Oct 17, 2009
Why reboot Batman.. retards, the films are fine the way they are we dont need that rebooted bs, focus on getting the JLA movie done and the separate movies for the heroes


Almost Not a Noob
Sep 27, 2007
"This movie has FAIL written all over it. DC movies are no were near as good as Marvel."

Unless you look at the ticket sales and critic/movie-goer reviews, you're absolutely correct.



Almost Not a Noob
Feb 19, 2009
Great film maker....But does Nolan have to be involved in everything? Can we get someone else' vision????

Second, so a JLA movie didn't happen with one of the reasons being because of Nolan's Batman?


Oct 27, 2010
It's gonna suck if they fast track it like that, two years isn't enough time to do it right, and DC universe is even less known than Marvels to general audiences (Martian Manhunter?), they should wait till after Green Lantern and see how that goes, pay Bale a dump truck of money so they can roll Nolans Batman into it, wait to see if another director screws up Superman, give us Flash and Wonder Woman movies and then mabey think about JLA.


Oct 24, 2008
"Unless you look at the ticket sales and critic/movie-goer reviews, you're absolutely correct."

-Jonah Hex
Budget-$47 million Gross revenue-$10,903,312
Panned by critics
Budget-$130 million Gross revenue-$185,258,983
Mixed reviews
-Superman Returns
Budget-$209 million Gross revenue-$391,081,192
Mostly positive reviews
Budget-$100 million Gross revenue-$82,102,379
Rated one of the worst films of all time

That's just taking the last decade into account, which excludes the festering pile of Schumacher's Batman. Scoring them two films that were placed in the list of worst films of all time.
So no, DC films doesn't seem to have a sterling reputation. If not for the Nolan Batman films, DC would be in dire straits.
Although Marvel has had a lot of misses, they scored many more hits, especially so with their headline heroes. The DC film makers can learn a lot from them, and hopefully they'll do just that.
Nolan and Green Lantern, and to an extent this article rekindles my hope. As for Superman, I'm not getting my hopes up, not again.


Nov 3, 2009
Wow, they are a day late and a dollar short on this. They definitely don't have enough time to try and get something like this together. Reinvent Batman?? I'm pretty sure that just happened like 5 years ago. They should of had this Justice League movie in thought then, and tied all their movies together like Marvel is doing with a shared universe. You can't rush something like this. So basically, Nolan's Batman, and the upcoming Green Lantern and Superman movies, are basically not gonna have anything to do with the Justice League? Because I remember reading that none of these movies heroes had shared universes. So basically, then they will have to re establish these characters into the Justice League with new movies, and new takes on the characters??? this is dumb. I would love to see a (good) Justice League movie, but this has fail written all over it. How are they gonna introduce (a new) Batman, (a new) Superman, Wonder Woman, Flash, (another) Green Lantern, Martian Manhunter, Aquaman, and Green Arrow in like 2-3 years, plus a Justice League Movie?? don't see this happening.
May 28, 2008
Green Lantern comes out this year and Superman comes out 2012; will this JL movie use those movies, or will they have to be reinvented too (in which case, what was the point of making those movies?)? Also, IS TWO YEARS REALLY ENOUGH TIME TO MAKE A GOOD JL MOVIE, ESPECIALLY CONSIDERING THE FACT THAT THEY HAVEN'T STARTED ANYTHING YET?!?!
Feb 13, 2011
OMG thank you for rebooting "Batman"!

Nolan's Batman is garbage and he is fooling everyone. THAT IS NOT HOW BATMAN IS IN THE COMIC BOOKS YOU FOOLS...

Don't even get my started on how bad Heath Ledgers Joker performance was...


Jan 19, 2011
I reckon they shouldn't do this because they will probably make it cheesy and aim it at children who won't appreciate it. Leading to a mediocore box office. However if they get Nolan (or better) on board and it has at least a 12 age rating it has hope.
Seriously though, why reinvent batman. I would love to see Nolan's batman fall into the rest of the DC unvierse. Although i guess there would be issues as Nolan's batman is heavily based on realism (silly gadgets, no powers)


Dec 3, 2010
they need to continue on with batman. There are decades worth of storylines and characters that need to be explored and put on the big screen. Hopefully the next set of them will feature the riddler, penguin, a new joker, rebirth of two face, robin, and others. So much potential with this franchise to just let it "sit".

Great news about the Justice League movie. I'm more of a marvel guy but will definitely see this flick. I hope Aquaman is in it, always been a fan of him.
Nov 12, 2008
No way by 2013. I do believe it will happen, but they are just now getting Superman: MoS together let alone the next Batman movie. There will need more lead time for a script, marketing, casting as well as proper launch spacing between DC's other movies...Perhaps 2014 or 15...
Feb 19, 2009

You the FOOL cuz Nolan's Batman is NOT garbage they are amazing. You must be blind like it says on start of your screenname.

BTW looking foward for JLA movie with or without Nolan's Batman.


Almost Not a Noob
Dec 9, 2009
For the next series of batman movies, it should either be based on Batman Beyond or The Dark Knight Returns. Id love it if Chris Nolan stayed on to produce and as such got Christian Bale to reamin as Brucew Wayne. The crazy method actor he is, I doubt he'd mind the challenge of being in Old age make up and acting like an retired Bruce. Im kind of anti a JLA movie, I have serious doubts that they'd do it right.
Nov 10, 2009
good gawd, u guys know without heath ledger THE DARK KNIGHT would flopped majorly. to many damn mistakes was in that craptastic movie. HEATH LEDGER STOLE THE SHOW FROM CHRISTIAN BALE and that alone made it pittiful


Nov 7, 2008
Or, you could check out this new Justice League parody on YouTube:
Nov 10, 2009
Ryan Reynolds do not look like HAL JORDAN ... johnny storm yes, Barry Allen yes. it would been better if reynolds played BARRY ALLEN, Chris Evans dont look like STEVE RODGERS either.


Dream Master
Jan 13, 2010
@ orizzle187

Yeah, haven't you heard? They just gave Elizabeth Taylor an Oscar because she died too. And let's not forget about the Oscar Brandon Lee won for The Crow, because he died. Oh, you mean he didn't win? Hmmm.
Jan 18, 2011
This isn't a good Idea I mean are they gonna keep Reynolds and Cavil(SP) and then reinvent every other main JLAer Like Wonder Woman and Batman. I mean they are rushing it because Avengers is getting SO much hype. But The avengers has been built over a 4 year(from it's release date)span and has the same actors(minus Hulk). I mean you see Iron Man it's RDJ you SEe Thor it's Chris Hemsworth You see CAp It's Chris Evans but with this JLA movie I have a feeling it'd fail being it'd be 2 different universes and would have 0 build up other then "the man who brought you the dark knight and Superman:Man of Steel"....BLEH at this Idea


Feb 27, 2011
its not gonna happen. I really dont wanna set myself up for disapointment like last time so Im just gonna say thats it probably wont happen. Especially since 2013 is only two years away


Almost Not a Noob
Feb 12, 2007
Somebody said their pushing forward because Marvel's got the Avenger thing going on at full throttle and I agree. Judging from the trailer Green Lantern doesn't look too good. Nobody has been able to come up with good ideas for a Flash and Wonder Woman Movie, Superman had to be rebooted and now so will Batman.
It's a complete mess and I will be surprised if they can pull this one off. But when these execs and everybody involved go into these projects with dollar signs in their eyes and their ultimate goal is to make tons of cash and not giving moviegoers the best entertainment experience they can, things aren't going to go well at all. I could be wrong but I'm not as excited as I am with what Marvel has going on right now.


Nov 9, 2010
It's like WB wants to reinvent all the DC characters buy hiring people that don't fit the parts. Tiny Superman, fat Lois and gawd knows what else they have up their sleeves. It will be epic fails over the next few years by these hacks.


Jul 30, 2010
I agree with a previous comment. Green Lantern looks terrible. From the special effects to the acting. And most of Hollywood actors are short anyway, but I would have liked to see Brandon Routh brought back in the New Superman reboot. I just hope they dont muck up storylines and have a bunch of origin movies that star different people than the ones that will be in the Justice League movie.


Almost Not a Noob
Nov 16, 2006
I'm by no means a comic book junkie, I've have a mild interest in comics since I was a kid though and aside from Superman and Batman, I don't think that DC has heroes of the same caliber as Marvel. Like, Wonder Woman has a rope of truth and an invisible jet? That is freakin' lame. It sounds like something a little kid would come up with. The Green Lantern's weakness is yellow? Lame.
JLA could be okay, and I'm sure I'll watch it when it comes out. But I wouldn't expect it to hold a candle to The Avengers.


Mar 30, 2011
Look Batman begins, dark knight, and the new dark knight rises movie is basically the Batman reboot. If they think that some new age director can pull off what Nolan has accomplished buy fixing the past pieces of Shit we call Batman movie from back in the day. Nolan has brought the most success comic book to its highest point and it would suck if some asshole fucks up Batmans good name with some so called reboot. Come on if there going to make a new Batman movie they need to bring out Batman beyonds bad ass out of the comic books and on to the big screen. Think about it wouldn't you like to see Batman in future.


Dream Master
Jan 13, 2010
Okay, one more time......they are not making a new Batman movie. They will have a different Batman (not Christian Bale) in the JLA movie.


Mar 30, 2011
See if read my comment carefully it has no reference towards JLA it just stats that if there going to continue with Batman they should take it in another direction. Hay I would like to see someone else try out being Batman in JLA. I just think Batman is to much of an icon to stop just at JLA.
Oct 29, 2010
i hope they have plans to use a different Green Lantern, rather than this Ryan Reynolds farce of a GL.

actually, on that note, what is the actual cast? Superman, Batman, Flash, Wonder Woman...and who else?
Feb 7, 2011
I always though it would be cool if the Batman reboot would be more like the animated series. Give it that '30s look and the noir feeling, it could be an even darker take on Batman.
Feb 1, 2011
If they reboot Batman, they should build the movie off of "Death in the family", "Under the red hood", and "Battle for the Cowl" focusing on Jason Todd's legacy, death, and return... and even the "death" of Bruce Wayne himself before even thinking of putting Batman in The Justice League ... IDK why Hollywood hasn't tried to tell these stories, theyre great!... but hey, at least thy gave us "Batman: Under The Red Hood", if no one knows what im talking about, just google and watch that movie, BEST ANIMATED FILM EVER MADE, and it's what got me hooked on the comics, haha
Sep 23, 2008
The Justice League team is substantially larger the The Avenger's team. Will they have to make movies for all of them? I'm guessing they'll leave out a few of them and just introduce them in sequels.

But anyway, we already have the Green Lantern this summer, and Superman being rebooted next year. I'm guessing they'll be part of the same continuity leading up to Justice League. But, what of Batman? With Nolan's trilogy ending with TDKR, will they be introducing a new Batman for Justice League?

I think they could probably keep Nolan's Batman around for Justice League, since Nolan wouldn't be directing it anyway. I hope they don't, since I like the idea of Nolan's continuity being self-contained and separated from other DC heroes' storylines.

Or, hey, they could bring back George Clooney! A-ha!
Aug 13, 2009
Awesome, I've always liked the JLA over the Avengers anyways. The League is pretty big tho. The three core members are obviously Superman, Batman and Wonder Woman, then they'd add Green Lantern, The Flash, Martian Manhunter and probably Green Arrow. Would they dare add anymore people like Black Canary or Aquaman? This would be epic!


Feb 5, 2010
reinvent does not mean reboot. I read the other batman article a minute ago and he said the exact same thing. i never read the interview itself, but then i took a look. reinvent could mean a different approach or different way of viewing batman without changing the current history. meaning it could be a direct sequel that uses the events of the nolan batmans, but use old bruce wane. that would defiantly be a "reinvent", thats never been done on film, something like batman beyond, i hope its not batman beyond tho.

with all of the loving care put into the three nolan films, it wold be horrible for wb to go back and ruin the franchise with a reboot. personally i dont think there that stupid.


Dream Master
Jan 13, 2010
Okay, one more time......they are not making a new Batman movie. They will have a different Batman (not Christian Bale) in the JLA movie. Probably ten years down the road they will make another Batman movie and it will have nothing to do with Nolan's Batman, but it's not happening right now. Everyone needs to get over it - it was a great run, but TDKR will be Nolan's last Batman movie.


Mar 30, 2011
Kenny_Tha_Killa no one is talking about a new guy playing as Batman. Every one is talking about a reboot and sauteed they think about it. And there's no reference to JLA movie so drop what ur say and right a different comment.
Feb 6, 2008
@ pctsou

yes they are stupid...not to take away from Bryan Singer but in WB eyes Superman Return was a disaster...and then they wait what? some 5 years later to do another reboot? they should have had at least kept brandon routh or wait till Tom Welling was available to cast him...personally i dont know much about Henry Cavill outside The Tudors and i havent really watch much of that show since i dont have any premium channel - aside from that...they planning to "reboot"-yet again Batman...and it took them this long to greenlight Green Lantern...they gave WW to David E. Kelley (while i respect him for his witty writing and all) he is butchering WW..need i say more?


Dream Master
Jan 13, 2010
mr.evil12 said:
Kenny_Tha_Killa no one is talking about a new guy playing as Batman. Every one is talking about a reboot and sauteed they think about it. And there's no reference to JLA movie so drop what ur say and right a different comment.

Sauteed? What the hell is that even suppose to mean? Are you smokin' dope and watching the food channel while trying to type a comment? BTW, I'll write whatever comment I feel like, assclown.