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Dec 8, 2005
"Where can i find siler keys?I need to find atleast 25 of them.anyone got any ideas?"

I use

There hidden all around Albion.


Nov 30, 2005
What about the ladies? Can I get myself a wife?

Yes you can. You can interact and flirt with women, and eventually get one to marry you. You can even have kids, who will look somewhat like you as they grow up. It is possible to have more than one wife, in several different towns, but you will have to be careful that they never meet each other, and if you don’t pay enough attention to them, they might just leave you. However, if you spend too much time with your family and not enough out heroing, it is rumored you might find your wife and kids have disappeared one day in the same way as your parents…

^^^^ That part need to be changed now.

Yeah confusing nooblets gets you -800 morality points...

No children, your wife will ONLY leave you if you beat on her, fart alot ( i had fun doing this after i heard she CAN divorce you, untill i lost my blonde hair and butterflies)
Jul 31, 2005
"I did say I wanted less caves so that way there could be a point to them or they are wasting there time making a lot with no point… why did you have to take it apart if you take sentences out of context they mean nothing…

“Ya see there would be no point in trying to hide a tomb.”

Well the tombs are old enough to have skeletons walking in them and I don’t think the skeletons do any gardening so why can’t trees and stuff grow up around the entrance this means less people saw it and less raided it therefore there would be more than 10 gold left in it…

“What would make you think there would be gold in a cave? Yes it is a game, but they are trying to make it pretty realistic.”

Ok cave is my term for tomb, cave, crack in the earth, or forgotten dungeon. And it is possible a cave would be a good hiding place for bandits’ gold… or other treasure.

“so your saying you think every cave should have good loot in it, just like they all do in real life?”

I suppose that you are going to be able to shoot fire out of your hand in real life or kill a giant wasp. All games have caves with gold in them or something of value. I can see ware you are coming from but it is a game and why else would you travel out in the wilderness in a game other than finding something that will make you more powerful or richer.

“Yeah I can see where your comin from, cuz you probably wasted like 3 hours in there. why did you waste your time in there anyway?”

Is this some form of joke? Because I was using it for an example and It probably took me 5 min max but still for 10 gold… (Didn’t you notice that there aren’t many trees in Morrowind at all I was making reference to that)

“What exactly is "the point" to you? If the point is to have treasure of kings in each one then your right, but that is not the point.”

Than what is it? There must be a point to them so you seem to know it pleas tell all. Well the point I was trying to make is there was little point behind having 40 tombs with little or no purpose when they could have had 5 caves with lots in it and lots of skeletons (or other beasts) and have a couple with very little in them.


Originally posted by amailhot:

Lots of people come to this board asking similar questions. I've decided to put together a series of mini-faqs answering many of the most frequently asked questions. Hopefully people new to this game and/or these boards will come here first and get the answers they are looking for before starting new threads.

Anyway, as the title suggests, this lesson is about how to get the legendary weapons of Albion. i didn't bother to include the stats of these weapons...go to the faqs section for this game (you don't need insider, don't worry) and you'll find that stuff. i got some of this information from faqs, some from people on these boards, and some from my own experience with this game. thanks to all from whom i borrowed.

it's theoretically possible that i've forgotten a weapon or misstated something about obtaining one...if so, hopefully one of you regs will correct me so i can edit this before it's too late.

Skorm's Bow:
Might as well start with the one people wonder about the most. To begin, here is a sure-fire method to get skorm's bow right at the start of the game, courtesy of stogeythesecond: LINK
Location: Chapel of Skorm
Task: Make sacrifices
How Tosave your game before making the sacrifices, in case this doesn't work the first time.

{telling time: midnight is when the dark half-circle is directly above (separated by a horizontal line) and the light half-circle is directly below.}

Cutlass Bluetane:
Another one that seems to give people trouble.
Location: Demon Door outside of Hobbes Cave.
Task: talk to the door when your combat multiplier is at least 14.
How to: it can be difficult to get your multiplier that high. Here are some tips:
(1) consider using physical shield spell, so that you aren't randomly hit.
(2) Teleport out of the area to an area (such as cliffside path near lychfield graveyard) where enemies constantly respawn. Get your combat multiplier WAY up (you lose half of your multiplier when you teleport, iirc) then teleport back and talk to the door.
(3) Use the force push glitch -- get yourself surrounded by lots of enemies, then start hammering away at the force push spell button. Even when an enemy is down/dead, if he is in range of the attack your combat multiplier will go up (until the body disappears). Get force push at about level two and you should have no problem getting your multiplier up high enough.

Location: the sword in the stone in the temple of Avo area.
Task: pull the damned thing out.
How to: max out your strength stats. some claim that it's possible to get it without maxing out all of your strength stats, fine. i don't care. i don't want to get into that discussion. i say, make sure by maxing out the stats.

Katana Hiryu:
Location: in a 15 key chest in lady grey's bedroom
Task: get into the bedroom with enough silver keys
How to: you will have to marry lady grey. and have 15 silver keys. the end.

Ronok the Axe:
Location: Grey House Demon Door.
Task: get through the door.
How to: you must be married to lady grey.

The Dollmaster's Mace:
Location: Abandoned Road Demon Door (on way to bandit camp from Oakvale)
Task: get through the door
How to: you must have (1) Bright Platemail armor, (2) Dark Will User's Suit, and (3) Bandit's Suit. then talk to the door.

Wellow's Pickhammer:
Location: Greatwood Gorge Demon Door
Task: get through the door
How to: you must do something "evil" in the door's presence. Either (1) killing someone who's following you, or (2) eating 20 crunchy chicks in front of the door will do.

The Murren Greathammer:
Location: 20 Key chest in the hero's guild.
Task: open the chest.
How to: get 20 silver keys.

The Murren Greataxe:
Location: silver key chest inside Hook Coast Lighthouse
Task: get into lighthouse, open chest
How to: bash down the door (or pick it open), 15 keys required to open the chest.

Solus Greatsword:
Location: Bowerstone North
Task: buy the damned thing, cheapskate.
How to: see above.

The Sentinus:
Location: Temple of Avo
Task: Tithe.
How to: make donations to the temple of Avo. (300,000 if good, 33,000 if fully evil). i recommend saving the game before donating, in case it doesn't work you can go back without having lost all your hard earned cash.

Arken's Crossbow:
Location: Darkwood lake, 15 key chest
Task: open chest
How to: 15 keys required

Sword of Aeons:
Location: hero's guild
Task: Finish game, be an evil bastard.
How to: Defeat Jack of Blades. Elect to kill your sister. Sit through the credits. Afterwards, you can continue playing with the sword of aeons.

The Frying Pan:
Location: Orchard Farm.
Task find the clues before digging for the treasure, or it is worthless).
How to: (from the ign game guide)
Treasure Clue #1: Received from the grateful sister at the end of the Bounty Hunter Quest. Bounty Hunter Quest is a Guild side quest, done before rescuing Scarlet Robe.
Treasure Clue #2: Given at the end of The Lost Trader Quest. Lost Trader Quest is a Guild side quest
Treasure Clue #3: Given after killing the final assassin at Hook Coast. You must first kill the previous assassins, sent in revenge of Twinblade (The attacks occur outside Knothole Glade, middle of Prison Path, Witchwood Cullis Gate near focus stone site, and the windmill on Windmill Hill)
Treasure Clue #4: Given after winning the archery contest at Knothole Glade. Must complete Break the Siege Quest in Knothole Glade first)
Treasure Clue #5: Found in a chest at Orchard Farm
Treasure Clue #6: Dig up the clue in a mound of dirt behind the windmill at Windmill Hill
TREASURE: At the first barn, dig in between the barn wall and the bales of hay to find the Frying Pan

Ok, that's it for today's lesson. Happy gaming :)"

you dont have Avo's tear!?! omg click this link


Almost Not a Noob
Oct 27, 2004
Look at when the FAQ was made... Before TLC came out. When there was no Avo's Tear. There has not been an update.
Oct 15, 2005
"I did say I wanted less caves so that way there could be a point to them or they are wasting there time making a lot with no point… why did you have to take it apart if you take sentences out of context they mean nothing…

“Ya see there would be no point in trying to hide a tomb.”

Well the tombs are old enough to have skeletons walking in them and I don’t think the skeletons do any gardening so why can’t trees and stuff grow up around the entrance this means less people saw it and less raided it therefore there would be more than 10 gold left in it…

“What would make you think there would be gold in a cave? Yes it is a game, but they are trying to make it pretty realistic.”

Ok cave is my term for tomb, cave, crack in the earth, or forgotten dungeon. And it is possible a cave would be a good hiding place for bandits’ gold… or other treasure.

“so your saying you think every cave should have good loot in it, just like they all do in real life?”

I suppose that you are going to be able to shoot fire out of your hand in real life or kill a giant wasp. All games have caves with gold in them or something of value. I can see ware you are coming from but it is a game and why else would you travel out in the wilderness in a game other than finding something that will make you more powerful or richer.

“Yeah I can see where your comin from, cuz you probably wasted like 3 hours in there. why did you waste your time in there anyway?”

Is this some form of joke? Because I was using it for an example and It probably took me 5 min max but still for 10 gold… (Didn’t you notice that there aren’t many trees in Morrowind at all I was making reference to that)

“What exactly is "the point" to you? If the point is to have treasure of kings in each one then your right, but that is not the point.”

Than what is it? There must be a point to them so you seem to know it pleas tell all. Well the point I was trying to make is there was little point behind having 40 tombs with little or no purpose when they could have had 5 caves with lots in it and lots of skeletons (or other beasts) and have a couple with very little in them.


Originally posted by amailhot:

Lots of people come to this board asking similar questions. I've decided to put together a series of mini-faqs answering many of the most frequently asked questions. Hopefully people new to this game and/or these boards will come here first and get the answers they are looking for before starting new threads.

Anyway, as the title suggests, this lesson is about how to get the legendary weapons of Albion. i didn't bother to include the stats of these weapons...go to the faqs section for this game (you don't need insider, don't worry) and you'll find that stuff. i got some of this information from faqs, some from people on these boards, and some from my own experience with this game. thanks to all from whom i borrowed.

it's theoretically possible that i've forgotten a weapon or misstated something about obtaining one...if so, hopefully one of you regs will correct me so i can edit this before it's too late.

Skorm's Bow:
Might as well start with the one people wonder about the most. To begin, here is a sure-fire method to get skorm's bow right at the start of the game, courtesy of stogeythesecond: LINK
Location: Chapel of Skorm
Task: Make sacrifices
How Tosave your game before making the sacrifices, in case this doesn't work the first time.

{telling time: midnight is when the dark half-circle is directly above (separated by a horizontal line) and the light half-circle is directly below.}

Cutlass Bluetane:
Another one that seems to give people trouble.
Location: Demon Door outside of Hobbes Cave.
Task: talk to the door when your combat multiplier is at least 14.
How to: it can be difficult to get your multiplier that high. Here are some tips:
(1) consider using physical shield spell, so that you aren't randomly hit.
(2) Teleport out of the area to an area (such as cliffside path near lychfield graveyard) where enemies constantly respawn. Get your combat multiplier WAY up (you lose half of your multiplier when you teleport, iirc) then teleport back and talk to the door.
(3) Use the force push glitch -- get yourself surrounded by lots of enemies, then start hammering away at the force push spell button. Even when an enemy is down/dead, if he is in range of the attack your combat multiplier will go up (until the body disappears). Get force push at about level two and you should have no problem getting your multiplier up high enough.

Location: the sword in the stone in the temple of Avo area.
Task: pull the damned thing out.
How to: max out your strength stats. some claim that it's possible to get it without maxing out all of your strength stats, fine. i don't care. i don't want to get into that discussion. i say, make sure by maxing out the stats.

Katana Hiryu:
Location: in a 15 key chest in lady grey's bedroom
Task: get into the bedroom with enough silver keys
How to: you will have to marry lady grey. and have 15 silver keys. the end.

Ronok the Axe:
Location: Grey House Demon Door.
Task: get through the door.
How to: you must be married to lady grey.

The Dollmaster's Mace:
Location: Abandoned Road Demon Door (on way to bandit camp from Oakvale)
Task: get through the door
How to: you must have (1) Bright Platemail armor, (2) Dark Will User's Suit, and (3) Bandit's Suit. then talk to the door.

Wellow's Pickhammer:
Location: Greatwood Gorge Demon Door
Task: get through the door
How to: you must do something "evil" in the door's presence. Either (1) killing someone who's following you, or (2) eating 20 crunchy chicks in front of the door will do.

The Murren Greathammer:
Location: 20 Key chest in the hero's guild.
Task: open the chest.
How to: get 20 silver keys.

The Murren Greataxe:
Location: silver key chest inside Hook Coast Lighthouse
Task: get into lighthouse, open chest
How to: bash down the door (or pick it open), 15 keys required to open the chest.

Solus Greatsword:
Location: Bowerstone North
Task: buy the damned thing, cheapskate.
How to: see above.

The Sentinus:
Location: Temple of Avo
Task: Tithe.
How to: make donations to the temple of Avo. (300,000 if good, 33,000 if fully evil). i recommend saving the game before donating, in case it doesn't work you can go back without having lost all your hard earned cash.

Arken's Crossbow:
Location: Darkwood lake, 15 key chest
Task: open chest
How to: 15 keys required

Sword of Aeons:
Location: hero's guild
Task: Finish game, be an evil bastard.
How to: Defeat Jack of Blades. Elect to kill your sister. Sit through the credits. Afterwards, you can continue playing with the sword of aeons.

The Frying Pan:
Location: Orchard Farm.
Task find the clues before digging for the treasure, or it is worthless).
How to: (from the ign game guide)
Treasure Clue #1: Received from the grateful sister at the end of the Bounty Hunter Quest. Bounty Hunter Quest is a Guild side quest, done before rescuing Scarlet Robe.
Treasure Clue #2: Given at the end of The Lost Trader Quest. Lost Trader Quest is a Guild side quest
Treasure Clue #3: Given after killing the final assassin at Hook Coast. You must first kill the previous assassins, sent in revenge of Twinblade (The attacks occur outside Knothole Glade, middle of Prison Path, Witchwood Cullis Gate near focus stone site, and the windmill on Windmill Hill)
Treasure Clue #4: Given after winning the archery contest at Knothole Glade. Must complete Break the Siege Quest in Knothole Glade first)
Treasure Clue #5: Found in a chest at Orchard Farm
Treasure Clue #6: Dig up the clue in a mound of dirt behind the windmill at Windmill Hill
TREASURE: At the first barn, dig in between the barn wall and the bales of hay to find the Frying Pan

Ok, that's it for today's lesson. Happy gaming :)"

you dont have Avo's tear!?! omg click this link"

Personally, I didn't even bother reading all of that.


Feb 15, 2002
How the hell do I use them? I've tried everything I can think of. Gettin tired of paying for everything. Now go!


Jul 13, 2004
supertosser said:
khandy2 said:
How the hell do I use them? I've tried everything I can think of. Gettin tired of paying for everything. Now go!

Use what exactly?

His subject line reads "Hair and Tatoo Cards", weird for the Fable FAQ thread... but I figure thats what he wants to know.

Answer: You use them at the barber shop and tatoo parlor... they don't make them free, they just make sure that that tattooist/stylist can do that particular design that you are carrying.


Dec 17, 2000
well, ive been going through quite a few threads here trying to find out if some of these "secret" items really exist. i keep getting mixed responses. please help

where is the master spade located?
where can i use the master spade?
Is there really a singing sword and if so where is it?

and how about some other cool secret stuff on TLC. if you know anything, please post

Jan 30, 2005
what really happens when two of your wives meet?

i have played through fable many times, but when im a will-user i've never seen tattoos glow. Does it only work for certain tattoos? if so, which ones?

and i found out that bandits pee on large boulders in corners...


Almost Not a Noob
Oct 27, 2004
You get divorced.

Your tatoos don't glow, but the mose you use magic, the more your hands glow blue, and you get blue marking on your body.

Awesome, I like thw little tweaks in games like that.


Apr 12, 2003
you people seem to be having fun, ive got one question 2 actually, what are the other discs for ftlc for? and how do ya use dem? *spoilers following*

also , the conspiacy stuff, like with the dragon fesco, i have that in my game cause i fought a dragon, jack of blades as a dragon and the secret demon door with no face is the fire hearts profeit's prison and in the light house you put the fire heart into the pit to call the ghost ship to take you to the waste lands btw this is fable: the lost chapters im talkin about


Almost Not a Noob
Oct 27, 2004
The other disks are for installation only.

I have no idea what you are talking about in the seond part of your post.


Feb 17, 2006
*searches for a spelling mistake by der jaeger*


*scrolls up page*





No Longer a Noob
Mar 2, 2004
XZORST said:
*searches for a spelling mistake by der jaeger*


*scrolls up page*




I'm afraid that was a forlorn hope, Xhaust.


Feb 17, 2006
*points at screen*

Hah! You spelled my name wrong.

Yes! Victory!

*Does a happy dance in his head*


No Longer a Noob
Mar 2, 2004
XZORST said:
*points at screen*

Hah! You spelled my name wrong.

Yes! Victory!

*Does a happy dance in his head*

*Goes to strip-club and has "Patience" do a happy dance on my privates*


I win?


Mar 2, 2006
where are the dolls i only have two of them... the thunder hero doll and the doll of me??? do u know where the other four are??


Almost Not a Noob
Oct 27, 2004
platinum_0 said:
where are the dolls i only have two of them... the thunder hero doll and the doll of me??? do u know where the other four are??

You win them in Tavern games.
Nov 17, 2005
Aparrently, your lawn is an Emo, so what are you talking about?

lol I just realised I registerd before you, but have less posts than you. Do you live at/on your computer?


Feb 17, 2006
POW, I don't know if you're aware of this, but I've been shunned by the Fable board members aswell. Let's just say that there was some...Unpleasantness...Anyway, they know how cabable I am at annoying people so don't start a n00b war here you n00b...
*Realises that POW's registration date is before his*
...Just shoosh...
Anyway, BA, who exactly should be ashamed of themselves? Me or POW, I'm guessing POW. POW, they don't want you to start s**t, and they don't want me around at all...Hey, I just had a thought...Yes, it's all falling into place...
*Laughs an evil laugh*
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