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"The last CO I had was a Lannik fellow. To glance at him, you'd probably laugh. About a meter high, looked like a stiff wind could blow him over. Never smiled, either. We was never sure if he was angry or if the rumors about them Lannik is true—that they can't smile at all. Short or not, that guy knew his business. Tactics, strategy, where to hit the Imperial defenses just right to bring 'em crashing down on top of themselves. He was a right maniac, too. Wouldn't back down from a fight no matter what. I got wind that we'd been ordered to retreat, but he ignored command. I wager he would've had us fix bayonets if we'd had 'em. […] But remember one thing, chum. He may be your officer, but he's just a man…unless he's a Lannik, in which case he's a bloody lunatic."
―A Rebel trooper[6]

Lanniks were bipedal humanoids with droopy, long ears that were native to the planet Lannik. With a long history of war, the Lannik people revered bravery and courage as personal traits. Jedi Master Even Piell was a member of this species. Lannik also had advanced hearing due to their large ears.[2]


Non-canon appearances[]


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