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Hragscythes were a species of carnivore native to Onderon and were an apex predator in their environment.[1] Standing on six large, clawed legs, they had three heads with six eyes on long necks, with large mouths, gnashing teeth, and a long, spiny tail. They were capable of breathing noxious gases,[2], possessed a stale, rank odour to their mouths and were native to their homeworld's extensive jungles.[1] During the High Republic Era, several hragscythes were kept in the zoo of Lonisa City on Valo. Before the Republic Fair began, Jedi Master Elzar Mann visited the zoo and observed the hragscythes, one of which stared back at him. On the second day of the Republic Fair, the Nihil attack on the city let the creatures loose,[1] with one exiting through the zoo's front entrance and destroying the gate found there. It ate several of the surrounding Nihil while Jedi Padawans Lula Talisola and Ram Jomaram encountered and avoided the creature in the chaos.[2]

Another or possibly the same hragscythe mauled Mantessa Chekkat when she and her daughter Klerin Chekkat left their bodyguard Ty Yorrick during the chaos caused by the Nihil. Master Elzar Mann tried to calm the creature, using the Force to connect to it and was able to see what had unleashed the animal from the zoo. However, the creature saw Mann's destructive acts from earlier in the day through the same connection, causing the predator to see Mann as a threat. It pounced on him, one of its claws piercing the Jedi's shoulder before it howled in victory. However, Ty Yorrick returned to the fight and killed the attacking hragscythe by cutting two of its heads off with her lightsaber, and using a Force push to shove the third head back along with the animal's dying body.[1]

A hragscythe was in the Wild Wollina's Animal Adventures animal refugee. It was released during Deva Lompop's mission to assist Lanitra and the Genetian Collective in freeing the captive animals. When it attacked bystanders, Sana Starros helped to get them to safety while Lompop attacked it with her poisoned daggers. The Shani disabled the creature and rendered it harmless.[3]

Behind the scenes[]

Hragscythes debuted simultaneously in The High Republic: Race to Crashpoint Tower, a novel by Daniel José Older,[2] and The High Republic: The Rising Storm, a novel by Cavan Scott,[1] both of which were released on June 29, 2021.



Notes and references[]

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