

Click here for Wookieepedia's article on the Canon version of this subject.  This article covers the Legends version of this subject. 

The mastiff phalone was a large, aggressive, carnivorous bird native to the savannas of Maridun.

Biology and appearance[]

Mastif phalone pair

A pair of mastiff phalones stalking prey

The top predators of Maridun,[1] Mastiff phalones were quadrupedal pack hunters[2] about two meters long.[1] Mastiff phalones had turkey-like heads[4] with a sharp beak, and a mane of large brown feathers.[2] Males used the feathers in courtship displays.[1] They had a muscular build with sharp talons large enough to wrap around a man's waist.[2]

They tended to hunt in groups of two or more and used the tall grasses of Maridun's savannas as cover.[4] They were fierce creatures but tended to retreat from an attack if the prey was too powerful, only to later attack the same prey again. The immigrated Lurmen had found a peaceful way of dealing with them by a group effort of having several Lurmen distract the mastiff phalone, while one of the group took a rope and tied it around the its legs, immobilizing the creature. The Lurmen later released the captive mastiff phalone back into the wild.[2]


Mastiff phalones descended from flying creatures, with their wings evolved back into powerful limbs.[1]

At least a mastiff phalone was hunted and killed by Garnac's hunting guild. Its pelt was later placed in their Ubrikkian Floating Fortress.[5]

A group of mastiff phalones ambushed the Jedi party of Aayla Secura, Ahsoka Tano, Bly and three clone troopers, One also attacked Rex and Anakin Skywalker back at their crash site. Rex narrowly escaped this attack, and allowed it to run off and bring back a second mastiff phalone, both of which attacked the crash site. Rex killed one with his blaster, but the second evaded the blaster fire. The mastiff phalone then destroyed Skywalker's tent and prepared to kill Skywalker. Tano, Bly and a Lurmen healer named Wag Too then arrived. As Ahsoka went to strike down the beast, Wag stopped her with a warning and tied a rope to its legs. Together with Ahsoka and Rex, they pulled the rope, tipping the creature on its side to be tied up.[2]

Mastif phalone size comparison

A mastiff phalone and a human silhouette



Notes and references[]
