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Mar 28, 2001
Article Comments for [link=]Dynasty Warriors 6 Review[/link]
by Ryan Clements

Dynasty Warriors 6 is the next entry in the now long line of Koei titles that center on the exploits of warriors from ancient East Asian nations. Developed by Omega Force, Dynasty Warriors 6 brings back the familiar button-mashing experience with a few slight modifications that help in certain ways and hurt the game in others. Although this can be a somewhat enjoyable title for people who want some straight-forward button-mashing, there are certainly a few negative things to be said about this warrior romp. [link=]Read Full Article[/link]

Deleted member 1124604

Original poster
Really short review and not in depth. Thumbs down for the review, I'm still going to buy this game.


May 3, 2007
Dynasty Warriors is dumb and repetitive. It doesn't need to have a longer review then what is here. If you like mind-numbing repetitive gameplay with nothing else worth noting at all, then by all means go buy this game.


Old Account
Nov 10, 2011

I am surprised Sony lets this crap constantly be put on shelves and make the PS3 look inferior to the 360. I played Resistance and Drakes again this week and smiled at the possibilities this system presents.

I cant wait for RFOM 2, Killzone, MGS and others. Problem is, sony has to put more pressure on these 3rd party developers to learn the system and utilize its power.

The PS3 is the most amazing system ever.

My 360 is a coffee holder now....



Jun 26, 2001
It always amuses me to see the widespread delusion that 'atrocious' voice acting will be any better in Japanese than it is in English. :)
Jun 4, 2007
Dynasty Warriors is the type of game where its only fun if you play with someone else. No matter how bad the ratings have been for games in this series, I've always had a blast when playing with another friend.


Mar 26, 2007
Quit crying about your PS3... Thank god games like this give me a reason to buy these so called "next-gen" systems with 1998 hardware...


I love you, no, but seriously, I do
Jul 15, 2007

Well, most of the non-Uber third-party devs have been having trouble programming on PS3, so I don't expect the most of the second-rate third-party games to be consistently as good on 360 as they are on PS3. If they are any good at all of course. However, since you are only using your 360 as a coffe holder, I'll buy it from you for $50.


Old Account
Nov 10, 2011
all i can say is retarded. if u buy this game its only your fault.
watching one of the older vids. i noticed enemys just standing around looking at u. stupid asians


Old Account
Nov 10, 2011
funny thing is this review sounds just like all the reviews before it when the game was released in japan. difference is the 360 version was the one deemed inferior.oh well i guess it all comes down to what system you preferr to play on.


Mar 1, 2002
No Japanese vocals? Why the heck not?! *sigh* Guess I'll be importing this after all...


Almost Not a Noob
Jul 11, 2007
lol you dumb people, what the heck if Clements said this game is awful. At least he don't hype it like others do with everything they get on their super next-gen consoles. Dynasty Warriors is and will remain a dumb game for dumb people and yes I will buy it because I'm dumb enough to pay for it. Well as for the complete infernal lag that render the game unplayable. I remember the guy from IGN writing in his review that the last levels of Assassins's Creed were totaly unplayable on PS3 due to incredible lag. Well I never seen what he was saying... maybe you should just dump your tv and buy something with good refresh rates as all games on ps3 lag on their display lol anyway. Hey what the hell if now I will only mash 1 buttun instead of a wonderful 2. Combos are for newbies anyway because after the 10 mins of Dynasty Warriors you keep doing the combo you are best suit to so if you don't have combo then we will have less choices that's all [face_tongue] . And for the voice acting being very bad ... I would like to have the opinion of a japanese on the voice acting of the japanese version so we could compare wich one is the most bad ... i presume it's even worse in japanese from a japanese stand of view ... like I said ... ANYWAY! I'll buy this game anyway :D and guys ... please Enjoy your 360s and PS3s because they are meant for the same after all ... makes us throw out our money. YAY


Old Account
Nov 10, 2011
The review is more atrocious than the voice acting. It's not long, not much depth, and it seems the guy only played it for a half an hour, as he doesn't even mentions the varying characters that are unlockable. You're losing your touch IGN. Losing it. I'm buying the game next Wednesday when it hits GameStop because I love Dynasty Warriors and this sounds like an excellent game, even if the PS3 version is inferior "supposedly". Dynasty Warriors rocks.


Feb 14, 2008
MegaExtreme, anyone who takes the time to read reviews knows that Dynasty Warriors has multiple characters. Honestly the game is the same as it was on the PS1 so don't go insulting IGN's review. You may love the series, but the truth of the matter is that Dynasty Warriors is a poorly built game. Honestly, if Koei made a game that was truly innovative or even different than the past 20 games in the series then IGN would take the time to write a large review. This review points out what is "new" in this game, and anyone who read it should know by now what Dynasty Warriors is, no need to waste time writing about old news.


Old Account
Nov 10, 2011
I like how excited he gets when he says how superior the 360 version is. Usually this is saved for the end of the article.


Nov 19, 2006
Im a die hard Dynasty warrior fan, yet i still see the opportunity in this game that is not exploited. It's a fun game with a lot of content and great stories. To sacrifice a little bit of gameplay for great story line is fine by me. Lasting remarks especially on noobslayers comment on enemies just looking at you. Obviously he is playing the game on easy mode. Because as any hard core gamer knows, this game on hard is hard. You actually have to block attacks and play smart, like a real warrior not just owning the whole army yourself. Thats it.


Mar 24, 2003
its quite sad to see ppl get paid to write such a shallow review. Seems like someone only read the manual to write this without playing. There are lots + and - of this game, but sadly the reviewer captured none.

ladder and swimming system allow different methods of traveling across the stage. the stages this time are much bigger and take sometime to travel (which makes horses important) but looks much grander than the past series.

there are objectives that yield extra experience points, which slightly extends the life of the stage, but restrict the player strategy sometimes. (its more fun to disregard them in later playthrough so u can free roam more)

there is also character specials moves, which brings an interesting element to the gameplay (and a life saver sometimes) but varies in their effectiveness depending on situations and utilizations...

the renbu system works in levels, unlocking more part of the combo with each new level. simply put, its similar to how weapons allows longer combos in the past. with this system u really get that rush of killing massive amount of enemy troops with style. thou it may seem to dumb down the gameplay at first, the AI are more aggressive this version, performing much more blocks, power attacks, and even musou that will require u to block, dodge, and use power attack smarter, thus breaking ur renbu combo.
(@Noobslayer5: funny how u comment on the difficulty based on the videos... or perhaps u only play easy mode so u never realize how often "stupid asians" can kick ur ass around, dumb white)

the downside of this game lies in its lasting appeal. u can no longer collect legendary weapons as all weapons are simplified into 3 categories: standard, quick, and power. it seems horses are the only legendary "item" you can collect, while still too few and too impossible to achieve.

the biggest down set is the characters, there arent as much as the past series (which im alright with, since a lot of repeats), however most of the characters share the same moveset, some shared with nameless officers as well, which loses the uniqueness in each character. furthermore the main mode, musou mode, only features 14 characters, 4 from each kingdom + 2 extra.. that issue significantly brought down the replability.

again, Dynasty Warriors has always been a great exhibition game, play a couple battles, then quite before u get bored of it completely. Koei changed the formula to achieve that but the goal is still the same.

lastly, Ryan, please put down ur Xbox360 and properly review games. you are getting paid for it! while i agree w the final score, u are giving it for all the wrong reasons! the musou mode IS focusing on one warrior and his/her involvement. if u dont skip the narrative between battles u may learn some stories that u are asking for. but if ur playing Dynasty Warriors for its stories.... you are playing the wrong game to begin with!!

my source? ACTUALLY PLAYED the Japan release


Oct 9, 2005
This is the shortest review I've ever seen. Is it really that bad IGN? How about a "Second Take" on it eh?


Old Account
Nov 10, 2011
R4V3N10 - I'm with all the way! I have to admit it, i'm a huge fan of the series but i just can't understand koei!! guess we'll have to wait till 7 or XL to see if koei can give us a true next gen Dw/SW game!!


Nov 15, 2007
Wow the lack of charactors is a real let down. Sell this fanchise to some develper thats not looking to make a quick buck


Old Account
Nov 10, 2011
im a big of dw and sw but if they havnt done that many change to the game. it just isnt worth it. koei when will u get a idea what will make us jump up and say omfg this rocks. becuase right now im getting pissed off with this great potential being wasted on the same game over and over again


Apr 20, 2005
Another case of milking a dead cow. This is just lazy. One can only play through Romance of the 3 kingdoms so many times, Koei. Give us something original :/


Jan 4, 2006
Yikes. I heard about it coming out last week. And now its out... Stop the madness already. These games suck.
Sep 20, 2006
Yet another game that performs better than on the 360 than the PS3. And this one looks like a PS2 game. Ah, the PS3. Failing more day after day.


Almost Not a Noob
Sep 27, 2007
Well, we saw this coming... After the third one, I think this game cashed in and started going downhill.

"Ah, the PS3. Failing more day after day." - At least it's the games failing and not the systems. No red ring of death in camp Sony.


May 28, 2007
all dynasty warrior games are the same, button mashing mayhem with no story whatsoever.and rifle, r u f*^&ing nuts>?! u pre ordered this, that must suck


Jun 8, 2001
The thing is about the Dynasty Warriors series is that it already has a very strong fan base that really doesnt need that many changes to make them want to buy the new one. Call them idiots if you want but for them these games are like crack.

with that said, I have read other reviews that were not as harsh as the IGN one, some sites and mags have been giving this scores in the 7-8 range which is a first in a long time for the series I believe.


Prime Member
Oct 3, 2005
Ouch! Man that's low! Good thing I don't care what reviewers say because this is a day one purchase for me. It's not like i'm expecting them to change much. I've been Battling at Hou Lau Gate for almost 10 years now. Still going to play it and love it.


Old Account
Nov 10, 2011
Koei really fvcked up, especially by making the 360 the lead and making a half-assed port on the PS3. They should know this game isn't going to sell in the US and that the core Japanese audience owns PS3s. By making a shoddier product on the PS3, it is no surprise why the game sold like sh!t in Japan.


I play video games!!!!!
Dec 28, 2000
Ugh, this is really crushing disappointment.
Perhaps ... I'll just pick up N3 instead.


Feb 16, 2008
yeah it would be nice to have Howard Shore do some of the battle music lol but im gonna get it the first day anyway. but it does disappoint me that the ps3 got a dumbed down version. if your gonna make the game for ps3 and 360 it has to be separate and not a port. too bad not all the game creators aren't takin advantage of ps3s power yet especially with this type of game. this is where it could shine but doesnt.


Old Account
Nov 10, 2011
I cant believe you guys are actually letting the reviews determine if its a good game or not. reviews are just opinions from the guys at ign who played the game and give there opinions on the games. i have the japanese version and if i was reviewing it would be getting a way higher score


Old Account
Nov 10, 2011
ummm i dont like how they changed some of the characters weapons for example lu bu and xiahou dun like wtf their originals were soooo much better and when can they actaully start to go with some historical armor and the opening movies with their like heavy armor and their jumping around like its there's no wieght well i like the series but they could atleast make it more realistic and continue the story but add like 20 more stories to it. that would definetly make the series better!!!
May 24, 2007
I'll buy it when its comes down in price. I'm disappointed with the lack of officers, especailly after playing Orcochi.
Nov 12, 2007
I am from Germany. I can not speak English well. I translate my letter to the translation engine "Google":

---> I have played the "Japanese-Version" of the game "DYNASTY WARRIORS 6". I have played the game about 10 to 15 hours. I have played alone and Coop (2 Player).

-- The game ist a "Next-Gen" game. There are a lot of-many innovations and changes in the game "Dynasty Warriors 6". These innovations and changes are very good and fun. During the game there are 3 modes and there are several levels of difficulty...

-- The graphics are now very good, detailed graphics. You can see the opponents very far. You can see all and the enemys of far away. ( 720p HDTV, 60 frames per second (fps) )

-- The "control", "gameplay" and "camera work" is very good. The "controls" are very fluid. The characters are now much more agile and have multi skills. With the right stick you can rotate the camera.

-- Especially important for me is that the characters can now *swim*, and *ride boats* and *climb ladders*.
The characters all have a *new outfit* (new look), *new costumes*, *new weapons*, *new attacks* and *new fight techniques*.

-- In the "Coop-Mode", there are more effects at the "Musou-attack" and there are more fun.

-- This time the game have very good sound quality. Dolby Digital audio.

-- The game is very fun when you play. Both alone, as well as Coop (2-Player). There are very much unlockables, unlock Characters and unlock skills. The game has a motivation for the long-term-playing.

I have write a REVIEW here by for the game "DYNASTY WARRIORS 6":
Here ist the Internet-Adress to my REVIEW:


Feb 3, 2005
You are German yet you give the best information of all. This is what I've been waiting to hear. Positive energy.
Feb 11, 2006
haha stupid Dynasty Warriors fanboys are angry about the score? Seriously!?

Dynasty Warriors is one of THE worst franchises in the history of video games
Feb 17, 2008
yeah i agree with henry these games blow ass. they dont even make any sense, theyre so repetative, i could design a better video game than that.
May 9, 2003
"haha stupid Dynasty Warriors fanboys are angry about the score? Seriously!?

Dynasty Warriors is one of THE worst franchises in the history of video games"

When you have a wrestling icon, you forfeit your right to have an opinion on anything.


Still not Kojima
Mar 16, 2007
TrueStereotype said:
"haha stupid Dynasty Warriors fanboys are angry about the score? Seriously!?

Dynasty Warriors is one of THE worst franchises in the history of video games"

When you have a wrestling icon, you forfeit your right to have an opinion on anything.
So very true it's laughable.

Anyway i expected as much from the IGN team to give it this low a score, naturally it'll sell like hot cakes in Japan but in America it may be a different story altogether.

Something to look forward to however, one of the worst dubbing jobs in the history of video gaming, surely it cant match or surpass the likes of Shin Sangoku Musou 2 in the end.

Tsh pshaw nonsense.

Mar 3, 2006
The only reason you guys don't like Dynasty Warriors is because you are all typical Americans who get a headache just thinking about books. Read the "Three Kingdoms"; then maybe you'll understand. It is so epic that you'll wish you were there during the war and this game does a great job at providing that experience. But, I guess my words are lost on you since most Americans barely know how to read, let alone want to.
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