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Jun 23, 2004
Overview of Temple of Avo Hero Save Age Reduction Trick -

Since I couldn't find one basic explanation -

There are two ways to reduce your age - monetary donations at the Temple of Avo and human donations to the Chapel of Skorm.

There is a way to maximize the benefits of age reduction by using the Hero Save.

During the Find/Rescue the Archaeologist Quest, you can go to the Temple and make a donation. If the donation is large enough, you receive an age reduction. If you then do a Hero Save, exit the game, and restart, you can do this again. Following is a somewhat atreamlined approach to maximize the benefits of this trick -

Start in Oakvale. Purchase the Marital Home (the house you grew up in as a child), and the three adjascent houses by killing the owners. Purchase the houses, and rent them out. Go to any one of the houses, break down the doors, and sleep in the bed 6-7 times to advance the game by three days. Leave the house, collect the rent, and repeat. I typically continue until I have over $100k in gold.

During this time, to reduce the cost requirement for age reduction at the Temple of Avo, go on a killing spree in Oakvale. Continue killing residents and gueards until your alignment is fully evil.

At this point, start the Find the Archaeologist Quest. Skip any quest-related activities, and go to the Temple. Donate $33k, which should be enough if you're fully evil. If not, continue donating until your age has been reduced.

Perform the Hero Save, and exit the Quest. Repeat the activities in Oakvale, and start the Quest again. You can repeat this process until you're 18 years old.

There are other ways to gain money quickly, but that is the one I prefer.
Mar 15, 2004
^^i know this for a fact b/w it worked for me several times, but if you're fully evil all you need to do is make 3 donations of $1000 each and you should get your age reduction. you'll know if you're fully evil when you continue committing crimes and you're not getting anymore evil points.


Sep 2, 2005
Hey I dont know if im asking this in the right place but maybe someone can point me to the right place if im not.

With Fable: The Lost Chapters is it the original game with additional content or is it simply more quests like an additional disk or something. Im just wondering if I should get rid of Fable for when Fable the Lost Chapters comes out.


Almost Not a Noob
Oct 27, 2004
Guevara_che said:
but what really happens i sacraficed 5 people nothin and are they coming out with a new fable.

the second post on this FAQ had a detailed method of obtaining Skorm's Bow, that you get for sacraficing people.

They are releasing an expansion to Fable, called Fable: The Lost Chapters. it is the same as the original, with 1/3 extra content. There has been no offical word of a Fable 2, yet.


Old Account
Nov 10, 2011
you guys know which wandering trader sells you bright plate armor because i beat the game and dont feel like getting up to that part again when i beat for like 13 or 12 times.


Mar 28, 2003
The Arena shop sells all the armor you can get. (Well, except Legendary Armor.) So if you haven't beaten the Arena yet, you can go there. (I still wish it would let you go back afterwards, grumble grumble.)


Jun 26, 2002
Regarding the Temple of Avo exploit, before doing the preferred quest, if your alignment is fully good, you will need to donate 47999 gold before taking on the desired quest. after donating, I suggest a world save, to save the 47999 gold donation record and then activating the ransom victim quest. The sole reason behind this is that each time you go and do the exploit, it will only cost you 1 gold to do it, the secondary reason for this is that each time you activate the quest thereafter, the generous mayor sends 7.5k your way, which will basically allow you to regain all that money you donated.
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