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Nov 29, 2010
NOOO! Ahh man! This could have been, WOULD have been a fantastic film. Wolverine could have been another comic character to actually have an excellent movie installment. Sigh...
Jul 18, 2009
Blows is an understatement. Losing Arnofsky is definitely a big set back for The Wolverine, let's just hope they can get someone half as talented at the reigns.


Almost Not a Noob
Dec 10, 2010
I have to disagree with two of you. The Fountain was one of the worst movies I've ever seen, and Requiem wasn't much better. I don't care what his IQ level is, I'm not trying to solve the Goldbach conjecture. I don't care how you try to explain Requiem, the movie is messed up, and, imo, not in a good way. The fact that you have to explain it means it can't stand on its own. I'm glad he's off the project, so I don't need to see Itsu taking it in the pooper so that she can get some opium to deal with Wolverine coming to terms with Silver Fox's death. And yes, that would be the clean version.


Prime Member
May 11, 2010
This sucks so hard. I find it strange that after all this work he didn't realize he'd be out of the country for so long. The timing of the radiation threat is a clear factor.

Whatever the motivation, it is a huge problem for the movie. I hope that they can replace him with a real fearless badass director.


Feb 19, 2010
"I have yet to see a modern director better at capturing perfect angles than Quentin Tarantino, David Fincher, and Guy Ritchie. Matthew Vaughan, who is (was?) a friend of Ritchie's has some pretty sharp skills when it comes to that."

See Sam Mendes + Conrad L. Hall


May 12, 2010
I was seriously excited and looking forward to having Mr. Aronofski do to my beloved Wolvie what he did to the characters in Black Swan and The Wrestler. But in the back of my mind there was always a "too good to be true feeling"... oh well... the possibly best Marvel hero movie will have never been...
Dec 15, 2009
@clamzoopa: You just made my day. I've been having almost the exact same thought process since I first heard the devastating news he had been hired to direct this movie.
Dec 15, 2009
@clamzoopa: You just made my day. I've been having almost the exact same thought process since I first heard the devastating news he had been hired to direct this movie.
Mar 16, 2006
I was literally thinking about how awesome it was for Aronofsky to helm Wolverine. Now this! This is horrible news for me. His art being incorporated into Wolverine was likely going to be fantastic, but no more...


Original poster
And I was already having such a sh*tty day...
Dec 15, 2009
@Joneck: Sam Mendes is also overrated. "American Beauty" was just ok and "Road to Perdition" was pretty damn good but, again, that had more to do with the actors inhabiting the screen than the director. "Jarhead" was f'ing terrible. I almost demanded my money back after seeing that movie.
Dec 15, 2009
@Joneck: Sam Mendes is also overrated. "American Beauty" was just ok and "Road to Perdition" was pretty damn good but, again, that had more to do with the actors inhabiting the screen than the director. "Jarhead" was f'ing terrible. I almost demanded my money back after seeing that movie.
Dec 15, 2009
@Joneck: Sam Mendes is also overrated. "American Beauty" was just ok and "Road to Perdition" was pretty damn good but, again, that had more to do with the actors inhabiting the screen than the director. "Jarhead" was f'ing terrible. I almost demanded my money back after seeing that movie.


Dec 5, 2006
@clamzoopa, SuperBaggles

You two entirely amuse me, I can't understand how you can just make opinions and state them as facts. You both have absolutely no idea what goes into a good movie.

The Fountain had so much symbolism and distorted history that it just came off as brilliant, unfortunately half the theater that I had to be apart of decided that it was a joke and made no sense, because you like them and every other person without a sense of wit and genuine intelligence did not get one damn thing in the movie.

Requiem was basically made as an anti-drug movie by showing the horrors of that kind of life and how easy it is to get involved. Please, don't state what you don't know and then try to dismiss his work as shit, because that would be a complete debacle on your part.

Whatever, hate him, love him this movie is going to be 5 times worse then it would have been had he been the director.

I won't respond to this so say what you would like, but you any half-wit would tell you that this movie will suffer tremendously.
Dec 15, 2009
@sin151: I already said I enjoyed "The Fountain". I agree: it had a vast amount of symbolism and it was a heart wrenching affair.

And I'm not stating anything as a fact. I'm not going to soften the blow of what I'm saying by adding "but that's just my opinion". It is obviously my opinion by virtue of the fact that I am the one saying it.

I can dismiss his work as shit all I want. I don't have to be dazzled by his pretentious, unnecessarily complicated messes of movies just because you are. I'm not sure what you are referring to in stating things that I don't know...
Dec 15, 2009
@sin151: I already said I enjoyed "The Fountain". I agree: it had a vast amount of symbolism and it was a heart wrenching affair.

And I'm not stating anything as a fact. I'm not going to soften the blow of what I'm saying by adding "but that's just my opinion". It is obviously my opinion by virtue of the fact that I am the one saying it.

I can dismiss his work as shit all I want. I don't have to be dazzled by his pretentious, unnecessarily complicated messes of movies just because you are. I'm not sure what you are referring to in stating things that I don't know...
Dec 15, 2009
@sin151: I already said I enjoyed "The Fountain". I agree: it had a vast amount of symbolism and it was a heart wrenching affair.

And I'm not stating anything as a fact. I'm not going to soften the blow of what I'm saying by adding "but that's just my opinion". It is obviously my opinion by virtue of the fact that I am the one saying it.

I can dismiss his work as shit all I want. I don't have to be dazzled by his pretentious, unnecessarily complicated messes of movies just because you are. I'm not sure what you are referring to in stating things that I don't know...


Almost Not a Noob
Dec 10, 2010
Hey Sin, you do realize there is a difference between objective and subjective, right? I'm not the one making any claims, as I clearly stated it was my opinion. You know what episode of South Park I love? (and yes, I imagine you will ignorantly dismiss anything I say next based on that statement): "The Tale of Scrotie McBoogerballs". You know what it's about? Four kids write the most offensive book possible, just for the shock value, and it gets national acclaim due to critics manufacturing symbolism and deeper meanings and motives. In regards to requiem: Drugs are bad? Heroin's addictive, really? Using a dirty needle can be dangerous? It must be difficult to make a movie based on such an obvious outcome. Can I see a movie about a guy in the desert, who dies of dehydration, just to show what happens when yo udon't get enough water? I hate your pompous type. There's nothing more devoid of intelligence than saying something like, 'well, you just didn't get it'. No, if you can't explain it, you didn't truly understand either, but you're putting the burden of proof on ME as to why YOU liked it.
Sep 2, 2008
That does really blow. I was looking quite forward to seeing what Aronofsky's vision of Wolverine would be. had very high hopes for the movie. i hope they're able to replace him with at least an equally capable director.
Aug 17, 2008
That's pretty understandable. I'm betting they're going to wait until Japan stabilizes before they really get going on the film.


Original poster
he has money, why not move the family to where ever he is filming movie for a sure the studio can rent him a house..


Almost Not a Noob
Dec 9, 2009
No!!!!!!! Please maybe this sint set in stone yet, I'd delay production until Japan is safe enough for him to move his family there. Wolverine needs Aronofsky
Jul 13, 2007
I'm honestly surprised all of you are upset. Not you Scott Collura, you would like Aronofsky. But his movies are pretty weak and I was not looking forward to his vision taking over Wolverine. Couldn't be happier.


Almost Not a Noob
Jan 25, 2009
Um, first of all, I'm sure the earthquake had a large part in it so beforehand doesn't even matter. And move his family? Like they don't have lives of their own that they are living that than can just go up and move everyone he films a movie for a short time (relatively speaking).


Aug 1, 2010
Hey, lets let Gavin Hood do the sequel also. He can pinch out another piece of doo-doo like the last Wolverine movie. Fox doesn't care if its crap or not. Honestly, they don't. So long as it makes a ton of money


Oct 11, 2006
It would be impossible for them to even begin shooting this movie for a few months anyway. Who knows when it will even happen. Better yet, we've got FIRST CLASS in a few months. This is nothing to get too worried about, unless they bring Brett Ratner back ... then there is no hope


Jan 5, 2001

Lame? Wolverine's travel to Japan defined him in a lot of ways(Read the comics)

Additionally (If you don't want to read the comics) what do you find "lame" in a guy with three swords attached to each hand learning the Samurai ways and Fighting Yakuzas?
Apr 22, 2010
NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!! Well I give up on this whole Wolverine thing. I guess I'll just pretend the first one didn't happen and that this one isn't happening. Unless, of course, Fox nabs another talented director... Which is unlikely.
Aug 6, 2009
why is this a blow? now he has time to make another one of HIS own kick ass movies. anything he does now is be way better than a sequel to a shit movie
Dec 30, 2008
Dude's wife is pregnant, give him a break. Who cares anyway? All the X-men/wolverine knockoffs have sucked donkeyballs. At least this guy's name wont be connected to this pile of monkey-crap.
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