
No Longer a Noob
Mar 2, 2012
congrats on going to the tournament

I'm super pumped about the future of App basketball, first time in years we've had a really bright future. We're extremely lucky to have Coach Fox, this team had no business in going 9-11 in the Sun Belt this year, every win felt like a mini miracle because of how much less talented App was than almost every team in the conference. Had some big home wins like against Ga St and a 23 point drubbing of UL Monroe. If Fox can recruit well we may can make some noise in a few years, already have a commitment from 3* Ronshad Shabazz which should be a big get


Who's Got It Better Than Us?
Jan 4, 2008
Excited for the future of Michigan basketball. Rough year but we may have everyone back, and the emergence of Aubrey Dawkins as the next "how the hell did no one recruit this guy" Beilein project, I'm pumpued


No Longer a Noob
Mar 2, 2012
John Hart [face_cool]
Thanks for Heyward and Walden.
Still the only trade I'm not too crazy about. Oh well if he has a breakout year or something this season we may could try to sign him back this summer with the ridiculous amount of money we freed up today, very unlikely it would ever happen but it is a contract year for him. I'm interested to see how he does this year, he was so inconsistent for the Braves at the plate. An absolute defensive stud though, I was hoping we would keep him in the core to build around. Love how Hart is stacking this farm system though.


No Longer a Noob
Mar 2, 2012
Just finished How I Met Your Mother. The way my dad still talks about Seinfeld, that's how I'll always be with this show. Daaaamn.


Mr. Elway: S.O.S.
Oct 25, 2006
It feels good to be a college graduate.
Congrats bud. I'm still enjoying the fact that I'm done with school for good.
Thanks, man. It's a good feeling. After the stress of the past year, I should probably take the few weeks off from life people have suggested but nah, I've already applied to a few PR firms and a few newspapers. Hoping to get some calls next week.


No Longer a Noob
Mar 2, 2012
Saw a game at Camden last night. It was awesome, you guys need to try to make it there one day


Jul 24, 2008


No Longer a Noob
Mar 2, 2012
Figured I'd drop this here as well in case anyone wants to read:
saw Jason Isbell live a few weeks ago. It's insane he literally sounds the EXACT same live that he does on his albums. It is unreal. He's so damn talented
I'm dying to see him live but none of my friends listen to him. Southeastern from 2013 is fucking perfect (minus Super 8).
Ever since southeastern my dad has been obsessed with him. So naturally from that that I've heard every song off Southeastern and Something More than Free multiple times. But yeah he did a concert at App a few weeks ago and my dad came up to go to it so I just tagged along. Definitely no regrets there he put on a great show.


No Longer a Noob
Mar 2, 2012
It'll be nice to finally shut you guys up
Can't imagine how sick everyone is especially BC that Cam turned out to be the superstar I promised he would be. Bet BC is absolutely miserable I remember he said Manziel would be a better NFL QB lol.


No Longer a Noob
Jan 6, 2009
Cam has really come along this year, its cool watching him develop.
I was never a fan of the pick, i'm glad I was wrong


No Longer a Noob
Mar 2, 2012
It'll be nice to finally shut you guys up
Can't imagine how sick everyone is especially BC that Cam turned out to be the superstar I promised he would be. Bet BC is absolutely miserable I remember he said Manziel would be a better NFL QB lol.
We should be set up to be good for a long time. Hope we get another shot at it soon.


No Longer a Noob
Jan 6, 2009
Cam didn't really play that bad.
Our WR, O-line, running backs and special teams on the other hand...


No Longer a Noob
Mar 2, 2012
Cam didn't really play that bad.
Our WR, O-line, running backs and special teams on the other hand...
We couldn't have played that bad if the game was played over a hundred times. Anything that could have possibly gone wrong went wrong. Refs definitely favored Denver the entire game. The Panthers played shitty but if Cotchery's catch was correctly called a catch we still probably win tbh because Denver had no type of offense. Which makes it even more embarrassing that we lost. But yeah, that was clearly a catch by Cotchery. Cotchery also dropped what might have been a TD (the best pass Cam made all night) and if not would have been first and goal at the 2. Then we were driving again and Ted Ginn dropped a pass that hit him right in the hands and it fell to a Bronco for an INT. God what a sickening loss.


No Longer a Noob
Jan 6, 2009
Thats football, a lot bounced our way this season..I was hoping the Falcons game was going to be our only "bad game" but I was wrong.

Gotta give Denver credit though, nasty pass rush. I'm very surprised we weren't more creative with Cam. I would have expected a lot more roll outs/outside runs and moving the pockets to try to keep Denver's defense off balance.

The biggest improvement we need to make in the offseason is with our wide receivers. Hopefully with Kelvin back, we can have that go to guy who can go up and consistently make a catch (something we really lacked against Denver). I really think having someone that could have made two or three catches in a row would have settled our whole offense down, it kept feeling like we were on the verge of getting in that rhythm, but would have a drop/penalty/turnover.
Last edited:


No Longer a Noob
Mar 2, 2012
Thats football, a lot bounced our way this season..I was hoping the Falcons game was going to be our only "bad game" but I was wrong.

Gotta give Denver credit though, nasty pass rush. I'm very surprised we weren't more creative with Cam. I would have expected a lot more roll outs/outside runs and moving the pockets to try to keep Denver's defense off balance.

The biggest improvement we need to make in the offseason is with our wide receivers. Hopefully with Kelvin back, we can have that go to guy who can go up and consistently make a catch (something we really lacked against Denver). I really think having someone that could have made two or three catches in a row would have settled our whole offense down, it kept feeling like we were on the verge of getting in that rhythm, but would have a drop/penalty/turnover.
I think we can have top 5 WR core next year without Kelvin pending on the growth of Funchess who seemed to get better every week this season. Could have twin tours in KB and DF, still a solid deep threat in TG, and Philly is fine as a #4. Then Olsen at TE. That's not bad. This offseason I want upgrades at RT, secondary and overhaul in the pass rush. Johnson and Allen are gone.


No Longer a Noob
Jan 6, 2009
I think top 5 is a bit of a stretch.
Newton really made these WRs, before the season started these guys were the rejects that no one else even wanted. How Funchess develops in the offseason will be critical. You're right in that him and Kelvin could be a dangerous combo.

I think this is the draft you see us pick up a lot of O-line men.


Jul 24, 2008
Carolina had the second best line according to PFF, so I'm not sure why you would draft that position heavily unless I'm missing something regarding contracts. Finding a replacement for Oher should be a necessity though, yeah.


No Longer a Noob
Mar 2, 2012
Carolina had the second best line according to PFF, so I'm not sure why you would draft that position heavily unless I'm missing something regarding contracts. Finding a replacement for Oher should be a necessity though, yeah.
Actually Oher is who won't be replaced. Oher was shockingly fantastic this season, this offseason I was terrified about the thoughts of him protecting Cam's blindside but he was terrific at it. Mike Remmers is who could be upgraded. I mean he was what he is this year.... second year undrafted guy.... can't expect much he was solid all things considered. But he really realy struggles with speedy edge rushers. Yeah, he doesn't have to block Von Miller every week but RT is still a position that could be upgraded. I'm fully expecting this offseason the focus to be on DE and secondary, especially DE.


Mr. Elway: S.O.S.
Oct 25, 2006
Cam didn't really play that bad.
Our WR, O-line, running backs and special teams on the other hand...
We couldn't have played that bad if the game was played over a hundred times. Anything that could have possibly gone wrong went wrong. Refs definitely favored Denver the entire game. The Panthers played shitty but if Cotchery's catch was correctly called a catch we still probably win tbh because Denver had no type of offense. Which makes it even more embarrassing that we lost. But yeah, that was clearly a catch by Cotchery. Cotchery also dropped what might have been a TD (the best pass Cam made all night) and if not would have been first and goal at the 2. Then we were driving again and Ted Ginn dropped a pass that hit him right in the hands and it fell to a Bronco for an INT. God what a sickening loss.

I'm glad you're exactly the same after all these years. Never change, bro.


Jul 24, 2008
Cam didn't really play that bad.
Our WR, O-line, running backs and special teams on the other hand...
We couldn't have played that bad if the game was played over a hundred times. Anything that could have possibly gone wrong went wrong. Refs definitely favored Denver the entire game. The Panthers played shitty but if Cotchery's catch was correctly called a catch we still probably win tbh because Denver had no type of offense. Which makes it even more embarrassing that we lost. But yeah, that was clearly a catch by Cotchery. Cotchery also dropped what might have been a TD (the best pass Cam made all night) and if not would have been first and goal at the 2. Then we were driving again and Ted Ginn dropped a pass that hit him right in the hands and it fell to a Bronco for an INT. God what a sickening loss.

I'm glad you're exactly the same after all these years. Never change, bro.
Please tell City to focus on CL and the cups before tomorrow's match. :*


Jan 16, 2007
well dang, this board finally died

y'all were the realest. woy, bc, gms, future, hell even you be, y'all were cool and i hope y'all are doing well


No Longer a Noob
Mar 2, 2012
well dang, this board finally died

y'all were the realest. woy, bc, gms, future, hell even you be, y'all were cool and i hope y'all are doing well
Yeah man I had quite the run on these boards in my early high school days. Holy shit I was bad haha. Probably wild for you guys to hear this but I graduate from App in a few weeks and I’m completing my student teaching right now. Loving the hell out of this career so far. I also could be engaged within the next year or so, been with the same girl basically all through college.

*que the jokes from my 8th grade blunder*

But I’m doing well and hope you guys are as well. I follow some of you on twitter and it’s so cool to see you guys growing up and following your dreams. I still hang around the vesti and football boards some, randomly checked out this place today. Was shocked to see a post from two weeks ago.

Seriously you all deserve happiness in whatever you’re doing with your lives. Good luck tonight Tanner