
Embrace eternity.
Mar 26, 2006
Pretty much the same. At least I hope so. Unless we're all just avatars in a sick matrix-like reality for some lonely overlord dude. [face_tongue]


Embrace eternity.
Mar 26, 2006
That would be useful. What I wouldn't give to be able to use Goku's "Instant Transmission" ability. Traffic gone. :(


Embrace eternity.
Mar 26, 2006
Car insurance is one of the biggest scams around. :(

You also would get to sleep in. :(


Insert witty title here
Dec 20, 2002
lol well since I was born in the country bikes were easily accessible. It was a kinder time, a simpler time. [face_tongue]


Embrace eternity.
Mar 26, 2006
I'm a city boy, comparatively speaking. Still, I probably should have learned.

Never too late though! Wish me luck. [face_mischief]
Last edited:
Aug 27, 2008
Han Dang instead of Cheng Pu eh guess we got to wait till Dynasty Warriors 9. Just kidding I'm stoked but god dang Wei has so many officers when are they actually going to start balancing it out a little bit. Koei are Wei whores, ALL OF THEM! Is ZhouTaiRocks still around this bitch anyway? My god I've played these games for too long but I can't stop.


No Longer a Noob
Mar 24, 2003

I will get DW8...Shu's characters always look so badass...and I'm a Wu guy. [face_tongue]
Looking forward to the game in July. Definitely looking forward to the likes of Lu Su, Li Dian, Jia Chong and Zhang Bao. (wonder if he'll get the stupid suicide too lol)

Speaking of characters, Koei's Famitsu character poll should be out this week revealing the results of Xtreme Legends and beyond to the future of the series. Lots of Japanese gamers have spoken out that Cheng Pu this time around and the consensus is to expect everyone's long suffering veteran general of Wu to finally appearing soon. [face_applause]
Aug 27, 2008
Yeah I don't know I just never agree with the characters they choose for Shu though it's the only thing that kind of irks me. I think Zhang Bao isn't a bad choice I love the fact that they are always adding more characters but he wouldn't be my first or second choice. Would have liked to have seen Liao Hua or at least Wang Ping make it this time around but I'm just happy to play another DW for sure. Cool to see you still holding down this board too for so long Zhou. You're the only dude I can even remember from being on these boards since like god I don't even know which one in the series came out, lol.


Insert witty title here
Dec 20, 2002
I like how they sped up Lian Shi. Also her new outfit is fantastic. She was way to slow for me to enjoy using on DW7.
Aug 27, 2008
I'm hyped about using Zhong Hui again, dude was a monster on DW7. Those flying blades were fun as hell although the way he juggled everybody it almost always slowed down the frame-rate for me.


Insert witty title here
Dec 20, 2002
Yeah he was fun to use. I've actually been playing DW7 again to finish completing it to get the platinum.


No Longer a Noob
Mar 24, 2003
I like how they sped up Lian Shi. Also her new outfit is fantastic. She was way to slow for me to enjoy using on DW7.
I don't like playing her either way, her main action tree is standard crossbow shots and a few forking charge shots. She's a harder character to play for sure, just not one of my favourite designs as far as characters go. (in fact if anything it felt like Koei were more interested in designing her physically than her in-game mechanics lol)

Zhong Hui is a great design, both mechanically and visually, but far far too overpowered and easy to play with. Seriously can't blame alot of gamers going it with him online on hard difficulties in Co-op, he's just too fun to play.


Insert witty title here
Dec 20, 2002
I don't like playing her either way, her main action tree is standard crossbow shots and a few forking charge shots. She's a harder character to play for sure, just not one of my favourite designs as far as characters go. (in fact if anything it felt like Koei were more interested in designing her physically than her in-game mechanics lol)
You got that right. [face_tongue]


No Longer a Noob
Mar 24, 2003
I don't like playing her either way, her main action tree is standard crossbow shots and a few forking charge shots. She's a harder character to play for sure, just not one of my favourite designs as far as characters go. (in fact if anything it felt like Koei were more interested in designing her physically than her in-game mechanics lol)
You got that right. [face_tongue]
Wang Yi is a better character imo, designed as wrothful as she is versatile. Nice blend of form and function in a female officer and fun to play as too.

In comparison to her and say Guan Yinping at first glance, designs like Lian Shi still feel half complete.
Aug 27, 2008
Man I haven't picked up Dw7 in a while I'm trying to remember who I enjoyed playing with the most. I'm a big Zhao Yun guy but his move sets weren't really appealing to me in 7 compared to some previous iterations. I found myself playing with Zhang Fei far more than in any other DW game which was pretty cool. I'm glad they are bringing back independent character weapons though I didn't really like the thought of universal weapon sets. It was far too easy to maximize characters even the one's that were pretty lame.


Insert witty title here
Dec 20, 2002
Geez forcing myself to use all these characters in DW7 is a pain in the ass. Luckily, I only have my clan (Wu) and Shu to finish. I will platinum this shit before DW8


Almost Not a Noob
Jun 3, 2011
Welling,Kent ,England
Nostalgia ftw!

I hope you guys aren't one of those old elitist though that think everything sucks after 4. [face_tongue]
Dw 5 empires was the last good game of the series, after that, they messed with the characters personas and weapons ,some of the weapons are ridiculous, they just wanted a graphical upgrade On Dw 5 empires, instead of spoiling the whole game for long time devotees (I have followed the series since DW 1 on the amiga)


Aug 16, 2003
DW6 certainly felt like a huge step back to me, I will agree there, but I think they've redeemed themselves with 7 and 8. Sure there are some ridiculous weapons, but personally I'd rather have some officers rocking canoes and flower rods and such with unique movesets than everyone either using a sword or spear and having a bunch of moveset clones like in 6.


Almost Not a Noob
Jul 7, 2003
Working as a retail manager. #-oBeen moving around a lot recently. Got married a little over a year ago. Life is decent.

Haven't played a DW game in years. So, I'm all out of the loop. I put my username to shame! [face_tongue]


Insert witty title here
Dec 20, 2002
Married?! Holy hell lol congrats [face_tongue]

Yeah the last DW game I played was 7, so not too long ago [face_tongue]

Yes you put your username to shame! lmao not like I can talk, I haven't purchased a DBZ game in about a decade lmfao :^O


Almost Not a Noob
Jul 7, 2003
I honestly haven't played one since dw4. I think I touched 5 a little. I don't remember. It got too repetitive for me. (but I wouldn't mind picking up an old one because it was still fun)

The most recent games I've played are Bioshock Infinite, Skyward Sword and Skyrim. Other than that, not much. Why am I here again? [face_tongue]


Insert witty title here
Dec 20, 2002
Because you missed the people you used to talk to? [face_tongue]

Only thing i've been playing recently is Final Fantasy XIV [face_love]


Almost Not a Noob
Jun 3, 2011
Welling,Kent ,England
Man I haven't picked up Dw7 in a while I'm trying to remember who I enjoyed playing with the most. I'm a big Zhao Yun guy but his move sets weren't really appealing to me in 7 compared to some previous iterations. I found myself playing with Zhang Fei far more than in any other DW game which was pretty cool. I'm glad they are bringing back independent character weapons though I didn't really like the thought of universal weapon sets. It was far too easy to maximize characters even the one's that were pretty lame.
I used to play Dian Wei in the first three games, then I started playing Zhao Yun, I love his 360 attacking style, great for crowd control, I used to put everything in to maxing his weapon out, I cleared a level and realised after, that I had no army [face_shock][face_plain][face_raised_brow][face_mischief][face_cool]