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I'm smarter than you are
Apr 8, 2001
This is a step in the right direction. You're at least trying to focus on the correct things.

Although I don't grasp why you need to use the modifier "heavy" before racism and hate speech.

How many n-words or racial epithets does it take to qualify as "heavy" racism? If anything should be zero-tolerance, it should be that.

Historically IGN has allowed racism, sexism, homophobia, etc as long as nobody uses a handful of blacklisted words. Will that continue?

Can someone imply that certain people are inferior and be okay as long as they never use a bad word?

That's been the case for a very long time.
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May 2, 2009
This amnesty is a special circumstance type of deal, to be used more for users that were given permas under more minor offenses that accumulated over time. Now that we are re-instating a system where 3, 6, and 12 month bans are in place for most situations, these would be users that would otherwise have been put under one of those guidelines had the rules been different at the time of their perma. It is a bit of a retroactive action being taken.

In addition to not being banned for a particularly malicious/heinous offense, in order for a user to be granted amnesty, they would have to meet the following criteria:

- Received a permanent ban prior to 11/13/14.
- Have not circumvented in at a minimum of 6 months.

I can finally come clean. I am SystemBreakdown.



Insider Cancellation Pending Expiration
Dec 19, 2002
North Shore, Massachusetts
scumbag OP not using mentions
If I mentioned them, they'd all get quoted dozens of times. I'm sure they don't need that. They were each provided a link to this thread via PM.

I find it humourous that youd permanently ban a bunch of users and then send them a PM to their banned account notifying them of the release.

If I was banned permanently, why would I ever sign into the banned account ever again?


No Longer a Noob
Mar 24, 2014
Parts Unknown
Only people that I know on that list were TRP cause I hear something about his revolution every 20 minutes and JayEmCee because ayy wrasslin lmao

Reagrdless, at least the mods are trying to take steps in the right direction.


Eldritch Millennial
Feb 21, 2010
Baldur's Gate
I find it humourous that youd permanently ban a bunch of users and then send them a PM to their banned account notifying them of the release.

If I was banned permanently, why would I ever sign into the banned account ever again?
We aren't allowed to send mail to actual user e-mail addresses without consent, and in some cases there is no other way for us to inform them of the unban. Plus, this way it's on record that these users received the PM. All the senior mods received it as well. I mean yeah, it seems kind of silly, but there weren't really many alternatives here.


Armed 'n' Ready
Sep 13, 2003

I have been previously permabanned.

What happens if I were to break a minor TOS violation for something frivolous like spamming/rioting?


No Longer a Noob
Aug 22, 2000
Los Angeles, CA

I have a long history of being banned back from when using profanity would get you banned, also arguing/flaming here and there. But mostly for profanity. I don't know how your guys record keeping for bans works or how far it stretches back...

But if I get into a heated argument with some moron, how severe a ban would I be looking at ?


Eldritch Millennial
Feb 21, 2010
Baldur's Gate
I got banned three times for using a "gay" on the sports boards and the third was just unfair (I can't remember what was I saying but still know it's unfair).

Is that word can be bannable offense?
If you're using the word as "lame" or "stupid", then it's pretty much considered bannable due to offensive comments

Such a pretty box... [face_hypnotized]


I have been previously permabanned.

What happens if I were to break a minor TOS violation for something frivolous like spamming/rioting?
Well, if it were a smaller violation, you'd probably be warned and/or maybe receive a short ban, depending on exactly what it is. I don't want to give blanket times out for anything since every case has different context and variables. You're not looking at a perma for spamming though.


I have a long history of being banned back from when using profanity would get you banned, also arguing/flaming here and there. But mostly for profanity. I don't know how your guys record keeping for bans works or how far it stretches back...

But if I get into a heated argument with some moron, how severe a ban would I be looking at ?
Some records were lost in the board update, but for the most part we have complete records, including your own. You've had some bans the last few years, so they'd probably play the largest factor in a future ban situation, as opposed to something years ago or something like profanity.
May 3, 2002
Does this make the banning offence more loose, while a more strict moderation of language?

Each time I take a walk on the boards, it's like I've been on planet Miller for more than a couple of hours, dat time delay difference.



Feb 26, 2014
Can we get a clarification on what constitutes "serious" racism or sexism? This board has gotten increasingly racist, rape apologetics are posted every day, Anne Gus articles are claimed to be the real thing, and so on. I am NOT the only user who has this concern and it's driven some older users from the boards.
You're right, it is a concern. Given the varying degrees in context, severity, and other things involved in any potential situation involving those kind of terms however, it's actually better to have a more broad explanation. If someone is concerned whether or not their comment is bad enough to get themselves potentially on FW for racism, sexism, etc, they should probably reconsider posting what they're planning in the first place to avoid that risk.
I understand that a rigid set of rules for dealing with that stuff is undesirable if not impossible, but that isn't exactly what I'm getting at. It's rare that somebody is concerned that their own comments are racist or not. In fact, it's quite the opposite, racists don't believe that they are racist, etc. and there seems to be no punishment for making claims such as "black people commit more crime because they are more violent beings" and so on. Perhaps this exact quote would be bannable, but users seem to be perfectly safe if they make even the slightest effort to disguise their sentiments, and they can do that by being vague, by appealing to a distorted interpretation of science, statistics, or history, or by employing informal fallacies. Hell, one week ago one user called out the original poster of a thread for arguing that non-citizens are more violent than citizens using an instance of a crime as proof of said claim, and another user replied to him saying that he hoped that he would run into a minority gang and die. Nothing happened. These events occur every single day. P_V managed to go without a ban for more than a week despite his identity being obvious to the point of admission. Like, really?


Eldritch Millennial
Feb 21, 2010
Baldur's Gate
I haven't been banned in over two years and I am a longtime veteran of the vesti so I believe what I say should have some clout.

So, once again, unban @Dr.HomelessHobo

I understand that a rigid set of rules for dealing with that stuff is undesirable if not impossible, but that isn't exactly what I'm getting at. It's rare that somebody is concerned that their own comments are racist or not. In fact, it's quite the opposite, racists don't believe that they are racist, etc. and there seems to be no punishment for making claims such as "black people commit more crime because they are more violent beings" and so on. Perhaps this exact quote would be bannable, but users seem to be perfectly safe if they make even the slightest effort to disguise their sentiments, and they can do that by being vague, by appealing to a distorted interpretation of science, statistics, or history, or by employing informal fallacies. Hell, one week ago one user called out the original poster of a thread for arguing that non-citizens are more violent than citizens using an instance of a crime as proof of said claim, and another user replied to him saying that he hoped that he would run into a minority gang and die. Nothing happened. These events occur every single day. P_V managed to go without a ban for more than a week despite his identity being obvious to the point of admission. Like, really?
It's rarely so black and white. Plus, there's only so many mods around, and a lot of comments do not get reported, whether it be for fear of "snitching" or other reasons. Beyond that, we have to differentiate between an unpopular opinion and a flat-out racist or sexist comment. Many users here are -very- quick to wave that "my opinion!" flag in everyone's face. I'm not saying that racist, sexist, whatever comments are acceptable or as an excuse (they're not OK), but we simply can't be everywhere at every time, and catch every single user's post at all times. The mods aren't perfect, but they try to catch as much as they can.


Feb 26, 2014
I haven't been banned in over two years and I am a longtime veteran of the vesti so I believe what I say should have some clout.

So, once again, unban @Dr.HomelessHobo

I understand that a rigid set of rules for dealing with that stuff is undesirable if not impossible, but that isn't exactly what I'm getting at. It's rare that somebody is concerned that their own comments are racist or not. In fact, it's quite the opposite, racists don't believe that they are racist, etc. and there seems to be no punishment for making claims such as "black people commit more crime because they are more violent beings" and so on. Perhaps this exact quote would be bannable, but users seem to be perfectly safe if they make even the slightest effort to disguise their sentiments, and they can do that by being vague, by appealing to a distorted interpretation of science, statistics, or history, or by employing informal fallacies. Hell, one week ago one user called out the original poster of a thread for arguing that non-citizens are more violent than citizens using an instance of a crime as proof of said claim, and another user replied to him saying that he hoped that he would run into a minority gang and die. Nothing happened. These events occur every single day. P_V managed to go without a ban for more than a week despite his identity being obvious to the point of admission. Like, really?
It's rarely so black and white. Plus, there's only so many mods around, and a lot of comments do not get reported, whether it be for fear of "snitching" or other reasons. Beyond that, we have to differentiate between an unpopular opinion and a flat-out racist or sexist comment. Many users here are -very- quick to wave that "my opinion!" flag in everyone's face. I'm not saying that racist, sexist, whatever comments are acceptable or as an excuse (they're not OK), but we simply can't be everywhere at every time, and catch every single user's post at all times. The mods aren't perfect, but they try to catch as much as they can.
I am not claiming that there is a lack of moderator presence, and I really don't think that's the problem. I don't know anything about the inner-workings of the ban system but it's being used, sometimes by me and sometimes by others, and the instances of blatant and even unapologetic racism (and so on) and the response to those are either inconclusive or the bar is too high in that moderators are only reacting to point-blank instances without plausible deniability. Maybe I'm trying to define these to broadly but I have reported instances of Holocaust justification, and those were ignored.
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