
♪ Your delusions are yours, and not mine ♪
Oct 14, 2001
Parts Unknown
First of all, apologies for trying to inject some activity into this dead board. I'll cease.

Why is twice reviewed relevent? He is only talking about the interference which was only reviewed once and why doesn't he deserve an explanation? I thought you were upset when the Pens didn't get explanations after game 2....

Oh right, you're incapable of reason. That part of your brain just doesn't exist at all. Only posts you make are copies from other places that you bring here to try and feel relevant.
Ahh cheap shots, just like the Caps. How fitting. :^O

Copies of posts? Sharing tweets or because I also post at hf? Wait...I really don't care.

The twice reviewed bit in the tweet has nothing to do with it, the point is his quote and how comically inaccurate his description of the play is. Trotz had his own bizarro world version of what happened. Hornqvist would have to be some sort of octopus to cause all of that havoc in a millisecond. Hence, "quite an imagination."

As for game 2, that was gross incompetence (game 3 was as well, but not for goal reviews, as I said, this series is a gong show). No explanation/excuse making needed because it was clear interference on the first review, and of course the second reviewed play was a goal. Incompetence is the explanation.

When the Pens win the Caps reddit is left mostly untouched by them, after the 2 Caps wins almost all the threads were downvoted heavily and the top comments were from Pen fans coming in peace to explain how frustrating it was for them (i guess their own sub, the hockey main sub werent enough), lol. Yet they'll be the first to tell you next October that they don't hate the Caps and its a one way street. ;)

Dunno what will make them happy, it seems like some Pens (players/fans) just want hitting out of hockey all together, they've totally removed that aspect from their team and game. Crosby was chirping the refs after he got crunched by Ovie last night.
I don't care what other people do on other boards.

Yes, they want illegal and unnecessary hits out of the game. The Caps' calling card is charging. Caps fans and the organization run around playing the victim card after they concuss and break jaws, take out knees, etc. Tom Wilson has been suspended 3 times this season, that's a record. And that is just the times they actually sacked up and suspended him for his antics. He's not the victim. When buffoons say those are just good hockey hits, they set back this game further.

Look, Slap Shot is a great movie (putting on the foil, lolz), but it is a movie, and the game has evolved from where it was in the 50s and 70s. We know more about head injuries now, we see the effect multiple concussions have long-term. It's the speed and skill of the game that are attractive, new fans don't want to watch neanderthal hockey, they think it's a joke. Physicality is great, but goonism is not. Many long time fans have smartened up over the last decade. Well, some. The shame of it is that so many of the public mouthpieces for the league in the front office and in the media are the meatheads that glorify old time hawkey. As long as you continue to let a guy that hit a fan with a shoe have a daily platform on NBC, your national tv partner, you lose credibility as an organization.
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No Longer a Noob
Jan 26, 2014


Oct 28, 2000
"Ahh cheap shots, just like the Caps. How fitting."

Not sure what makes it a cheap shot, you should have seen that shit coming after the last couple days. All you do is cry in this thread and post Pittsburgh Penguin only related content that nobody actually cares to read. You don't start or participate in discussions except to say stupid shit like Malkin/Hart nonsense. If its not pro-Pens you aren't putting it in here, thats fine I guess, but seems like a waste of time. Like I said, I guess you gotta feel like you are contributing to the Pens hivemind somehow, since you don't have your own original material ya just gotta steal the popular posts from the subreddit/hfboards and put them somewhere else.

Also don't think posting stuff people can't really even talk to you about is "injecting life" into it. Most of the time when I come here to post something and see 3-4 Pen superfan stuff slammed down in a row I just hit the back button and find somewhere else to go talk hockey (and thats usually when its not Caps vs Pens related). It's more of a turn off trying to talk around 5 posts about some 2 minute minor penalty on some random Pen player being the reason the league is going to shit.

"I don't care what other people do on other boards."

You sure wrote a lot on the topic that wasn't even directed at you for something you don't care about. Should have been obvious that was in the discussion other people were having, yeah surprising the thread doesn't revolve just around you.

"Caps fans and the organization run around playing the victim card"

I haven't played victim once, don't know what you are talking about. In general the only Cap fans I've talked to visit the Caps subreddit and find the invasion of Pen fans unwanted and annoying. Believe it or not, some people just like to talk about hockey.

"Yes, they want illegal and unnecessary hits out of the game. "

I used an example of a perfectly legal check. Are you telling me Ovechkin's hit was illegal now too? My other point is that the Pens removed a lot of the physical play from their own game, they're small and fast, but they're not physical. Has nothing to do with any of Wilson's hits.

" It's the speed and skill of the game that are attractive, new fans don't want to watch neanderthal hockey, they think it's a joke."

Source? Pretty sure you were describing the all-star game and nobody wants to see that kind of shit in the playoffs. Physical series >>>> speed/skill series any day of the week for me. 2002 Islanders/Leafs or 2004 Flyers/Leafs every playoffs please.
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Oct 28, 2000
Apparently everyone got warned about licking, not just the Bruins and Marchand. Not really something I thought would ever be talked about ever in hockey...


Oct 28, 2000
Smith-Pellly 1st line, 5 periods: 4 PIM
Vrana 1st line, 1 period: 1 game-tying assist, 1 GWG


Oct 28, 2000
Jets look really good to me still. I don't think I've watched any of the games they've lost, so maybe I have a biased sample size. Them Tampa or the Pens are the ones looking likely to lift the Cup. If I had to rank them Tampa would probably be first. Pens defense just seems off (still expect it to be good enough to win in game 6 and 7 is a formality at that point), but their scoring power is so high that it might not matter. Like I said I haven't seen the Jets lose yet so I can't really pinpoint the weakness. I don't see one big flaw in Tampa. They're well built.


Oct 28, 2000
Jets open the gates in the 2nd. 4 goals and on the power play now. Ew, just gave up a shortie.


No Longer a Noob
Jan 14, 2004
Like I said I haven't seen the Jets lose yet so I can't really pinpoint the weakness. I don't see one big flaw in Tampa. They're well built.

having a hard time getting a read on this series myself. nashville is definitely cycling through strategies -- between trying to trap the life out of us, which has been effective at times especially with frustrating the younger players, and trying to run and gun, which is a terrible strategy against the jets. so it's a bit hard to tell if maurice is out coaching laviolette -- he seems to have the better counter punch period to period and game to game -- or if Nashville is just having a hard time keeping up. it'll be curious to see what happens after the first goal tonight, in terms of whether Nashville goes with a heavy presence on their blue line or tries to pressure the Jets more with a forecheck, and whether Jets remain patient or start to open up a bit. Lots of little battles in this series, especially goaltending, and whether Nashville has enough confidence in Pekka at this point to sit back a bit on a one or two goal lead, because the Jets at this point feel no deficit in insurmountable.

regardless of who makes it through, it'll be really neat to see how laviolette or maurice handle LVK. neither team can keep up with that pace and it's hard to hit what you can't catch.


No Longer a Noob
Jan 26, 2014
Well, it seems as if everyone disappeared at the perfect time for the Bruins, outside of the top line.

Looking back at the Toronto Series and this one, the defense began to fall apart around Game 4-5 against Toronto. I think losing Carlo the week before the start of the SCP began to show around that time. Losing Krug in Game 5 against Tampa made it much worse.

We showed up a year earlier than expected, so there's solace in that. I bet either Zboril or Uhro will make the team next year.

Also Marchand licking Callahan was funny at first but after it bit it was kinda "Wtf dude..." It was hilarious when he did it to Komrov cause he joked about it.


Oct 28, 2000
We showed up a year earlier than expected, so there's solace in that. I bet either Zboril or Uhro will make the team next year.

Yep. A bit disappointing if you look at how they were standing at the end of the season, but overall they lost to a really good team. I think a lot of Bruin fans take a 2nd round trip in a heartbeat if you went back to October.


No Longer a Noob
Jan 26, 2014
We showed up a year earlier than expected, so there's solace in that. I bet either Zboril or Uhro will make the team next year.

Yep. A bit disappointing if you look at how they were standing at the end of the season, but overall they lost to a really good team. I think a lot of Bruin fans take a 2nd round trip in a heartbeat if you went back to October.

If you look at r/hockey and the Bruins subreddit at the start of the season, expectations were a "Last In/First Out" situation, ala NJ/Florida this year. Yeah It's disappointing that we were a few points away from the President's Trophy at the end but at the same time we exceeded expectations tremendously. We set the bar high for us next year.

I'm glad we made it to the 2nd round. I think the reason why we won Game 1 against Tampa was cause of the momentum we had after Game 7.

And I just realized Rene Rancourt is now officially retired. I'm not okay with this.

Holy shit Kuznetsov!!!!!!! What a fucking game. No calls from the ref for anyone, just a good old fashioned battle royale.


Oct 28, 2000
I didn't know what to do on the last couple of nights. Part of the reason I like the first round the most is there are so many games on....


No Longer a Noob
Jan 14, 2004
I know how ya feel. between no game 7s and the jets/preds having a three day break between the last two games, kind of an unusual gap for the second round I feel. TWO WHOLE NIGHTS WITHOUT A GAME


Oct 28, 2000
Kind of disappointing first period. Rinne lets in some questionable goals then the refs get baited by a fairly obvious embellishment from one of the players in the league most known for it, putting the home team back in it...


Oct 28, 2000
Just checked the brackets pool. If Nashville comes back and wins here I can't win the bracket even if the Caps win the cup. It looks like the bracket will be wrapped up after the next round, unless we get a Nashville/Winnipeg vs Caps final since nobody picked Tampa or Vegas to win the cup.


Oct 28, 2000
Just checked the brackets pool. If Nashville comes back and wins here I can't win the bracket even if the Caps win the cup. It looks like the bracket will be wrapped up after the next round, unless we get a Nashville/Winnipeg vs Caps final since nobody picked Tampa or Vegas to win the cup.

Actually I guess Jets vs Tampa could matter too, since BKB has a potential 100 points on winning there and wouldn't be in the lead at that point. Ben wins in the Vegas vs Tampa scenario or Tampa over Jets scenario. I would win in the Caps over Jets/Vegas scenario (Preds just lost) or Vegas over Caps. BKB wins in the Jets over Caps/Tampa scenarios.
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No Longer a Noob
Jan 14, 2004
ha totally forgot about this!! so I have a chance?? woooo!

jets huge favourites over knights. of the four teams, vegas 4th most likely to win cup by oddsmakers. that misfit band of castoffs must be loving the continued lack of respect.


Oct 28, 2000
Yeah I have a feeling neither of us will care about the pool in the scenarios that we win it though. lol


Oct 28, 2000
Nice having the advantage on faceoffs back on our side. Felt like the Caps won a lot of the zone draws, especially compared to the Pens series, but I don't have the numbers in front of me.

Nice to get the win in game 1 but the Lightning had a similar start against the Bruins. Caps were a bit more dominant in the first 40 then the Bruins were able to close out the game a bit better...

The key to this series feels like it will be special teams (at least for the Caps), so that goes back to the faceoff point from earlier...


No Longer a Noob
Jan 26, 2014
Jets came out quickly against the Knights. They absolutely needed to.

If they can do this again then Vegas might have finally hit the wall


Oct 28, 2000
Jeez. Probably boring for everyone else but I totally wouldn't mind 2 more games like that.


No Longer a Noob
Jan 14, 2004
apparently doesn't help me in the pool, but I'm definitely okay with a thrashing of Tampa. they already broke my heart against the Flames, pretty happy if they don't make the final lol


Oct 28, 2000
You win in the pool only if the Jets win, east opponent doesn't matter. I originally thought you would win in the Tampa beats Jets scenario but I missed Ben having a points lead on you since he also picked Jets to make finals. You only gain points on him by Jets winning the cup, I gain points on him in a Caps final since he and you both had Jets vs Bruins final, while I had Jets vs Caps final.

Ben: Tampa wins, Vegas beats Tampa
You: Winnipeg wins
Me: Caps win, Vegas beats Caps

3 of the 4 possible finals will matter, the only one that secures it without a game being played is Vegas vs Tampa for Ben.

dq would also have a ton of points in Caps win but since he had Caps vs Preds he won't gain enough to pass me in any scenario. Jets winning game 7 against Nashville is the difference between us.
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No Longer a Noob
Jan 26, 2014
If I used my r/hockey bracket I would have won hands down.

I had everything the same except the ECF being Boston/Washington with the Jets winning the cup over Boston


Oct 28, 2000
If I used my r/hockey bracket I would have won hands down.

I had everything the same except the ECF being Boston/Washington with the Jets winning the cup over Boston

It would give you 6 of 8 scenarios instead of 3 of 8, the 100 points from Caps winning the cup would still be enough for me to pass you in either of those 2 scenarios. The Caps losing to Vegas scenario would put you at 154 points and me at 153, lol.


Oct 28, 2000
Shit man thats awesome! Was thinking of going down to Tampa for game 5 but my family has some stuff going on and I think I'll be needing to travel in the next month or so for that so I'll just stick to watching it on TV.

Deleted member 4121907

Original poster
Vegas vs Caps is the best storyline matchup of the remaining

either an expansion draft team/amazing story wins or Ovi gets his first finally


Aug 31, 2001
The storyline of that series would be George McPhee. The team that McPhee built/ruined over a prolonged period of time that could never get over the hump, finally breaking through and facing their former manager’s new team - a team he built in a day.
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No Longer a Noob
Jan 26, 2014
I think Vegas winning it all would be a terrible mistake for Vegas and the NHL.

For Vegas
  • Sets an unreasonably high expectation for Vegas fans for the next 5+ years.
  • If they falter next year a lot of fans will claim lightning in the bottle/rigged.
  • Could skewer the FA market/McPhee's plan for Vegas
For the NHL
  • Aforementioned claims that the draft/SCP was rigged to get Vegas off to a hot start so it wouldnt be a Coyotes' 2.0
  • Set's an unreasonably high bar for Seattle in 2-3 years
  • People will argue the Expansion draft format was too good for Vegas (and they shouldn't be exempt for Seattle)
  • Will make any new teams for here on out have to match Vegas' first year or seem like failures.

Deleted member 4121907

Original poster
uh I don't see how in any way winning a cup would be a bad thing for Vegas

ask any fans of teams who have never won it like the Blues

like you're winning the Stanley Cup........
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Deleted member 4121907

Original poster
the people crying about it being "rigged" or the draft being too favorable aren't worth the time of the day because no one thought Vegas was a playoff team or even close to being cup contenders

the offseason was filled with articles about how they are gonna trade Neal and Fleury at the deadline and that they are going to be a bad team continuing to trade for future draft picks to build up their system.

I think once Seattle has a team and probably doesn't have even close to the same amount of success then people will appreciate this team more