
A Dimple in Draco
Jul 23, 2012
Ioannina, Greece
I like the handling for the bikes. I almost never drive cars due to handling issues. I stick to bikes.

I'd say with the exception of MaiMai P126 (the tiny cute red vehicle) bikes handle much better, yes.

On my last playthrough, I played around with some of those random missions to steal cars and bring them to some warehouse, the ones given by Muamar 'El Capitan of Awful Hair' Reyes. He got annoyed at me when I brought cars after the time expired, but some cars wouldn't handle as I'd like them to. On top of that, enemies spawning had no issue ramming their vehicles on mine, wasting time. I got more aggressive after some such missions, to the point that some of the stolen vehicles I brought to Reyes were visibly shorter on delivery. It was so funny getting his praise when I brought him cars that were missing parts or had smaller engines due to the fact they got crushed a lot - all because I did the mission in time.

Favorite car in the game for me was the Coyote btw.


Not the boss
Sep 27, 2001
North America
I like the one that looks like the Batmobile and Johnny's Porsche. Other than those I drive bikes.

Should I play FL on Series X soonish or wait until I replace my laptop next year ? I should wait and play it on a 40XX, right?


No Longer a Noob
Jul 7, 2019


Nov 10, 2013
I hated driving in the game for the most part, due to the wonky handling, but it improved when I got the Javelina.


Prime Member
May 17, 2012
Handling doesn’t bother me at all. And few things in video games are more satisfying than pulling up to an NCPD alert and shock and awe’ing the perps with missiles from your vehicle.

I love the chases too. I’m not saying the handling is good, but it is fun.


A Dimple in Draco
Jul 23, 2012
Ioannina, Greece
Has anyone tried the game with the 2.10 patch? They keep adding new things into the game e.g.

* The ability to ride the metro. I tried it, very nice
* Car races. Haven't tried that yet
* The option to invite your significant other to an apartment you own to be, as Homer Simpson would put it, "intamit" with them. I invited Panam to my downtown apartment (to impress her) and for some reason the "mission" glitched out for me and I can't use the elevator to get there
* Johnny's Porche in a colorful convertible form. You just buy it from the terminals, but then a mini-mission triggers to actually get it


Super User
May 17, 2012
Brooklyn, N.Y.
I love the metro. I’m starting to get a hang of the new abilities. This time I’m playing a netrunner who gets up-close and personal with a shotgun. It’s an interesting combination.


Not the boss
Sep 27, 2001
North America
I was going to mess around with the character creator tonight and maybe start a new run with the 2.0 rules, but my Xbox needed a 60 gig update (!!) and my laptop didn't have it installed at all, so now I'm downloading on both.

I'm interested in cross-play options, but if I buy Phantom Liberty on one it won't work on the other. At least that's what I've read.


Prime Member
May 17, 2012
I was going to mess around with the character creator tonight and maybe start a new run with the 2.0 rules, but my Xbox needed a 60 gig update (!!) and my laptop didn't have it installed at all, so now I'm downloading on both.

I'm interested in cross-play options, but if I buy Phantom Liberty on one it won't work on the other. At least that's what I've read.
60 gig update? Hmmm…. How fast do you guys download out there?

I get like 800-900 down when getting stuff off XBL. It’s so fast even 100 gig games are done in no time.


Prime Member
May 17, 2012
Played the flathead mission for a third time and had it unfold differently again. 3 playthroughs, 3 outcomes. Neat.
There is so much new content. I come across so much stuff I can’t recall seeing over the years leading up to 2.0. It won’t feel “fresh”, but it might feel a good bit different.


Not the boss
Sep 27, 2001
North America
I got cross-save to work, so that's nice. I still think it looks better on PC, even though the Series X is objectively more powerful than my laptop.

What the hell happened to armor? Enemies don't seem to drop clothes anymore and nothing has an armor score? I'm so confused.


Prime Member
May 17, 2012
I got cross-save to work, so that's nice. I still think it looks better on PC, even though the Series X is objectively more powerful than my laptop.

What the hell happened to armor? Enemies don't seem to drop clothes anymore and nothing has an armor score? I'm so confused.
Armor is now based off your implants. Each implant will have an armor rating and you’ll see your total on the right hand side of screen, opposite the new cyber deck capacity heads up.

Some cloths will have bonuses and it generally makes sense. A bullet proof vest will add some armor bonus but most cloths will not. I think a gas mask might have bonuses like you’d expect.

It’s a good system. Better than before, more manageable and sensical really.

-A lot more cyber implant options with greater effect on gameplay
-grenades and health are now on cooldown and not 1 to 1 from inventory. If you find a new grenade or health pack, it will be added to cooldown. Swap them as always.
-Enemies drop data sticks that might contain exp for a skill (level skills as you use them. Check skill menu) or an upgrade for your cyber deck capacity. This helps someone like me who hits the level cap and street cred cap long before I ever finish the game. Still progression for me as I run around doing everything.
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Nov 10, 2013
I just bought it too, for PC. I'm back! I am going to try a totally different path this time after beating the original with a corpo path and melee build. It was frankly way easy and OP.


Not the boss
Sep 27, 2001
North America
Got a different outcome to the crucifixion quest tonight. I told the corpo lady to fuck off and she fired me before the main event.

I was fine with that. One crucifixion per game is enough.

That's another quest where I've had 3 different outcomes in three playthroughs.


Not the boss
Sep 27, 2001
North America
The Dogtown content is pretty great. I just met Hands in person after doing his 3 side quests.

I really like the loot missions, and the rewards are great.

My only concern is that I'm going to be way overpowered once I go back to the base game. The hacking and armor system revamps have made me into a god.


Nov 10, 2013
I haven't got too far, but I find playing the main campaign to be like drinking castor oil or something, it is something I have to endure to enjoy the actual part I want to play, which is just the sandbox of this world.


A Dimple in Draco
Jul 23, 2012
Ioannina, Greece
I do have a similar issue with the main story. It's not a bad story by all means, or badly told, but I always felt that the ticking clock element works against the openess of the world and the rest of the stuff you can do. When there is something so urgent to do, the motivation to pursue missions is problematic. This is how I felt at least.

The Dogtown as a sort of self-contained smaller world within a world felt much more consistent to me. I could forget about the ticking clock a bit more and so I could enjoy all the weirdness and side-missions.

One can claim that the game is not much different to other story-driven games in that it has "this one important thing" to do, but the urgency in CP2077 is far beyond anything else I can recall.


Super User
May 17, 2012
Brooklyn, N.Y.
I do have a similar issue with the main story. It's not a bad story by all means, or badly told, but I always felt that the ticking clock element works against the openess of the world and the rest of the stuff you can do. When there is something so urgent to do, the motivation to pursue missions is problematic. This is how I felt at least.
Agreed. I understand why developers do this but the urgency in Cyberpunk is probably the most egregious example of this design.


Nov 10, 2013
You articulated it much better than I did. That's exactly it, @rastaban75. I feel dragged into the main quest by the Johnny Silverhand game mechanic, and I already played it and that's not why I am back in this world, so I find it frustrating.


Not the boss
Sep 27, 2001
North America
I'm so annoyed with CP this evening.

I started the Peralez mission, which means working with River. River absolutely sucks, so I want to piss him off whenever possible. We're at a mission where I'm supposed to sneak into a warehouse, so I walk up to the first guard I see and blow his head off with a shotgun.

Does River get pissed or try to lecture me (which would be funny)? No, he goes all white knight and comes to my rescue. Does he think V needs rescue? V is a GOD OF NIGHT CITY. No one rescues V, she is the rescuer.

I hate River so much, I wish this game would let me drive him into the ocean.

EDIT: It's petty, but I learned that the EMP pulse I trigger with overclock messes with his implants, so I've been doing that regularly.
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Prime Member
May 17, 2012
I'm so annoyed with CP this evening.

I started the Peralez mission, which means working with River. River absolutely sucks, so I want to piss him off whenever possible. We're at a mission where I'm supposed to sneak into a warehouse, so I walk up to the first guard I see and blow his head off with a shotgun.

Does River get pissed or try to lecture me (which would be funny)? No, he goes all white knight and comes to my rescue. Does he think V needs rescue? V is a GOD OF NIGHT CITY. No one rescues V, she is the rescuer.

I hate River so much, I wish this game would let me drive him into the ocean.

EDIT: It's petty, but I learned that the EMP pulse I trigger with overclock messes with his implants, so I've been doing that regularly.
Have you played a chic character with him? Then he’s really annoying. I can’t stand the final mission with the kids.


Not the boss
Sep 27, 2001
North America
Were the late-game Arasaka hit squads in the original code? I don't remember them, but they're fun. I got jumped by one tonight and had fun taking them apart.

River still sucks.

Every time I get hit by a car, which is kind of often, I'm compelled to waste the driver.


Not the boss
Sep 27, 2001
North America
I know a lot of you guys liked Phantom Liberty and I don't want to yuck your yum but... yeesh. This ending is truly awful. They took the worst part of Metroid Dred (EMMI) and paired it with cliche metaphysical DLC bullshit. Ugh.

I liked Dogtown and the new side quests, and I loved the 2.0 patch changes, but the last 1.5 hours of this have been terrible. I had to turn it off because I'm running out of time before bed.

I'll finish... eventually.


Prime Member
May 17, 2012
I know a lot of you guys liked Phantom Liberty and I don't want to yuck your yum but... yeesh. This ending is truly awful. They took the worst part of Metroid Dred (EMMI) and paired it with cliche metaphysical DLC bullshit. Ugh.

I liked Dogtown and the new side quests, and I loved the 2.0 patch changes, but the last 1.5 hours of this have been terrible. I had to turn it off because I'm running out of time before bed.

I'll finish... eventually.
Is that where the thing hunts you down? It’s Alien ISO shit I think. So it can be extra annoying as it’s unpredictable. That AI behaves like no other in the game. But that could be the wrong part I am thinking of.


Not the boss
Sep 27, 2001
North America
Is that where the thing hunts you down? It’s Alien ISO shit I think. So it can be extra annoying as it’s unpredictable. That AI behaves like no other in the game. But that could be the wrong part I am thinking of.
Yeah, the maintenance bot stalks you through the facility as you're trying to hack a door open. It's a huge departure from everything else in the game.

Any dev that proposes an instafail stealth segment should be fired immediately.

And the worst part is it ignores established game mechanics - the bot can see you even if you're using the camouflage tool, and it doesn't give you the alert tools (visual and sound cues) you get with normal enemies.



No Longer a Noob
Sep 14, 2004
Got to say the Phantom Liberty Ending might be one of the best endings I've experienced and the best one overall for CP, fits the narrative very well. A very poignant ending. Thats me though.


Prime Member
May 17, 2012
Got to say the Phantom Liberty Ending might be one of the best endings I've experienced and the best one overall for CP, fits the narrative very well. A very poignant ending. Thats me though.
The story and all but that mission is broken. I see what they were doing, and that AI is Alien ISO style. It doesn’t spawn and respawn or there aren’t set pieces. It’s there hunting you. But l agree with DD, it totally breaks the rules you’re used to out of no place and unless it’s a full blown stealth game, stealth missions and critical failures do suck ass.

Cool idea bad execution but … CP is awesome.

Playing STALKER and even its raw, gaming archeology form, it’s so good. I don’t hate FPS. I do hate modern FPS. Mostly anyway.


No Longer a Noob
Sep 14, 2004
The story and all but that mission is broken. I see what they were doing, and that AI is Alien ISO style. It doesn’t spawn and respawn or there aren’t set pieces. It’s there hunting you. But l agree with DD, it totally breaks the rules you’re used to out of no place and unless it’s a full blown stealth game, stealth missions and critical failures do suck ass.

Cool idea bad execution but … CP is awesome.

Playing STALKER and even its raw, gaming archeology form, it’s so good. I don’t hate FPS. I do hate modern FPS. Mostly anyway.

I think STALKER was ahead of its time in terms of open-world design. It never really felt constrictive and I also agree with Rasta on this. The urgency narrative doesn't really fit with the openness of CP. Night City, for me, is the most beautifully crafted open work map and it needs time to be explored and enjoyed, something that goes against the story...since well...you have a ticking bomb in your head.

Thats why I like Pacific Drive a lot, it reminded me of STALKER - minus the monsters.