
No Longer a Noob
Feb 20, 2009
Warp Star - Dreamland
So my dog (female) tried to hump my sister's dog (male) earlier. I've tried to tell her hump day was yesterday, but she won't give in
According to my friend's dog, everyday is hump nhkawaguchi day.
I haven't started college yet. I guess I've procrastinated on it. However I'm still unsure if I want to go to college.
You might hit a point in your life where you would want to do something and might consider college anyway.

Earlier is better but no rush. You can always start at a community college.


Feb 25, 2007
You might hit a point in your life where you would want to do something and might consider college anyway.

Earlier is better but no rush. You can always start at a community college.
Yeah. Maybe. Sometimes I feel bad about not starting college.

True. I might do that.


No Longer a Noob
Feb 20, 2009
Warp Star - Dreamland


Feb 25, 2007
Indeed. I'll probably do fine in the future regardless of the choices...hopefully.

I don't really drink alcohol.


Crush them all!
Apr 4, 2008
Where the wind flows
I've never tasted alcohol in 25 years of life.

That might change however in the future because I don't think I will be a member of the Mormon church much longer.
I take it your faith in Mormon isn't the way you were hoping or expected?
25 years of being lied to, manipulated, and used. Definitely.
Wow, that's actually pretty rough. Ever thought about switching to another religion or rather take a break for awhile?

I hate how that feels so I'll be praying for ya dude.
Sep 8, 2003
I take it your faith in Mormon isn't the way you were hoping or expected?
25 years of being lied to, manipulated, and used. Definitely.
Wow, that's actually pretty rough. Ever thought about switching to another religion or rather take a break for awhile?

I hate how that feels so I'll be praying for ya dude.
Yeah we've been going off and on and making excuses not to go.

Once I leave I won't find myself in another church or religion.


That lurker guy
Oct 22, 2007
I don't think I quite developed the taste of alcohol yet.
Beer is love, beer is life.

I agree with this
As do I. Though given the choice, I'd prefer something a bit stronger than beer.
Also, [URL='']@nhkawaguchi[/URL] and [URL='']@qwertymallow26[/URL], congrats on the new jobs! What are y'all doing now?


No Longer a Noob
Feb 20, 2009
Warp Star - Dreamland
Still in school for biology degree, going into my final year. :)
I also work at school in the registration office.
What are you up to [URL='']@ultra_shadowcannon[/URL] ?


That lurker guy
Oct 22, 2007
Nice, man! Congrats on making it this far! As it so happens, I'm working in a biology lab right now. Got my degrees back in December, and one of the professors recruited me to work full time in their biology lab, so I'm working at school now too. I'm basically a code monkey, but it's an enjoyable job with nice perks. Plus we are working on some NSF funded projects. Top-secret bioinformatics stuff, not really at liberty to say too much [face_mischief]

That's cool that you scored a job there too. It'll help you earn those fat stacks, right? How are you liking it so far?
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Zoidberg is back!
Nov 24, 2005
I actually got a new job too, I'm starting on Monday.

Oh, and ultra_shadowcannon, your icon is amazing.


No Longer a Noob
Feb 20, 2009
Warp Star - Dreamland
Nice, man! Congrats on making it this far! As it so happens, I'm working in a biology lab right now. Got my degrees back in December, and one of the professors recruited me to work full time in their biology lab, so I'm working at school now too. I'm basically a code monkey, but it's an enjoyable job with nice perks. Plus we are working on some NSF funded projects. Top-secret bioinformatics stuff, not really at liberty to say too much [face_mischief]
That's cool that you scored a job there too. It'll help you earn those fat stacks, right? How are you liking it so far?
I like it. Mondays we're busy but throughout the week it dies down. Decent pay after getting taxed the bajeebers out of it.
You're aa bio major too? sweet!

I realize I have to slow down my posting a bit. [face_tongue]


That lurker guy
Oct 22, 2007
Nice, man! Congrats on making it this far! As it so happens, I'm working in a biology lab right now. Got my degrees back in December, and one of the professors recruited me to work full time in their biology lab, so I'm working at school now too. I'm basically a code monkey, but it's an enjoyable job with nice perks. Plus we are working on some NSF funded projects. Top-secret bioinformatics stuff, not really at liberty to say too much [face_mischief]
That's cool that you scored a job there too. It'll help you earn those fat stacks, right? How are you liking it so far?
I like it. Mondays we're busy but throughout the week it dies down. Decent pay after getting taxed the bajeebers out of it.
You're aa bio major too? sweet!

I realize I have to slow down my posting a bit. [face_tongue]
I know that tax feel, bro :(
And actually, I'm not a bio major at all oddly enough. My degrees are in Math and Statistics. We don't actually use much bio other than just some basic terminology.

As for posting...fogetaboutit. At least you aren't getting super crazy with it. Speaking of which, since when did tropicguin and stryder hit 90,000 posts? I remember back when tropic had fewer posts than I did [face_shock]
Sep 8, 2003
Working as a technical analyst for a software company. I am pretty much technical support but my job involves much more than just answering questions; I have to remote into clients servers to do maintenance or fix what is broken.

It pays not to shabby, 40k to start :) definitely what my family needed right now as I'm still three semesters from getting my computer engineering degree


Zoidberg is back!
Nov 24, 2005
Congrats to you too then, [URL=''][URL='']@Dry_Bones[/URL][/URL]! What are you working on?

And as for the icon...I know [face_mischief] I must admit, Apollo Justice was probably my least favorite game in the series, but Winston Payne's new look was a fabulous addition. I can say the same for your icon too, by the way. Futurama for the win!
Well I graduated two months ago with a degree in Supply Chain Management, and ended up getting a job in the procurement department at a computer server manufacturing company.

Poor Apollo... I actually really liked his game. Definitely not my favorite in the series, but I wouldn't call it my least favorite either. Justice for All was the worst, in my opinion, mostly because of that terrible circus case.


Crush them all!
Apr 4, 2008
Where the wind flows
The fact you all have jobs while I'm still broke as fuck is disturbing. Even more that some of you (Nicky) is graduating college next year, but I've been in college a year longer than you (once I graduate with my BA, two years)


No Longer a Noob
Feb 20, 2009
Warp Star - Dreamland
The fact you all have jobs while I'm still broke as fuck is disturbing. Even more that some of you (Nicky) is graduating college next year, but I've been in college a year longer than you (once I graduate with my BA, two years)
The only reason I'm trying to finish is so that I can make myself more appealing and get more time under the bed covers. I can save the endangered species and conserve threatened ecosystems.

As for the job thing mine is a Work-Study unlike everyone else.

and like I said earlier, you do have a unique program and are going to an expensive school?

I also have 3-4 more years of school too afterward.
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That lurker guy
Oct 22, 2007
Working as a technical analyst for a software company. I am pretty much technical support but my job involves much more than just answering questions; I have to remote into clients servers to do maintenance or fix what is broken.

It pays not to shabby, 40k to start :) definitely what my family needed right now as I'm still three semesters from getting my computer engineering degree
Not bad, yo. From personal experience, you will most likely learn a lot more on the job than you did in school too. Congrats! :) Also, just out of curiosity, is computer engineering similar to software engineering, or does it deal more with the hardware aspect of computing?

[URL='']@Dry_Bones[/URL] I didn't realize Supply Chain Management was actually a degree, but it sounds interesting. I'm guessing it involves a lot of optimization problems?

I actually liked Justice for All, by the way, in spite of the circus case. Mind you, it's my least favorite out of the original trilogy, but that last case definitely made up for any deficiencies in the circus case. I wish they did more cases like that last one, especially since it deals with the ethical questions that real lawyers would actually have to face.


Crush them all!
Apr 4, 2008
Where the wind flows
The fact you all have jobs while I'm still broke as fuck is disturbing. Even more that some of you (Nicky) is graduating college next year, but I've been in college a year longer than you (once I graduate with my BA, two years)
The only reason I'm trying to finish is so that I can make myself more appealing and get more time under the bed covers. I can save the endangered species and conserve threatened ecosystems.

As for the job thing mine is a Work-Study unlike everyone else.

and like I said earlier, you do have a unique program and are going to an expensive school?

I also have 3-4 more years of school too afterward.
Somewhat yes. I will give you the details about the college via pm as I don't want anyone really knowing about it publicly on a game form (unless your name is loltra, who already knew for awhile now). Since I'm planning on teaching ASL, it's pretty unique to develop my skills on campus and in class
Sep 8, 2003
Not bad, yo. From personal experience, you will most likely learn a lot more on the job than you did in school too. Congrats! :) Also, just out of curiosity, is computer engineering similar to software engineering, or does it deal more with the hardware aspect of computing?

Both. The degree is a mix and integration of computer science and electrical engineering.


NecronomiSean's Favorite Floating Duck
Mar 7, 2006
I think Dual Destinies overtook T&T as my favorite AA game. Very very slowly getting through PL vs. PW

I've been working as a laboratory technician (summer student) for almost 3 months now and feel like I've learned more useful things during these months than the stuff I learned in 4 years of university. I guess it's because my school is very research-heavy and loves to focus on theory which I don't care about because doing research is something I'm not interested in. Doesn't help that we worked with old ass equipment and techniques that no modern day company use anymore if they want to keep up with current technological standards.

yupppp. Other than waking up at 5 to get to work and living in a crappy city, life is good.
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