


Usage Instructions:

This template should be used for both sentient and other species, the old {{Sentient}} is not available anymore.

Use this template by pasting the following code into the top of the article, filling all relevant fields:


Field list

For unknown or non-pertinent values, leave the field blank.


|image= Image in [[File:Imagename.jpg]] format

|name= Name of the species (singular)

|designation= Sentient, Semi-sentient, or Non-sentient (This should be pipelinked to [[Sentience/Legends|Sentience]])

|class= The biological group to which the species belongs (Mollusk, Reptomammal, Canine, Feline, etc.)

|subspecies= Names or descriptions of subspecies of the species.

|races= Names or descriptions of races of the species.

|height= The average height of an adult member of the species.

|length= The average length of an adult member of the species. This is generally only pertinent to species with horizontal orientations.

|wingspan= The average wingspan of an adult member of the species.

|mass= The average mass of an adult member of the species.

|skincolor= All known skin pigmentations exhibited by the species. This includes scales, hides, membranes, etc.

|haircolor= All known hair or fur colors exhibited by the species.

|feathers= All known feather colors exhibited by the species.

|eyecolor= All known eye colors exhibited by the species.

|distinctions= Any features that set the species apart. 

|lifespan= The average lifespan of a healthy member of the species.

|planet= The planet of origin for the species (or system if the planet is not known)

|habitat= The general environment in which the species lives. For sentient species who live in settlements, this field is non-pertinent.

|diet= The type of food the species eats. If specifics are unknown, values such as Carnivorous, Herbivorous, Omnivorous, etc. may be used.

|language=  The native language of most members of the species. For non-sentient species and some semi-sentient species this is non-pertinent.