
Super Star
May 30, 2006
Random thoughts often struck Travis in the waning moments before he was set to play a game. One might take that as a sign of a cluttered mind, but he interpreted it differently, choosing to believe his brain was actually relaxed enough to wander instead of being ready to explode with nervous, kinetic energy. No cold sweats, no tremors, no last-second vomit trips to the bathroom; this was as tranquil as he could possibly be.

And right now, for whatever reason he was thinking back on something he had been told back in June at the Rookie Symposium, a small stat or blurb that really put things in perspective and highlighted just how good you had to be to play in the NFL.

Twenty million kids played youth football at some time in their lives.

1.8 million of them would continue to play in high school.

Only 35,000 of those teenagers would be given the chance to play in college.

And a scant 1,696 human beings -- 53 men on 32 rosters, ages ranging from 21 to as high as forty -- could call themselves NFL players at any given time.

And this Monday night in Seattle, at 5:30 local time on an ESPN broadcast that was scheduled specifically for his debut, Travis felt like the most important one of those 1,696 talented people. The sports world had seemingly halted for this game, and Mike Tirico would be the one calling it.

“I’m here with partner Jon Gruden, and CenturyLink Field is as loud as I’ve ever heard it for the opening kickoff as the Seahawks are set to return! Dan Bailey kicks off for the Cowboys while free agent pickup Noel Devine brings it out for Seattle, to the ten, the fifteen… tripped up at the 21 after looking like he could have broke one! And now the lights really start to flash.”

The official start to the season was one thing to document, but Travis’ first step onto an NFL field was what everyone was trying to capture. The words of another speaker at the symposium festered themselves into the quarterback’s cranium as he took his spot under center and studied Dallas’ 4-3 defense.

“Your rookie year in the NFL is gonna be tough. There will be a hell of a learning curve, and don’t let anyone tell you differently. The jump from college to pro ball is sort of like graduating from law school and being plopped in the seat of a Supreme Court justice.”

“In what is the most anticipated NFL debut since… well, I don’t know, ever, Travis Buchanon of Notre Dame will get his first crack at a Dallas Cowboys team that won the NFC East last season and made it as far as the divisional round of the playoffs. But the first play will be a safe handoff into the gut of Michael Turner, who scrapes together four yards by running to the left side. What do you think Seattle’s game plan will be on offense tonight, Jon? Will they play it conservative with their rookie signal-caller, or will it be baptism by fire for a player that most have thought was NFL ready since his freshman year of college?”

“It’s really up to Buchanon, Mike. It’s been known for a while that the plan was to let him have full control of the offense just like Peyton Manning does in Indy, but Peyton didn’t fully earn that right until his third year in the league. This is unprecedented for a rookie. I dunno what to expect, to be honest, but I do know that I would never have had the stones give the keys to a first-year player like Zachariah Creek is doing.”

The first play of the game had allowed his heart rate to settle down, but the first pass of his career spiked it back to a sprint.

The speed of the Dallas defenders -- a concomitant blur of white, silver, and blue -- was unlike anything he’d experienced in his life, and tape couldn’t prepare you for in-game velocity. But a fine mix of his offseason preparedness and natural instincts allowed him to rear back for Holmes while ignoring the oncoming freight train that was All-Pro DeMarcus Ware.

“And Buchanon hits Santonio Holmes over the middle for a gain of 14 just before Ware baptized him! One throw, one completion for the rookie. No sweat.”

The roar of approval from Seattle’s 12th Man may or may not have influenced his decision to call another pass on first down. The Cowboys’ suspect defense didn’t deter him from attacking them through the air, either.

“Buchanon is back to pass again, this time settling underneath for Tate.”

“A third straight pass for the Seahawks as Buchanon quickly flips it out to John Carlson for another first down! A nice little stick route there by the tight end to free himself up.”

“And Buchanon is dropping back yet again, firing another throw to Holmes near the sideline… who makes a defender whiff and has room to run! Past midfield, the 40, the 30… Brandon Carr finally catches him from behind at the Dallas 25! A huge gain for the former Super Bowl MVP.”

“It feels like so long ago that Holmes was playing at that level, but Buchanon may be the best quarterback he’s ever worked with. They can do some damage, that goes that without saying.”

“You’re not forgetting his first QB was Ben Roethlisberger, are you Jon?”

“Sure not.”

The crowd was so excited that they almost booed Turner’s seven-yard run on the next play. They wanted to see Buchanon sling it seventy times that night.

Travis only showed them five on that drive, though.

“Buchanon in the shotgun on second and three, a familiar place for him after all those years in Notre Dame’s spread offense. Takes the snap and pats once, twice, lofts one in the corner for Kenny Britt… touchdown Seattle! Dropped it right over the safety and into Britt’s waiting hands!”

“Excellent touch on the end zone fade, Mike. That’s a prime time throw for a newbie.”

“Just like college!” Travis shouted to anyone who could hear him over the roar of the capacity crowd of 67,000. “Fuckin’ just like college!”

He got a fist pump off before being bear-hugged off the ground by Zion Brown, who was probably the only human in Washington state strong enough to lift the Golden Boy airborne.

Five-for-five and 68 yards -- Travis couldn’t have asked for more out of his debut’s debut. His confidence level was off the charts and now residing somewhere in the goddamn Ionosphere.

The rookie expected a pat on the back from Creek or at least a nod of approval, but his coach maintained his poker face upon Travis’ triumphant return to the sidelines.

“Watch Rivers,” he said with arms folded across his chest. “Never miss an opportunity to learn.”

“I’ll buy the guy dinner if he answers with a drive as good as that,” Travis said with a playful grin, but the coach’s voice and posture remained robotic.

“The guy’s got five Pro Bowls under his belt. You answer to him.”

“Like Seattle, Dallas starts their first possession of the night with a run up the gut. It’s a five-yard gain for star tailback Reggie Blount, the former Heisman Trophy winner from Oklahoma who made his first Pro Bowl in 2013.”

“A lot of people already know this, but I have a hard time wrapping my noodle around the fact that Blount and Buchanon played a year together in high school. Two Heisman winners, two first-round picks… that must’ve been a heck of an offense.”

“Says here they didn’t win the state title that season. The more you know, Jon!”

Rivers never had Travis’ arm, and his three-quarters delivery was still a mechanical mess after all these years, but the rookie could definitely learn something from him. Even though most analysts thought Jerry Jones had overpaid last offseason for a 31-year-old quarterback whose career was trending downwards in San Diego, Rivers was back to throwing darts last year and was starting this one off similarly.

“Second and goal for the Cowboys on Seattle’s four-yard line, the Seahawks stacking eight men in the box in their 4-3 set. It’s play-action on the fake to Blount, Rivers pulls it back and slings it left… easily hauled in by Jason Witten! It’s a tie game here in Seattle!”

“Man, Witten is somethin’ else, isn’t he Mike? I call him ‘The Express’ ‘cause he just keeps chuggin’ along. Choo choo, baby!”

“Um… yeah. Another touchdown for the likely Hall-of-Famer. Good start for Rivers and crew.”

Seattle’s defense was playing like the sieve it was projected to be. Safety Earl Thomas and linebacker Antonio Burnside could only do so much.

No matter, though -- Dallas still had to outscore them if they wanted to win, and Travis looked like the best in the world on that first drive.

“Buchanon steps back onto the field after as good of a start as a rookie quarterback has ever had, I imagine. He’s back in the shotgun with four receivers split wide, the scatback Devine making his first appearance in the place of Turner.”

“It’s all downhill from here, Mike. No way he keeps up a career passer rating of 158.3.”

The pre-snap read revealed what Travis wanted -- Holmes in single coverage. That was the guy Dallas had originally planned on stopping, but now the safeties were creeping closer to Britt as the first drive showed his six-three size would be more than a problem in man coverage if Travis’ accuracy remained pinpoint.

So it was much to the rookie’s surprise that 32-year-old DeMarcus Ware was Holmes’ designated shadow on the play.

“Buchanon looks to the middle for Holmes, but it’s picked off by Ware! What a play by the veteran!”

Ware was still the fucking man all over the field -- pass-rushing, run-stopping, dropping into coverage -- but Travis had telegraphed him the easiest interception of his illustrious career. The linebacker was brought down immediately after by Carlson, but it felt like all of the air had now left the fans’ lungs after Rivers’ answering drive and the misread by Travis.

“Just like college, bitch!” one of the Cowboys goaded before they left the field. Apparently it wasn’t just his teammates who had heard him.

Travis gritted his teeth and unbuckled his chinstrap in one swift, frustrated motion. Creek’s arms remained folded on the sidelines just as they were before.

Just like college. Right.

Dallas got a field goal out of that turnover, but no one else scored the rest of the half. It was a nondescript two quarters that only felt spellbinding because of the Golden Boy’s debut and the Cowboys’ name brand.

Seattle’s offense had stalled; Turner wasn’t doing shit on first downs and Travis was playing tentative. Creek called him on it before exiting the locker room for the third quarter.

“Don’t tell me you lost you balls after one half. The guy we drafted was out there on the first drive, then he disappeared because a Hall-of-Famer read his eyes. Big fucking deal, Travis. Take your lumps and try him again if the play is there.”

He didn’t get a chance to make good on his coach’s advice immediately, as Rivers threw his second touchdown of the game on Dallas’ first possession coming out of the locker room. Dez Bryant made sure to toe the line of unsportmanslike conduct with an endzone celebration while earning the ire of CenturyLink Field.

Holmes found him on the sidelines while Devine brought the kickoff out to the 26. “You gonna keep ignoring me, rookie? We had somethin’ going before you got cold feet.”

Holmes hadn’t caught a pass since the first quarter, and that was Travis’ fault. He had barely looked the former Buckeye’s way since the pick.

“Just get open, ten.”

“Second and eight for the Seahawks after another Turner run goes nowhere. Buchanon under center, Holmes and Carlson to his right while Britt and Tate line up left.”

“Buchanon needs to get going for Seattle. Down 10 against the NFC East champs with a patchwork defense, he’s gotta be the guy who drags the team across the finish line. Haven’t seen much of that since the first quarter.”

“It’s play-action to Turner, but Dallas doesn’t bite. Buchanon faces a five-man rush and stands tall in the pocket, shuffling his feet and shifting the protection… and he’s going deep for Holmes! Look at the arm!”

Travis didn’t know that Anthony Spencer had gotten around Brown and was about to flatten him like asphalt, so he didn’t rush the bomb to Holmes or compromise his mechanics. His “reward” at first was a 260-pound weight on his back, but the true prize came a few seconds later.

“And Holmes reels it in near the goal line! Touchdown Seattle!”

“Strongest arm in the league, man. I think that one changed zip codes.”

Seeing a ball travel seventy yards in the air was a new one for the fans, but anyone who had played with Travis over the years knew he had another gear or two.

His tackles Brown and DJ Fluker peeled him off the turf. “Half a second later and that’s a sack,” the veteran mumbled. “I owe you one, rook.”

“I already threw a pick. Consider us even.”

The score was now 17-14, but it didn’t stay that way for long. Blount had been slow to get going for much of the game until he busted a 40-yard run from midfield, and he finished off the drive by ramming in the touchdown from five feet away a few plays later. Seattle’s defensive line had performed terribly so far; Reggie made ‘em look like Kentucky high schoolers.

Ware sacked Travis on third down of a drive that looked promising, but the Seahawks finally answered back with ten minutes to go.

“Third and short for Seattle on Dallas’ 32. They’ll take a field goal here if they have to and cut the lead to seven, but I don’t know how much faith you can put in this defense and ask them to make a stop.”

“Put the ball in Buchanon’s hands and let him win it or lose it for you. Nothing about what Seattle has done since drafting him has led me to believe they’re coddling the kid, so I expect Creek will let him keep throwing.”

“Buchanon does just that, firing a quick pass out to Tate on a slant… and his man falls down in front of him! Orlando Scandrick tripped over his own cleats and allows Tate to scamper free for an easy score!”

Travis paused before celebrating, stunned at the unforced error by a professional player.

Just like Pop Warner?

It looked the Cowboys’ offense would bleed the clock dry on their next possession, driving seventy yards down the field in a brilliant series of third-down conversions that whittled eight precious minutes off the game, but the Seahawks were given another gift.

“Another conversion here will probably end it. Ball’s on the Seattle nine, no timeouts left for the Creek to use. Rivers sticks it in the gut of Blount and it’s a run to the right, I think he’s got- wait, ball’s on the ground! Burnside poked it out and falls on the football! Seahawks ball!”

Reggie Blount only fumbled twice in all of 2013, but the turnover gave his high school teammate a chance to pull off a rousing upset and stun the country and…

But wait, this was all expected of him. He was the favorite, he was the hero. A guy who went by “Golden Boy” could never be the underdog.

So even in his first game of his first season, a year where no one reasonable was expecting him and his motley crew to go all the way, Travis was still feeling the pressure.

“Buchanon gets it to Britt for a gain of 12! It moves the chains but the clock keeps ticking.”

Dallas couldn’t stop him from netting yardage, but they could keep them getting too much of it. Their secondary was allowing everything underneath as long as they kept them from field goal range, so the clock dwindled down.

When a third down came up with 15 seconds remaining, Travis finally took a shot.

“Buchanon sees he has Holmes up the seam, he takes a shot deep… off his hands! Holmes just dropped a pass that was right on the money!”

“Wasn’t perfect, Mike. That one was a good foot behind his target and Buchanon knows it.”

12 inches may as well have been 12 feet to Travis. The average fan would blame that all on Holmes, but he’d expected a perfect pass from the perfect prospect; contorting his body mid-air with the game on the line and a safety closing in could produce harrowing results. The receiver’s reward was a glance off the fingertips and a blow to the back from the diving defender.

The Hail Mary on fourth down was predictably fruitless.

“Buchanon airs it out on a prayer, just hoping Britt or someone else has got the vertical to do the unthinkable. And it is… batted away by the Cowboys! That’s ball game! 24-21 is your score on a great Monday Night opener!”

Travis immediately felt a swift, prickling sensation coursing through his body as he locked his fingers in his facemask, jaw clenched as he remembered what it all meant. It was something that he hadn’t experienced for several years now…




Jul 24, 2008
Travis played pretty well for his debut and kept it closer than I thought it'd be. Nice to see him and Holmes gaining some trust in each other.


Super Star
May 30, 2006
Hope you can find the time for this again, if not its understandable. Great writing as always!

April Fools, guys. Not going anywhere.

And hey, you didn't say you were starting a story of your own. I'd try and find a place to post it where you get more feedback.


Jul 24, 2008
I must have been the only one who didn't believe that for a second. Your April Fools shenanigans don't work on me, sir.


No Longer a Noob
Jul 27, 2005
You almost had me on this one, Bears. This makes me want to start getting mine going again.

Good update, didn't expect Travis to sling a couple of touchdowns in his first game.
Jun 7, 2012
You're better than that Bears. If you were to be ending it, you would have done all of the commentary and warm-up stuff before Travis's first drive, ended right after Travis's first drive, or stopped right before the final possession.

Great update though. I loved seeing Travis unable to pull it out at the end. He needs to take a lump or two before he's elite.

Keep up the great work.


Apr 13, 2012
Hope you can find the time for this again, if not its understandable. Great writing as always!

April Fools, guys. Not going anywhere.

And hey, you didn't say you were starting a story of your own. I'd try and find a place to post it where you get more feedback.

Obviously I took that hook line & sinker, nice one.

I'm posting it here, OperationSports.com, & NLSC.com. So far not a lot of feedback but I've enjoyed writing it so much its worth the effort.


Super Star
May 30, 2006
“Do you think you let the game slip through your hands on that play?”

“It was a tough catch.”

“It hit you in the hands.”

“I had to adjust at the last second.”

“Are you saying it wasn’t your fault?”

“I’m saying it could’ve been a better pass. You don’t know football if you’re blaming me for that.”

There were plenty of reasons to predict a tough rest of the season for Seattle -- the defense was as porous as predicted and the running game looked like shit, to name two -- but the most alarming was the lack of chemistry in the locker room. Some of that was to be expected with a patchwork group of bargain-bin free agents following a roster overhaul.

“Santonio said he shouldn’t be blamed for the drop on third down,” one of the dozen reporters shouted outside Travis’ locker. “He said it ‘could’ve been a better pass’.”

“He said that?”

In college, interactions with the media were controlled and coddled by the athletic departments to the point where every interview was done with a coach or an employee in the player’s presence. Now he was on his own to not say anything incriminating (or stupid in general), open and vulnerable to the new environment where reporters were able to roam free in the locker room.

“Verbatim. Sounds like he was blaming you for the whole play.”

Travis bit the inside of his cheek. He had eight inches and seventy pounds on Holmes, he could snap him like a twig-

“He’s right. It was a bad pass.”

Taking the high road felt much less satisfying.

“Seahawks drop MNF opener; Buchanon goes for 3 TDs, 339 yards”

That was the Tuesday morning headline in The Seattle Times, and more players would have been irked by the coverage of Travis’ stats in wake of the loss if they hadn’t become used to the disproportionate amount of media attention he received.

And if he hadn’t played so well.

Despite their 0-1 start, there was a different feel in the air for Travis at Wednesday’s practice. No backtalk could be heard, no furtive glances were shot his way. The distance between him and his teammates was still present, but all he wanted from the beginning was to earn their respect. And Monday night may have been a big step in that direction.

“Gotta do better, defense! Too fucking slow!” the linebacker coach roared as they scrimmaged through Sunday’s game plan. “We got the champs in four days, people!”

Travis’ detractors loved to rant about how the NFL coddled their Golden Boy, but the schedule-makers sure didn’t have a hard-on for him. The Cowboys had been their first game, an opponent that had advanced to the second round of the playoffs, and the team that knocked them out and gone on to win the Super Bowl was now waiting for them this week.

And not only was Green Bay the defending champions, they had a two-time MVP at quarterback in Aaron Rodgers who had led his offense to 42 points in week one.

“He’ll be the best you see all year long,” Tom Moore told him in their private Tuesday film study. “Doesn’t matter if you run into Peyton, Brady, Brees, or whoever else. Rodgers is the best in the league until you take it from him.”

Travis could buy that. A-Rod was arguably a better all-around physical specimen than him when you factored in his mobility, too; the guy was a nightmare to stop. He was picking up yards in some way or form.

So maybe that was why team morale had risen considerably over the last few days when it came to their young quarterback. He needed all the confidence he could get when going up against the best, and despite their reluctance to treat him as a brother, there was a firm belief among most of the roster that Travis would soon be at a level that surpassed even Rodgers’. It was a question of “When”, not “If”, and the rest just wanted to stick around long enough to be part of his Lombardi-hoisting days. Those close losses to Dallas would one day be blowouts in their favor.

Even Holmes didn’t bitch.

“What? You really aren’t gonna say anything?” Travis asked him in mock incredulity. He had just overthrown his mercurial receiver on a perfectly run flag.

Holmes shrugged. He found his way back to the huddle with nary a peep -- not consoling, but not confrontational, either.

Travis rationalized it as a diva knowing when to put team above self in imperative moments. Santonio’s antics had once jettisoned him from a great situation in Pittsburgh, but the dude had been an important part of a Super Bowl-winning nucleus.

Hell, maybe they stood a chance on Sunday…

“Rodgers sets, fires, touchdown! Randall Cobb reels in another perfect throw from the league MVP, and the score is now 37-14 Green Bay!”

So much for that.

Travis re-snapped his chinstrap as he took the field in the fourth quarter, merely a formality at this point until the clock reached zero. He didn’t feel any pressure like last week, but that was because it’d been replaced by anger and humiliation.

“Buchanon and the Seahawks come back onto the field down four scores. The rookie hasn’t built upon his great debut against Dallas, throwing two picks and only one touchdown so far today.”

And that touchdown had come on a rushed dump-off to Turner. Travis was facing a much better defense than he was last week, but none of the momentum from his hot start had carried over.

The drunken fans of Lambeau Field were still as loud as they were in the first quarter whenever Travis came to the line.

“Lambeau is in a tizzy as the Packers are minutes away from starting the year 2-0, and they aren’t making things easy for the Golden Boy. He looks like he’s having some trouble calling an audible.”

Travis now understood how hard it was for visiting teams to play in Seattle. He had to practically jog from one end of the field to the other so each member of his offense could hear the new play-call, having read soft coverage on Holmes’ side on the upcoming third and long.

“Buchanon sits back without a pass-rush, pumps left, throws it to the right sideline… in and out of Holmes’ hands and it’s intercepted by Sam Shields! That one hit him right in the mitts, but Morgan Burnett was there to smack Holmes in the air and jar the ball loose for an easy pick!”

Travis didn’t know who was more pissed at the other, but his receiver was going to get the first word. Holmes wasn’t one to shelve his complaints.

“Way to hang me out to dry, rookie!”

“Way to hang onto the ball, ten.”

Holmes growled. “The fuck were you even audibiling for?! We’re down 24!”

“What, did you want me to fuckin’ knee it? ‘Cause it’s gonna be hard for you to get your stats that way!”

“You’re one to talk!”

A coach “restrained” them (Travis merely let himself be), fearing they would come to blows. Neither were dumb enough to do that, but the two had sent a message loud and clear -- they weren’t capable of getting along.

That much was evident to Creek, who had pensively watched the shouting match unfold. They were never going to be golf partners, but he needed these egos to coexist… and fast.




Jul 24, 2008
No Britt mention in that update leaves me to believe that he got arrested between the Cowboys game and Packers game.

Like what you've done with the Holmes situation - other than the brush-up with Lakeem, Travis has never had to struggle to co-exist with one of his receivers, which is a little strange considering the diva nature of that position.


Super Star
May 30, 2006
“And that last knee by Eli Manning will do it. The Giants win this one 27-21 and drop the Seahawks to 0-3 on the season.”

“The Seahawks never stood much of a chance today against this much improved 49ers team, losing their first division game of the year and remaining winless in 2014. Andrew Luck looks like he’s taking the next step for San Francisco.”

“Thank God for Arizona being on the schedule, right? Seattle wins their first game of the year on the back of two touchdown passes from Travis Buchanon, who finally snapped out of the funk he’s been in for the better of the month.”

“So much for a winning streak. The Rams pound the Seahawks at CenturyLink, holding Seattle to a mere seven points. The defense will be a problem all year long, but both Buchanon and Turner have been awfully inconsistent so far.”

Six games into his NFL career, Travis had lost more games than he did in four years of college.

By week seven, he couldn’t tell whether he was desensitized or if he was already becoming jaded. The rookie went into games expecting to lose, an unthinkable mindset for the previous decade of his playing career. The defense sucked, Michael Turner was toast, and there wasn’t enough leadership on the roster to keep spirits high. The season was effectively over before it had even reached the halfway point.

About the only positive that Travis had gotten out of it so far was his gradual assimilation into the professional lifestyle. He had all his routines down pat -- practice, lifting, film room, dinner spots – and he tried to manage as much of his business life as possible that he could do without involving Babe or an accountant. Despite the team’s struggles, he was top-five in the league in yards, touchdowns, and fantasy points thanks to Seattle’s need to throw the ball, so endorsement offers were flooding in faster than ever. No one seemed to care that he was second in interceptions.

But most importantly for his sanity (and his libido), Travis had succumbed to the age-old method that quarterbacks used to meet women -- have a team intern choose a high-class groupie out of the crowd and lay the ground rules for what the evening entailed. For Travis, that meant no last names, no exchanging of numbers, no handouts of any kind. It all felt so dirty the first few times, but some of the veterans had recommended it to him … and he had no time to even think of a relationship.

While his sex drive was quenched, Travis’ social life remained anemic. It was a paradox that no one would have predicted -- the most popular guy in the city having no crew to roll with. He was that hot girl in school that no one bothered to approach.

Unless Z was free for the rare night out, Travis remained wedded to the film and weight rooms when not on the road. Team doctors said they didn’t want him adding any more pounds, to not push 260, but Travis thought their concerns surrounding his mechanics were misplaced. It’s not like they had precedents to go off of with quarterbacks his size. He had added weight at every stop of his career and maintained his level of play, so what was a few more pounds for protection? He was already the slowest guy on the field, and the rookie wasn’t really taking sacks -- just ten total through six games, living up to his reputation for elite pocket presence and a Marino-like release -- but he was getting hit more times than a tackling dummy back there.

Zion and Fluker were good bookends, so that should put in perspective how shitty his center and guards were.

“Buchanon looks, fires, just barely gets the ball off for a short gain before being flattened by Tamba Hali and Justin Houston! The Chiefs defense only has one sack today, but that says nothing about all the pressure they’re creating on the interior of Seattle’s line. It’s sure showing on the scoreboard.”

“C’mon, dammit! Block! Shuffle them feet! Shuffle!

Brown slammed his mug down on the bar table. He wasn’t looking at tape of Seattle’s young guards, though; the veteran was disgusted with an even younger tandem.

“Cut ‘em some slack. They’re new. There’s been injuries.”

“What, they don’t teach the backups footwork for the back-to-back champs? C’mon.”

He and Travis had an entire portion of a sports grill to themselves that Saturday night in San Diego, having handsomely paid the owner to block off a few tables so the quarterback could watch his Irish in peace before his own game. The 2014 edition was undefeated over halfway through the season, riding the best defense in the country to wins over Penn State and Stanford, but Miami was up big in the second half.

“It isn’t all their fault,” Travis muttered. “Warren doesn’t know how to switch protection. Eight games into the season and he’s still got the training wheels on.”

“Blame your coach for starting a freshman quarterback.”

The rookie waved it off. “No excuse. Look at the talent he’s playing with. And I played against a damn good freshman last year… the guy kicking our ass.”

He was referring to Kelly Royce, sophomore sensation and blonde-haired heartthrob -- the rightful heir to Barkley’s throne. The Texan had led his Hurricanes to a 7-1 record and a 14-point halftime lead over the favored Irish.

“Hard for me to keep track of names these days, but yeah, he’s good.” Brown snorted. “Don’t mean your guards have to forget to block. Look at ‘em next to that monster on the blindside.”

“That’s Kahuna. He makes everyone look bad.”

“Look at the feet, though. He should move like a whale out of water, but dude’s a ballerina. A lotta Orlando Pace in that boy.”

“High praise, Z.”

The left tackle nodded, then struggled to flag a waitress down for another pitcher. “Shit, just ‘cause we wanted some privacy don’t mean the workers gotta ignore us.”

“Guess they’re afraid of us.”

“600 pounds of intimidation, baby.”

Travis chuckled. His mood went a little sour when he saw Warren airmail a third-and-long, but he tried to live in the present instead of placing himself in Notre Dame Stadium that night. Those fans were about to see the Irish lose their first game in 35 tries, but he was over 2,000 miles away and wearing a different jersey tomorrow.

They’d rebound in time for Michigan and USC. Hopefully.

“Thanks for coming out tonight, Z” he said sincerely. “You saved me from being pissed off all night in my hotel room.”

Brown grinned. “No problem. Just remember you promised to cover drinks.”

Travis glanced over the half-dozen pitchers that covered their table. That would’ve been a hit to his wallet one year and $30 million ago.

“Yeah, yeah, I gotcha. That doesn’t mean you get to bleed me dry.” The Kentuckian reclined in his chair and folded his arms, not paying attention to Notre Dame punting. “Gotta be honest, though. I’m surprised you took me up on the offer.”

“For free drinks? Really?”

“To watch a college game on your night out with a teammate half your age.”

The lineman shrugged. “I don’t roll with the guys my age here. Not since Indy.”


“Most know this is their last stop. So they’re either trying too hard to be like kids, with the clubs and the gals and the pills, or they’re too busy gettin’ into other drugs to keep their careers afloat. You know the kind.”

Travis did. Syringes could be as common as jockstraps in their locker room.

“You never dabbled with that shit?”

“Hell no.”

“Even back in the ‘90s?”

Brown rolled his eyes. “Been all-natural since 1978, rook. My body is a temple.”

The quarterback decided not to mention the pint-sized mug in Z’s hand or the six pitchers on the table. “Guess that’s how you stick around for as long as you have, grandpa.”

“Hey, crack any joke you want. Long as you’re still paying the tab.”

“First-year coach Pete Carroll has no intentions on letting his foot off the gas in this one! That 37-yard bomb from Royce puts Miami back in prime scoring position.”

“’Bout to be a blowout,” Travis said through clenched teeth. “May as well dip outta here, huh?”

Brown demurred. “It’s ten o’clock. Our game ain’t until one tomorrow. So sit your ass down.”

I’m being tortured, the rookie thought. Within minutes, Royce had tossed another touchdown and driven a nail into Notre Dame’s coffin. The camera panned to Warren scowling on the sidelines, an expression that Travis matched twice as fiercely.

Z connected the dots.

“You know why I like you, rook?”

“Shoot,” the quarterback responded half-heartedly, polishing off his own mug.

“’Cause you’re mature. You get frustrated, of course, but unlike that teenager on the TV right now, you were a leader of those boys. And now a leader of men. I haven’t seen him do anything but mope on the damn sidelines all night.”

“I had some rough patches.”

“Not when I was watching you.” Brown laughed. “Don’t look so surprised. You were the guy all of us had to hear about for four fuckin’ years. I saw a leader back then, and here you are now, spending more time in the film room than chasing tail or finding ways to blow your money.”

Travis held back a smile. “I still got time to fall apart.”

“Hey, don’t go making me look dumb. I’m trying to get a ring outta you ‘fore I’m done with this game.”

And that’s when Travis remembered that this was all bigger than him -- even his successes.

“And the Seahawks get their first road win of the year with a convincing blowout of the San Diego Chargers! Maybe Buchanon and Seattle are ready to turn over a new leaf for the second half of the season?”



Jul 24, 2008
But most importantly for his sanity (and his libido), Travis had succumbed to the age-old method that quarterbacks used to meet women -- have a team intern choose a high-class groupie out of the crowd and lay the ground rules for what the evening entailed. For Travis, that meant no last names, no exchanging of numbers, no handouts of any kind. It all felt so dirty the first few times, but some of the veterans had recommended it to him … and he had no time to even think of a relationship.


I really enjoy Z's character, good work. Maybe the mention of Notre Dame will give us an update on Parker soon?
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Super Star
May 30, 2006
“Kick his fuckin’ ass for me, Cannon. Kick it long, kick it hard.”

“I mean, I planned on it.”

“I’m serious. No mercy.”

“I got 21 other guys to beat today,” Travis deadpanned into the phone. “They’re 6-2 for a reason.”

It was easy for Jamaal to talk wins while on the NFC’s surprise team. His Lions were also 6-2 on the year and were tied with Green Bay for the division lead; Reese’s seven-hundred-some yards would have made him the consensus pick for Offensive Rookie of the Year if it weren’t for Travis’ name brand.

“Well, whatever, Cannon. You got the first crack at that clown, so soften him up for me. I’ll be watchin’, brother.”

“You take care, Jamaal.”

Today was his first rematch with Barkley since the fall of 2011, and their rivalry was the reason why this was a game people were even paying attention to. Los Angeles was heavily favored, coasting to another division title and their third-straight playoff appearance under Steve Sarkisian thanks in large part to Matt Hollywood’s improved passing stats, but he and Travis’ famous hatred for one another was the driving force behind a West Coast mismatch that would usually get lost in the shuffle of early-slate games.

“I want to know if I can trust you today,” Creek had asked him before the game. The query caught his quarterback off-guard.

“To do what?”

“To not let the competition consume you. Don’t go throwing the ball fifty times to prove a point.”

“He and I aren’t that hostile-“

“Bullshit. We all saw those games. And I know about the Manning Academy, too.”

Travis blew it off. “That was high school.”

“Well, he beat you then. And he’s beat you ever since.”

“Aren’t you supposed to be calming me down?”

“Do you need calming down?”

The quarterback gave Creek his best poker face. “Today’s just another game.”

“Sure it is.”

“I swear.”

“Just show restraint, Travis. Don’t be Superman out there.”

Travis nodded. “Restraint. Got it.”

“Buchanon heaves it to the endzone as the clock hits zero … and it’s batted away to end the half! It’s a 28-21 Raiders lead through two quarters so far in Seattle, and the story today has been the aerial assault both teams are deploying on the other’s defense. Buchanon alone has thrown 33 passes!”

“These two combined for 1,065 yards, 11 touchdowns, and 101 points the last time they played, and that was probably the best quarterback duel I’ve ever watched in college. It looks like they’re back throwing against teenagers today.”

The fact that Creek was able to maintain his steady, stoic demeanor in the locker room said to Travis that he was able to keep his composure through anything.

“So what happened to that pre-game talk of ours?”

“Gotta adjust to what the defense throws at you, Coach.”

“You threw five times on your first drive.”

“Barkley threw six on his.”

“You don’t have to match him,” Creek snapped.

“Pardon me, Coach, but I do when he’s tearing us a new asshole! You think Turner’s going to stop being useless?”

Luckily for them, the walls in Creek’s office were plenty thick.

“I don’t mind you throwing the ball this much if they’re stuffing eight in the box, Travis, but they’re dropping eight into coverage against you. You’re predictable. You’re forcing things.”

“I’m trying to fucking win.”

“Yeah? Well I can handle losing, ‘cause we’ve done plenty of that. But I can’t deal with you developing bad habits in the process. I’m in it for the long haul.”

“Barkley’s gonna keep throwing-“

“So let him throw!”


“We write our game plan, not the Raiders. Not Barkley. Throwing 33 times in one half is a joke.”

“He started it!”

Silence fell over them, mostly from Travis realizing how ridiculous he sounded. Creek just stared.

“Fine. You end it.”


“Throw 60 times. 70 times. Break a record. Let’s see if anything bad happens.”

The rookie grit his teeth as Creek left the room to finally address the team, a hand running through his jet-black hair as if to wring out the frustration the star quarterback was giving him.

Travis tried to settle himself before joining the group, but it was to no avail. Why was his coach refusing to see that a shootout was the only way to win? That he was throwing to keep the scoreboard close, not to settle some personal vendetta?

“Barkley drops back and has great protection, scans the field… and hits Da’Rick Rogers for a first down!”

“Play-action for Seattle as Buchanon surveys the Los Angeles defense. Shifts his feet, fires, complete to Holmes for a big gain!”

“Rolling to his right… touchdown! Barkley finds his tight end in the endzone on a highlight reel pass!”

“Buchanon loads up, goes deep for Britt… who hauls it in! A great throw and a great catch for six!”

“Another perfect throw off the right arm of Matt Barkley to put the Raiders in scoring position! A game manager no more, that’s for sure.”

Los Angeles kept scoring, Travis kept passing. Whereas Barkley was able to supplement his own bombardment with handoffs to Darren McFadden, Travis went about his business like he was playing one-on-eleven -- or at least he was convinced that was the case.

“The fuck am I even out here for?” Turner asked dejectedly at some point in the third quarter. His quarterback ignored him.

The attempts racked up volume yards like an unaware teenager with daddy’s credit card, but they were all for naught. Travis was fallible, Barkley was bulletproof. He threw seven incompletions that day, but no one could recall any of them. Every throw needed to extend a drive was made; every blitz was picked up and every impending disaster was averted. Barkley didn’t need to sling the ball 63 times like Travis to move his offense.

Travis had set a rookie record with 477 passing yards and spotted his team 35 points by the time had dust had settled, the third time in three games against Barkley that he sported the more gaudy numbers, but Barkley and the Raiders put up 49. And Matt Hollywood was now three-and-oh against his archrival.

But incredibly, something happened late in the game that made Travis forget all about his grudge match. Something terrible, something heartbreaking … something that was hastened by his endless salvo of passing plays.

“Seattle remains two touchdowns down with six minutes to go in the fourth quarter, and it’s another pass for Buchanon, his 60th of the day. He waits in the pockets, pats once, pats twice, holds the ball too long and barely avoids a sack by throwing it at Noel Devine’s feet! That brings up another third and long for the Seahawks … but it’ll have to wait, because a player is down and holding his knee.”

“It looks like Zion Brown.”

Somehow finding a way to be heard over the sounds of 67,000 screaming Seattleites and 22 grown men pushing and shoving each other at various points on the field, the dreaded pop! of a knee ligament preceded a guttural cry from the owner.

Travis turned to check whose it was as soon as the play was blown dead. His heart fell into his stomach when he saw who was suddenly down an ACL.

“No no no no no-“

“Oh man, you have to hope this isn’t as bad as it looks.”

“Look how the medical team responded immediately. They heard the scream.”

“Most know Brown as a former Penn State great and the longtime protector of Peyton Manning’s blindside in Indianapolis, but Seattle was able to coax him out of retirement this year to block one more time for another prodigy.”

“Six Pro Bowls, three-time All Pro. You’d hate to see a great go out like this.”

For Travis, horror replaced shock and guilt replaced horror. Of course this would happen when you throw the ball 60 fucking times. Someone would trip, someone would twist something, someone would take a fucking chop block …

“Z. Z! Stay down!”

The gargantuan man had tried to stumble to his feet amidst the vocal protests of Travis and the restraining hands of his trainers, but Brown’s injury quickly brought him back to the turf with another pained cry. A medical cart was now visible in the distance.

Travis didn’t know what to say. He felt like he’d just witnessed a car crash, but in reality this was just as heartbreaking -- it was the end of a veteran’s career. The swift termination of a man’s livelihood. The shattering of a boy’s dream.

“Why’re you looking like someone shot your dog?” Brown grunted as his knee was being probed. “Old Yeller’s still alive, rook.”

His older teammates began to distance themselves from the scene and give the staff space to work; they’d seen a friend go down before. While Travis had seen a dozen ACL tears in his time playing the sport, none had been suffered by the only player on the team he could really call his friend.

“Z, I’m… I’m sor-“

“Shut your mouth. You got nothin’ to apologize for,” the lineman snapped, CenturyLink staffers preparing to lift him onto the cart. “But you better be stronger than this, kid. You’re gonna see it more than once over the years.”

Travis stood rooted in shock as his tackle was hoisted onto the bed of the vehicle and carted away, the silence of the stadium accentuating his mood.

How was he going to finish the season?

Barkley made sure to find him after the game for a handshake that couldn’t have felt less sincere.

“Sorry about your lineman. Good player.”

Travis wasn’t sure what to say, looking down at the blonde in a daze. He still hadn’t recovered. “Uh, yeah. ‘Preciate it.”

His Los Angeles counterpart nodded and looked up at the scoreboard, eyes glinting at the 49-35 margin staring back at them.

“Some things never change, huh?”

A sarcastic clap on the shoulder was the perfect way to end a perfectly shitty day.



Super Star
May 30, 2006
Travis thought Brown was going to break his hospital bed.

“They don’t make these for boys my size,” the lineman complained, his bed frame squealing with every bodily shift.

It was the day after the Raiders loss, and Zion Brown had just received the news that everyone who watched the game already knew -- he’d torn his left anterior cruciate ligament clean through. Season over. Career ever. Back to the pastures.

The scene was a tough one for Travis to witness. He had seen many an injury over the years, but none had rattled his psyche since JaMarius Ferguson busted his knee in their junior year of high school. Travis was young then, more fragile mentally and susceptible to the horrors that could come from the game they loved, but seeing a great career go down in a crumpled, defeated heap was a new one for him.

Everyone knew that Brown’s marriage with the Seahawks would be a short one -- likely one year, maybe two if the team couldn’t find an adequate replacement in the spring. It was an offer he hadn’t needed to take. Z didn’t need the money, he didn’t need this for his legacy, and linemen didn’t have any stats to pad. He was back purely because of Tom Moore’s cajoling and his own love for the game … and a desire to block one more time for an elite talent.

So Travis was a big reason why Brown might walk with a limp for the rest of his life. No one was going to be on his ass to rehab properly in retirement, and it was more difficult for 340-pound human beings to return to form than the average tailback.

“I think I’d rather have my wife back in here yelling my ears off than see you look at me like that.”

Travis played dumb. “Like what?”

“Like you just saw a car wreck. And the aftermath. Jaws of Life and everything.”

“I just feel responsible.”

“Oh Lord,” Brown exhaled, rolling his eyes. “How?”

“I threw 63-fucking-passes. All that pass blocking … someone was gonna get hurt.”

“I got rolled, rook. Shit coulda happened on the 60th pass or the first one.”


“You young guns always think you control everything,” Z continued, making the effort to sit up in his bed for added emphasis. “I’ve seen it before. Whole games rides on you, whole season rides on you, team wins or loses ‘cause of you. This ain’t high school, it ain’t even college.” He snorted. “You’ll see when you’ve gone through the meat factory a few times. All the injuries, the drama, the cutthroat business … you’ll see it all blends together after a while. You can’t blame yourself.”

Travis knew this was supposed to be one of those times where he should shut up and listen, but he didn’t have that experience. He didn’t have that jaded view of the league and its inner workings yet; the Kentuckian was barely halfway through his rookie year.

He just wanted his friend back.

“Touchdown Clemson! Eddie Lassiter with the 36-yard throw!”

Lassiter first-pumped. Death Valley whooped.

As the Tigers’ top-ranked offense ran roughshod over another ACC defense en route to their tenth win in 11 games, only one soul in that stadium remained dampened that day.

Before their next possession, Luke Heron called his number. “Ready, Danny?”

One blonde hollowly nodded to another. “Ready.”

Heron slapped him on the shoulder pads, excited for his long-time student and radiating the good vibes of another blowout. The 32-year-old was on the fast track to coaching stardom, his ascension to Clemson’s offensive coordinator role being inevitable when Chad Morris left in a few months for a blue-chip job. Things couldn’t be going better for him.

Danny, on the other hand, was looking at another two years on the bench. Lassiter had blossomed into the conference’s leading passer under Morris and Heron, but his wire-thin frame, non-existent athleticism, and middling arm strength combined to leave him off most draft boards as a possible early entrant. Some were calling him the next Danny Wuerffel … which was more than enough to keep Danny’s arm in storage until he was a fifth-year senior.

“And out comes Danny Buchanon in place of Lassiter, a redshirt freshman who battled for the starting spot after Tajh Boyd’s departure. He’s thrown two touchdowns in relief this year for the Tigers, but it’s safe to say that Clemson fans are over the hype of having Travis Buchanon’s brother on the roster with Lassiter playing the way he is as a sophomore.”

Danny surveyed the field from Morris’ preferred shotgun formation, the purple and orange jerseys in front of him almost feeling foreign with how little he saw them from the field and not the bench.

The last time he’d been worth a damn was when he was wearing PLD’s black and red -- and even then he hadn’t lived up to expectations.

“Looks like Dabo Swinney is going to let him throw. A quick, three-step drop, throws it over the middle … but it’s incomplete at his receiver’s feet! Too low on the slant route.”

The receiver motioned to the sidelines after the play was blown dead.

“Yo, Coach, take me out! I don’t want him makin’ me look bad!”

He cast an apologetic look back at Danny as he jogged off the field. “No hard feelings, man. Just with the draft and all …”

Danny stood with his stomach churning and jaw locked, barely registering Morris’ next play call.

Par for the course. More of the usual.

That theme continued Monday in class -- no high fives, no shouts of “good game!” like in high school, certainly no autograph requests. Danny was still recognizable everywhere he went due to the whirlwind hype he originally rolled into Clemson on, but his fellow students knew he wasn’t the big man on campus that he was supposed to be. The novelty of his last name had long worn off.

Other than a few lingering stares from some female classmates, he settled into his seat for another rousing hour of sociology to little attention. Just another guy, just another college kid who didn’t want to learn about gender roles and class stratification.

Danny began to lazily unpack his note-taking supplies when a fellow sophomore -- who had been making the rounds across the classroom handing out pamphlets -- made his way to the quarterback’s desk and slid one in front of him. Danny caught a sight of a gaudy cross necklace before the messenger moved onto another row.

The Kentuckian rolled his eyes, still not used to how freely activist-minded students would hock their material around campus. Danny wasn’t a dick, though, so he wouldn’t toss the pamphlet over his shoulder like he wanted to; he’d humor the kid and stick it in his binder to throw away later.

But something on the cover grabbed his attention as he moved to stash it in his backpack. In big, white, bold letters, the front page seemed to scream its title message -- “Want to make a difference?”

“And again Buchanon has to throw it away before taking a last-second hit! This Eagles pass rush is having a field day so far.”

Travis glared at the back of his left tackle’s helmet. As he returned to his feet, he didn’t bother brushing himself off for what would have been the hundredth or so time. What was the point?

“It’s amazing that Buchanon hasn’t been sacked today when the left side of his line alone has allowed 12 hurries and seven hits.”

“His release is saving him. It’s Marino-esque, Namath-esque.”

“Philadelphia hasn’t needed to sack him to stop him, though, as Seattle’s star rookie has been held to just 178 yards on 29 attempts.”

“Fellow rookie Chris Callonti is having a nightmare of a performance in his first NFL start.”

Callonti, an undrafted free agent out of Pitt, was a backup’s backup. Brown was out for the year, obviously, but the second-string tackle had found a way to turn an ankle two days ago when it was supposed to be his time to shine. The Seahawks -- who were dedicated to keeping DJ Fluker entrenched on the right side for his development -- were forced to promote Callonti off the practice squad in an act of desperation.

In Travis’ eyes, it was a symbol for surrender.

“There’s almost something poetic here about an undrafted rookie having to protect Buchanon’s blindside against one of the league’s better defensive lines. Seattle is probably wishing they had more than one draft pick this year.”

“But that might’ve cost them the guy under center.”

“Hey, I don’t know how much he’ll even be able to help them in the near future. This team is years away on both sides of the ball. The Seahawks aren’t good at anything right now.”

This third down was crucial. They were facing a 14-point deficit and needed to get something going in the fourth quarter -- anything at all, really.

Travis received the snap out of shotgun and processed his reads as fast as possible, knowing Trent Cole would make short work of Callonti. First it was Holmes, then Britt, a split second later he was looking at Carlson before checking for Tate, all by the time he had completed his dropback and was shifting his weight forward. But he didn’t have an open target to seamlessly transition the energy of that transfer toward.

He was scanning for Noel Devine as a checkdown until it felt like a meteor had smacked into his spine. Travis’ internal clock still needed adjusting for Callonti’s awfulness, and so did his grip on the ball. The pigskin squirted out of his grasp and into the scooping hands of an Eagle defender just a few moments later. He wasn’t touched on his sprint to the endzone.

“In another example of the sportscaster jinx, Buchanon’s first sack of the day is a costly one for Seattle. A tough season has gotten even tougher for the Golden Boy without Zion Brown on the line.”

Travis saw red -- and he spit it, too. He must’ve chomped down on his tongue during the hit.

He glared at Callonti, glared at Holmes, glared at anyone who looked his way. Seven more games of this shit?

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Jul 24, 2008
Agreed with the best friend line. Nice way to end that segment of the update.

Glad to hear from Danny again, and not surprised to see him struggling to find PT on a good Clemson team. Interested to see where he'll be next season - a transfer is all but inevitable.


No Longer a Noob
Jun 18, 2006
Still reading and will until the end. I know how it goes with graduate school and all. I'm there, and holding down a teaching/coaching job at my local high school.

As a prediction, I think Danny is going to give up football altogether and join some religious organization (based purely off of who gave him the pamphlet). He'll make a name for himself in something other than football while Travis holds down the fort in that aspect.


Super Star
May 30, 2006
December 28, 2014

“Bradford drops to a knee … and that’ll do it! Mercifully, thankfully, finally, the 2014 season finally comes to a close for the Seattle Seahawks. This loss to the Rams gives the franchise its second straight 4-12 year.”

Travis slumped into his seat in the Edward Jones Dome’s media room, summoning forth all of his restraint to keep a scowl off his face. He sat alone in front of the horde of journalists and reporters; the rookie was the only Seahawk they cared to hear from at this point.

“Travis, you were top-five this year in touchdowns and yards, smashing rookie records in both categories, but you finished second in the league in interceptions. Was your rookie year a success in your eyes?”

“All I care about is us finishing second in losses. And we were one game away from being first.”

“Is that a no, then?”

“It’s a ‘doesn’t matter’.”

Another suit piped up. “Transitioning from that point, Travis, Seattle will have the second pick in the draft. Is there any specific position you hope Parcells and Pioli target with that pick?”

“I’m not the GM. It isn’t my job to say.”

“Aaron James seems like the favorite to go first overall to Arizona, but most believe that your former teammate Kohola Kahuna will declare for the draft after Notre Dame’s bowl game. He’d be a perfect addition at left tackle, wouldn’t he?”

“I’m not the GM. It isn’t my job to say.” He stole a glance at Zachariah Creek off-stage and saw him running a hand through his obsidian hair, dreading his turn in front of the media. Both wanted to skip this shit and start working towards next year.

“But surely Kahuna is-“

Travis stood, effectively ending the session. “Alright, well this was productive as usual. See you all in the summer.”

December 25, 2014

“Argentina, huh?”


“That’s … new.”

Danny smiled. “It’s a bit sudden, I know.”

“Just a tad,” Travis replied, leaning in the doorway to his brother’s old bedroom.

It was Christmas morning in Kentucky, a few days before the end-of-the-year beatdown from St. Louis. Mary Buchanon already had dinner preparing in the kitchen after her children had opened their presents, but the biggest surprise of all was revealed last night upon Danny’s return from Clemson.

Travis kept his arms folded, studying his brother’s haphazard search for packable clothes. “Explain to me again how this came about.”

“Which part?”

“The whole Catholic mission thing. On a different continent.”

Danny paused his hunt. “It’s not ‘mission work’, it’s just aid. And, uh, we are Catholic-“

“Not practicing.”

“You went to Notre Dame, dude.”

Travis raised an eyebrow. “C’mon. When’s the last time you went to church?”

The blonde waved it off. “We’re Catholic. The country’s 90 percent Catholic. A lot of these college groups go there over winter break.”

“Okay, now explain why you’re going.”

“A higher calling?”

“I’m trying to be serious, man.”

His brother sighed, slowly dropping another shirt in his suitcase before looking Travis in the eye.

“When I heard that some of the guys on the team were going, I … I dunno. Things aren’t going too well for me since Lassiter’s got the job on lock for as long as he wants it. It might make me feel useful to the school.”

Travis frowned. “Danny-“

“Don’t worry about it. Seriously, I know how you get about this stuff, and don’t try and talk to Heron for me or anything,” Danny instructed. “I’m excited for this. Gone tomorrow, back a day before classes start … it’ll keep me busy. Better than just getting drunk in basements here with old teammates, you know?”

Travis ruminated on those words, unable to comprehend how that wasn’t something to look forward to. Those first breaks back from college -- before he became a year-round student under Kimberly’s prompting -- were always events he looked forward to, reminiscing with Parker, Taylor, Derek, Sean, JaMarius, and the rest of the gang.

“Yeah, about Heron.” He cleared his throat. “I know you held off on a transfer for the fall, but this is as good a time as any if you’re still thinking about it. Gets you settled before spring practice.”

Danny took a while to respond. “We’ll see how this trip goes.”

There was a lot he was leaving out, and Travis couldn’t piece together the puzzle. The Seahawk frowned. “How will that change things?”

“Maybe I get really close with some of these guys. Believe it or not, I don’t have many bros on the team.” Because of my name, Danny thought to himself.

“But Lassiter-“

“I’m willing to wait around for my shot. I love Clemson, Trav.”

More confusion on Travis’ part, more inability to comprehend his brother’s mindset. Travis couldn’t ride the bench; he hadn’t done so since he was a freshman in high school. He wasn’t wired to … he couldn’t.

The elder sibling spotted a voluminous binder lying facedown amongst a pile of last semester’s books, seemingly forgotten by Danny during his frantic packing. But Travis could spot one of those from a country mile now.

“Hey, don’t forget your playbook!” He moved across the room to pick it out of the rubble and tossed it on the bed, but his brother didn’t seem as relieved as he’d expected.

“Oh, uh, yeah. Thanks man.”

Travis lingered for a little longer, making small talk over his upcoming game against the Rams, but he left Danny to finish his task before long to see if Mary needed help in the kitchen and to ask Jim how his start-up business was faring. There was so little time allotted for these brief visits home; he’d be on the first flight out of the Lexington airport tomorrow morning as another Sunday match-up neared.

Danny seemed happier, he noted, more open and conversational in his demeanor, but something seemed off about football. Something was hazy about his future.

January 25, 2015

Travis navigated University of Phoenix Stadium that Sunday morning with the confidence of a veteran. He was undefeated on this field, having won his first game in Glendale against the Cardinals after beating Texas A&M in the Fiesta Bowl his sophomore year of college, and he felt like he belonged among the throng of AFC-NFC all-star apparel.

“Travis Buchanon is expected to play early in today’s Pro Bowl, having been pegged as the NFC’s runner-up in fan voting for quarterbacks and coming behind Aaron Rodgers by only a few thousand ballots,” a reporter said somewhere far away on the sidelines, trying to get as many of the stars in his shot as possible. “Andrew Luck is the other NFC signal-caller we should see take the field at some point, serving as the fill-in for Matt Ryan as his Falcons prepare for Super Bowl XLIX.”

Travis paused his warm-up to drape an arm around Jamaal. As usual, they found something to laugh about within seconds.

“Buchanon will get plenty of playing time, but his buddy Jamaal Reese is actually going to start for the NFC due to Adrian Peterson’s ankle sprain. Although Buchanon is expected to win the Rookie of the Year Award when it’s announced next week, his Notre Dame teammate gave him a run for his money -- 12 touchdowns and 1,642 yards on the ground for a Lions team that surprised at 10-6, with that yardage mark being the third-best ever among first-year tailbacks. 2014 was a great draft to land a top-two pick. ”

Later in the morning came a special moment for Travis when he found time for a one-on-one conversation with Peyton Manning -- his idol, his icon, his generational predecessor.

“And of course, this will be the last Pro Bowl for Peyton Manning and Tom Brady, having both been eliminated in the playoffs by the Los Angeles Raiders. It’s special enough that we get to see them share a sideline one last time together, but it may also be a passing of the torch when Manning and Buchanon’s offenses square off with each other at some point in the first half. Buchanon broke most of Manning’s rookie records this year, throwing for 31 touchdowns and 4,533 yards for a Seattle team that needed every bit of that production.”

31 touchdowns were a lot. So were 22 interceptions, and so was the gap between he and Manning’s career numbers. He had a long way to go to catch the all-time touchdown king of the NFL, a title that the 38-year-old now wore with pride.

“Why are you retiring?,” Travis blurted almost as soon as they shook hands. Manning gave him a surprised look, but they were colleagues now. Peers, even. Travis could ask a tough question.

“Well, I think it’s time.”

“But why?”


“’Cause you’re still near the top of your game. You and Tom both. You were so close to another Super Bowl.”

Manning considered that, scuffing a cleat on the grass. “Not everyone gets their Elway ending, Travis. Team’s getting old. I’m old.”

“Still better than me. Better than the two guys playing for a ring next week.”

The veteran smirked. “Bet that game’s gonna eat you up inside.”

Travis refrained from grimacing, not wanting to think about Barkley and his Raiders. “Not if Atlanta wins.”

“Careful how you go about that rivalry,” Manning said sagely. “Let it make you a better quarterback, but don’t let it consume you off the field. Find that medium.”

The rookie looked past him, spotting Brady’s number 12 AFC jersey off in the distance. He nodded in its direction. “Things aren’t going to be the same without you two. And then Drew’s gonna follow soon, I bet … “

He felt a hand on his shoulder. Manning was one of the few people in the league that could talk to him at eye level.

“You’ll know when it’s time. Whether that’s 10, 15, or God-willing 20 years from now … you’ll know. Trust me on that.”

All at once, Travis was staring sport immortality and human mortality straight in the face. He knew he never wanted to be in Manning’s position, opting instead to remain young, hungry, and in peak physical condition for eternity. But when it inevitably did come, would he really regret walking away?

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No Longer a Noob
Jun 18, 2006
Great update. I figured Danny would be doing some kind of mission trip. Loved the exchange between Manning and Travis as well.

By the way, this was the best update ever since the Falcons are in the Super Bowl [face_cool]

Only two things could top it in the next update:

1) The Falcons win the Super Bowl
2) WE HEAR/SEE/GET A HINT AT/SOMETHING TO DO WITH JOSIE. For the love of everything holy, give us 'Originals' what we're dying for, haha.


No Longer a Noob
Jul 27, 2005
I thought/was hoping Travis would tell Danny to say hey to Messi for him. I too hope we hear anything about Josie in the future


Apr 13, 2012
Why on earth would Josie pop up, they haven't seen each other in like five years...

RELAX I'm not going to say 'Josie is a lesbian' this time... Although I guess I just did.
Mar 21, 2012
Dont comment on this often, just wanted to let you know I was a somewhat late (first year of college) joiner who binge read the story in a weekend and have been following faithfully ever since. I'm absolutely addicted to it, and you're doing a great job! I do agree though, I've been craving a Josie update forever haha although I understand if it doesn't fit into the story anymore


Super Star
May 30, 2006
February 14, 2015

“Push it. Push it! Two more reps. One more. One more. And … “

Parker slammed the barbell back into place after finishing his set, chest heaving wildly.

“Helluva set. I counted 26.”

The linebacker looked up at Travis from his spot on the bench and nodded to accept the compliment. He eventually summed up the energy to slip out from underneath the bar and help his friend take off the weight -- all 250 pounds of it.

“It’s good they’re training you on this. 225’ll be cake at the combine now.”

“They know their shit here,” Parker admitted.

Travis was glad to be back in South Bend, even it was just for the weekend to check in on old friends. The Gug was especially packed this month with graduating seniors and early entrants who were training for the draft. He was happy to chat with Jonathan Brothers, his longtime slot receiver that figured to be a mid-round pick, and Larry Seward, the sure-handed, fleet-footed tight end that was leaving the Irish a year early to capitalize on his soaring draft stock. Travis would have been happy to throw to either one in the pros, and Brothers may be in Seattle’s price range, but Seward may not even last to the Seahawks’ second-round selection according to recent projection. Moomoo was there as well, scarce for words as always, fresh off an All-American season and looking forward to another title run before securing his own financial future.

But there was a certain lineman in attendance today that figured to be available with the Seahawks’ first pick.

The room was buzzing as Notre Dame’s strength and conditioning coach gathered a crowd before spotting Kohola Kahuna on the bench. The mammoth was going for a PR of 615 pounds, and everyone knew he could do it; phones were brandished and at the ready for immediate social media inclusion.

Some were silent as the weight was lifted off the bar, others vocalized their encouragement. The ascent of the barbell was painstakingly slow, but Kahuna’s muscles never wavered as it reached its zenith over his tree trunk arms. The Gug exploded when it the weight was racked in triumph.

“You know you only have to rack 225 in a few weeks, right?” Travis asked the tackle in amusement when they got a moment alone. Kahuna smiled.

“That won’t be much fun.”

“Not for you, it won’t.” Travis’ tone became a little more serious, more business-like. “Don’t know how much you’ve been following the news, but our coaches are looking at you pretty hard at the number two spot.”

“Yeah. My, uh, agent mentioned it,” Kahuna responded in his usual low-rolling rumble, and he waved a hand airily at the mention of his representation.

Travis sensed this process was very foreign to him. He was leaving behind the comforts of college a year earlier than he originally expected to.

“I’m glad you declared, man. You needed to. Two championships, back-to-back Outland Trophies, guaranteed top-three pick … did you even allow a sack this year?”

“Not since freshman year.”

Travis whistled. “See? You’re not being challenged.” He poked a hand out and shook Kahuna’s baseball glove-sized mitt. “I hope you wind up in Seattle, Kohola.”

The titan beamed. “We will see.”

Parker had dove into a set of incline bench press when Travis wandered back over to him, pushing a pair of 130-pound dumbbells into the air without much strain. The quarterback stared. “Shit. When’d you become a monster?”

His friend laughed after finishing his set, dropping the weights to the floor in a thunderous thud. “Dad life. It’s either here or the apartment for me. This is me ‘going out’.”

“Dawn’s got you on lockdown?”

“No. Gabrielle does.” Parker flexed. “Haven’t had a beer since you left for Seattle.”

“It shows. What’s your BMI at now?”

“Nine. Gotta have a good number to throw out there when I measure in at 5’11.”

That percentage officially counted as shredded for a linebacker, but Parker’s size and speed were why he was regarded as a late-round afterthought. Despite being a key cog in Notre Dame’s first-ranked defense after three-and-a-half years spent on the bench, serving as sidekick to Shaquille Ramondo -- a consensus top-ten pick next season -- was probably hurting him. Few were watching Irish game tape for Parker Slone.

“Can’t be in here too late tonight, though,” he continued, smiling a bit as he re-racked the dumbbells. “I got a hot date tonight.”

“Oh yeah? What’s the occasion?”


Travis shrugged.

“Valentine’s Day, dude.”

The quarterback slapped a hand to his forehead. “How’d I miss that.”

“I was gonna ask if you’re still single, but I guess that answers it.”

“I’ll have time for a girl when I’m retired,” Travis muttered.

Someone caught his eye as they entered The Gug. Parker noticed. “If you’re wondering why Warren’s the same size as he was this time last year, it’s ‘cause this is a rare occasion.”

Travis narrowed his eyes at the thin figure that sauntered across the gym. He still had those diamond studs in, for Chrissake.

“He’s gonna get snapped in half without Kahuna next year.”

Parker chuckled. “Hey, not my problem now.”

Warren’s predecessor shook his head. A 9-3 season at Notre Dame -- the Notre Dame that he and Kelly built, at least -- should be enough for you to take out the jewelry and get in the damn weight room.

Travis gripped his best friend’s shoulder when they departed the facility, knowing this was goodbye for a few months. It always would be from now on in their careers.

“Enjoy your night, man. And keep pushing. There’s 256 picks … someone’s gonna want a jacked linebacker who’ll outwork their whole roster.”

Parker grinned. “I’m getting drafted, Trav. No doubt in my mind.”

March 25, 2015

In 1928, German war veteran Erich Maria Remarque penned an immediate classic in the literary world. Entitled All Quiet on the Western Front in its English translation, it was a harrowing depiction of how returning soldiers struggled to assimilate back into society in post-World War I Germany, essentially describing post-traumatic stress disorder almost 50 years before the term was coined. These men were lost mentally and spiritually, having grown accustomed to the conditions of a world that man was never made to endure.

Travis wasn’t a soldier, but things were certainly quiet in his stretch of the American Northwestern front. He didn’t know what to do with himself that first offseason as a pro. He trained his brain, he trained his mind, he dove deeply into the homework that Creek and Moore had assigned him, and he may have been less cognitively healthy because of it. There were several nights a month that the Kentuckian would bolt upright in his bed after dreaming of a careening pass-rusher that was milli-moments away from reducing him into pulp. If quarterbacks were supposed to have short memories -- the most bullshit saying in sports, by the way -- then why did Travis sit and stew on every sack? Every pick? Every loss?

One vision in particular forced him out of bed that night -- simultaneous hits from Calais Campbell, Robert Quinn, and Aldon Smith, his fiercest divisional foes; it was like a horror film spliced into a mixtape, set to the tunes of missed reads and blown protection schemes. Travis could still sense the healed bruises he’d received over the season as he stood in his living room, looking through the massive, one-way windows that comprised his penthouse into the moon-kissed waters of Puget Sound. It was a beautiful sight, one that contrasted sharply with the turbulence in his cranium.

“Travis? Traaavvviiisss?

That cooing belonged to another sight for sore eyes. Natalya Solovyov was an upcoming Russian tennis star that he had “befriended” at a Nike charity event, and he had taken a liking for the blonde’s philanthropic qualities (and her drool-worthy six-foot figure).

Natalya had eyes bluer than his and sported legs that went on for miles. She was gorgeous, fun, sexy, conscientious, and …

“Come back to the bed, Travis,” she purred behind him in an accent as thick as Siberian snow, wrapping thin arms around his chest. “Yes, come back to the bed and make the super children vit me!”

… Batshit insane when you actually got to know her.

“I said I’d show you the door if you kept talking like that,” he said firmly, shrugging out of her embrace. His fellow athlete pouted.

“Oh, Travis, do not play so … how you say … hard to get? Our children would be superstars, yes, even Olympic athletes! Maybe basketball players, vit our height-“

“Stop. You’re 20.”

She giggled. “So? That is old in my village!”

Travis suddenly felt her breath on the back of his neck, a sensation he didn’t think was possible from a woman standing behind him. He shuddered.

“Now, come back to the bed,” Natalya urged, trailing a finger down his spine until she reached the small of his back. He jumped when she cupped a cheek. “You owe me for making me come looking for you.”

The Russian sashayed back to the bedroom, and Travis couldn’t help but sneak a peek before she disappeared. He cursed his lack of willpower and the goose bumps her touch gave him.

He would kick her out in the morning (after checking for holes in his Trojans), being sure to cut off their little fling before the media began speculating on a relationship, but maybe this was part of the quietness of his Western Front. Maybe he was doomed to repeat these offseason romps for the rest of his career. While love was hard to come by when you lived a Spartan lifestyle, high-profile hookups were one RSVP away to the gala of the week.

“Any time, Travis! I am … how you say … butt naked, yes?”

Well, “doomed” was probably too strong a word.

May 7 – May 9, 2015

“With the second pick of the 2015 NFL Draft, the Seattle Seahawks select … Kohola Kahuna, offensive tackle, Notre Dame.”

“I wouldn’t compare Kahuna to Zion Brown. I wouldn’t compare him to Joe Thomas. I wouldn’t even compare him to Walter Jones, Jonathan Ogden, or Orlando Pace,” Mel Kiper, Jr. gushed over the broadcast moments later. “No, I’d compare him to Anthony Munoz -- the best lineman in NFL history. That’s the kind of upside this kid has. And man, it feels weird to say ‘kid’ about a player that measured in at the combine at six-ten, 350-pounds, but he’s just 21. He’s the Travis Buchanon of blindside prospects.”

The 2015 was considered to have a steep drop-off after the top three picks, and Travis knew the trio well. Aaron James -- reigning Heisman Trophy-winner, LSU legend, and the best dual-threat prospect to enter the league since Michael Vick -- went number one to Arizona as everyone had predicted, and following Kahuna was the Bills’ Wallace “the Bull” Wakefield, a former Trinity Shamrock and USC Trojan who had given the Buchanon brothers fits over the years as one of America’s most talented pass-rushers.

The last interesting pick of the first round for Travis was when the Eagles decided to take the draft’s most polarizing passer. Nico Schlesinger, the league’s only German-slash-surfer-slash-party boy hybrid, was a prospect that no one could agree on; you either loved his six-five height and razor-sharp accuracy or you hated his thin frame and spotty reputation. He’d completed a jaw-dropping 74 percent of his passes for USC last season and had finally gotten revenge with a convincing win over the Blake Warren-led Irish, but rumors of drug use and a lack of work ethic dogged him throughout the draft process. Nico wasn’t doing his image any favors by shaking Roger Goodell’s hand with shoulder-length locks and his earrings still intact, but hell, the dude was the 17th pick. Projections of a multiple-round freefall had blown up in his detractors’ disapproving faces.

Now relieved that Parcells and Pioli had taken Kahuna over an old nemesis in Wakefield, the next day flew by for Travis. The Seahawks targeted upside and youth over safety and seniority with the rest of their picks, clearly trying to make up for their loss of depth in the Golden Boy trade by supplementing it with superior (albeit riskier) talent, but Travis cared more about a name that wasn’t being called.

“Mel, what player are you surprised hasn’t been selected yet?” Chris Berman asked near the end of the fifth round. “We’ve seen some top prospects fall due to character concerns or injury histories, but what guy is still there who you would’ve snapped up by now?”

“For me it’s Parker Slone, the fifth-year linebacker out of Notre Dame. He may be short for the position and he may be old for the draft, but at 23 he’s actually one of the least experienced players available. He only made 18 starts for the Irish and completely reinvented himself during his junior season. I look at him as a low-risk, high-reward commodity that brings a winning pedigree to a roster. He’s certainly worth a flyer at this point in the process.”

But Parker slipped past the fifth. And kept falling through the sixth.

Maybe it was his glacial 4.94 40 time that had sent him spiraling into the final round. Or perhaps the “he’s the second-best athlete in his marriage!” joke from back home had seeped into NFL circles. Whatever the reason was, teams were passing over Parker like he was a double amputee.

Travis held his breath when he tuned in to watch Seattle’s pick at 249 -- their last of the year.

“With the two-hundred-forty-ninth pick of the 2015 NFL Draft, the Seattle Seahawks select … Quest Edwards, receiver, Oregon.”

The quarterback fumed. And he kept fuming when Mr. Irrelevant became some lineman out of Arkansas State instead of his best friend in the world, the guy he thought was more deserving of hearing his name called than any-fucking-one in the draft.

Originally picturing himself calling his buddy in celebration, that phone call back to South Bend was now the last one in the world Travis wanted to make.

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Jul 24, 2008
Appreciate this. I needed some motivation to finish an update in mine that's been sitting in the queue half-done for a while.

As for the update, it was a good transitional piece to the beginning of next season. Thinking that Parker latches on with an NFC West rival and ends up making the team. Wonder if Zion will stick around as a coach of some sort?


Apr 13, 2012
Fantastic update. Looks like its going to be a long road back to the top for Travis but thats what it takes.


Super Star
May 30, 2006
Upon Parker’s insistence, and over Travis’ fierce denials, this was in fact not the end of the world.

Parker was as down as Travis had ever heard him when he called him after the draft concluded, but the linebacker’s mood improved when he got a call from the Bills just minutes later. He was the first undrafted free agent they had contacted, which meant he totally would’ve been their eighth-round pick if such a thing existed. It didn’t take long for Parker to get over the embarrassment and indignity he felt from being passed over 250-some times and get excited for the chance to make Buffalo’s roster.

Oddly enough, it took longer for Travis to stop mulling over the matter. He stewed on the matter. Marinated it mentally. He wondered why it was that he deserved to go first overall and have the world laid at his feet while his closest friend wasn’t given more than a once-over in a 250-man draft. The real answer was obvious -- Parker was an undersized and underequipped player at a position that stressed physicality, while Travis was essentially the perfect quarterback prospect -- but there were days worth of philosophical pondering that could lead one to ask why he was blessed with that opportunity, why their athletic paths diverged so greatly from middle school when neither of the two were ever bred and pushed to play football. Hell, one would’ve pegged him to wind up a CPA after taking one look at Jim and Mary Buchanon, but here he was, a six-six freak that pushed the boundaries of what a human’s arm was capable of. An anomaly, given his progenitors. A systemic blip in life’s grand matrix.

Maybe that’s what he was. An eventuality. In a sample of billions and billions of human, someone had to be the exception, and maybe he was just football’s version of it. Usain Bolt, Wilt Chamberlain, Michael Phelps, Jim Thorpe … all exceptions. Athletic blips in the code, their gifts accentuated by the comparable struggles of the Parker Slones of the sporting world.

This was a misrepresentation, Travis knew, as Parker was still somewhere in the 99.9th percentile of the world population at playing American football. But rationalizing it brought some solace to his logic-craving mind, though the truth didn’t necessarily set him free. It led to other questions that stemmed from his existence as that blip -- was his fate predetermined? Was he always going to choose football as his path, or had past blips ignored their talents for more satisfying ventures? And what amount of success was enough for someone so gifted?

The offseason was usually the time to brood over such existentialist bullshit, but now was the time for celebration. His best bud was getting married.

May 23, 2015

“ … and by the power vested in me by the state of Indiana, I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may now kiss the bride.”

The sweet, loving lip-lock of Parker and Dawn Slone washed away the monotony of a traditional Catholic wedding. The vast expanses of the Indianapolis cathedral were reduced to nothingness in that moment, made miniscule by the presence of true love.

Or something like that.

Travis beamed at the two when they got a break before the reception, pulling Dawn into a warm embrace. She never used a lot of makeup in college -- she never needed to -- but the specialist she’d seen for the day had made her look like an earthbound angel when accentuated by her natural beauty. Dawn’s silk dress was flowing yet tastefully minimalist, and the young woman’s sand-shade hair had been done up for probably the first and last time of her life.

“You looked beautiful up there, Dawn. Gorgeous. ”

“Looked? How do I look now?”

He snickered and clapped her new husband on the shoulder. “Can’t believe how smooth everything went. You guys put together a great service, man.”

They had. The wedding was elegant and the personal touches were heartwarming; one-year-old Gabrielle as the ring girl was especially adorable, carrying the bands down the isle with a smile while being shepherded along by one of Dawn’s cousins.

Parker grinned. “I picked a good best man.”

“That you did.”

“Maid of honor’s single, you know. We can arrange a dance.”

By the looks of Dawn’s smirk, she must have already teased Skylar Diggins about the same thing. Travis winked.

“I don’t date athletes.”

“What about the tennis player? That Russian chick-“

Anymore,” Travis was quick to amend.

He didn’t embarrass the couple as much as he could have when it was time to give his toast. Most of Travis’ most comical experiences with the two were either too vulgar or too personal of a subject to relay in public -- Mr. and Mrs. Mornhinweg probably wouldn’t appreciate any tales from the pregnancy saga -- but he managed a few laughers about a pre-teen Parker.

The best part of his night wasn’t the service, the booze, or the dancing; it was when he and the other groomsmen set aside half an hour for chitchat and cigars. They would see each other sparingly from this point on in their lives, so Travis had to treasure this catch-up time. Taylor Darby was already married (to a former UK cheerleader!) and was beginning life in the financial world now that his days as a lineman were over, preferring to stay in Lexington unless opportunity arose elsewhere. Derek Cartwright had finished his first year at Harvard Law School and was maintaining his half-serious goal of making more money than Travis by the time he was 40. And Sean Todd, the only one of them to have played his last game of football at the high school level, revealed that he was using his newly acquired engineering degree to go work for Jim Buchanon’s startup company as one of its inaugural employees. Even on a night where his best friend got married, that touched Travis as much as anything else.

His favorite heart-to-heart came when it was time for the money dance. He slipped a hundred to the collecting bridesmaid while waiting in line to dance with Dawn; Travis knew she’d be pissed at the size of his donation, but a Benjamin to him meant a lot less than the five-dollar bills that her friends and family were throwing in.

“You better have kept that reasonable,” Dawn warned when he walked up to her for his turn. Travis smiled as they started an amateur waltz, Ed Sheeran’s Lego House playing over the ballroom’s speakers.

“I did!” he answered truthfully … proportionally speaking.

“Just saying, I’ll know who the twenty belonged to.”

“You won’t find a twenty tomorrow. I promise.”

“Good.” She stole a look over at her husband’s line across the room. “Think I’ll beat him?”

“I wouldn’t bet against you.”

Dawn smirked, but it thawed into the most effusive little grin as they swayed back and forth to the music. It was hard to believe that she could barely to stand to be in the same room as him a few years ago, but Travis was grateful that they’d been able to get past their own stubbornness once Dawn learned to let go of her past. Neither could be that bad if Parker cared about each so much.

Aside from his mother, Dawn was the only woman in the world Travis considered himself close to. He was her husband’s best friend and the godfather to her daughter -- they’d probably always be close.

Curiosity got the best of Travis as the song neared its end. “What’s the plan for Buffalo?”

“Parker didn’t tell you?”

“Didn’t ask him yet. I wanted to hear your thoughts on it first.”

She sighed, her first break in ecstasy since Parker said ‘I do’.

“Gabby and I aren’t going.”

“You aren’t?!”

“Not for the summer, at least. We don’t know if he can … you know …”

Make the team, Travis’ mind finished. Dawn didn’t want to say it, almost as if even alluding to the word “cut” would jinx her husband’s dreams. The quarterback smiled in encouragement.

“I respect that. It’s mature of you two. No point in moving there and job searching in a city that might just end up being a short vacation site.” He paused, his grin growing. “But he’s gonna make the team.”

Dawn pursed her lips. “Oh yeah?”


“Are you a scout now?”

“I’d like to think I know him better than any scout. He’ll make you and Gabby proud, no doubt in my mind.”

He didn’t know if it was wise to promise that an undrafted rookie was going to make the 53-man roster, but in that moment -- the moment where the song reached its conclusion, the moment where Dawn embraced him and whispered her gratitude to him -- Travis believed every word he’d told her.

Danny found his brother when the night was fading and most folks were leaving. Parker ha been kind enough to invite him to the wedding as the kid who’d tagged along with the best man’s friends for so many years, and he’d made the most of it by bringing along a pretty little blonde that didn’t mind playing the role of arm candy, but it was time for him to head back to the hotel before he passed out on on the dance floor.

“There you are!” Travis greeted when he saw Danny approaching. His tie was undone and his suit disheveled; he may have taken advantage of the open bar policy.

“Yeah, just about to. Date’s waiting on me,” Danny said, nodding to the exit. He put a hand on his brother’s back and got close to his ear. “Needed to tell you something before I left, though. It’ll be quick.”

“Oh. Yeah, sure. ‘Scuse me, fellas,” Travis said to his friends. They found a table that some of Dawn’s older relatives had long since abandoned, and he batted at a lock of Danny’s jaw-length hair as they sat down.

“Fuck, man, you need a cut. You’ve been growing it since that Argentina trip.”

Danny managed a chuckle, and Travis stole a glance at his date. “Who’s the girl?”

“Met her at Clemson. Got lucky I knew someone who lived in Indy during the summer.”

Travis reclined in his seat, suddenly eager to talk college. “Haven’t heard about Clemson for a while from you. How was spring? How’s Heron? I’m pumped he got the OC job when Morris left, that spread he’s gonna run will really mesh with your skill set in a few years …”

His voice trailed off as a weird look came over Danny’s face. His brother didn’t break eye contact, but the atmosphere in the room seemed to change.

“That’s what I wanted to talk to you about,” Danny said in a voice so level that he had to have rehearsed it. Travis cocked his head.

“About football?”

“Yeah.” A deep breath. “I’m … I quit the team.”