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Lost on a island
Jan 29, 2014
So does this mean that users who where perm banned and came back will get perm banned again because of the new rules?
Would depend on the context and severity of the situation, like it does with most bans.
Im glad i never got banned here, once i got used to the forum and the users i like it :) I see theres a list of unbanned users, what about the list of banned users?

Btw, why did you have to replace that cool badass profile picture? :) Scar never get´s old
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Nov 2, 2012

Here's another example. User repeatedly posts articles from fake satire sites like thestatelyharold and Anne Gus and presents them as genuine to bait users and foster skepticism, and he follows a very reliable script to accomplish that. Many of the thread titles are ripped straight from r/whitesurpremacy. How is this not trolling?

Or how about the way people continue to use hate speech against the mentally ill. For example:


I reported this second post, as did others in the thread, but the report was ignored like 99% of hate speech against mentally ill people. The thread is still open and has not been locked:

I hope that this type of hate speech will be enforced against now.
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Eldritch Millennial
Feb 21, 2010
Baldur's Gate
Atomix isn't banned...Reana could PM a mod like anyone else if she wants to be back up for review.

Im glad i never got banned here, once i got used to the forum and the users i like it :) I see theres a list of unbanned users, what about the list of banned users?

Btw, why did you have to replace that cool badass profile picture? :) Scar never get´s old
We don't have like, a set list of banned and unbanned users, and too many get banned for us to keep a list going, esp. when factoring spam accounts.

As for the profile pic, I'm sure I'll go back to Scar eventually, but I like changing it up. Also, I <3 derpfield.


Eldritch Millennial
Feb 21, 2010
Baldur's Gate
Nov 2, 2012
I reported this second post, as did others in the thread, but the report was ignored like 99% of hate speech against mentally ill people. The thread is still open and has not been locked:
I'll look into it. Removing the post for now.

This thread isn't for users to bring up every particular mod issue though. Please do not turn it into that.

Alright. I only brought it up because other people had brought up similar issues, but if you want me to stop talking about it I will.


No Data Available
Apr 19, 2005
There are no nude pictures in that thread, and with the account deleted there's no way to actively see what that was 6 months later. As I recall however, that situation was looked into close enough and it ended up being a lot of bs about funi's identity. Really no proof to do anything off of it at this point, in either case.
Well yeah because the account had the nudes and pictures he posted without consent was deleted. Like Sien said, everybody saw them, mods were notified, nothing. I just read the OP, saw those two bits that I bolded and it stuck out to me because we all remember what happened. I'm not saying you should go and retroactively ban the guy now, lol.


Eldritch Millennial
Feb 21, 2010
Baldur's Gate
There are no nude pictures in that thread, and with the account deleted there's no way to actively see what that was 6 months later. As I recall however, that situation was looked into close enough and it ended up being a lot of bs about funi's identity. Really no proof to do anything off of it at this point, in either case.
Well yeah because the account had the nudes and pictures he posted without consent was deleted. Like Sien said, everybody saw them, mods were notified, nothing. I just read the OP, saw those two bits that I bolded and it stuck out to me because we all remember what happened. I'm not saying you should go and retroactively ban the guy now, lol.
Well, fwiw, hopefully with the new rules in place it will cut down on these types of issues a bit.


Jun 14, 2001
I remember in the old old days when circumventing was supposed to add like a month to your ban, RIP, #nostalgia. That's when people sort of cared about posting on the same account so it meant something, now in todays reddit/twitch age people have no such attachment to their original monikers

PS: Hi LiT, hi Vesti
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Lost on a island
Jan 29, 2014
Atomix isn't banned...Reana could PM a mod like anyone else if she wants to be back up for review.

Im glad i never got banned here, once i got used to the forum and the users i like it :) I see theres a list of unbanned users, what about the list of banned users?

Btw, why did you have to replace that cool badass profile picture? :) Scar never get´s old
We don't have like, a set list of banned and unbanned users, and too many get banned for us to keep a list going, esp. when factoring spam accounts.

As for the profile pic, I'm sure I'll go back to Scar eventually, but I like changing it up. Also, I <3 derpfield.
So that was just a list of users that was unbanned that day?


Oct 22, 2012

Here's another example. User repeatedly posts articles from fake satire sites like thestatelyharold and Anne Gus and presents them as genuine to bait users and foster skepticism, and he follows a very reliable script to accomplish that. Many of the thread titles are ripped straight from r/whitesurpremacy. How is this not trolling?

Or how about the way people continue to use hate speech against the mentally ill. For example:


I reported this second post, as did others in the thread, but the report was ignored like 99% of hate speech against mentally ill people. The thread is still open and has not been locked:

I hope that this type of hate speech will be enforced against now.
that's not even that bad, a dude made a thread saying that disabled people should be aborted

i got the thread locked but wtf, the guy wasn't even banned

i swear to god if i made a gay equivelant than i would be banned in a blink of an eye


The Drink Of Classy Gentlemen
Aug 20, 2004
There are no nude pictures in that thread, and with the account deleted there's no way to actively see what that was 6 months later. As I recall however, that situation was looked into close enough and it ended up being a lot of bs about funi's identity. Really no proof to do anything off of it at this point, in either case.
Well yeah because the account had the nudes and pictures he posted without consent was deleted. Like Sien said, everybody saw them, mods were notified, nothing. I just read the OP, saw those two bits that I bolded and it stuck out to me because we all remember what happened. I'm not saying you should go and retroactively ban the guy now, lol.
Can i just say, at the time of the thread there were no nudes at all on that gifboom account. If there were I probably would have been banned. The situation was looked into by many mods.


Almost Not a Noob
Feb 25, 2014
So that means all the bullshit bans that you and atomix gave out will now be lifted. Finally the mods reign of terror has come to an end and they can't just arbitrarily ban people they don't like anymore. So how does one go about getting their per a ban lifted?


Super Star
Aug 8, 2005
IGN Headquarters
this is all about as clear as mud.

Just take my ban history or whatever, and throw it all out the window. Seriously, just delete any ban history I have and start me over with a fresh record. THats because any and all bans Iv'e ever had were totally 100% undeserved and unjust. I would gladly love to go over my ban history with someone fair; but alas, there is no fair system (or any workable system for that matter) in place for users to appeal, because IGN doesnt care about it's users. If a fair person with an ounce of common sence and an open mind were to look at my ban history and ther circumstances behind it, they would see that any ban I have received is the work of an unfair mod doing a powertrip railroad job.

Does the OP of this thread even know what an amnesty IS?

It means you clear our records and make us whole. DO IT. DO THE RIGHT THING.


Almost Not An Asshole
Aug 23, 2011
Uh huh yep sure totally

Valar Morghulis
Mods are in denial about how fucked up that whole situation was. They were idiots to let someone who had issues with talking with little girls back in the first place and that's one of the first things he does. And their response was "I GUESS IT'S OKAY"

This whole, let's unban the shittiest of the shitty thing is just another sign that they are fucking bored and entertainment is more important to them than anything and they won't do anything of value until their hand is forced (IE when something really bad happens).
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