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Oct 22, 2004
inline_henry said:
haha stupid...fanboys are angry...? Seriously!?

one of THE


Yes, friend, you certainly know how to judge something's quality!
Oct 4, 2007
this game dissapointed me...i mean i thought that the game will revive DYW but it only made it look bad.the graphics for the game are horrible and should be better which makes me agreee with ign on the graphics score and the camera gave me splitting headaches that just made me turn of the system.the combos are shitty and some copy the others combo(like dian wei and wei yan)and are fewer in number which makes me agree with ign on the gameplay.its like they did not even try to make the best DYW possible and just put some old ideas together and made an average game.and whats up with gan ning really,two little swords gome on what happend to the river master and the old musou attack.....just sad i tell ya just sad,i just may never play a DYW game again:(.
May 24, 2007
"lol PS3 sucks. its lame that metal gear solid will be on PS3, but i know after a year or so they will release it on 360. Sony will never get there hands on halo, mario, and zelda thats why there fucked "

If sony is that bad then how did it sell the most consles ever without halo, mario, and zelda? The Wii does stand a chance to pass it but the x360will never pass it up. More and likely Metal Gear Solid won't be released on the x360.

I am considering getting Dynasty Warriors 6 but some of the reviews are scaring me from buying it. I'll probaley wait a while until it hits the clearance bins and then buy it. How many characters are there to use?


Feb 28, 2008
The game is really good for Dynasty Warriors fans...
I was like... amazed for awile about the swimming ability haha.
And whoever said MGS 4 is coming out on the 360, HAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHA. Don't make me laugh... Seriously, who do oyu think you are? You don't egt every single game... I mean not that the PS3 would really want halo... Aim shoot, aim shoot, aim shoot... That's a little repetative for me.
But anyways... the game is good for Dynasty Warriors fans.


Almost Not a Noob
Jul 13, 2003
"People are quick to accuse the DW series of being repetitive, but has there been any real change in the gameplay of Grand Theft Auto since it debuted on the orignal Playstation so many years ago?"

You didn't just compare GTA with DW did you?

Come on now,

I think the GTA series deserves more then to be compared to DW which as litterally been the same since really DW 4.

LOL, I'm not even going to bother to defend GTA further then that - nuff said.

On Topic: From what I have been reading, the overall feeling is that Koei has taken alot out of the game such as alot of character story modes, some characters all together and even changed characters voice acting/scripts which are actually worse (As well as the attire and Weapons). Hell It's not even two button mashing anymore for combo's - it's one.

They took a HUGE step backward with this game - Here is a bright idea for Koei. This is what they should do - WAIT a couple years and lets see uhh . . . BUILD UPON THE GAME!!! Instead of cutting characters out and leaving out some character story lines. This is terrible . . . each warrior game previous to this has increased the world (to an extent, characters, added abilities/items what-ever) . . . not this one. You can't say cutting things out is a plus IMO. Idon't care how good the graphics are - you are cutting corners. Which 9 times outta 10 is not good.

They should've taken a few notes from that of the GTA series. Atleast they spend a long time to get their shizzer right. What it's been about 4 years since SA? They even pushed back the dat from last oct I think to what april? Everyone is waiting for GTA becuase they know from past games it will be really good and alot of things will be improved (as well as other things added in).

Koei releases a DW game every year, they were using the basic Madden formula, add only a little extra and change a few things every year. Like I said that was before DW 6 haha - Who ever buys DW 6 are fools. If anything it's a rental and I'm not even going to waste money doing that. DW 3 was by far the best, I even bought DW 4, 4 XL, 4 Emipres, 5 and even 5 Empires. But no more - my last hope was with DW 6 . . .I am tired of this series and the lack of improvements, seriously how do you take a step BACKWARDS - why can't people be more like Take two or Blizzard? When they need more time they push something back - it's worth it if the people give it good reviews (so more people buy it). Anyways, Since DW 3/4 this game has been the same basically and has barley changed. Even with the next-gen system here they can't even bring the upgrades in gameplay . . .

Graphics have never been 'that' important to me if it hurts the gameplay. Some people might see better graphics as a fair trade off, I don't - I can deal with 'lesser' graphics if I have more to do gamewise (like getting 4th weapons, items, maxing out the new characters what-ever) I haven't even played the game (DW 6) and I know already from what Koei took away that it's a huge let down.

What I have to wait till XL or Empires to get the characters and things put back in so I can waste an extra 40 or so bucks to play stuff that should've been in Dw 6? F' that. Koei has taken enough of my money as it is - They used that scam on me TWICE before - with DW 4 expansions and with the DW 5 expansion. Atleast then they had a semi-good excuse. That it was PS2 . . .

There is no excuse for downgrading with the new 'hard-drive' syatems. You shouldn't be getting rid of things but expanding on them.

that's all guys.

I'm out.

Mar 5, 2008
Well it's no surprise that this game got a bad review as does all DW games but....Okay, lets be honest. DW is a game for hardcore DW fans and yes, I admit I am one of them. From a female point of view, DW ( along with Tombraider) is the only games I play compared to my husband who seems to play everything.

Okay first of all I was terribly dissapointed to find that some of the good characters had no musou mode stories & some have been cut out all together. As you probably guessed by my name, my favorite character is not even in this one. Not to mention some of the other characters like Yue Ying has the exact same weapon & moves as Sun Shang along with other characters that I've come to like in the series. The graphics are better but foes are still disapearing off the screen. Also this game seems to be way harder than the rest. Lu Bu is almost impossible to beat & even the pions are harder. Granted it's more challenging but Dang! Everyone's weapon has changed & it is a plus for some like Sun Jian, but Xiahou Dun's has changed for the worst.

Being able to swim & call horses is cool in all but it doesn't make up for what this game is lacking. For all you DW & SW fans, I suggest getting Warriors Orochi. Your getting the same storyline anyway with DW6 but at least in Warriors Orochi you have oodles of characters to choose from & replayability is off the chain.

For all you guys, turn your ladies on to this series if you want to get her into gaming, I mean it's easy, entertaining & what's not to like about pwning multiple enemies at once?


Mar 6, 2008
DWs definateley a cult game, I don't think anyone can be won over unless there gently introduced to the game and have a nack for violence (or a fetish). But its pretty narrowminded to say the graphics havn't improved, I mean JUST LOOK

comes out here tomorrow XD


Oct 4, 2007
I have played almost all of the DW games do you think i should get this one

Trust me it really does work all you need to do is refer 8 people to the site and a trial of a sponsored site and then you get a PS3 or $400 easy.
Nov 12, 2007
I am from Germany. I can not speak English well. I translate my letter to the translation engine "Google":


Gameshark= REVIEW Rating= B+ (85.0%)

UnderGroundOnline (UGO)= REVIEW Rating= B+ (85.0%)

Wonderwallweb= REVIEW Rating= 8.8/10 (88.0%)

Eurogamer= REVIEW Rating= 8/10 (80.0%)

Gameinformer= REVIEW Rating= 7.25/10 (72.5%)

PS3fanboy= REVIEW Rating= 7.5/10 (75.0%)

Totally360= REVIEW Rating= 7/10 (70.0%)

Gamespy= REVIEW Rating= 3.5/5 (70.0%)

Yours sincerely,



Mar 17, 2004
Meh, one thing that really disappointed me was the movies and cut lame and cheesy. *yawn* I swear they use to be more action its a soap opera and they say the same crap over and over...crap about vision and completing a duty to their i get it but you dont have to say the same crap every line you speak.


Old Account
Nov 10, 2011
Very very disappointed. Not with game play, but with some key choices.

*Alternate weapons look no different for characters that don't have a main story.

*No ultimate fourth weapons!!??

*Clone characters!? Seriously!? Zhu Xu, Huang Gai
and Dong Zhou to name just a few.


Nov 14, 2007
I just wanted to say that I had never played *ANY* of the dynasty warrior games. NONE. I didn't really even know what they were about. The only recollection I have is 7 years ago seeing my friend playing his brand new PS2 with a weird game I never heard of. Thinking, those graphics aren't so next-gen, but then realizing 'holy crap, there are so many characters on screen.... and it has a good framerate, wow!'.
And that's it. I didn't play videogames for a while. But the PS3 lured me back. So I bought this game based on what I remembered from 7 years ago. I almost bought Dynasty Warriors 2, but figured, why? I'll just spend the extra $20 or $30 and get the next-gen version.
But the low rating shocked me, and almost scared me off.
ANyway, I love this game. It's really fun. In so many ways that people have probably already described. I find it challenging, and that I suck at it sometimes cuz I don't know the concept behind everything.
I guess the bottom line is.... if you never have played a dynasty warriors game... I would rate this game a 9.0 or higher. I don't think many games are worthy of an A ranking, but this is one of them.
Of course.... I'm sure if this really is the same game from 2000 and I had played every version, i would think differently.
Hell, every FPS is the exact same game.... IGN should be less forgiving for whatevers the new game using the Unreal engine.
May 24, 2007
I recently got the game finally and played alittle of it. Its basically the same with updated graphics and sound but still fun. I've noticed the weapons have changed which I have seen some compiants but it gives some variety from the older ones. How many characters are there?


Apr 22, 2008
The only negative thing I have to say about the graphics mouth movement in the FMV's?! :(

@RuMoR808: I could've sworn I seen Jiang Wei (at least as an enemy unit) in the game on one of the Wei campaigns, but apparently didn't make the cut for the playable characters. :/

I also thought the new Lu Bu campaign that they made was AWESOME (even if it was a bit brutal to clear leveling purely in Musuo mode), but was still well worth the work in unlocking Lu Bu.


Apr 22, 2008
Just looked again to double check...there is mouth movement in the FMV...must've overlooked apologies


Old Account
Nov 10, 2011
This was a gr8 game but im goin to hve to be a lil negative......

*less characters
*less levels

Why the hell did they get rid of so many characters like xing cai or jiang wei......
Half the amount of levels

also like only half characters had musou modes

i'm a big fan of DW but i expected more......


Almost Not a Noob
Jul 11, 2007
What ted32, Resistance Fall of Man was a good game? loll it was like 10 000 times less fun than Wolfensteing 3D ! Even more it is the most bad game I own on PS3 and for your information I have Genji and Gundam and yeah they both sucks a lot but what? It's going really far saying RFOM is showing the true potential of the PS3 i mean this game was mediocre to the best. I wasn't even feeling that I was in the 50s or 60s i don't really remember... not worth remembering either. It was like ... hey look at me , I'm a single man and I'll kill every aliens that my 4 millions buddy altogether did not get to do ! loll what a crap. You make me think that all game developpers these days aims pretty low when they do games. Well Metal Gear Solid 4 look decent i must say but I did not play yet and COD4 seems to be interesting too.

For DW6 , stop nailing down that game I did All character up to level 50 (yeah... even Dian Wei or Zhuge Liang and clones... )
BTW this game graphics look just fantastic, it's not a visualy stunning game but the consistancy of the graphics are just amazing. Well and for the slowing downs while we play multi player... well it's just slowing down and they are managed pretty well.

The new battle system is quite good too, ok we do less combo like strikes but it require you to be more intense in the way you play or else you become a little ***.

with 4 difficulty levels and a tons of characters even if they are clones of each others wich is cool btw if 2 persons want to play the same guy or if you want to play one that you like the skin.

There is tons of story telling too that is very nice

well DW6 was a great game and not a crappy thing that should not be on shelves .... well there is a lot of more crappier titles out there that should not be on shelves like all that EAgames as made since last year lol what a laughable company (dumb makers for dumb players)

Let's all by FPS!

Next innovation : buy frags on the net!

you are not satisfied with your frag rate in our last FPS game?

well that's not a problem now just buy flag in bulk

20$ = 20 frags!
50$ = 75 frags!
100$ = 200 frags!

Now you can brag about your frag count to all your buddy!

EA sucks my ....s
Dec 30, 2006
This game I found to be really crappy basically because of the lack of story and characters, such as Jiang Wei he was by far my favorite and hes not even unlockable. Sun Ce is at least in the game but he has no story and what about Meng Huo you can't play him either and he was awesome. Overall the game blew if anyone can answer why no one is on the game please tell me.


Dec 30, 2006
I have been a fan of this series since the start.
I thought that SW2 was great, Orochi warriors was great and was really looking forward to this one.
What a let down.
Its got fewer characters, fewer weapons, i don't like the level design and think it just feels unconvincing.
Jun 19, 2008
hmm seems like a pretty decient game to play. it's cool and all cause you can now swim, climb, and the horses jump. but I kinda rather like sticking to the old versions like DW 3 since the area is far lot bigger. what I don't get is how come they got rid of alot of characters in DW6 especially the new ones such as guan ping and zuo ci. anybody know why?[face_confused]


Oct 18, 2007
This game suffers from what all games suffer from, ie laziness in development. Why did they do it this way? Because they knew DW fans would buy it AND they know they can't get a refund when you buy a game, no matter how bad it is. Developers have become lazy and rush games out because they know they will make money no matter how bad it is. No refunds equals money. If refunds for bad video games were allowed, almost all developers would be out of business.


Jun 8, 2008
i love this game, i can't wait for dynasty warriors 48, basically the same thing with different colours and what not, at least the nba live series changes the button configuration every year.


Jul 22, 2005
why do they always take content away in every sequel.
In SW they had Create An Officer Mode but in SW2 they only had Soduku. And even with both of these modes, they still didn;t add them to Warriors Orochi 1 and 2. Its pathetic.


Jun 9, 2004
Yeah, I guess we shouldn't have expected much of a difference as far as gameplay, but I will say I do like some things. I like the more realistic horse movement and action. I also like some of the new costumes. HOWEVER! I absolutely hate that they changed some of the character's weapons. Has anyone tried to play with Xiahou Dun yet? OMG! How could they take away his broadsword and give him such a cumbersome, idiotic weapon? And Sun Shang Xiang is absolutely ridiculous! She looks like a clown! And where did "Bow Princess" come from? I'll take her Chakram anyday! Haven't played the whole game yet, but from what I've seen I'd pretty much give it the same rating. Could have been worse, but could have been A LOT better!


Jan 14, 2009
The developers are losing focus. From playing the older games, there was emphasis on actual history. And following games continued the history of actuality and the previous games. They simply changed it too much from a standpoint of true Koei fans.


Apr 15, 2004
I dont see why they would take away characters and especially eliminate the Nanman tribe. Does anyone remember how much of a nightmare that stage was in DW4


Old Account
Nov 10, 2011
For everyone here being misguided. Talking about Characters being eliminated. This is not true. This is just a fact that the reviewers only played through the game once.

Almost everyone is available as a 2nd player officer, or for all free mode-s for both players. The main character in Musuo are just less, because they really made some nice CGI's for them. As if we wanted to play through the campaign of the legendary Pang Fucking Tong.

Stop whining, get this game if you know how fun a DW game can be. It's awesome. 8/10 for me.


Apr 7, 2009
I think IGN's score is slightly wrong. I think it should get a 7-7.5 in score. Also reply to CalMC17 Yes the Nanman level in DW4 was very hard. I think I've restarted that level more than anyother DW game ever made.
Oct 1, 2007
This game is an abomination in the eyes of DW. They pretty much changed every single character completely and ruined the fighting system. Oh wow you can swim now, that just ruins the tactical advantage of bridges. This game was garbage and im pissed i actually wasted my money on it.


Jun 6, 2001
XtheDestroyer said:
This game is an abomination in the eyes of DW. They pretty much changed every single character completely and ruined the fighting system. Oh wow you can swim now, that just ruins the tactical advantage of bridges. This game was garbage and im pissed i actually wasted my money on it.

So your problem with it is that it's not exactly the same as previous games in the series? [face_applause]

Yes, brides are now no longer the only way to cross water! Just the quickest! And swimming in not way makes bridges useless since levels are designed with multiple levels of elevation and you can only exit the water in places where the terrain isn't too steep to allow it. If you're going to complain about the game, at least complain about it's actual flaws...

Like the lack of Musou modes, or the clone movesets, or the cut characters and levels that were obviously intended to be in and would have been if the game had been finished...
Dec 19, 2009
This game was horrible...I am a Dynasty Warriors fanatic and I just have to agree that this game was an abomination. First off that I don't like is that their weapons totally changed. Xiahou Dun's weapon was super slow and my favorite characters, Xiao Qiao and Sun Shang Xiang were bad. The whole dancing on the floor with Xiao Qiao was really bad. Sun Shang Xiang lost all respect. She is a total tom-boy and she can't be one with some arrows. The thing that got me the most was that they took out almost half the characters and didn't even add new ones. For two games straight, its been the same people over and over. I'm pretty sure there are more characters out there, waiting to be found!! Graphics were amazing but overall I regretted getting the game.
Sep 22, 2010
When I started going through the story modes and found out it was so limited I was so disappointed, despite the fact that other players are unlockable but only playable through the free modes. It was even worse when most characters got basically the same endings... so disppointing I wanted to just wished they'd just imported DW5 onto the newer platforms instead.
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