. Run, hide shoot although the flying section was cool it was certainly no Panzer Dragoon Orta. I am sure Killzone 2 has amazing graphics and is an okay game but what do you do, run, hide and shoot and I suppose there will be a Turret gun for you to have a play with at some point. Hardly original is it. The shooters are making the games industry stale. Can developers not make something different for a change. If you are going to do a shooter why not do something unique like Metroid Prime. They don't have to factor to much in the way of level design when making a standard shooter either. They must be easier for developers minds to make as they dont have factor in the imagination that goes into games like Zelda and Okami. You don't see games like Okami, Zelda, Mario or Shadow Collossus shovelled into the market every other month.


Aug 26, 2008
@ Hell Raider; u r an absolute 360 fanboy numpty, there were more exclusives & higher raited games on the ps3 in 08 (just check out the stuff IGN have put out recently going against all 3 consoles in 08), also look @ the comparison of top notch exclusives 4 09 aswell 4 the ps3, what have u got Halo wars & Alan Wake, enjoy ill b playin Infamous, killzone 2, heavy rain, m.a.g, gt5, g.o.w 3, uncharted 2, sequel of R&C, quantum theory etc


Dec 28, 2007
well i gtta agree wif hell raider buh dis game is quite awsome.
ne wayz all u fanboyz of 360 or ps3 need 2 stop bitching every console has a good and bad game (part from wii:().evry person has deir own opinion jhezzzzzzz
i say 2 Each ur own


Mar 31, 2001
And yet the brightness and intensity of the flames and explosions still seems a little off somehow...
Oct 18, 2003
@lafferty_con: But maybe Killzone 2 shows it's time for developers to move on? Allegedly (maybe not suggested in this review, but from others) it is an almost pitch-perfect FPS, that does everything given in your standard FPS, but to sublimity. If it's hard to do it better- maybe FPS will start to die out- or at least mutate into something better or more original? (Trying not to use the word innovativ here)
Nov 30, 2008
hell reaider was referring strictly to fps's OB1k and in that respect, he's right, ps3 just doesn't offer a lot of competition. And God help you if you're actually going to be enjoying infamous OR the next R&C lol those games look dumb as hell


Jun 12, 2006
Why do console reviewers saw console games set a new benchmark for graphics, as nice as Killzone 2 looks, it doesn't touch crysis.


Old Account
Nov 10, 2011
We seem to be getting dragged into a gears convo here.. why? has nothing to do with this game.. i didnt like ANY gears or halo games BTW.. i prefered Prey and still do....

Cant wait to play this game, i own all three consoles but i would be a fool not to say the ps3 was the most powerful, and up till now, ive seen little difference between my 360 and ps3, now I should see what happens when that extra power, or at least some of it is used, and why my ps3 cost me twice as much.

im a big resitance fan so this better be really good to impress me.
Oct 18, 2003
@Newfgamer: I'm pretty sure KZ2 is meant to contend with Crysis. It probably won't live up to the destructability, but apparently the detail's meant to be the best yet.


Oct 3, 2008
I don't really understand this review. You kind of barate the ps3s fanbase more than you actually review the game...when you do talk of the game you bitch and moan, gloss over the good bits then give it a 9.2. Strange.
Oct 18, 2003
As with a lot of reviews recently, it's a review torn apart and muddied with over hyping and fanboyism. The reviewers judgement has been totally blurred by the amount of coverage and opinions that everyone focuses on and lumps in whenever the game is mentioned. Think I might just write about this. www.sehane.blogspot.com
Jul 31, 2006
This is such biased bullshit. How come the xbox 360's fanbase is never attacked on these UK reviews of hyped up games like Gears 2 and such but when a hyped up ps3 exclusive is released, obviously the ps3 fanboys are always criticized.
Who are the bigger fanboys, the ps3 owners of the 360 owners?
I say the 360 owners since most of them are younger and more retarded.


Nov 11, 2008
"the fact that he said one dimensional tells me he's a wuss.maybe he should only review wii games.the first game should have been the clue what kind of game killzone 2 was aiming for.hard core shoot em up,my favorite!now go hop on your bike with training wheels and review wii games."

You do realise that by one dimensional, he didn't mean it should be virtual reality you @hole. He means one dimensional as in; the gameplay doesn't vary, there isn't much variation in level structure (like CoD4 sniping level & helicopter level).

I'm still waiting for the price of PS3 to go down before buying one because I'm not really desperate. Killzone looks great. I guess I'll have to miss out but there are so many more fantastic games coming out (Batman:AA/Riddick:AoDA/Prototype) it doesn't bother me TOO much.
Apr 22, 2006
i've now realise that ign have no clue what theyre talking about.

They have basically copied the majority of what other reviewers have said, but tone it down and attempt to tarnish the reputation of KZ2, and take shots at the ps3's fanbase.


Almost Not a Noob
Mar 6, 2008
I never comment on the reviewer because it's just one opinion. But damn.... this reviewer isn't worthy to be read by the thousands that will invest the time. Terrible... Alex, I have no problem with the score but your comments are not what people read a review for.
Feb 26, 2008
Hm. Typical, an article mentions fanboyism, and the people who (no offence, i myself am a PC fanboy) are likely PS3 fanboys, automatically retort with something about another console and its 'flaws', and suggest that these little shots at the PS3 fanbase should actually be taken seriously. Not everything has to be a pigging console war. Get over it. Both consoles are good. I just think the PS3 is over-priced. I mean, sure, if it was cheaper and/or i actually could afford it, I would buy both.
No need to be a fanboy over everything, or have a fanboy war.
oh, and P.S., i now love you hassi94, your successful beatdown of crazyspyd3r213 is admirable. I salute you, and i agree with the stuff about price, thats exactly my point.

Anyway, to the subject at hand, this game looks interesting, if i had a PS3 i would probably pick this up. I'll probably pick up a copy of the first Killzone and dig out my PS2, atleast before i get a PS3.
And personally, there didnt seem to be anything wrong with this article. Granted, if you guys are right, parts of this have been taken from previous previews and/or other reviews. Meh. I didnt look at previews. Most people probably didnt scour the internet for other reviews to make sure this doesnt copy and past any other.


Almost Not a Noob
Oct 12, 2008
Why don't reviewers compare it to the first Killzone instead of Gears of War or Call of Duty 4? Sequels are suppose to be compared with its previous installment. I did not bother reading the whole review, the guy actually said "leveling such criticisms could easily be construed as nit-picking" well yes because it is nit-picking dumbass!
It should be compared to its previous installment so those who played Killzone 1 and instead of looking at a review and go *says in gay voice* "oh my gosh! liek a 7.5! ewwwww!!"
we can actually know how much they improved the game!


Jan 30, 2008
Good reveiw, and some valid points...the game sounds brilliant and I'm getting it without a doubt. However I really do hate it when reveiwers such as this one compare to other games especially when they are on rivial systems and the two best games....It just kinda sounds like the reveiwer is abit biast to Xbox and a COD fanboy...wouldn't surprise me though.. all of IGN are.
May 26, 2004
This review was ok. But I think a point or 2 was missed regarding the game. 1. The game should have been compared first to Killzone 1 which was awarded a avarage rating by many. And it would have been nice if the reviewer made new comers know what the difference's are in this one in comparison. This might have been mentioned many times before the review someplace else on ign?

2. I somehow feel that you cannot compare Gears of war with this, as Gears is not a true 1st person shooter, should be compared to call of duty "yes", or Halo. I would say top 5 best looking games of all time, and you gave this credit here by giving it 10 out of 10 in the visuals dept. Don't want to critise too much though as I thought this review was more realistic than the other review which critised graphical elements and market it down for it, where games like GTA4 were broken with bugs. I have not played Killzone 2 yet so my judgement wether this review is true to its statement will remain mute.


Dec 16, 2008
I own both 360 and a PS3...so im letting everyone know i am not a fanboy. I think 360 fanboys should stop complaining because you cant have this great game! Just admit it...and dont compare this to GOW2! They are tottally different. Gears is a 3rd person cover-based shooter and Killzone 2 is a straight up FPS with no cover system online. (There is a first person cover system in the story mode) 360 fanboys, dont be mad because you own a dying system...the 360 is dead unless microsoft can pull some great games out of itz ass. So stop trying to cover up the fact that you own a worse system...suck it up


Apr 23, 2008
First of all, to all who never get to experience this game whether it be because of xbox fanboyism or sheer dislike for the FPS genre I say "SUCK EGGS!!!".

GOTY... Maybe, maybe not.
Best FPS to Date.... Who knows? (Probably).
Best Game of All Time.... Surely there are too many other contenders and just who does make the final decision? That's a question for the ages and I think to name one would be an everlasting argument...

Bottom line is that this game will KICK ASS!!! Alex Simmons makes some good points within his review but highlights KZ2's radical pace as a discredit to the overall experience. I beg to differ. Full and complete immersion is what this game needs. It's a Helghan battlefield, not an Eastern European skirmish...

Either way we are sure to be blown away by this one. If this is therefore the benchmark of FPS's to date, I sure can't wait to see what developers aim for over the years to come.
Mar 21, 2008
i got a ps3 for this game hopfuly it wont be a Battlefield: Bad Company.. I wonder if the red eyes are an equivlent to the yello bandana.. things need to be balenced and i hope i dont have to turn the lights off or close the blinds to see anything. My tag is RedZOMBIEpoo if anybody wants a friend


Oct 29, 2008
Its feb 5 and the stupid demo aint on the playstations network yet,guess now i gotta wait til the morning to play it,sucks ass


Sep 15, 2001
Great review, it’s always great to read positive reviews for games. Sad gaming is marred by fanboys, honestly it’s about the gaming no matter the console. Made perfect sense to compare this to Gears as well, shooters with a cover system why not compare the two? Just cause the perspective changes doesn’t make one more of a shooter than the other.
Also I think a lot of people are misinterpreting the co-op feature. I agree if the game offers something more then it deserves more points, you didn’t deduct marks for them omitting the feature you simply didn’t give it marks for having it.
I can’t wait to get my copy of the game in the meantime back to Gears ?



Apr 23, 2008
Fu#%ing awesome demo. (PS3)

Loved everything about this sneak peek. At first I played the default control scheme as previous reviewers had commented on its fidgety zoom/aiming control. Yes I found it awkward at first but got used to it in no time. After a couple of play throughs I investigated the other controller maps and discovered "Alternate 2" (I think). For all of us who enjoy the C.O.D games not to mention the majority of FPS's out there, this is where it's at.

The aiming button is mapped to L1 with R1 still to shoot. Easily adopted as your combat functions and cover system are all handled by the shoulder buttons (except for melee being R3). Sprint is easily adopted using L3 etc....

I'm addicted already. Need another hit...

Looks brilliant, plays like a dream and I can't wait for Feb 27!!!

If you don't buy this game then you're a fu#%en idiot!!!
May 22, 2008
This game is brilliant!!!

Im starting a new uk only, clan called UNITEDKINGS
If you whant to join then send a message to my PSN ID:AnotherPSNplayer
First people to join will most probably be co-leaders to help with the running of UNITEDKINGS.
Ill be making a website as this will be a competative gaming clan.

To be a co-leader, then you will have to have a mic!

As good communication is the key to a good clan, and as you have most probably guessed we will be playing KILLZONE 2 mostly!

Look forward to having your messages, heres my PSN ID again: AnotherPSNplayer

All questions you have can be messaged to my PSN ID.


Apr 23, 2008
Hail to you AlphaElite92:-

Shame about the UK only scenario as I would like nothing more than to be a part of a serious KZ2 clan.

If you see D3me3ntia online at any time then Aussies shout.....

Feb 7, 2009
In case anyone is interested there is a site you can go to to get free PS3/Xbox360/wii/PC games and accessories/game cards among lots of other things. All it requires is to take your time to fill out some surveys to get as low as 8 measly points. Link is below.

May 22, 2008
If anyone whants to join a ps3 clan UNITEDKINGS then message me on my PSN ID: AnotherPSNplayer

We will be playing killzone 2 mostly.
Feb 25, 2009
Oct 23, 2008
Got this this morning from PLAY.COM a day before it's due out. Played about 4 hours of Single Player and had a go in Skirmish mode (offline MPlayer). It's intense, it's brutal, it's gorgeous and it's... pretty hard at times haha. But man, it's gloriously good. Controls took me halfan hour to adapt to but it's so worth it. It feels visceral and real.


Feb 24, 2009
yeah i found it a bit harder than i expected especially in comparison to resistance 2, currently think r2 is better but that could change as i plough on through the game.

also agree the controls are a bit strange, would like to assign zoom to a trigger button!!


May 31, 2008
what? u can assign the zoom to a trigger button. go into controls and look.
i prefer playing in alternative 2 cos its the closest thing 2 call of duty controls.
Awsome game
multiplayer has NOO lag at all! its awesome!!!


Old Account
Nov 10, 2011
Reading all your comments I can tell that ps3 fanboys are the ones that start these consol fights. You all bitch more than a girl on her period. I have both systems and will be getting this game.


Feb 24, 2009
hmm don't remember seeing that in the 5/6 available alternatives.

I will have anoter look soon but I picked up soul caliber today so playing that at the moment.