
Just Some Guy
Jul 6, 2008
Depths of Obscurity
I keep seeing these little hints, but I'm not gonna get my hopes up until it's confirmed. There's been rumors on this game and a few others and so far non have come true, so I gotta see those receipts man! 😂


Just Some Guy
Jul 6, 2008
Depths of Obscurity
Good for Xbox.

I don't feed into the console wars. Play however you wanna play. I however have been a PlayStation guy/player sine PS1 and I've always just enjoyed PlayStation's exclusives FAR more than Xbox's.

Unfortunately for me, I'm not a fan of First Person games, so Microsoft buying Bethesda doesn't make them more appealing to me as I don't play their games anyway. I know many people do though and maybe Microsoft can help bring Bethesda back to it'd prominence that it used to have since they've been hit like BioWare has been hit.


Just Some Guy
Jul 6, 2008
Depths of Obscurity
I'm def curious what this game is gonna be. Who we're going to play. Back to Shepard and the gang or something else. It did my heart good to see Liara at the end though. If they showed Tali too, I would have lost my shit! 😂


No Longer a Noob
Jan 10, 2009
I'm def curious what this game is gonna be. Who we're going to play. Back to Shepard and the gang or something else. It did my heart good to see Liara at the end though. If they showed Tali too, I would have lost my shit! 😂

If you pause and zoom in on Liara there's deep wrinkles around her mouth and eyes. So she's most likely a Matriarch. Also her robe she's wearing is strikingly similar to Benezia. If that's true. Then Grunt & maybe if they can bring her back after the destroy ending then EDI would be the only crew that would be alive.


Just Some Guy
Jul 6, 2008
Depths of Obscurity
Yeah, it does kinda seem like maybe they're potentially trying to bridge the gap between the Shepard trilogy and Andromeda. Still will be interesting to see what the game ends up being, but I'm def gonna wait for more info before I rack my brain with conspiracy theories.

Honestly, I don't care if we go back to Andromeda, Shepard or Middle fuggin Earth! I just want a good Mass Effect game. [face_praying][face_good_luck]🤞


No Longer a Noob
Jan 10, 2009
Mass Effect Trilogy Remaster Just Had A HUGE Leak - Release Date In Feb/March, PC Pre-Orders, & MORE


Just Some Guy
Jul 6, 2008
Depths of Obscurity
I'm pretty happy about everything I've seen and heard about the LE.

The only thing I'm disappointed about is "Booty gate". 😂

Honestly, not getting some looks at Miranda's "Assets" is surely disappointing, but it's really just gonna be a few small moments in the game so I'm not really trippin about it. The part that bothers me is that they can take the time and effort to change camera angles but you can't take the time and effort to give us the proper reveal of Tali's face!?

I guess BioWare still gotta BioWare from time to time. Still SUPER stoked for the game. Probably gonna take a few days off work when it comes out. Been a while since I did that. 🤙


Just Some Guy
Jul 6, 2008
Depths of Obscurity
I've watched a few things on the LE, but I don't want to watch too much. I wanna be surprised by some of the things. I'm super fuqqin stoked!

I wanted to do another Tril playthrough last year, as I do about every year and I made myself wait in case this was gonna be a real thing. Then when we got those ME:LE receipts, I kept waiting.

I work 4-10's at my Job so I normally have Sun/Mon/Tues off. Took Fri/Sat off too, so I got 5 straight days of Mass Effect baby!! 😎😂


Just Some Guy
Jul 6, 2008
Depths of Obscurity
I been workin mad hours at work this last 2 months, so I'm still not finished with ME1 yet, but look forward to 2 and 3. Especially since it seems like they did in fact to some degree address my Wifey Tali in ME2. 😂 I have avoided the pics so far. I know it's not THAT big a deal, but as a Talimancer it is to me. 🤙


No Longer a Noob
Jan 10, 2009
BioWare Did WHAT?! - HUGE Mass Effect 5 News, New Trailer, Teases, & MORE!