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Mar 28, 2001
Article Comments for [link=]Killzone 2 UK Review[/link]
by Alex Simmons

Welcome to the end of the world. That's not the tagline from Killzone 2, rather the after-effect this reviewer believes might be the general consensus of forum-baiting fanboys who've already decided that Killzone 2 is the greatest game on the planet without actually playing it. So let's get this straight from the start – Killzone 2 is a fantastic game. It's outstanding in fact, and arguably the best first-person shooter on PlayStation 3. It isn't, however, the greatest game ever made, and I'll explain why later. [link=]Read Full Article[/link]
Aug 21, 2008
All good scores from the 3 IGN reviewers. And I think they are mostly all consistent saying that the gameplay is a bit one-dimensional and the voice acting is poor, but there really is way more praise than complaints so that is good.

I play my 360 WAY more than my PS3 or Wii, but I have to say that this game has me excited. The only people that scoff at this game are people that don't have PS3's and want to just rag on it because they can't play it. I'm a big 360 Halo/GoW/COD4 fan, and this game looks awesome.


Oct 15, 2008
i wonder when the comments complaining that they think the game didnt score high enough will start coming in?

'i think ign is bullshit the game deserves a 10 ,ign are all retards and should be shut down'

stuff like that makes me wonder how many times they were dropped on their heads at birth...


Rip Van Winkle
Apr 17, 2004
God bless the UK for a realistic rating. Good review, doesn't gush over the game. The final comments were a bit odd, telling people to get a PS3 just to play this...


Old Account
Nov 10, 2011
the fact that he said one dimensional tells me he's a wuss.maybe he should only review wii games.the first game should have been the clue what kind of game killzone 2 was aiming for.hard core shoot em up,my favorite!now go hop on your bike with training wheels and review wii games.
Mar 18, 2008
Yet another ace review for the big dog. Xbots continue to be owned.

Nice bit of hypocrisy in the opening paragraph of the review there too Alex Simmons... where were your righteous complaints about 'fanboys declaring it the greatest game ever without playing it' when worthless Xbots were doing the same thing over Gears of War and Halo?

IGN double standards hypocrisy in action YET AGAIN!


Old Account
Nov 10, 2011
I hate when reviewers knock off points because of the lack of co-op. WTF is wrong w/ you ppl? Stop comparing everything to GeoW! Just bringing that game up shows that you are biased. How many great FPS have co-op? HL2? Nope. Bioshock? Nope. CoD4? Nope. Did they get points knocked off because of this? Nope. Enough said.
Sep 21, 2004
Im lookin forward to this game!! I dunno why they gotta through Gears in here at all?!? Deff shouldnt have taken any points off because no coop campaign honestly who cares!! I guess we wait the montyl to fully review and figure out if we were right all along or if IGNs reviwers were right. Deff believe this to be one of the best and ground breaking games of all time!


Sep 18, 2008
Good review. Sorry Jeff, but I found this review a bit more direct and on the spot in terms of the "game," regardless of the fact that they scored the game lower than you. You're one of my favorite "beyonders", and to give you credit, I liked your MGS4 review a while back.

Enough about 360bot that is giving this game a 0 because of their brand loyalty to Microsoft, needs to leave and grow up a little.

You 360 fanboys are making the US territory look BIASED as hell, and honestly...the gaming industry has become a pain in the ass ever since Microsoft put a breath of life into that Xbox.

Your console is good, but stop with all this "Halo and Gears is the best" nonesense, it's lame and we all need to pay credit where it's due!

With that...KIllzone 2 looks AWESOME, can't wait for it! =)


No Longer a Noob
May 30, 2008
This game does indeed look awesome and will be on my "to buy" list along with Resi 5.

I am a little dissappointed with the need to compare games across platforms, especially with GoW 2. Not to mention a certain hypocrisy. For example, no co-op . . . but is that the be all end all for games? I think not. Fair enough a little comparison with R2 as that is the other big "exclusive" but why start fanboy arguments by comparing across platforms?


Old Account
Nov 10, 2011
Oh and as for the co-op thing. GG stated that they were using 60% of 6 processors at points in the game, so if they would do a co-op they would have to dumb down the experience in places. Ofcourse you would probably knock off points for that too. Screwed if you do screwed if you dont kind of thing goin on here. Some peopl can never be happy. By the wat GeoW had to dumb down in the co-op. Much more frame rate drops and texture popin but yet they didnt shave points for that. The 360 couldn't do 60% on 6 processors it only has 3.


Aug 8, 2008
It would be nice if a PS3 game could just be reviewed as a game, not as a statement on the PS3 or it's price or anything else and why throw in the Gears 2 garbage at the end. GD fanboy journos are sad.


Jan 21, 2009
guys, i suggest when we all get this game, you change the setting to control scheme 2 to make the zoom in button L1 as opposed to R3 which is, in my opinion, useless. and can we please have a review that isn't comparing this to another shooter, i dont think guerrilla released that trailer in 2005 because they wanted to say " we're gonna live up to Gears of War 2's expectaions or go under trying."
Mar 18, 2008
God, actually reading this whole review(Not an easy thing to do such was it's awfulness) really hits home just how pathetically biased this clown hack 'reviewer' really is. No one with an ounce of objectivity would throw in that crap about the tedious Gears of War 2 at the end, and as for the 'criticisms' of KZ2? Incredibly forced, like he was more scrambling for excuses to mark it lower than his precious Gears of Bore rather than judge it on it's own merits.

Pathetic hack. You represent exactly why IGN are such a biased joke.


Aug 5, 2004
I finished Gears 2 on Hard and thought is was dull, boring and broken in a lot of ways and I'm not alone with this opinion. To compare KZ2 to Gears is worrying as it adds nothing to the review and in my cases Gears is not any kind of benchmark worthy of mention.



Apr 29, 2006
I finished Gears 2 on Hard and thought is was dull, boring and broken in a lot of ways and I'm not alone with this opinion. To compare KZ2 to Gears is worrying as it adds nothing to the review and in my cases Gears is not any kind of benchmark worthy of mention.
Posted by: onyxbox3 on February 02, 2009 12:52 PDT


Someone buy this guy a pint. You my friend, are totally right. Gears 1 + 2 are the most OVERRATED games ever. I really, really can't stress that enough.

Point out the innovation to me. Cover system? Meh it's okay but it doesn't make he game worth getting. Graphics? They're alright. Gameplay? Pretty dull and repetitive. 7/10 at best.

Killzone, however, looks mint. Oh and I own both consoles so I'm not really biased.


Apr 18, 2008
the graphics of killzone are the "better than any game to date"...said by a lot of reviewers..
gears of war 2 sucked..
Feb 13, 2007
Although I agree that Gears of War series is very overrated. I disagree with the hate on the 2nd one (the first one can suck my wang). I got it and i found the single player to be very fun and epic. The Graphics are incredible in it aswell. But I think although i have an xbox this game looks like something i would enjoy more. Considering how fucking glitchy GEars 2 online is. But i agree with the environment thing he said about Gears 2. They are fabulous. and in KZ2 it looks pretty similar...all the time based on videos


Aug 30, 2008
I find it a little frustrating that seemingly all reviews of this game on this site mention something like, "not the end all be all....not perfection like Sony fanboys are hoping....brace yourself fanboys because this is going to hurt..." etc. Since when do professional journalists care about fanboy expectation? That should have no bearing on your review. By saying these things you're admitting, in my eye, that your review is skewed. Now I’m not one to bitch about review scores, and personally I don't care if it gets a 9.2, 9.4, or 9.9, but I honestly do believe that had you not let yourself be influenced by your perceived expectation of perfection these scores would have been higher. Just review the game, leave the fanboys and console wars out of it please!
Aug 21, 2008
Yeah, the GoW2 hate is just uncalled for. The single player campaign is great and had plenty of epic moments...of course we all know about GoW2's glitchy online play (which is better than it once was).

But I wouldn't rag on GoW2's online if you are a PSN user. Pretty much every major release on the PS3 crashes the PSN servers so that no one has any luck playing online (i.e. COD4, GTAIV, SOCOM). Hopefully Sony upgraded their server farms before the KZ2 release.

I'm buying KZ2 and I'm sure I'll enjoy it just as much as I did GoW2, Halo3, and COD4.


Old Account
Nov 10, 2011
Surprised this game has such a low Reader average, it's one of the definitive games to own a PS3 for, First time I used mine for something other than BLU Ray since MGS4 which got old pretty fast. Every bit as good a game as GoW2, infinitely better than Halo, not quite as good as System Shock 2. But comparing Console shooters to PC shooters isn't fair. The lulzy fire texture aside, quite an amazing piece of work and hopefully a precursor to the PS3's year.


Dec 17, 2006
God bless the UK for a realistic rating. Good review, doesn't gush over the game. The final comments were a bit odd, telling people to get a PS3 just to play this...

He didn't really say that, I thought it was more of just saying "If you've been thinking to buy a PS3, here's another good reason to get one", rather than "This game is the sole reason to get a PS3".

And, as for the Gears Of War 2 references, the only one I noticed (or remember) is that he said Killzone 2 has less epic - and therefore memorable - moments than Gears Of War 2.

Anyways, Killzone 2 looks awesome, pre-ordered already, looking forward to the UK February 5th demo!
Jun 11, 2007
I have a feeling that Mr. Simmons is slightly obsessed with Gears of War. Thanks for the no-nonsense review. I'm glad I didn't have to spend a half hour of my life reading 5 pages about some game.
Dec 8, 2005

i don't know what server you're playing on but i never get a crash while on psn and have been playing since launch of the system.

kz2 looks great the online beta was fun spent some time on that but not a big fan of fps games so don't know if i'll buy it or not.


Nov 9, 2000
as an owner of both ps3 and xbox 360, I like the comparison to other games (gears 2 mentioned here) - it helps give you an idea of what the game is like and how it plays. I don't think the intention is to try and start fan boy arguments - there's plenty of that drivel regardless of what content any of ign's articles actually have in them (as evidenced here). If a game has a really fun and well done co-op component, it makes perfect sense to take that into consideration when scoring the game.


Old Account
Nov 10, 2011
yay, im proud to be from the UK, good review gave the graphics 10, everything else 9 id agree probally. [face_tongue] and i agree this isnt the best game ever made, but its the best FPS for sure. :D cant wait for the demo FEB 5th. [face_shock] got to wait like a month for the resident evil 5 review now. :(


Nov 6, 2005
This is a TERRIBLE review, I hate when people compare games to other games within their review. Because instead of analyzing the game, this guy just compares it to his other personal favorite games and other ps3 shooters. So he turns a universal review (which is supposed to take in account many different peoples' opinions) and turns it in to a compare/contrast opinion article.

The reason this is terrible is its just one guy's opinion. Some people will like Resistance 2 better than Killzone 2 on the PS3 in the same way that people on the 360 like Halo 3 better than Gears 2.

Blatantly comparing games in a review is not beneficial or informational, except for the fact that now I know that this dude love Gears 2--which I can read about in a Gears 2 review not a killzone 2 review.


Old Account
Nov 10, 2011
and i just looked at the reader average, seriously to far xboxers what IS the point in just going on and giving it low scores you KNOW its a good game and if yous had it you wouldnt be slagging it off..i personally have only one problems with your exclusives..HALO its like mario overused so much it gets criticized.


Nov 6, 2007
i am looking forward to more titles from Guerrilla Games, if all there games have a fine polish like this then i am a happy ps3fanboy :).


Old Account
Nov 10, 2011
lolz at the reader reviews!! clearly the xbots have been showing this game some awesome "love" by dropping in and sharing the very handy opinions.. o well all i can say is MAAHAA xbox fanboys! MAAHAA!! ps3 ftw men!


Oct 5, 2008
uk guys never give good ratings so the game must be good.

hopefully this year they wont be giving perfect scores for every game that comes out.


Feb 1, 2009
ho ho listen to all you sony fanboys spitting your dummy out cause he put a reference to gow2 in,if he had said it was better you all would have been saying great review,why dont you grow up and accept its not good as gow due to the lack of a coop campaign but is a great game nontheless you sadsacks
Jan 25, 2008
Must-have game, eh? This lives up to the hype? Damn it, I'm broke...


You can't really compare this to Gears(not GoW, that's god of war), they're completely different types of games. I personally didn't care too much for Gears(but I think that had to do with the fact that it had so much hype, and I was expecting the greatest game ever, and that title remains with Starfox 64), but I'm not saying itts a bad game.
Oct 23, 2008
Probably the best review of the 3, doesn't focus overly on the positive or the negative, just rides the right line. I will probably wind up reviewing the game myself when I finally get it, but anything 8.5 up is in my opinion... well worth playing. So the average score worldwide for this of about 9.4 or whatever, is pretty damn good I reckon.


Feb 1, 2009
comparisons are inevitable as GOW2 and KZ2 were the big system exclusives for sony and MS but as far as i can see both games have turned out great and nobody should be complaining regardless of which system you own,personally id love to have both,one thing i agree with is the comments about halo,i loved the first but the 3rd instalment was a letdown and is in no way the best 1st person shooter available and im pretty sure killzone2 will cack all over it from a great height and will take its place at the top of the best 1st shooters ever podium beside COD4


Oct 21, 2008
Yeah this is by far the best review of KZ2 I've read so far, and the things he didn't like I could care less about. Can't wait for this game
Dec 27, 2006
I think this one was slightly more fairer than the American counterpart, and more indepth. I'm definatly going to get it for sure now, I tend to wait till the UK or sometimes the AUS review as the USA review tends to rely a bit too much on either fandom of the editor, or previously built up hype. Not much, USA reviews tend to be fairly accurate, it's just the UK reviews seem to be more so. Our cousins across the pond know how to write reviews thats for sure.
May 9, 2007
The reviews on this site are based on the opinion, experience, and knowledge of the writer. That's all. My girlfriend would give this game a 4.3...
Jan 24, 2009
dam us PS3 owners are LUCKY. we have had 4 AMAZING GAMES IN JUST HALF A YEAR (killzone2, resistance2, Lbp and mgs4). fortunately this probably wont stop soon. we got heavy rain, infamous and God of War3 coming. i tell u again, we are really LUCKY. dam im glad i haf a ps3 this year :) and the best part is every game that comes out for us isnt just a FPS. the best part about the ps3; variety, lots of fukin variety.
Oct 3, 2005
Any review that contains the word 'fanboy' in the first paragraph is a crap review. Luckily there are some good reviews out there to help this game (i.e. the first ever good GT review).

EDIT: And what's with all the comparisons to Gears of War 2? Is this a 3rd person shooter? Why is a guy with the Playstation team comparing it to Gears? It doesn't make sense and just cheapens the review. I'm not upset about the score, but the team at IGN (all countries) continue to disappoint.