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Old Account
Nov 10, 2011
Not only am I an American, but a librarian. I have read Romance of the Three Kingdoms parts one and two. These games do NOTHING to capture the spirit of these stories. If someone made a video game about the novels of Louis Ferdinand Celine, I would be pumped...unless it was insipid, one button gameplay like DW has been since day one. These games are horrible as games, and as interpretations of the novels. Yeah, remember that part part in the story when Zhuge Liang ran around battles he was not present for (Yellow Turban Rebellion) killing people with a feather fan? I don't.


Old Account
Nov 10, 2011
"The only reason you guys don't like Dynasty Warriors is because you are all typical Americans who get a headache just thinking about books. Read the "Three Kingdoms"; then maybe you'll understand. It is so epic that you'll wish you were there during the war and this game does a great job at providing that experience. But, I guess my words are lost on you since most Americans barely know how to read, let alone want to."

Not only am I an American, but a librarian. I have read Romance of the Three Kingdoms parts one and two. These games do NOTHING to capture the spirit of these stories. If someone made a video game about the novels of Louis Ferdinand Celine, I would be pumped...unless it was insipid, one button gameplay like DW has been since day one. These games are horrible as games, and as interpretations of the novels. Yeah, remember that part part in the story when Zhuge Liang ran around battles he was not present for (Yellow Turban Rebellion) killing people with a feather fan? I don't.
Jul 8, 2005

or if i type with no capitalization or punctuation

dynasty warriors is teh gheys bcuz my opinions iz betterz then yurs


Mar 12, 2007

or if i type with no capitalization or punctuation

dynasty warriors is teh gheys bcuz my opinions iz betterz then yurs..."
Posted by: MegaMalletMan98 on February 17, 2008 17:42 PDT

yer i noticed ur post
are u like a total noob
like dead set.... omfg.... i just cant believe the **** factor of ur comment lmao
can u grow up, like.... im laughing at u, not with u lol
MegaMalletMan98 = NOOB



Almost Not a Noob
Oct 22, 2006
Darkerlight0118 : not only are you childish, racist, but also retarded. These games have always sucked, and no matter how great a story is it does not change the fact that the GAME blows. Well continue to keep your snobbish nose pointed up as well as enjoying mediocre games.
May 9, 2003
"Not only am I an American, but a librarian. I have read Romance of the Three Kingdoms parts one and two. These games do NOTHING to capture the spirit of these stories. If someone made a video game about the novels of Louis Ferdinand Celine, I would be pumped...unless it was insipid, one button gameplay like DW has been since day one. These games are horrible as games, and as interpretations of the novels. Yeah, remember that part part in the story when Zhuge Liang ran around battles he was not present for (Yellow Turban Rebellion) killing people with a feather fan? I don't."

Who the **** cares? Seriously, it's a video game; it's supposed to be fun. Even if Dynasty Warriors doesn't have deep combat or an engrossing story (the novel was fantastic, though, and I agree that it fails to capture its greatness), it's still a fun ride while it lasts. Sometimes you want to take a break from overly complicated games, and games like Dynasty Warriors or Gauntlet Legends are great ways to do it.

So really, no one gives a crap that all you pretentious tools do all day is troll through IGN's reviews to see which games are good and which aren't. I, on the other hand, have a mind of my own and am fully capable of deciding whether a not a game is worth my time. The Dynasty Warriors series may not be a good series, but hell if isn't a damn fun one.
Jul 3, 2005
i will be picking this game. while the button mashing getting tiresome, the simple fact that my fiancee will gladly play this game due to the long list of female characters she can play as, that in itself is worth it. i will gladly play a repetitive button mashing game with my fiancee than play any other online game any gamer in the world. it's nothing personal. just watching her pwn lu bu like a red headed step child is just hot.


Old Account
Nov 10, 2011
yer i noticed ur post
are u like a total noob
like dead set.... omfg.... i just cant believe the **** factor of ur comment lmao
can u grow up, like.... im laughing at u, not with u lol
MegaMalletMan98 = NOOB
lol Minimize Comment
END QUOTE ------------

Wow. Noob this, noob that... like this, like that. Shut up and talk/type like a human being, not a retarted donkey with a fist in its a**. Some people just waste the space they are in.


Marquis Yuffie de Wutai
Sep 21, 2007
Wooooowwww..... if the PS3 cant run it well and the graphics look THAT BAD, then i am going to trade mine in to get a wii. People should seriously reconsider what they call power, because it doesnt take much to run this game. PS3 is weak and feable. it will always be weak and feable. and it will fade into history because the 360 POWERS through everything the PS3 cant.... which is everything.


Sep 29, 2005
I've been a big DW fan since DW2. It's been pretty much the same game since then. I'm so waiting for them to make a truly next get DW game, with online co-op, 4 player co-op anyone, beautiful landscape, large castles and real combos. 99 Nights was good, but had no co-op. Mix that with this and you could have a good game, but they keep making the same game, year after year. Koei, do you not read reviews or player feedback.


Old Account
Nov 10, 2011
1,693 are an idiot. You want power so you're going to get a wii huh? Yeah..makes alot of sense considering I have games on my PSP that look better then most wii games. Just come out and say it, you don't even have a PS3 and you're a 360 fan boy. Yes it is harder to program for then the 360 put it's potential dwarfs the 360 in about every way. And a small side not, if a game looks shitty it's probably not the system that's not's the game. Try another game and see how pretty it looks.


The Dark Knight
Jul 5, 2005
I'm still buying it. I've been a fan of the Dynasty Warriors series since DW2. I know all the reviewers hate it, but I love the mindless button-mashing and ancient chinese story. It's one of my favorite game series of all time.

That being said, I already knew the reviewers were going to give this game terrible reviews, however like the review said, I'm a diehard DW fan and I love the games regardless of their reviews.


Old Account
Nov 10, 2011
This is a rental.

I love this series, but I can't pay full price until Koei starts innovating. They have so many characters, so many fighting styles to work with. I wonder what's convincing them to get so lazy with the series. Sales have got to be dropping...?


Nov 5, 2003
Some of you are actually surprised by the review? [face_raised_brow]

Reviewers kill Koei's Warriors games all the time, especially IGN. This is exactly what I expected. The real problem is if it's true that the PS3 version doesn't run as well as its 360 buddy, that's not good. I've got both consoles, but DW and PlayStation go back a long way with me, so i'll be getting the PS3 version regardless.

EDIT - Meh, nothing to worry about. Here's a comparison vid from gametrailers, seems to have been up for awhile. Both games look and run exactly the same here, with the 360 version just being a bit darker...

So yeah, it's part of a reviewer's culture now to bash this series. Don't take an opinion that has no interest in this kind of game too seriously.


Apr 8, 2001
0 a fan of this series, i can understand how many of the folks here can write this off as a simple button masher with crappy graphics. but in reality, this is a collecting game with lots of killing. from horses to weapons to characters, that's what keeps us coming back. there's nothing else like it out there (other than the previous iterations). just think of all the sports games that get churned out every year, there's nothing there but new names tied to the characters. you simply play to get the highest score, there's no boss to beat or anything. platformers are just about exploring and collecting coins and fighting bosses. then there are the RPGs where you get a deep story and spend the whole time leveling up your character. DW offers a good mix of it all in my opinion. so yes, i'll be picking this up on day one.


Oct 17, 2007
These games aren't made to look good, or add new gameplay elements. These games are made for the fans of the series...once you are a DW fan, you always are. I don't play the games...but both of my best friends spend days and days on these things. And I can plainly see that knocking the game only helps disorient you from the fact that it's a fan-based video game and will always have a fan-base.

Much like Madden or even better, Tokyo Xtreme Racer (Import Tuner Challenge on 360.) I bought Import Tuner Chal. for 360 only because I loved the other TXR games from DC/PS2 (and technically 2 more on PS1, Tokyo Highway Battle series). These games aren't great by any stretch...but it's a fan fueled series...for peeps like me.


Sep 26, 2007
This game should look better. PS3 version suffers even more than its 360 counterpart.

LOL!!!!!! that sucks.


Prime Member
Oct 12, 2003
I don't understand why the PS3 version would suffer from graphical problems and the 360 would not, especially since this game along with DW: Gundam was developed for the PS3 and ported to 360. I have read another review and they don't mention this issue at all. Still with only 2 reviews up for this it's hard to tell, its a shame as I was looking forward to this (yes I like these games, what about it?[face_tongue] ) I wont buy the game if it performs poorly.


Nov 14, 2007
Now, I could have sworn when this game came out in Japan the reviews claimed the PS3 version was superior and the 360 version sucked.
And in America they say the 360 version is superior hmmm...
I guess it goes:
If consoleX.sales > consoleY.sales
-games(consoleX).review > games(consoleY).review
and to justify the lower scores you must use vague arguments that no one can easily verify such as:
"the textures in certain areas appear to be more washed out or cleaner"
"the lighting is not as ambient in certain rooms"
"there was a part when there was a lot of action going on where the game probably produced 1 or 2 frames less"
"a certain unnamed portion of the game had the controls not as responsive as they should have been
"the graphics just didn't look as good. the pixels were wrong, and i can tell from seeing quite a few shops in my time"


Aug 18, 2007
I agree with Tw00n3 and gumbico. Even in the review (which was mostly negative), it mentions that if you're already a fan of the Dynasty Warriors series, then this game will probably be right for you. It's an acquired taste, and I think that I would really enjoy this game. Dynasty Warriors 3 got a passable rating also, but I rather loved that game. It's actually the one that got me hooked on Dynasty Warriors in the first place. So, for you Dynasty Warrior fans out there, I would say that this game will probably be worth getting. Granted, they probably could have done a lot better on this game, but hey, maybe they'll get it right next time.


Old Account
Nov 10, 2011
I don't think Dynasty Warriors is an "acquired taste". I think the reason why each subsequent game gets mostly negative reviews is because KOEI doesn't really change anything with each sequel. I tried one of the incarnations a few years back and it was pretty good, but since then virtually nothing has changed. It's the same thing with sports games which is why I only buy a new NHL or FIFA every 3 or 4 years.


Nov 1, 2007
People are quick to accuse the DW series of being repetitive, but has there been any real change in the gameplay of Grand Theft Auto since it debuted on the orignal Playstation so many years ago?


May 16, 2001
This game should look better. PS3 version suffers even more than its 360 counterpart. "

lol wut??? I played both versions and the ps3 version didn't drop.


Old Account
Nov 10, 2011
Dude this Reviewer Pisses me off, Everytime there is a Dynasty warriors Game they just bash it into the ground until Koei stops making them. I hate it. All this guy wants is another Madden or another sports game where you wanna talk about the "Same as Last Year" same difference. Dynasty warriors is one of the best series I will ever play and I hope they keeping making them. One day its gonna be a Great game maybe DW 7 and this damn reviewer will still hate it. Screw you Reviewer!


Old Account
Nov 10, 2011
Guys its real simple. If the game sucked liek you all says it does? why are there 15 of these games out? 15! thats alot, and the reason is because people out there are still buying these games and still loving to play them. even though its the same game everytime. I still love and will always love the dynasty warriors series. Plus you wanna talk about the SAME GAME? Madden and every other sports game has been the same for the past 5 years or even more. But people love them and continue to buy them. Just Like Dynasty and samurai warriors. I just cant wait until Koei blows us all away With Samurai warriors vs. Dynasty warriors online. I believe in Koei. Do you?

Koei!! koei!! Koei!!!

oh and Xbox 360 > PS3
Aug 9, 2007
Honestly As A Longtime DW Fan i am super dissapointed at how this game looks, and the fact that somehow it runs worse on the PS3 puts me in awe and Disbelief... Looks like i will just rent the 360 version, and attemtp the 1000 Achievment Points, since i wont buy it on my PS3.


Old Account
Nov 10, 2011
seeing as i spend most my gaming time on my pc and then 360, i wanted to get this game on the ps3 so that i would have a reason to play on it. And again the apparent amazing console craps out again. The fact is the ps3 carnt handle games ported over to it like the 360 can, and seeing as it costs more and takes longer to develop games on the ps3, we could see less 3rd party developers wanting to waste their time making a game on ps3 that will be infirior to the 360 game. Its a shame.


May 16, 2001
walsh451 said:
seeing as i spend most my gaming time on my pc and then 360, i wanted to get this game on the ps3 so that i would have a reason to play on it. And again the apparent amazing console craps out again. The fact is the ps3 carnt handle games ported over to it like the 360 can, and seeing as it costs more and takes longer to develop games on the ps3, we could see less 3rd party developers wanting to waste their time making a game on ps3 that will be infirior to the 360 game. Its a shame.

that's why the greatest games on the PS3 are the exclusives and well see more and more 3dr party making exclusives games for it. /expect flaming
May 9, 2003
Not to turn this into a console war, but 3rd party developers constantly bitch about having to work with the PS3. I doubt we'll be seeing more and more 3rd party devs making exclusives on the PS3; they say it's the most difficult console to make games for.


Feb 19, 2007
What a bunch of morons.. no duh the ps3 is the hardest system to make games for, because 3rd party developers don't have the people with the intelligence to grasp the ps3 power. Didn't any of you watch the 2008 video game seminar. If you ask any game developer other than one bought out by Microsoft then you will hear that the Ps3 has the most power, they are just having a hard time tapping into it. Listen to the developers on Burnout on their video on here and you will know what I mean.


Feb 26, 2006
I wasn't expecting this game to get a Score past 6.0. It's Dynasty Warriors, u know what to expect. It's not saying its a bad game, Cuz i love Dynasty warriors. But it was just a minor graphic overhual, added in some water sports and combo system. I mean whens the last time DW got a high score. I think the last time was during the release on ps2? dynasty warriors 2 or 3.


Prime Member
Sep 5, 2001
TrueStereotype said:
Not to turn this into a console war, but 3rd party developers constantly bitch about having to work with the PS3. I doubt we'll be seeing more and more 3rd party devs making exclusives on the PS3; they say it's the most difficult console to make games for.

Yeah, they said the same thing about the PS2 6 years ago. That mattered.
Oct 7, 2005
I agree with buggz151. After Dynasty Warriors 2 and 3 the scores have been dropping. If you like to run around and kill hundreds of soliders then you'll like this game. The review here is just a review from the writers p.o.v. You have your own mind and it's not that hard to decide if you want the game or not. I'm still getting my copy and I will be playing this until GTA IV. Anyways the voice acting in this series ALWAYS sucked.
May 9, 2003
"What a bunch of morons.. no duh the ps3 is the hardest system to make games for, because 3rd party developers don't have the people with the intelligence to grasp the ps3 power. Didn't any of you watch the 2008 video game seminar. If you ask any game developer other than one bought out by Microsoft then you will hear that the Ps3 has the most power, they are just having a hard time tapping into it. Listen to the developers on Burnout on their video on here and you will know what I mean."

Typical Sony fanboy propaganda. Stop trying to justify your waste of $600.
Mar 21, 2004
TrueStereotype said:
"What a bunch of morons.. no duh the ps3 is the hardest system to make games for, because 3rd party developers don't have the people with the intelligence to grasp the ps3 power. Didn't any of you watch the 2008 video game seminar. If you ask any game developer other than one bought out by Microsoft then you will hear that the Ps3 has the most power, they are just having a hard time tapping into it. Listen to the developers on Burnout on their video on here and you will know what I mean."

Typical Sony fanboy propaganda. Stop trying to justify your waste of $600.
I'm glad I don't have to spend another $600 on a bluray player when those HD-DVDs are gone...
May 9, 2003
"I'm glad I don't have to spend another $600 on a bluray player when those HD-DVDs are gone..."

While blueray may replace HD-DVD, I'm pretty sure it won't completely take over as the only movie/video format. I'm completely fine with watching normal quality movies and not paying through the nose for some fancy blue ray disc.


Old Account
Nov 10, 2011
With this game reviewed and once again the PS3 is screwed up, I'm definitely not going to get the PS3. I read the Orange Box review on IGN and read about the port problems and now this!!? Ugh Sony.


Old Account
Nov 10, 2011
it isnt sony its the ppl making the games notice how all of the sony made games are really good? its the devs doing it not the ps3s faught


Mar 12, 2004
Dynasty Warriors is dumb and repetitive. It doesn't need to have a longer review then what is here. If you like mind-numbing repetitive gameplay with nothing else worth noting at all, then by all means go buy this game.

dude ever game out there is repetitive so stfu and quit dissing on ppls choices


May 29, 2007
I've never played any of the Dynasty Warrior games so the low score wasn't going to stop me from renting it to give it a try (I like to button mash and since I'd be a DW newbie, this wouldn't feel all that repetitive to me).. until I read that they threw out the Japanese voice acting. WHY WOULD THEY DO THAT? Next gen games have more than enough space to have multiple audio voice-overs......... Heavenly Sword has freaking 11 different languages! I've heard the English voice acting for DW6 in the trailers.. my ears were bleeding -_-. If I could've picked Japanese audio then I would've tried it, but I guess not. Gross.



Prime Member
Jun 5, 2004
You want repetetive? TRY GRAND THEFT AUTO! Christ...

This game is meant to be entertaining. The Japanese voice acting is not necessary because the english voice acting is so terrible it's good. Also, no comment about the awesome re-done soundtrack? The sound score is based on the voice acting? Pathetic.

There's only one reason you wouldn't like Dynasty Warriors, you go into the game with a negative mindset that it sucks already, but that's also the case with anything you do in life. It will instantly be less entralling if you have a negative attitude about it.

I am enjoying this game currently and the fun factor and replayability are high. What's not fun about slaughtering hundreds of soldiers and several armies? Dynasty Warriors does it best, and until you find and mention a better game of the same style, please just stop posting.


The Dark Knight
Jul 5, 2005
TrueStereotype said:
"What a bunch of morons.. no duh the ps3 is the hardest system to make games for, because 3rd party developers don't have the people with the intelligence to grasp the ps3 power. Didn't any of you watch the 2008 video game seminar. If you ask any game developer other than one bought out by Microsoft then you will hear that the Ps3 has the most power, they are just having a hard time tapping into it. Listen to the developers on Burnout on their video on here and you will know what I mean."

Typical Sony fanboy propaganda. Stop trying to justify your waste of $600.

Uhh, I bougth a PS3 and it surely wasn't a waste of $600. I love it to death. It didn't have the best first year out of the gate, but the game exclusives for it are starting to pick up. I think Sony can make a comeback this year.

That's not to diss the 360 however, great console with great games. I'm not particularly a fan, but I definitely understand why so many love the 360 and why it has a grip on the industry. Although HD-DVD did suffer a loss.

Wii, is just doing great right now. I would have one, but 1 - I can't find it anywhere and 2 - there's not enough titles out for me personally to buy one yet. But I plan on getting one this summer for Mario Kart Wii and Smash Bros. Brawl.
May 9, 2003
"Uhh, I bougth a PS3 and it surely wasn't a waste of $600. I love it to death. It didn't have the best first year out of the gate, but the game exclusives for it are starting to pick up. I think Sony can make a comeback this year.

That's not to diss the 360 however, great console with great games. I'm not particularly a fan, but I definitely understand why so many love the 360 and why it has a grip on the industry. Although HD-DVD did suffer a loss.

Wii, is just doing great right now. I would have one, but 1 - I can't find it anywhere and 2 - there's not enough titles out for me personally to buy one yet. But I plan on getting one this summer for Mario Kart Wii and Smash Bros. Brawl."

Everything I said about the PS3 was to irritate the trolls, just take everything I said with a grain of salt.
Nov 12, 2007
"Gamecules" wrote: "Dynasty Warriors is dumb and repetitive. It doesn't need to have a longer review then what is here. If you like mind-numbing repetitive gameplay with nothing else worth noting at all, then by all means go buy this game."
Hello "Gamecules". I am from Germany. I can not speak English well. I translate my letter to the translation engine "Google":

I have played the "Japanese-Version" of the game "Dynasty Warriors 6", aka "Shin Sangoku Musou 5". I have played the game total about 10 to 15 hours, alone and coop (2-Player).

I have write at "IGN" a Reader-REVIEW for the game "Dynasty Warriors 6". First, Please read my Reader-REVIEW. You will see that "Dynasty Warriors 6" is a very interesting game.

Here is the Internet-Address to my Reader-REVIEW=

I recommend this game to you. You will like the game very much. You will have a lot of fun, when you play this game.



Almost Not a Noob
Nov 28, 2007
lol PS3 sucks. its lame that metal gear solid will be on PS3, but i know after a year or so they will release it on 360. Sony will never get there hands on halo, mario, and zelda thats why there fucked


Feb 24, 2008
I had high expectations for Dynasty Warriors 6. I still can't believe how crap this one is. All the wait for a game with graphic that look exactly the same as the first dynasty warriors. Disappointing, very disappointing.


Feb 24, 2008
LMAO pmilleroly27 you tard MGS4 will never come out for 360 namely because Hideo Kojima said it won't and he has complete loyalty towards Sony not crappy ass Microsoft who is only good for making a paperweight of a console. Anyways Dynasty Warriors 6 was a great improvement to the series the only real improvement I can think of to make it even better is online co-op.
Aug 28, 2004
"It always amuses me to see the widespread delusion that 'atrocious' voice acting will be any better in Japanese than it is in English. :)"

It amuses me how you can be so smug when saying something so stupid. Japan takes voice acting seriously, and it is a huge business there with the massive amount of animated material. Projects are done there professionally, then sent here to America where the importer contracts a crappy studio to do the dubbing. Your comment is so flawed that I'm now convinced you are confused as to what people mean by atrocious voice acting. It seems to me you are saying that because it is translated, it will have the same content, but we are talking about the quality of the voices themselves, not what they are saying. I hope this ends your own delusion that bad dubbing in English equals a bad original Japanese script.

Speaking of unprofessional, this review is one of the worst I've ever seen. Stop paying this idiot if he can't take the time to write a full review and cover all aspects of a game even if he didn't like it. I read a user review claiming perfectly smooth game play in ps3 multi-player. Either that person is lying or this reviewer is an idiot. Apparently it was also said that Assassin's Creed suffered some problem on PS3 but I recently tore through that game beginning to end and didn't have a single problem. IGN please stop staffing retards who obviously grew up with only an xbox and are brainwashed by Microsoft's monopoly mentality.
Jul 25, 2003
I've play'd this game like 5 hours every day since i picked it up last wed. and i've gotta say, the pop-in errors and stuff can be bad at times in co-op, but honestly, It really hasn't bother'd me at all... it didn't frustrate me, nor take away from my experiance so far. I've unlocked a bunch of guys like cao cao and huang gai, And I think the re-designed characters with some weapon changes is Excellent.. they all look great. I wish how ever they did keep the options for Items, and I wish that "Empires" Mode... would Be Present In ALL dynasty warriors titles from here on out. same with maybe a 4 player multiplayer?.. (2 per console over live? or 1 per console?)... The Skill tree, and leveling up bring great joy to me, they are deffinetly steps in the right direction, and the renbu system?.. pfft whats everyone so mad about? It works great, it deffinetly didn't confine me to using one button like all these bullshit reviews say... if you're using one button, you've gotta be getting your ass kicked, cuz people will block and then beat your ass. I think this game has a few tech errors, but quite a great improvement graphics and gameplay wise.. I would give it around a 7.8 ... I think it's alot better than IGN has said, and i'm sick of them trying to give Dynasty warriors such a bad wrap with all the bad reviews and low scores.. it's rediculous. Have someone who doesn't automatically HATE dynasty warriors... Review Dynasty warriors.
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