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Oct 5, 1998
FAQ created by [link=]prkesnatch[/link]

I basically am creating this thread to reduce the unnecessary threads on the main page. I may not have answered everything and if i havent post your question here or PM me. I figured that i've been around these boards for quite sometime and it was time for me to put my 2 cents in and help out

if i have misspelled some things. i dont care. im not reading this all again

Theres aslo a few secrets in this thread.. if you care to find them

[color=c1c2c9]Treasure clue 5: Orchard farm, found in the chest at point A(the middle of the map)[/color]


Table of contents

I weapons
II Quests and Trophies
III Classes
IV Relationships(where is a ring? how do i get married? how do i have sex?)
V Relationships cont. (Lady grey)
VI Jack of Blades
VII other commonly asked questions
[color=c1c2c9]VIII Special features[/color]


I. Weapons:

Weapons are divided into 5 classes
I. Iron
II. Steel
III. Obsidian
IV. Master
V. Legendary

Each class is a step over the next. The weapon with the most damage may not always be the best.

The following is Quoted from the Prima Official Game Guide

" When you get a new weapon in mot role-playing games, you simply compare its stats to your current one and use if it does more damage. But in Fable, you'll find that more-damaging weapons aren't necessarily better. There are 10 different melee weapon types in the game, which differ in speed and range, as well as damage. Katanas may not do as mucch damage as greataxes, for example, but they're quicker to react when as enemy lets down his guard, and it;s tougher for enemies to break their combos with a block. In a long combo, they'll get in about 30 percent more hits in than a slow weapon like the greatsword.
You'll need to experiment with the different types to find the kind that feels best for you, but the general rule is that you should use shorter, quicker weapons against enemys who fight more defensively, and "great" weapons against enemies who canot blockk or who swarm you in large numbers."

[color=c1c2c9]Treasure clue 2: Extra quest: the lost trader - if you compelte it the trader will give you this clue[/color]

Flourish: A flourish is a attack activated by the B button to do a bit more damage. You gain flourish by hitting your enemy multiple times.

II. Quests and trophies:

No you cannot get the snow troll quest in the beginning of the game. The regs have come to the conclusion PM placed it there to give it a feel that their are other heroes in Albion besides you.

Gold quest symbol: required quest to help develop the stroy

Blue quest symbol: optional, helps to gain exp, money, and bonus items.

Orange quest symbol: Open ended quest, usually given by characters in towns, no formal beginning and may have no real end.

Boasts can add to the difficulty of the quests, I recommend you do them to add to the value of them game, and to just get more play out of it. They are wagers, if yu complete the boast you will gain money, if you fail to complete the boast you will lose money.. kind of like a wager.

Trophies: You earn them buy completing major quests. Will help for you to gain renown, To do this, select the trophy from the item menu in a town. You will them have a limited amout of time to show as many people you can. The more people you show, the more renown you will gain.

"what is the trick with the house and the trophys?"

When you gain enough money, you can buy houses. There are spots on the walls to place you trophies. This will increase the value of the house. IF your indeed of some quick cash try this method

1. Buy the house
2. If you have the spare gold, upgrade the inside
3. Place your best trophys on all the spots
4. Sell the house
5. Remove teh trophys
6. Back to step 1

a nifty trick if you ask me

III. Classes

"What is the difference between a spellwarrior and a witchhunter?"

A Spellwarrior is one who used melee combat mixed with a significant amount of magic. If you will play threw the game this way, i recomend you master enflame

A Witchhunter is a archer who uses a significant amount of magic. If your going to play threw the game this way i recomend you master Force push and Multi arrow.

"Which way is funner?"

Personally, i think Spellwarrior is funner, Shooting arrows overs and over again eventually gets boring.

IV. Relationships

A very important facot in getting a wife is renown. The more known you are the more the girls.. and guys will wants you

"How do i boost my renown?"

-completing quests
-killing difficult foes
-showing off trophies

"will my allignment affect my ability to get a wife?"

At first it may, but once you are fully evil it still seems the girls will want you, and of course everyone will want you if you are good.

"will titles and classes affect my ability to get a wife?"

They might a little, but not so much to be significant

"Will my personal appearence affect my chances to get a wife?"

Yes, This is pretty much how you are viewed of by the opposite sex. If you goal is to get married or get intimate with you wife(sorry, getting married wont get you sex!), this is a huge facote. Test it out and see.

Clothes are the most important facot of appearence, along with hair and tattoos.


Flirting is a three hit combo. It consists of the "flirt" expressions, "Manely arm pump" expression and the "sexy hero pose expression"
If your ready to settle down with someone, make sure your first wearing your most attractive clothes. the nicest grooming and so on. Start using these expressions on someone who may want to settle down with. IF they are interested a small heart wll appear above there head. as you continue to cycle through your 3 expressions the heart will get bigger and bigger. If you are good this will be a lot easier. If she doenst want you right away dont sweat. It may take a bit. IF you use gifts like chocolate and roses that will also help alot, soon enough the person will ask fo a ring, and a red heart will appear above their head.

Commonely asked question regarding this topic:

"Where do i get a ring?"

The vendor when you first walk into bowerstone south sells them(the small lemonade stand looking place)

[color=c1c2c9]Treasure clue 3: Assasin attacks & the hidden booty hunt, Once you have killed the final assasin that have been chasing you, you will recieve this clue[/color]

"Is getting them drunk a good way to get them to like me?"

"Can i have sex with out getting married?"


"I'm cheap, will fake wedding rings work?"


"Can i have more than one wife?"

Oh yes.

note: if you divorce your wife, you will get 600 evil points!

tip from from prima guide
"You haven't married the good one until you find a partner whose voice pattern involves singing a lot and talking abou how "norty" you are in bed"

V. Relationships Cont.

"How do i get lady grey to marry me!?"

To make this easy, i'm going to quote from the prima guide.
"Now that you've proven your mettle at the arena, Mayor lady grey is very interested in making your acquaintance. If you play your cards just right, she'll even consent to marry you. In addition to the -ahem- obvious perks, this marriage will reward you with a very obvious dowry, acess to bowerstone manor (where you'll find a silver key and a silver key chest), and the treasure behind the "posh wife" demon door.
The first step to this courtship is to buy her a gift: The black rose sold at bowerstone north item shop. This piece of information comes from the girl in the northwest part of town, who will counsel you through his quest if you need help.
After you purchase the rose, the mayor will demand you buy a house. She wouldn't set foot in your reeking hovel, mind you: she just wants to make sure you're not a total deadbeat. Buy a vacant house anywhere, or if you already own a house, sell it and buy it again.
Next she'll ask you to perform a heroic deed: recover her lost necklace. Talk to everyone in town who is marked with a green dot to track it down. When you hear it's in Oakvale, the Lady will send you there to retreive it.
In the Oakvale cemetery, you'll notice a new dot on the map where a couple of traders are conspiring. Sneak around them and hide behind a nearyby stone wall to listen in on the conversation. They'll tell you right where the necklace is: between the two boats on the west beach. The won't appear in your Quick Menu, so you'll have to select it manually. Once you return to lady grey, she'll tell you what she needs you to do next.
Thunder will meet you at bowerstone prison and propose a duel at hangman's hill. Continue north, taking a left at gibbet woods, and you'll find him waiting. Thunder is a lot like twinblade, in that his attacks are powerful and most cannot be blocked effectively. The best spell here is assasin rush; it puts you right behind him, where you can wail on him with everything you've got. If you dont have that spell, you can roll behind him to get at his weak spot. After you deal a certain amount of damage, the two of you will tumble down the hill to the little pocket of land on the southern part of the map. When you beat thunder there, he'll run into a nearby cave for the final confrontation.
Lady Grey's heart is only one of the many lovely prizes you win for beating thunder

skipping forward a bit

[color=c1c2c9]Treasure clue 4: MUst beat the high score at the archery contest in knothole glade[/color]

"finally, you're worthy. When you talk to the mayor after you beat thunder, you can marry her(no ring required). This is your one and only chance; if you say no, it's over.
But what about your other wide, you ask? the one who actuall loves you and enjoys your company and is not the heartless, kinmurdering pawn of the man who destroyed your life? Well, all you can do is hope she never finds out."

"How do i get in bed with Lady Grey?"

First catch her at the right time. As the mayor she is constantly working. Between dusk and midnight shell head into her bedchamber. Make sure your attractive as possible. Give her a expensive gift, alot of flirting and there ya go

VI. Jack of Blades.

Im not going to botther explaining what you have to do before you fight Jack of blades, Maze is pretty easy, and the focus site deal is pretty easy as well. Just know that your not really being timed

Recomended spell: Slow time

Treasure clue 1: The bounty hunt quest. After you kill the bandit the sister will give you this clue[/color]

You will meet Jack in the chamber of fate. The first order of buisness is to get rid of the minions. Slow time and enflame are GREAT for getting this done. Jack will block alot if you have a flourish from the minions use it on him. When he starts moving and shooting lgihting out of his sword roll around then quickly stike back. Soon jack will begin to fly around and attack you with various techniques. Some are impossible to dodge. You will notice a series of rocks around the chamber of fate. when you see him charging for these attacks, get behind a rock.. it'll help.. alot. as your hiding, charge up your bow to hit him with. When its safe come out from behind the rock and shoot him with the arrow. Pretty much just keep doing this until you kill him.

VII. Other commonely asked questions

"Whats with this temple of avo?"
From here you can gain a few different things. For starters yu can get years taking of your age if you donate enough. (about 48,000)
Once you donate about 64,000 you will gain the paladin title
The final prize is the Sentinus weaspon; which is a silver greatmace. To obtain this you must make a single large donation, over 32,000.

Special note: Ironically The better you are the more it will cost you, if you are evil it will not cost you as much as one who is realy good.

"whats with the chapel of skorm and skorms bow?"

For some this is very tricky, for others very easy, it all depends i guess. Skorm likes human sacrifices, not cash.
Bodyguards make the easiest sacrafices becuase they will warp with you.
The first thing you can obatin here is up to 10 years off your age. This can be achieved by giving skorm multiple sacrafices. then eventually the necromancer title.
The final item is Skorms bow.. there are many ways to do this,but i think [link=]DeesterB[/link] said it best, i hope she wont mind that i quote her

"Frankly you get more points per sacrifice if you go to Skorms Chapel at midnight (that is when you hear a guards voice say "Lights out you 'orrible lot". That is when night its right at the top. Go there first, then transport out and get your people to be sacrificed. I took one guy, the guy from Twinblades Camp and I got the bow frsit try. But then I tried again, in a different game and it sacrificed him, the guy from Bowerstone tavern and the guy outside the cemetary in Oakvale and I still didn't get it. So I went and dug outside the Hero's Guild and transported 9 people with me. You get more points for the women then the men. I would just save the game before you sacrifice. That way if it does not work you can try again and not lose your mercs as they give the most points per sacrifice."

More on Skorms Bow

"Getting it requires some precise timing, depending on whether or not
your character is Good or Evil. You simply go to the Darkwood Chapel of Skorm
and sacrifice someone who is 'Good', such as the mercenary at The Temple of
Avo, or the mercenary in Oakvale, or your wife. Basically you teleport back to Darkwood,
then travel back to Skorm's Chapel. Here is where the hard part comes in; The
sacrifice should be done as close to 6:00 AM as possible. For those of you who
do not know, 6:00 AM on the Fable Clock is when Night is on the left side of
the line and Day is on the right side of the line, and the arrow is exactly
aligned with the line that separates Night and Day. The more Evil your
character is, the more precise you have to be with timing your sacrifice. If
done right, you will be presented with a load of Evil Points, and Skorm's Bow.

There really is no one way to get Skorm's Bow, but the way that worked for me
is what I just told you above. I made the sacrifice with a halfway evil
character, and I had to sacrifice it right on the dot at 6:00 AM. It takes a
few tries, and it's frustrating so don't give up.

[color=c1c2c9]Treasure clue 6: windmill hill, a chest in the corner[/color]

"Hey, what about sandgoose and all the secrets PM promised us"

Yes, there have been many rumors. People have tried to find these things for months and have com up empty handed. It is said some people have even hacked the game. No one really knows and no one really cares anymore. but what i can tell you. if you can even get skorms bow or get married... i wouldnt even bother trying to search becuase anything you have found has already been looked at.

"is there a dragon or not!?"

No. they took it out. nuff' said

"what about a singing sword?"

have you ever seen one?

"whats with the frying pan?"

basically it sucks. it has 4 augmentation slots or so. This could help if your a spellcaster. Fill it up with mana augs and your good to go.

"how long should the game take?"
7-15 hours depending on skill level

"what else is there to do after i beat the game?
You can kill villagers and take over all the cities. Search for the hidden dolls. things like that

"how do i pull the sword from the stone!?"

Frist try to pull it
from tehre you must
improve physique by 5
toughness by 3
and health by 2



[color=c1c2c9]VIII. Special features.


I'll give you the breif area where each one is.. Not only would it be too much typing but you can figure somethings out on your own!

1 Lookout point
2 Bowerstone south
3. Fisher creek
4.Guild woods
5.Greatwood lake
6. Orchard farm
7. Rose cottage
8. Hobbe cave
9. Darkwood lake
10. Ancient cullis gate
11. Grey house
12. Oakvale
13. Twinblade's camp
14. witchwood stones
15. witchwood lake
16. knothole glade
17.windmill #1
18. Windmill hill #2
19. Headman's hill
20. Bowerstone manor
21. Lynchfield graveyard #1
22. Lynchfield graveyard #2
23. Lynchfield graveyard #3
24. Cliffside path
25. Hook coast

The treasure clues are hidden through out this thread, can you find them?

I would tell you of the hero dolls.. but they suck[/color]


Well I think thats just about anything that is of importance. I hope that helps. Goodluck

- [hl=black]Prk[/hl][hl=red]Esnatch[/hl]


Old Account
Nov 10, 2011
I did say I wanted less caves so that way there could be a point to them or they are wasting there time making a lot with no point… why did you have to take it apart if you take sentences out of context they mean nothing…

“Ya see there would be no point in trying to hide a tomb.”

Well the tombs are old enough to have skeletons walking in them and I don’t think the skeletons do any gardening so why can’t trees and stuff grow up around the entrance this means less people saw it and less raided it therefore there would be more than 10 gold left in it…

“What would make you think there would be gold in a cave? Yes it is a game, but they are trying to make it pretty realistic.”

Ok cave is my term for tomb, cave, crack in the earth, or forgotten dungeon. And it is possible a cave would be a good hiding place for bandits’ gold… or other treasure.

“so your saying you think every cave should have good loot in it, just like they all do in real life?”

I suppose that you are going to be able to shoot fire out of your hand in real life or kill a giant wasp. All games have caves with gold in them or something of value. I can see ware you are coming from but it is a game and why else would you travel out in the wilderness in a game other than finding something that will make you more powerful or richer.

“Yeah I can see where your comin from, cuz you probably wasted like 3 hours in there. why did you waste your time in there anyway?”

Is this some form of joke? Because I was using it for an example and It probably took me 5 min max but still for 10 gold… (Didn’t you notice that there aren’t many trees in Morrowind at all I was making reference to that)

“What exactly is "the point" to you? If the point is to have treasure of kings in each one then your right, but that is not the point.”

Than what is it? There must be a point to them so you seem to know it pleas tell all. Well the point I was trying to make is there was little point behind having 40 tombs with little or no purpose when they could have had 5 caves with lots in it and lots of skeletons (or other beasts) and have a couple with very little in them.


Originally posted by amailhot:

Lots of people come to this board asking similar questions. I've decided to put together a series of mini-faqs answering many of the most frequently asked questions. Hopefully people new to this game and/or these boards will come here first and get the answers they are looking for before starting new threads.

Anyway, as the title suggests, this lesson is about how to get the legendary weapons of Albion. i didn't bother to include the stats of these weapons...go to the faqs section for this game (you don't need insider, don't worry) and you'll find that stuff. i got some of this information from faqs, some from people on these boards, and some from my own experience with this game. thanks to all from whom i borrowed.

it's theoretically possible that i've forgotten a weapon or misstated something about obtaining one...if so, hopefully one of you regs will correct me so i can edit this before it's too late.

Skorm's Bow:
Might as well start with the one people wonder about the most. To begin, here is a sure-fire method to get skorm's bow right at the start of the game, courtesy of stogeythesecond: [link=]LINK[/link]
Location: Chapel of Skorm
Task: Make sacrifices
How To: The general principle is this: be slightly good (between one and two bars on the good side) and then sacrifice mercs at midnight. The easiest mercs to find at the beginning are in Bowerstone South and in Oakvale. Go to Oakvale, walk the Oakvale merc to the chapel of skorm, and when midnight hits (right when he takes his payment) sacrifice him. Immediately teleport to Bowerstone South, grab that merc, teleport back to the chapel of skorm and sacrifice him. Hopefully this'll get you the bow. important:save your game before making the sacrifices, in case this doesn't work the first time.

{telling time: midnight is when the dark half-circle is directly above (separated by a horizontal line) and the light half-circle is directly below.}

Cutlass Bluetane:
Another one that seems to give people trouble.
Location: Demon Door outside of Hobbes Cave.
Task: talk to the door when your combat multiplier is at least 14.
How to: it can be difficult to get your multiplier that high. Here are some tips:
(1) consider using physical shield spell, so that you aren't randomly hit.
(2) Teleport out of the area to an area (such as cliffside path near lychfield graveyard) where enemies constantly respawn. Get your combat multiplier WAY up (you lose half of your multiplier when you teleport, iirc) then teleport back and talk to the door.
(3) Use the force push glitch -- get yourself surrounded by lots of enemies, then start hammering away at the force push spell button. Even when an enemy is down/dead, if he is in range of the attack your combat multiplier will go up (until the body disappears). Get force push at about level two and you should have no problem getting your multiplier up high enough.

Location: the sword in the stone in the temple of Avo area.
Task: pull the damned thing out.
How to: max out your strength stats. some claim that it's possible to get it without maxing out all of your strength stats, fine. i don't care. i don't want to get into that discussion. i say, make sure by maxing out the stats.

Katana Hiryu:
Location: in a 15 key chest in lady grey's bedroom
Task: get into the bedroom with enough silver keys
How to: you will have to marry lady grey. and have 15 silver keys. the end.

Ronok the Axe:
Location: Grey House Demon Door.
Task: get through the door.
How to: you must be married to lady grey.

The Dollmaster's Mace:
Location: Abandoned Road Demon Door (on way to bandit camp from Oakvale)
Task: get through the door
How to: you must have (1) Bright Platemail armor, (2) Dark Will User's Suit, and (3) Bandit's Suit. then talk to the door.

Wellow's Pickhammer:
Location: Greatwood Gorge Demon Door
Task: get through the door
How to: you must do something "evil" in the door's presence. Either (1) killing someone who's following you, or (2) eating 20 crunchy chicks in front of the door will do.

The Murren Greathammer:
Location: 20 Key chest in the hero's guild.
Task: open the chest.
How to: get 20 silver keys.

The Murren Greataxe:
Location: silver key chest inside Hook Coast Lighthouse
Task: get into lighthouse, open chest
How to: bash down the door (or pick it open), 15 keys required to open the chest.

Solus Greatsword:
Location: Bowerstone North
Task: buy the damned thing, cheapskate.
How to: see above.

The Sentinus:
Location: Temple of Avo
Task: Tithe.
How to: make donations to the temple of Avo. (300,000 if good, 33,000 if fully evil). i recommend saving the game before donating, in case it doesn't work you can go back without having lost all your hard earned cash.

Arken's Crossbow:
Location: Darkwood lake, 15 key chest
Task: open chest
How to: 15 keys required

Sword of Aeons:
Location: hero's guild
Task: Finish game, be an evil bastard.
How to: Defeat Jack of Blades. Elect to kill your sister. Sit through the credits. Afterwards, you can continue playing with the sword of aeons.

The Frying Pan:
Location: Orchard Farm.
Task: find all 6 treasure clues, then find the treasure (important!! find the clues before digging for the treasure, or it is worthless).
How to: (from the ign game guide)
Treasure Clue #1: Received from the grateful sister at the end of the Bounty Hunter Quest. Bounty Hunter Quest is a Guild side quest, done before rescuing Scarlet Robe.
Treasure Clue #2: Given at the end of The Lost Trader Quest. Lost Trader Quest is a Guild side quest
Treasure Clue #3: Given after killing the final assassin at Hook Coast. You must first kill the previous assassins, sent in revenge of Twinblade (The attacks occur outside Knothole Glade, middle of Prison Path, Witchwood Cullis Gate near focus stone site, and the windmill on Windmill Hill)
Treasure Clue #4: Given after winning the archery contest at Knothole Glade. Must complete Break the Siege Quest in Knothole Glade first)
Treasure Clue #5: Found in a chest at Orchard Farm
Treasure Clue #6: Dig up the clue in a mound of dirt behind the windmill at Windmill Hill
TREASURE: At the first barn, dig in between the barn wall and the bales of hay to find the Frying Pan

Ok, that's it for today's lesson. Happy gaming :)


No Longer a Noob
Aug 8, 2000
What about the ladies? Can I get myself a wife?

Yes you can. You can interact and flirt with women, and eventually get one to marry you. You can even have kids, who will look somewhat like you as they grow up. It is possible to have more than one wife, in several different towns, but you will have to be careful that they never meet each other, and if you don’t pay enough attention to them, they might just leave you. However, if you spend too much time with your family and not enough out heroing, it is rumored you might find your wife and kids have disappeared one day in the same way as your parents…

^^^^ That part need to be changed now.


4% Neanderthal
Jan 31, 2004
Yes, stealing and commiting any other crime is considered an evil action. It would earn you negative morality points (but not nearly as many as killing the grocery clerk and then stealing said item).


Old Account
Nov 10, 2011
Wander if you are too busy i can write up an updated version.

I like FAQs to they are better than walkthroughs (which i of none of for you fable) I really like the offical one...i printed it out at school and got in a lot of trouble because it was 76 pages long


Old Account
Nov 10, 2011
Ok i havent seen this question asked, but can you have multiple people follow you? because i know you can have one, but if i wanted to slay all the men in a village so there would be no competition against the women, could i have all the men follow me to the forest and go AWOL on em? hehe

btw i think this is my first post at ign..


Old Account
Nov 10, 2011
If you are famous enough dozens of people will just start following you in town. Though i don't know if auto follower leave town


Old Account
Nov 10, 2011
ok 1 more question, but i think the answer is no, but would there be like impaling<kind of like in MK:Deadly Alliance> because it would be neat to impale someone then quickly switch to your backup then remove the impaled weapon and go back to using that... even though it would probably be pretty hard.

another thing is would you be able to disarm some of the enemies, because i mean you could take a bandit's sword if your strong, but i know you wouldnt be able to disarm anyone... disarming just popped in my head so im still thinking of how it would work...


Old Account
Nov 10, 2011
Both questions as far as i know are no's.


Oh and welcome to the boards...please don't become a stupid question noob (so far oyu are doing good)


Old Account
Nov 10, 2011
reply thanks, but i have just been chillin at these boards reading messages for a long time and i have read a good number of reviews, so hopefully i wont ask some obvious questions... its just that those i didnt remember reading about so i posted them


Old Account
Nov 10, 2011
No you can't...if there is ANY jumping it will be zelda style where only in the right area you can jump.

I wasn't going to edit your but write my own but i will look it over and edit what needs to be if i get some time


Old Account
Nov 10, 2011
Ok. Sweet-ass post wanderer, but I am a total FFXI junkie, and with the weapons, what are my chances with a Great Katana? I ask about this alot, but it would be so wicked to have the "Cachiiiing" that I love about FFXI, in Fable.


Aug 27, 2004
hi yall Im really sorry if this has been answered alot of times before but I really want to know what this term means. In the review and other people ahve been saying that its a sandbox world. What do these people mean when they say sandbox? thanks
Aug 11, 2003
Instead of relying on a mapping engine

Can't believe I didn't tear this apart when it was first posted. All of Morrowind's world was hand-constructed.


Old Account
Nov 10, 2011
hey does anyone know if fable is on sale at walmart?
or did any one buy it at walmart?
i need to know so i wont drive 40 min for nothing


Oct 19, 2001
Yes you Can Fish

You can catch Fish
You can display the Caught Fish as a trophy on the wall of your house

You can also catch "secrets" like Keys and Elixers in "special" fishing holes


Oct 27, 2002
Look at the map screen and it will tell you if there are any houses for sale in the town.

Its a yellow icon. Walk up to that house and there will be a sign out front. Hit A while facing the sign and you will be prompted to buy it.

Rinse and repeat.

I have only seen three houses for sale. But quite honestly theres no real reason to do it unless you want to get married or a place to crash.

The cheapest house is the one in the slums. You can fix it up though. You can also hang your trophies in the house.


Nov 17, 2001
"Where is the mayors necklace?"

talk to all the green dots in North Bowerstone, they'll tell you it's been stolen. Head over to the cemetary outside Oakvale and see two guys acting shady. Sneak (hold down the L joystick) around to the wall behind them and thell tell you where it is...

which is burried on the beach in oakvale inbetween two boats.


Old Account
Nov 10, 2011
Frying Pan of Doom aka Hidden Booty Hunt Quest

You must find the clues before digging up the frying pan.

Treasure Clue #1
- Recieved from the grateful sister at the end of the Bounty Hunter Quest
- Bounty Hunter Quest is a Guild side quest, done before rescuing Scarlet Robe.

Treasure Clue #2
- Given at the end of The Lost Trader Quest
- Lost Trader Quest is a Guild side quest

Treasure Clue #3
- Given after killing the final assassin at Hook Coast
- You must first kill the previous assassins, sent in revenge of Twinblade (The attacks occur outside Knothole Glade, middle of Prison Path, Witchwood Cullis Gate near focus stone site, and the windmill on Windmill Hill)

Treasure Clue #4
- Given after winning the archery contest at Knothole Glade
- Must complete Break the Siege Quest in Knothole Glade first)

Treasure Clue #5
- Found in a chest at Orchard Farm

Treasure Clue #6
- Dig up the clue in a mound of dirt behind the windmill at Windmill Hill

After finding the clues, head to the barn at Orchard Farms, and dig in between the barn and the bales of hay.


Old Account
Nov 10, 2011

How do alignment modifiers work? Particularly for armor/weapons/spells?

This aspect of the game is a little confusing to me and isn't documented anywhere I can find.

Weapons and armor make sense, the "bright" stuff has a + modifier thus seems to be of "good" alignment.

Not so sure about the spells, however. Unless I'm just reading it completely wrong but it seems opposite of this regarding spells. Some spells have alignment modifier (as shown in the levelling-up menu area).

I could have swore that Heal spell had a (-)negative number alignment modifier and other spells like drain life/berserk had a + modifier next to them.

Am I reading that right? Any way, I'm not entirely sure what these alignment modifiers do exactly but I'm confused by the fact that spells *seem* inconsistent with armor/weapons alignment modifier. CAn anyone help with this?


Old Account
Nov 10, 2011
ok this is funny, if you have a fish go to a house that you own. Go to a plaque that a trophy on, instead go to the produce and use a fish. When this happends the hero will pull out a fish and use it as a boxing GLOVE!!! HA HA


Sep 22, 2004
the alignment modifiers work as far as how your alignment is while your are wearing armor and weapons. the spell alignment modifier affects how much it cost in exp to aquire of level the spell up. if you are a fully good char. you will see a (-1200) or so alignment modifier when you try to level the spell up at the hero guild.

clear as mud probably but i hope it helps.
Sep 17, 2004
i dunno why but i cant read the guide** but i have 2 questions exactly how do u get the blue lines and where are all the fighting places??? in order plz


Sep 22, 2004
the best armor that i've found is plate armor. i'm a good char. so i wear bright plate armor. i bought the chest plate and gloves from a traveling merchant heading toward the arena and i bought the boots and leg plates in knothole glade. there is no helmet for the plate armor so i wear a bright chain helmet and it goes together well.


Sep 22, 2004
i don't think it's a specific level, i believe that it is a specific level higher than you were the first time you tried. that exact level has been hotly debated but essentially you need to pretty much max out physique and you also need to raise your toughness and health a couple of levels


Mar 29, 2004
No, you can only pull the sword from the stone AFTER you have all of your health, strength type atributes maxed out


Old Account
Nov 10, 2011
what are those big round semi circles that are attached to the ground covered with moss and ancient writing used for?


Jul 5, 2004
put on full bright plate armor and talk to the door, then dark will users, then bandit gear


Old Account
Nov 10, 2011
I've finished the game way too quickly because I kept losing the chance to do side quests.

I'm starting over, but in the beginning of the game, there are 3 side quests that I can't do because I don't yet have enough renown (snow troll at hook coast, etc.) When I do the required quests (e.g. orchard farm), those three side quests go away.

How can I get to do these side quests?

Thank you for your help, I love this game!!


Sep 22, 2004
I'm having the same problem too. There are 4 quests and I can only choose one. I also read earlier in an IGN article that what quests you do affects the ones you do later. So if you do the wasp quest then people will give you quests in which you help people more often. If thats true then I'd like to try one of the other three quests and get different ones later on in the game.


Old Account
Nov 10, 2011
i think the other three disappear. ive read that other people have the same trouble, as i did, with the quests disappering. so i guess they are phantom quests.


Old Account
Nov 10, 2011
just want to post this here for everyones reference:


Old Account
Nov 10, 2011
in case you all noticed, those first quests disapear very quickly, and they are probably just like tease quests. like, kill a troll, a wasp, minions, or a town. but you can only kill the wasp at that point. but im gonna get lv 7 renown just for spite, and get the quests.
Mar 15, 2004
fable is simply live aware

meaning the only purpose it has is telling your xbl buddies when you're online playing fable so they can see what game you're playing and possibly invite you to another one


Old Account
Nov 10, 2011
Actually u can getthe sword out with just full fisice and tufnes this shud work!

Can u all tel me where the the cheapest houses are?

How do i get in2 tha barz cella?

Im soo cool
Jun 20, 2004
Has anyone gotten Summon +4
I have more than enough exp. but I cant buy it is this some kind of a glitch

Does it have anything to due with alingment Im all evil and i have berserk max can you not have 2 maxed out spells
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