
Nov 10, 2013
I remember them saying that, but I think people thought it was really a matter of $$$ and Bethesda not wanting to pay the fees. Bethesda is big enough that it can develop a proprietary engine, something most developers can't afford to do.


No Longer a Noob
Sep 14, 2004
I just read something around the Starfield launch saying Bethesda couldn't switch to Unreal because it wasn't good for open world games.

I guess CDPR disagrees.

Or maybe that was true of earlier versions?

I doubt this was the issue. Epic did a UE4 kyte demo showcasing how well it can handle open world.


Mod in a blue hat
Jun 6, 2012
Starfield is stupid open world, though. Also, the mods scene would not be nearly as robust. They would not have the custom tools to release. Even Digital Foundry conceded Unreal wouldn't work as well for this kind of game. Neither would Id's engine.


Prime Member
May 17, 2012
I doubt this was the issue. Epic did a UE4 kyte demo showcasing how well it can handle open world.
I’ve seen many takes that suggest UE4 isn’t good for modern open world stuff. Something about how it fundamentally loads content in.

Something they’re supposedly aware of for UE5.


Almost Not a Noob
Aug 25, 2023
Phantom Liberty looks great and finally there's a story expansion dlc but I'm being cheap and will wait for it on sale. I'm sure it'll be in the black friday sale on the ms store in November.

I'm busy with other games right now anyway


Super User
May 17, 2012
Brooklyn, N.Y.
I just read something around the Starfield launch saying Bethesda couldn't switch to Unreal because it wasn't good for open world games.

I guess CDPR disagrees.

Or maybe that was true of earlier versions?
CDPR’s next game is years away. UE5 isn’t ready for primetime even with 5.3 so it would not have been a good choice for Starfield.


Prime Member
May 17, 2012
CDPR’s next game is years away. UE5 isn’t ready for primetime even with 5.3 so it would not have been a good choice for Starfield.
How long is this console cycle going to be? At what point is UE5 hot air? Feels like it’s been demo for 3 years.


Super User
May 17, 2012
Brooklyn, N.Y.
UE5’s rollout is a strange one. Their marquee UE5 game is Fortnite which is hardly the kind of standard bearer that Gears of War was for UE3 & 4. Despite the impressive features in the Matrix demo like lumen and nanite I find games like CP, Starfield and Jedi Survivor look and perform better today without them.


No Longer a Noob
Sep 14, 2004
Right now UE5 engine is more useful in VFX rather than games but soon. EU5is the future unless Epic pulls a Unity and they shoot themselves in the foot.


Prime Member
May 17, 2012
I’m just saying it’s still rolling and I haven’t played jack shit. But CP in 2023 on consoles is pretty damn amazing.

I’m sure it’s safe to assume the situation is only better on a good PC. Unreal is still hype.

Update drops tomorrow? I will be booting that up this week.


Prime Member
May 17, 2012
It made me realize just how good Starfield controls and looks. Weirdly, SF makes CP feel sluggish. Especially just walking. CP is awesome but much slower and takes getting used to and yeah, it feels sluggish.

The new stuff I’m still sitting through but I did self destruct a car to kill some gang members sitting next to it. The AI is crazy good and the traffic and all of that looks great. Feels like a city.


Prime Member
May 17, 2012
On series X turn your sensitivity all the way up and lower the dead zone in options, then leave it on quality mode. It’s polished up in all the right ways and took everything to the next level. With the expansion it’ll be hard to beat.

I am surprised at how well Starfield holds up and I wouldn’t want to part with either. The weapons and the tweaks put CP combat over the top but just barely.

They really brought Night City to life though. I was wondering the streets during a rain storm and it felt pretty amazing. Now that traffic and pedestrians are all fixed up, like no other game I’ve played. But again, Starfield does a good job and actually holds up. It’s not on this level though.

Smart weapons are really, really fun now. They work so well. You can target multiple enemies easy and watching your bullets track three targets is a thing of video game beauty. But both it and Starfield nail the feel of weapons. They also nail abilities but at present CP just had a lot more and more variety, with level design to support it. CP edges it out.

And female V’s voice acting. The voice acting in general. I love it.

Just insane visuals. On a high end PC you’re about there I bet. Series X felt about there. It is the most detailed open world and maybe game. Each street feels unique. Masterpiece for sure.

All in all it’s a toss up. Starfield actually feels better in a lot of ways and I didn’t think Bethesda would nail gameplay the way they did. But that may be where it really shines.
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Prime Member
May 17, 2012
They infused the combat with more RPG. On hard I’m still smoking people with my leveled up net runner type with smart weapons. But your build really alters approach a lot more than before I think. It feels more open and nuanced, and the cleaned up AI makes the level design work even better.

If the expansion has as much RPG in the dialog and as many choices as combat, it’ll fix the RPG side of things for me. Maybe it already has because playing a build type is a lot more satisfying.

I’ve been running around on my now 48 character and played the first few hours on a new character. Still haven’t learned all the new mechanics and abilities.


Prime Member
May 17, 2012
It’s just a straight up masterpiece now. More details and a lot more gameplay. But the visuals are insane too. I’ll swap but I prefer Ray tracing. Adjust input sensitivity and it plays great.

Fucking insane.


Prime Member
Nov 11, 2011
Hmm, new perk trees, with new mobility options. So tempting to start a new full cyberpsycho character.


Prime Member
May 17, 2012
Hmm, new perk trees, with new mobility options. So tempting to start a new full cyberpsycho character.
Lots of new gameplay. I have been messing with builds and started a new character.

Everything is better.

Especially melee builds. Love the new blade stuff.


Prime Member
May 17, 2012
CDPR just can’t let you play sometimes. 8 hour prelude required. No exceptions.

One you’ve played through the intro mini series it adds a lot to their world though.
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Prime Member
Nov 11, 2011
A missed opportunity in Cyberpunk has been that your implants don't impact your characters appearance enough, I can't end up as Adam Smasher or even David Martinez. Installing Gorilla Arms should give me an option to really bulk up my arms and shoulders.


Prime Member
May 17, 2012
First set of wheels with rockets and machine guns. It’s a lot of fun. My character was super rich. I’d been running around doing gigs and NCPD scanner missions for 60 hours. Now level 52 ( new cap) and about 5 hours put into phantom liberty already.

It’s really, really good. No crash for my hour session this morning.


Prime Member
May 17, 2012
I feel like they've upped credit gain from gigs/mission a lot.
Maybe? I thought it might just be scaling to my level but I think you’re right. I had 350k before I started but my last scanner mission was like 9k.


Prime Member
May 17, 2012
Smart weapons. Aim high. It’s very cool. It’s just about perfect for what’s currently possible.

If you’re an old school Cyberunk fan I don’t know what more you could have asked for. Because it also has the perfect cast. After they polish this up I’d be greedy and say it’d cool to get a little bit more content.

I will buy the remastered version one day.

Flying cars. That’s it. Even just an optional way to take auto pilot rides in one. But that’s it. Add flying cars and done. The perfect CP noir RPG.


Super User
May 17, 2012
Brooklyn, N.Y.
Netrunning feels nerfed. Not only do hacks cost more but they seem to be less effective or ineffective. It does mean getting into the mix more which is nice but there’s less eye-candy from a hacking perspective.

Also all the sound effects seem to have been tweaked. Everything sounds slightly more amped and chunky now.


Prime Member
May 17, 2012
Netrunning feels nerfed. Not only do hacks cost more but they seem to be less effective or ineffective. It does mean getting into the mix more which is nice but there’s less eye-candy from a hacking perspective.

Also all the sound effects seem to have been tweaked. Everything sounds slightly more amped and chunky now.
They are not nerfed. You’re wrong on that. Was net running before and after and if anything it’s more powerful.

Saw someone else mention this and what the hell were you guys playing? Yeah I feel more powerful. And smart weapons fit into a net runner build easy and they’re so good.

But definitely not nerfed. Better in every way.

Hacking vehicles has been really useful too. I think audio has some bugs.


Prime Member
May 17, 2012
And yeah, especially if you use the new hacking overdrive move. I’ve torn through rooms of very hard enemies.

Make sure you actually read over all the new abilities.


Super User
May 17, 2012
Brooklyn, N.Y.
They are not nerfed. You’re wrong on that. Was net running before and after and if anything it’s more powerful.

Saw someone else mention this and what the hell were you guys playing? Yeah I feel more powerful. And smart weapons fit into a net runner build easy and they’re so good.

But definitely not nerfed. Better in every way.

Hacking vehicles has been really useful too. I think audio has some bugs.
Didn’t say they were nerfed, said they feel nerfed. Using hacks before came with a lightshow and a lot of reactivity from enemies, sparks flying everywhere and lots of screaming in pain. Now enemy numbers get smaller but I don’t see the same effects. They definitely did increase the cost of hacks which is fine, encounters ended far too quickly before with tons of RAM left over at high levels.

No problem with smart weapons, they feel a little like the smart pistol in Titanfall which is nice. All the new little UI touches definitely take the game up a notch. If this game came out in 2020 our heads would have exploded.

I just got to the president so I’m still feeling out the systems. Overall a very impressive update.


Prime Member
May 17, 2012
The mechanics changed. I don’t think they feel nerfed either.

Smart weapons didn’t track that well before I don’t think. Aim high. They’ll track over the top of cars and barriers and dive down in a way they never did before. Like way high. 6ft above the cover.


Prime Member
May 17, 2012
Dogtown really rounds out the CP setting. Game is kinda of insane. It really does feel like a movie at times.

The story for Phantom Liberty is really good so far. That I am playing it as a game is a trip. Too bad we won’t get one more expansion. Hopefully we got a few good updates.


Prime Member
May 17, 2012
*They added a lot more to the base game. There is so much, despite doing much of it 3x over and 100% I can’t keep track. But I’m sure I’ve been doing lots of new missions outside of Dogtown.

Level 55 and my NCPD scanner map is full again. I think I even see new advertising but the game is fucking sensory overload. Game is a mind fuck if you turn the sound up and the lights out at night. As an RPG it’s filled out. Combat is nearly perfect. You build a character more than before and it’s a lot more fun and consequential.

It becomes believably alive in a way that is almost creepy. In a good way. Not uncanny. Hook your PCs up to a big screen. Especially when there’s a ton of pedestrians and cars on a busy city street.
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A Dimple in Draco
Jul 23, 2012
Ioannina, Greece
Moving slowly, I'm doing the main mission in the first Act as I want to open up the game and its world as soon as possible. About to do the intro to braindance session with Judy. I set it on the highest difficulty and will see how it goes.

I'm enjoying the improved visuals on my system.


Prime Member
May 17, 2012
Did a mission that used the interior of a building from the the first game. That makes me very happy. A really good mission too. I wanted to grab the bad guy and it even had a boss encounter. Can’t really remember many gigs with a boss.


Prime Member
May 17, 2012
Yeah, lots of new content outside of Dogtown. It’s clear that 3 years ago not only was it not finished testing, they hadn’t put all the content they wanted in either. Some interesting NCPD scan missions. The badlands are a lot more fun too.

I’ve done a couple of side missions from Dogtown that are simple but I was really engrossed in. I find the game mind blowing though.

Been waiting for this since Deus Ex: Human Revolution, or whatever the OG Xbox had, was comically disappointing. And the systems feel deep enough now, especially weapons, that it feels pen and paper almost. If I’m being greedy I’d ask for more, but it’s about perfect.

And Keanu and Idris or whatever his name is, fucking give the best characters in video games I think. Silver hand has really grown on me and the dialog in PL is entertaining as hell.

If reviews weren’t obnoxious, this is as close to an actually perfect experience 10/10 as I’ve played. It’s a creepily engrossing sim RPG. It’s a cyberpunk noir masterpiece. Kinda crazy.


Prime Member
Nov 11, 2011
Did a mission that used the interior of a building from the the first game. That makes me very happy. A really good mission too. I wanted to grab the bad guy and it even had a boss encounter. Can’t really remember many gigs with a boss.

Was it one of the new encounters (marked with three heads on the map), that are combat challenges with a boss?

I think I should turn up the difficulty on the game, but I do enjoy being OP at the moment.

I get the feeling that netrunning is nerfed a bit, but I think it just needs a little more thought into building and using the quickhacks. You might not want all your quickhacks to be the highest level to save on RAM for instance. Also if you want to stealthhack then sonic shock is a must.


Prime Member
May 17, 2012
Was it one of the new encounters (marked with three heads on the map), that are combat challenges with a boss?

I think I should turn up the difficulty on the game, but I do enjoy being OP at the moment.

I get the feeling that netrunning is nerfed a bit, but I think it just needs a little more thought into building and using the quickhacks. You might not want all your quickhacks to be the highest level to save on RAM for instance. Also if you want to stealthhack then sonic shock is a must.
Nah, I haven’t even noticed those on my map. I don’t leave all the icons up, there are so many. It was just a new gig that used one of the old hotels in Pacifica. And I’d always wished they had some interior because I spent a lot of time there grinding out challenge kills for the platinum.

NCPD scanners were always fun for me but now I really enjoy them. And I love the car collection missions which might not be unlocked until you hit dog town but they can happen any place.


Prime Member
May 17, 2012
Just the best shit ever. It crashes on me once in a while, outside of that and few quirky bugs like incapacitated enemies sometimes not actually touching the ground, it’s perfect.

I guess the RP is still light on the dialog side? But there’s so much. And you make so many small decisions that have immediate effects, you’re lost in it and it is RP. That the city feel alive helps a lot too.

But there is so much new I can’t keep it straight. Seems like they redisined sections of the Badlands almost entirely. I’d need to see a video of the old game.


Prime Member
May 17, 2012
Dogtown completes the post-apocalypse vibe of Cyberpunk. Without it NC just feels like a run-down futuristic LA.
All the additions really made the base game bigger and better too.

Playing in 30 with RT and it’s brilliant. I don’t switch to 60 anymore. The times when RT makes a difference it’s huge and in 30 with film grain it’s at times some the best noir I’ve seen, movie or games.

It’s a really good RPG now too. You will get high enough level and have enough perks to be multi skilled though.

Game of the Year over Forza Horizons and Hogwarts and SF, for me. And I love those games. CP is legendary.


Prime Member
May 17, 2012
And I have no idea what the new offshore area is. I haven’t gone there, hasn’t been mentioned. It changes the view considerably.

It’s crazy how much more there is than what I played on ps4 and I thought it was great. I’ve also now crossed the 300 hour mark in CP. I think it’ll hit 500 for sure. 185 on PS4 Pro and the rest on Xbox this year. But I already started a new character but I will do a third play beyond that too. Games that good. And if it does hit 500 it’ll be my most played SP game over Morrowind and Oblivion.


Prime Member
May 17, 2012
Two playable arcade cabinets? One is Roach Race, a Witcher 3 side scrolling game. The other is Trauma Drama. A little contra.

I had no idea.

**Ive never been this into a video game story. Since half life started the real time story telling, this is its peak. And I ran into some characters from Night City in Dogtown that wouldn’t be around depending on your choices. They were great little touches. You could easily miss them too. I can see myself putting in another 300 easy.
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Prime Member
May 4, 2011
Two playable arcade cabinets? One is Roach Race, a Witcher 3 side scrolling game. The other is Trauma Drama. A little contra.

I had no idea.

**Ive never been this into a video game story. Since half life started the real time story telling, this is its peak. And I ran into some characters from Night City in Dogtown that wouldn’t be around depending on your choices. They were great little touches. You could easily miss them too. I can see myself putting in another 300 easy.
There’s another that’s a Doom style shooter where you play as Johnny Silverhand invading Arasaka tower.


A Dimple in Draco
Jul 23, 2012
Ioannina, Greece
I'm level 10, right at the main mission where the thing happens, although I'm sure everyone here knows about it and it's not really a spoiler. Can't wait to finish and have the city open up for me, this is what I will enjoy the most. I'm not very keen on doing the main mission. My main goal is to advance enough to get access to Phantom Liberty, but at the same time I'm in no hurry.

Noticed they increased the level cap to 60. That's nice. I'm playing a build based on intelligence and technical so far, with a little bit of reflexes. The cap will allow me to max several things. I like the revamped skill tree and want to test it out. Feels like a new game in many respects.