
Feb 25, 2007

Well, mostly I've been volunteering and doing chores.Though when it's night time,I'm playing games, watching movies,etc. I've been pretty bored with IGN lately though.

I am a year older now though. It was funny,didn't do anything for my birthday besides cake, but like 20 days after is when I celebrated. Got a 250gb PS3 for $100, the next day watched Antman, and the day after that my mom found $70 in 2 birthday cards from my grandpa and great aunt, that were 3 years old. So pretty nice weekend.


NecronomiSean's Favorite Floating Duck
Mar 7, 2006
Dang haha, seems like you're enjoying life at least. Having responsibilities and stuff sucks but being independent is also pretty amazing. Only trouble I have is being able to balance everything I want. That's what I fear about working fulltime as an actual adult. Having a job while still being able to hang out with friends and have some free time to yourself is difficult, especially if you have to commute an hour to work and back everyday. On top of that, actually having to worry about money and the thought of potentially raising your own family seems like a ton of work.

But it's something I want to let happen in the somewhat near future. I guess that's what makes 20s life so interesting. You're nervous about what may happen in the future but at the same time, you're excited for the opportunities you may get.

Back when I was on IGN like fulltime, I never imagined that I'd be where I am now. The amount of change someone can go through even in a single year can be incredible. Don't get me wrong, I'm still a young and probably naive guy but I like to think that I've made a ton of progress since my years in highschool. Going from a rather depressing phase into the person I am now feels like a million bucks and even though I still made some ridiculous decisions in those years, I can't blame myself because if there's one thing that I lacked before going through those times - it was experience. It's something I want to really emphasize actually.

I'm not really sure why I typed so much but yeah if you're thinking of attending college, I would say go for it. I know my last post just mentioned that majority of the stuff I learned at university is useless (which is still true) but just being able to go through the ups and downs of post-secondary life is a lifechanger in my opinion. A lot of the enjoyment depends on the people you meet which can be a difficult task but if you're able to do it, I think you'll absolutely love it. It'll be a nice change of pace I think and for me, made me look at life in a different way. It's a lot of commitment but very worth it I think.

I know sappy post but yeah, my 2 cents. The biggest factor that will change your circumstances and opportunities is your will to do something. If you have the courage to make something happen, go for it, keeping in mind the consequences. Life is all about risk and reward. The timing and way you approach things can swing the chance in one way or the other. Losing will always suck but you're still able to gather information from a loss and learn from it. Not all losses come from bad judgement, but from simple mistakes that you may not have known about. But once you succeed in something, man does it feel good. And hopefully with that win, you can carry your success into much bigger things.

Ok that's my 3 cents. Hopefully I didn't make anyone think I'm some bigshot millionaire because I'm still a small normal guy in the world. And I'm okay with that.


Crush them all!
Apr 4, 2008
Where the wind flows
Damn Puff you're narrowing it down well!

It's crazy to see that I'm fifth year in college (of 8 years judging by how I'm aiming for my masters at the moment). College can be scary at first, but you just gotta put yourself out there and adapt to some situations to become better. It's not easy, but you can do it. Even weird when I transferred colleges after I graduated with my Associate's degree because I was feeling like a little fish in big pond. Perhaps that I haven't found my true calling with what I truly want to do with life and everything.


That lurker guy
Oct 22, 2007
I think Dual Destinies overtook T&T as my favorite AA game. Very very slowly getting through PL vs. PW

I've been working as a laboratory technician (summer student) for almost 3 months now and feel like I've learned more useful things during these months than the stuff I learned in 4 years of university. I guess it's because my school is very research-heavy and loves to focus on theory which I don't care about because doing research is something I'm not interested in. Doesn't help that we worked with old ass equipment and techniques that no modern day company use anymore if they want to keep up with current technological standards.

yupppp. Other than waking up at 5 to get to work and living in a crappy city, life is good.
While I still maintain that T&T is my favorite of the series, DD was undeniably enjoyable. At first I didn't like Athena, but she really grew on me in the last case. I haven't gotten around to playing PL vs. PW yet though. Let me know how that one is.

Your current job actually sounds a lot like mine, puff. Or at least, what mine was back when I was a student. If you don't mind me asking, what type of research are you doing?

EDIT: Oops, didn't see the subsequent posts. Regarding college, I'd say do your research first. If it's something like programming, data science, music, or something of that nature, and you have enough self-discipline, you might be better off just teaching yourself and saving the money. If it's something you can do without going into a bunch of student loan debt for, the social opportunities are a big plus. But I'd only recommend it if you can afford it. Just exercise some common sense and you'll be fine.
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Bong Hits for Jesus
Aug 20, 2007
lol dont hate on the herb! smoke weed every day! im the manager of a bong shop the last year and a bit. not gone to post secondary yet, just been working the last few years


Crush them all!
Apr 4, 2008
Where the wind flows the fuck are you graduating before me?
we talked about this lol. i started in fall 2012 i probably will be graduating in 2016. maybe a semester late.
I started in fall 2011, yet I got my AA in spring 2014. That's three years right there. Now I transferred fall 2014 and expecting to get my BA in spring 2017. That's three more years and six years altogether. Guess everyone has different paths
Dec 5, 2004
New York
[link=[MEDIA=youtube]I_0FQtjfxls[/MEDIA] don't know how, but this video cracks me up every time.[/link]

Been watching a few videos like this. One was really lulzy that made every guy in the class laugh along with some females.

From what I've read, he asked the girl out by posting letters on teh school wall outside.
You posted this May 2011. Curious if you still watch this video or did I just give you a nostalgia blast.

Ahh the coding failed. It linked to this
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Almost Not a Noob
Feb 24, 2012
Whoa. Haven't been able to get into my account since, well, the last time I was on. More than half a year? Hm.


NecronomiSean's Favorite Floating Duck
Mar 7, 2006
I think Dual Destinies overtook T&T as my favorite AA game. Very very slowly getting through PL vs. PW

I've been working as a laboratory technician (summer student) for almost 3 months now and feel like I've learned more useful things during these months than the stuff I learned in 4 years of university. I guess it's because my school is very research-heavy and loves to focus on theory which I don't care about because doing research is something I'm not interested in. Doesn't help that we worked with old ass equipment and techniques that no modern day company use anymore if they want to keep up with current technological standards.

yupppp. Other than waking up at 5 to get to work and living in a crappy city, life is good.
While I still maintain that T&T is my favorite of the series, DD was undeniably enjoyable. At first I didn't like Athena, but she really grew on me in the last case. I haven't gotten around to playing PL vs. PW yet though. Let me know how that one is.

Your current job actually sounds a lot like mine, puff. Or at least, what mine was back when I was a student. If you don't mind me asking, what type of research are you doing?

EDIT: Oops, didn't see the subsequent posts. Regarding college, I'd say do your research first. If it's something like programming, data science, music, or something of that nature, and you have enough self-discipline, you might be better off just teaching yourself and saving the money. If it's something you can do without going into a bunch of student loan debt for, the social opportunities are a big plus. But I'd only recommend it if you can afford it. Just exercise some common sense and you'll be fine.
Lol this reply is over a year overdue but here it is.

I analyzed a bunch of oil sands samples for chemical and physical properties based on what the operators and engineers (the clients) want. It wasn't a research job, just an analytical servicing role. It was good experience but not something I want to do forever.


NecronomiSean's Favorite Floating Duck
Mar 7, 2006
Dang haha, seems like you're enjoying life at least. Having responsibilities and stuff sucks but being independent is also pretty amazing. Only trouble I have is being able to balance everything I want. That's what I fear about working fulltime as an actual adult. Having a job while still being able to hang out with friends and have some free time to yourself is difficult, especially if you have to commute an hour to work and back everyday. On top of that, actually having to worry about money and the thought of potentially raising your own family seems like a ton of work.

But it's something I want to let happen in the somewhat near future. I guess that's what makes 20s life so interesting. You're nervous about what may happen in the future but at the same time, you're excited for the opportunities you may get.

Back when I was on IGN like fulltime, I never imagined that I'd be where I am now. The amount of change someone can go through even in a single year can be incredible. Don't get me wrong, I'm still a young and probably naive guy but I like to think that I've made a ton of progress since my years in highschool. Going from a rather depressing phase into the person I am now feels like a million bucks and even though I still made some ridiculous decisions in those years, I can't blame myself because if there's one thing that I lacked before going through those times - it was experience. It's something I want to really emphasize actually.

I'm not really sure why I typed so much but yeah if you're thinking of attending college, I would say go for it. I know my last post just mentioned that majority of the stuff I learned at university is useless (which is still true) but just being able to go through the ups and downs of post-secondary life is a lifechanger in my opinion. A lot of the enjoyment depends on the people you meet which can be a difficult task but if you're able to do it, I think you'll absolutely love it. It'll be a nice change of pace I think and for me, made me look at life in a different way. It's a lot of commitment but very worth it I think.

I know sappy post but yeah, my 2 cents. The biggest factor that will change your circumstances and opportunities is your will to do something. If you have the courage to make something happen, go for it, keeping in mind the consequences. Life is all about risk and reward. The timing and way you approach things can swing the chance in one way or the other. Losing will always suck but you're still able to gather information from a loss and learn from it. Not all losses come from bad judgement, but from simple mistakes that you may not have known about. But once you succeed in something, man does it feel good. And hopefully with that win, you can carry your success into much bigger things.

Ok that's my 3 cents. Hopefully I didn't make anyone think I'm some bigshot millionaire because I'm still a small normal guy in the world. And I'm okay with that.
Damn I forgot I typed this wall of text lol. Wow so much has happened since August 2015... I think 2015 was the best year of my life. I could've never imagined so much could change in just one year.

A year and a half later, here I am working "fulltime as an actual adult". Um... hmm. It's been interesting. All I can say is that the people you work and spend time with will define your life. I feel like I drop these type of posts on every CT I visit LOL.


Feb 25, 2007



80 by 80 icons.
Got AA:TT recently, and was reminded of ultra's icon when I checked the thread, and saw the discussion a few years ago. Also Twi's icon reminded me that Wolf Link is an amiibo summon in BOTW. Pokemon icons and Earthbound ones...I watched a Sun and Moon stream earlier this year/last year, and an Earthbound stream from the same person.
Coolo, now when it's 2017 people can look at this and see some old user named Shiny_Rayquaza.

idk what's with that icon, Cron. Like 5+ vesti kids have it.
Some old user named Shiny_Rayquaza.


Feb 27, 2007
Overtime I see Corn's icon, it scares me for some reason. Not sure how or why
LBJ da god is 2much4u

Got AA:TT recently, and was reminded of ultra's icon when I checked the thread, and saw the discussion a few years ago. Also Twi's icon reminded me that Wolf Link is an amiibo summon in BOTW. Pokemon icons and Earthbound ones...I watched a Sun and Moon stream earlier this year/last year, and an Earthbound stream from the same person.
Coolo, now when it's 2017 people can look at this and see some old user named Shiny_Rayquaza.

idk what's with that icon, Cron. Like 5+ vesti kids have it.
Some old user named Shiny_Rayquaza.
God damn it I've had an account here for 10 years.


Feb 25, 2007
Overtime I see Corn's icon, it scares me for some reason. Not sure how or why
Stares into your soul.


And then others. I wish Million Monkeys made it to America. Also with Crash getting remasters/remake, I'd love to see Ape Escape get that. I know 1-2 years ago I completed TTYD finallly,great story. The Repainted of it was pretty goofy. Also was glad to see Dry Bowser in MK8, guess Bowser's going in dry.