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For the chapter titled "Pirate Fleet Admiral Don Krieg", see Chapter 47.

Don Krieg is the admiral of the Krieg Pirates and an infamous pirate of East Blue.[1] Because of his underhanded methods and domination over a fleet of 50 pirate ships, he is infamously known as Foul-Play Krieg and Pirate Fleet Admiral.[6]

After entering the Grand Line, Krieg's ship was decimated by Dracule Mihawk of the Seven Warlords of the Sea. This prompted Krieg to return to the East Blue, where he planned to turn the Baratie into his new ship. Due to his actions and role, he is the main antagonist of the Baratie Arc.


Krieg is a large, muscular man, with purple-gray hair and distinct sideburns. During his encounter with the Straw Hat Pirates, his hair was clipped short, and a thick layer of gauze wrapped around his scalp (presumably stemming from his injures on the Grand Line, as his wanted poster indicates he once wore his hair long and wild). His attire features many fur-lined elements.

The most notable aspect of Krieg's appearance is his golden armor, which is fur-lined like the rest of his attire. Consisting of a full-torso carapace, massive shoulder-plates (each emblazoned with his Jolly Roger), and arm-guards, it is Krieg's main offense and defense against his foes. It is loaded with a variety of weapons. Under those, he has a brown shirt, and his hands are covered by a pair of fur-lined gloves. He has a golden gas mask somewhere inside the armor, to prevent his deadly MH5 gas from affecting him.

On casual occasions, his armor and mass is hidden behind regal attire consisting of a fur-lined coat (which seems to become his cape when he reveals his armor) over a yellow vest with black spots-like motifs. Around his thick neck there is a big golden chain. He retains his pants and shoes even after taking off his clothes for battle, due to his armor not covering anything below the waist.

After the timeskip, Krieg has grown out his hair, which more closely matches his pre-timeskip wanted poster. He appears to be bulkier and his chin is more protruding. Additionally, he wears what appears to be sunglasses.


Krieg's Wanted Poster
Krieg's wanted poster.
Krieg We Are!
Shot of Krieg in We Are!.
Krieg Manga Color Scheme
Krieg's color scheme in the manga.
Krieg Digitally Colored Manga
Don Krieg Anime Concept Art
Krieg's concept art from the anime.
Dia no Kobushi
Krieg's armor and gauntlets underneath his clothes and gloves.
Krieg's Gas Mask
Krieg wearing a gas mask.
Krieg Without His Armor
Krieg after his armor is destroyed.
Krieg Egghead Arc Appearance
Krieg's appearance during the Egghead Arc.
Krieg Live Action
Krieg in the live-action series.
Krieg Wanted Poster Live Action
Krieg's Wanted poster in the live-action series.

Video Games[]

Don Krieg One Piece GBA
Don Krieg in One Piece.
East Blue Team Going Baseball
Krieg in the East Blue Team in One Piece: Going Baseball.
Krieg Unlimited Adventure
Krieg Pirate Warriors
Krieg as he appears in One Piece: Pirate Warriors.
Krieg Burning Will
Krieg Thousand Storm
Krieg in Bounty Rush
Don Krieg Jumputi
Krieg in Jumputi Heroes.
Krieg Dream Pointer


Krieg showcases the typical attributes of a militant leader, favoring cruel and oppressive tendencies using a huge arsenal of weapons and overwhelming odds. He is incapable of any sense of honor nor can he be sympathetic for anyone.

You know that above all I detest sentimental tripe like "honor" and "mercy." This is war! All that matters is victory!
— Krieg's attitude towards battle.

Krieg is characterized by cruelty, dishonesty, and arrogance. He is confident in his own superiority, despite any failures he might experience, and believes wholeheartedly that his armada and arsenal of weapons can overcome any foe. Even in the face of his obvious inferiority, Krieg refused to accept or learn from his mistake, instead turning to underhanded methods to get by and believing that there was some sort of trick to overcoming such foes. Witnessing Dracule Mihawk's devastatingly powerful swordsmanship, Krieg accused him of simply having a Devil Fruit power. Krieg has also proven to be very hypocritical as he chastises his crew for taking offense to Luffy calling them weak saying only a weakling is offended by words, but becomes angered himself when Luffy directly says he doesn't have what it takes to be King of the Pirates.

Krieg Angry

Krieg when angered.

However, his constant victories and reliance on weapons and odds made him overconfident. His superiority complex makes it very easy for him to lose his temper if his orders are not fulfilled, usually taking it out on his subordinates. This led to his failed attempt to conquer the Grand Line, believing his reputation built on sheer numbers and military weapons were enough to get him by; he suffered an utter defeat when Mihawk almost completely annihilated his entire fleet.

Krieg lives up to his nickname, "Foul Play", as he believes in winning above all else, and will stoop to any level to achieve it. An example of this was flying a white flag of surrender and posing as Marines to get the drop on them. Due to his philosophy, he considers concepts like pride and sympathy to be pathetic, and will go to any lengths to win, resulting in his willingness to kill subordinates who display such emotions, disregarding their loyalty and strength. He has no attachments to either his crew or his ships, immediately preparing to rebuild his fleet with the various pirate crews scattered in East Blue instead of mourning the loss of his previous one, and plotting to sink his own flagship to get a new one due to the damage it has incurred. His lack of morale led him to ungratefully assault the Baratie when they gave food to him and his starving crew, intending to take over their ship and kill all the chefs who remained. Intolerant of failure and loss, Krieg lost all hold on his composure when Luffy defeated him, and stood up to demand a rematch despite his critical injuries.

Krieg keeps his crew together using fear. Despite how mad and ridiculous some of his orders may seem, his crew will follow them out of fear of death, which is another factor that limits their strength. Overall, he rules his crew with draconian might and expects utter obedience for his overbearing demands. However, some members, like Gin, have genuine respect for Krieg, while Pearl shares the belief trickery is the key to victory and survival.



Despite his cruel tendencies, Krieg is pragmatic enough to realize that he needs a crew to support him. He thus made sure they were fed to regain their full strength after Mihawk's onslaught. However, Krieg does not care for his crew and rules over them with fear and anyone who opposes him is typically punished with death. He is very proud of his rank as captain, and gets very mad when someone disobeys him, or even hesitates to carry out his orders, as he believes it is their duty to obey him unquestionably.[10] During the attack on the Baratie, Krieg expressed his desire to conquer the Baratie and go back to the Grand Line. This shocked the crew because they were feeling gratitude towards the chefs and did not want to go back to that pirate graveyard, but they complied out of fear of their captain and that one member was shot for voicing his opinion.


Gin is fiercely loyal to Krieg, carrying out whatever orders he may be given from him, no matter how inhumanly brutal or ruthless they may be, without protest or hesitation, thus earning himself the alias of "Gin the Demon Man". This is partly due to a great fear of Krieg, which is evidenced when he obeyed his orders to throw away his gas mask and breathe the deadly MH5 poison gas because he feared Krieg's wrath for disobeying more than death itself. After Krieg was defeated by Luffy, the Pirate Admiral went on an insane rampage, refusing to acknowledge defeat, but Gin punched him in the stomach, knocking the man out, stating that they must admit defeat and start over. He then carried away Krieg and the crew in a small boat given by Baratie.

Despite previously dismissing Gin from the crew for being merciful, he seemed to have retracted the dismissal when the two of them were seen side-by-side on Hachinosu two years later.[11]


Pearl, despite his overconfidence in his own so-called unbreakable defense, also acknowledged his captain, but unlike Gin, Pearl does not have a sense of honor, instead falling in the lines of Krieg's ideology of foul play being essential in victory and survival.

For his part, Krieg considers Pearl useful but nevertheless expendable, and is particularly wary of his "Fire Pearl" technique. When Pearl was panicked by a small, accidental injury at the Baratie and began igniting it, Krieg immediately tried to calm him; once this failed, Krieg showed no qualms about "sinking" Pearl (and Sanji) with his morning-star in order to keep the Baratie intact for his own plans.[12]


Dracule Mihawk[]

Mihawk also became an enemy of Krieg, destroying Krieg's entire fleet when he attempted to conquer the Grand Line. However, Mihawk claims he only attacked the crew to kill time and did not consider Krieg a threat. Upon sighting Mihawk, Krieg's anger led him to attack Mihawk, despite having witnessed Zoro's defeat and his own ship having been sliced apart. Mihawk did not even bother to retaliate, instead merely slashing Krieg's ship again and departing during the distraction.


As a famous pirate with a bounty on his head, Krieg is an enemy of the marines. In the past, he also killed a marine captain and took over his ship to start his pirate career.


Krieg saw the value of stealing the harmless looking restaurant as a ploy for his pirate crew. However, at first, Krieg lied by telling that he only wanted food for him and his men. When Krieg recovered his strength, he revealed his intentions to steal the Baratie for his new flagship, rebuild his armada with other pirate crews found littered within the sea, and then return to the Grand Line with Zeff's logbook as a guide. The chefs fought against the revived Krieg’s crew to maintain their restaurant.

Straw Hat Pirates[]

Krieg became an enemy of Monkey D. Luffy for his desire to take the Baratie as well as his ambition to become the pirate king. Krieg was blinded by his arrogance and Luffy and his crew's seemingly harmless looks, and mocked Luffy for his statements. After witnessing the "Pirate Hunter" Zoro and Luffy's Devil Fruit powers, Krieg came to believe that Luffy would just be another pirate in the Grand Line, as the place was filled with ability users like him, and tried to take full advantage of Luffy's weakness of the ocean during their battle. After a long battle, Luffy managed to defeat Krieg, but even after the battle was over, Krieg unconsciously gets up and demanded to continue the battle, only to be knocked down by Gin.

Also, despite the fact that Sanji (who was not part of the crew at the time) was willing to help Krieg and his hungry men, when he regained his strength, Krieg immediately attacked him. He also ordered Gin to kill him.

Abilities and Powers[]

Krieg was considered (in military strength) the most powerful pirate in the East Blue and had a terrible reputation for his devious and deceptive tactics in piracy. Although Krieg had a lower bounty than Arlong (especially with the fish-man bribing the Marines to keep it low),[13] his fleet of 50 ships and over 5,000 pirates,[14] combined with active pillaging, forced the Marines to view Krieg as a greater threat in East Blue.[1] Despite this, however, it was commented by Luffy that Krieg's fleet was not all that powerful. They were just using sheer numbers alone to overwhelm their opponents.[15]

Physical Abilities[]

Krieg also claimed to be the strongest man in the world, and while this is clearly a vast overestimation on his part, he is certainly formidable in physical combat, possessing massive physical strength. He could break Gin's arm with his grip, defend against cannonballs without moving an inch, and easily lift and throw the Sabagashira I a far distance into the Baratie restaurant with a single hand. He can also lift the one-ton Great Battle Spear single-handedly and swing it around freely while wearing his golden wootz armor.

Master Strategist[]

Krieg is also a sound tactician and expert strategist, realizing the material value of his subordinates and requiring them to be at perfect health, as well as using decoys and disguises to avoid unnecessary battles (such as disguising his flagship as a Marine vessel to enter village harbors easily, or dressing up his first-mate as himself to distract pursuers). His dishonest and unethical behavior, despite showing his lack of honesty, is a testament of his strategic aptitude. His plan to steal Baratie as a suitable replacement for his damaged ship due to its ridiculous and non-threatening appearance would prove crucial for his future pirate ambitions. He also has knowledge of Devil Fruits, as shown when he witnessed Luffy's ability to stretch and planned to throw him into the water in order to disable him, noting that the Grand Line is supposed to be filled with such people. However, Krieg's most potent weapon has always been his talent for trickery, which seemed to know no bounds. He lies and pretends to beg for mercy before striking when his opponents lower their guards. His methods have earned him the nickname "Foul Play".


Kaen Hosha

Krieg using "Kaen Hosha"

Krieg's fighting style is almost exclusively tied to his huge arsenal of weapons. True to his "Foul Play" moniker, he keeps most of these weapons hidden or otherwise inconspicuous until the exact moment he deploys them, counting on not only raw firepower but the element of surprise to overwhelm his foes.[16]

(Accordingly, Krieg "names" very few of his attacks out loud; most of his weapons are identified by onlookers, particularly his crew.)


The centerpiece of Krieg's arsenal is his Wootz steel armor (ウーツ鋼の鎧, Ūtsu-Kō no Yoroi?), bright gold in color. Reputedly—though, as Luffy eventually proved, not totally—indestructible, its carapace can withstand a point-blank bazooka shot without any hint of damage to either the exterior or Krieg himself.[16] At the same time, it is flexible enough to permit Krieg considerable freedom of movement.


Krieg's armor, with guns fully unveiled.

Many of Krieg's weapons are directly built into this armor, chief amongst them a set of ten gun-barrels—two beneath each shoulder-plate, and three beneath each of the carapace's waist-flaps. Through unknown mechanisms, Krieg can fire all of these in a single motion, allowing him to gun down dozens of enemies within seconds.

Needle Machine Gun

Needle Machine Gun

Each of the shoulder-plates can be removed and used as bludgeons to augment Krieg's already-powerful punches. In addition, the left plate holds many projectile launchers:

  • A dozen along the rim, meant to fire belt-fed spears in a Gatling gun-like fashion.
  • A central one, positioned under the Jolly Roger emblem, meant for his infamous MH5 shell.

Finally, the armor features two segmented arm-guards made of plainer steel (, Hagane?), which Krieg can raise over his face at a moment's notice. These also boast built-in armaments:

  • The right holds a small flamethrower with considerable range, capable of reducing a log to cinders within seconds.[17]
  • The left can deploy a weighted metal net for entangling enemies.[18]
Further information: MH5

The MH5

The deadly poison-gas bomb MH5 (猛毒ガス弾 M・H・5エム・エイチ・ファイブ, Mōdoku Gasu-Dan Emu-eichi-faibu?) is Krieg's most dreaded weapon: an explosive shell containing a highly potent chemical toxin. Typically fired from the central launcher in Krieg's left shoulder-plate, its impact spreads a large cloud of gas that lasts around five minutes.[19] The poison inflicts immediate organ failure and internal bleeding on anyone who breathes it unprotected and, according to Krieg, kills within an hour.

As a precaution for its use, Krieg and his crewmen all carry gas masks. The gas is apparently harmless through mere skin exposure, as Luffy—with a stolen mask—was able to survive with no ill effects even when his body was completely engulfed.

Knowing it can destroy whole villages, Krieg uses this weapon sparingly. In fact, he has been known to bait enemies with a decoy that looks identical to the real shell, but explodes to scatter shuriken instead.[20]

Further information: Daisenso
Daisenso Infobox

Krieg's signature weapon, the Daisenso.

The Daisenso (大戦槍, Daisensō?, literally meaning "Battle Spear") is Krieg's ultimate melee weapon, formed by locking his shoulder-plates against one another and activating internal devices that produce a shaft and a blade from between.[21]

In addition to its long reach, the spear's head explodes on impact with any solid surface, with heavier impacts produceing proportionally larger explosions; thus, even glancing hits or near-misses can wreak severe damage. To compensate for the blade's relative fragility, the explosive mechanism is stored primarily in the plates, allowing the spear to keep exploding even if the blade is completely destroyed.[22]


Beneath his gloves, Krieg wears a set of diamond fists (ダイヤの拳, Daiya no Kobushi?), metal gauntlets with a small diamond over each knuckle and a larger one on the back of each hand.[16] Combined with Krieg's natural strength, these can shatter a full-sized mast in one blow.[23]

Kenzan Mantle[]

The Kenzan Mantle (剣山マント, Kenzan Manto?, lit. "Sword Mountain Mantle"; Porcupine Cape in all English versions) is a secondary cape covered with fist-sized metal spikes. Normally stored under one of Krieg's shoulder-plates, it is used as a defense in close quarters, especially against foes that try to aim for his legs or head.[24]

Other Weapons[]

Tetsu no Ame

Krieg using Tetsu no Ame.

Krieg carries at least two double-barreled pistols on his person. Used in conjunction with his armor's gun array, these bring his maximum rate of fire to fourteen rounds per second.

During the first part of his battle against Luffy, he wielded a huge spiked flail on a chain, apparently unconnected to any part of his armor.[25] While reasonably effective, Krieg apparently abandoned it after Luffy deflected it, temporarily knocking out Pearl.

Also separate from his armor, Krieg carries a number of marble-sized bombs that can create powerful explosions even if thrown by hand. Krieg commonly scatters them in large numbers to destabilize the battlefield in his favor.[26]

Carne's account of Krieg's origins shows him with a sword.[6]

Video Game Only Techniques[]

  • Krieg Kantai Delta Explosion (クリーク艦隊・デルタエクスプロージョン, Kurīku Kantai Deruta Ekusupurōjon?, literally meaning "Krieg Fleet Delta Explosion"): Working in tandem with Gin and Pearl, the three charge an opponent simultaneously. Gin strikes with his tonfa, Krieg with his Daisenso, and Pearl with one of his handheld shields. This attack can focus on a single enemy or damage multiple enemies at once. The technique appears in One Piece Treasure Cruise.



The Beginning[]

When he was first starting out as a pirate, Krieg was a prisoner who took over a Marine ship by posing as an Marine and killing its commanding officer. He was also known to raid towns and passenger ships under the guise of a Marine flag and attacked his enemies under a white flag, both without raising suspicion. Krieg's crooked methods and drive to win enabled him to build his crew into the largest armada of pirates in East Blue at the time, giving him the title, "Pirate Admiral Don Krieg".[6]

Attempt to Conquer the Grand Line[]

Krieg Pirates Return from Grand Line

Gin posing as Krieg to lure Fullbody away.

Krieg made a trip to the Grand Line with his fleet, hoping to find the One Piece and become the next Pirate King. However, on his seventh day in the Grand Line, he ran afoul with Dracule Mihawk, one of the Seven Warlords of the Sea who completely decimated his fleet. With only one ship escaping through sheer luck but in terrible condition, Krieg returned defeated to the East Blue.

He then had his right hand man, Gin, disguise himself as the Pirate Admiral and act as a decoy in order to lure away the Marine ship that had Lieutenant Fullbody on it, in order to save the remaining members of the severely exhausted crew.

East Blue Saga[]

Baratie Arc[]

Gin made it back to the crew and told his boss, Krieg, that he could take the crew to the Baratie.[1]

Two days later, Krieg and his crew arrived at the Baratie with his ship. The chefs and clients were at first terrorized because of Krieg's terrible reputation. However, it quickly appeared that the ship was in a pitiful shape and it was an agonizing Krieg that entered the restaurant with the support of Gin.

After Krieg and Gin entered the restaurant, everyone was shocked that Krieg was begging for food and water. Krieg then fell to the floor and Gin begged them to help his captain but Patty laughed at him. Gin continuously begged for food, saying they had money to pay and that made them their customers. Patty denied them and the other chefs commented on how dreadful Krieg really was. Krieg then bowed his head and begged for food. Gin stopped him and was seen crying.

Sanji arrived with food and kicked Patty out of the way. All of them were shocked that Sanji was offering food to Krieg. Krieg quickly devoured the food, and after he finished eating, he attacked Sanji immediately and Gin was shocked by his captain's actions. Krieg broke Gin's shoulder and the customers evacuated the restaurant in a panic.

Krieg gazed at the whole restaurant and said that he liked it. He explained that his ship was battered and wanted the Baratie as its replacement. He also demanded food for his crew as to which the chefs refused. He explained that he was not ordering food, and that he was giving them an order. Krieg roared and said that nobody has ever disobeyed him.[27]

Zeff Gives Krieg Food

Krieg meets with Zeff.

Before Sanji went to prepare food for Krieg's crew, Patty smashed him into the floor and offered Krieg a dessert and brought out a cannon and attacked Krieg with Shokuatari Meatball. Krieg complained how awful the dessert was and revealed his arsenal of weapons and began attacking the chefs. Krieg explained why he was the strongest before Zeff brought food for a hundred people. However, upon hearing Zeff's name, Krieg was shocked.[16]

Krieg told the story of Zeff the Red Leg, who was supposed to have died in an accident, but he only lost a leg which made him unable to fight anymore and forced him to retire from his career as a pirate and became the chef of a restaurant. Since Zeff once went to the Grand Line and returned safely, Krieg wanted the logbook written at that time. However, he would have to take it by force since Zeff decided not to lend it, given his feelings to the remnant of his former life.[14]

Krieg then left the restaurant to feed his crew, leaving the chefs the choice to flee or die. After returning to his ship, Krieg gave the food to his crew, enabling them to recover. Krieg told them of his plan to steal the Baratie ship and return to the Grand Line. When he saw the lack of motivation in his men to return to that place, he shot the man who criticized his decision, which appeared to quickly change their mind. When they started attacking the restaurant, their galleon was suddenly cut in half. They then saw that the Warlord of the Sea Dracule Mihawk had followed the Krieg Pirates all the way to East Blue.[28] After Zoro was defeated by Mihawk,[29] Krieg tried to attack him, only to be completely ignored. Mihawk sliced the galleon once more before departing. The Krieg pirates resumed their attack on the Baratie.[30] Krieg wanted to take over the ship so that they could travel more incognito, in addition to taking Zeff's logbook so that they could learn about the powers of Grand Line and how to fight them. However, the chefs were ready to fight and they released a wood platform in front of the restaurant so that they did not have to fight inside the restaurant and damage it. Patty and Carne drove a secret weapon hidden in the fish head of the Baratie, but Krieg got rid of it easily and threw it back toward the chefs, but Sanji kicked it back just as easily, showing his true strength.[31]

While Luffy was watching Sanji’s fight against Pearl, Krieg treacherously attacked Luffy. Luffy was tossed into the back of Pearl's head, forcing Pearl to smash his face against his own armor.[32] In order to stop a berserk Pearl from destroying the ship he was after, Krieg threw a knob toward Sanji and Pearl but Luffy was able to deflect it. The knob instead destroyed Krieg's ship mast which, by falling, knocked out Pearl. However, the Krieg Pirates had not said their last word. While they were fighting, Gin took Zeff down and was threatening his life with a gun.[12]

When Krieg asked Luffy the question of who was stronger, Luffy naturally said that he was the stronger one there. In order to make him realize the difference between the two of them, Krieg threatened Luffy with one of his strongest weapon: poison gas MH5. When Luffy tried to bounce it back, it was revealed to be a shuriken bomb. Luffy admitted that he was tricked, but continued to say he was the strongest. As his anger rose, Krieg asked Gin to take care of Sanji, while he would deal with Luffy personally.[33]

Luffy tried to attack Krieg, but Krieg shot Luffy with bombs and spears. The spears harmed Luffy at his foot, and he almost fell into ocean. Luffy then asked if Krieg was serious in fighting with him. Krieg answered that the important thing in fighting was strategy to kill the opponent. Krieg said that Luffy was a monkey because he just attacks without strategy.[34]

When Gin refused to kill Sanji because he helped him, Krieg was disappointed with Gin because he was the person whom he trusted the most. Gin requested to let the Baratie go, angering Krieg. Because of that, Krieg planned to shoot MH5 poison gas. Not seeing Gin as his crewmate, Krieg demanded that he throw away his mask. Meanwhile, Luffy tried to stop Krieg, but he did not succeed. Gin threw away his mask before Krieg unleashed his MH5. The Baratie's chefs escaped by diving and Krieg's crew used their masks. After five minutes, the gas dispersed and it was revealed that Gin gave Luffy his mask. Krieg angered Luffy and Sanji by saying that Gin was garbage and it was proper for him to die by his own hands as his commander.[19]

Luffy was really angry at Krieg and said that Gin may not die and had to survive. However, because of the poison, Gin would die in one hour. Luffy promised to defeat Krieg and started his attack at Krieg's front. Krieg affronted if he was more foolish than a monkey, because monkeys will not challenge people who are impossible to beat. Luffy replied by saying that he is a monkey who does not know the word of surrender.

Luffy Hits Krieg With Gomu Gomu no Bullet

Luffy hits Krieg.

Krieg attacked with a hail of spears fired from his weapon. Luffy, without hesitation, ran straight into the attack with the intent of reaching Krieg. Realizing the rookie pirate wasn't stopping, Krieg revealed a robe made of dangerous spikes to deter any attacks. However, to the surprise of everyone, Luffy still attacked despite the injury inflicted to his hand, knocking Krieg to the ground.

Standing back up, Krieg revealed his final weapon, a large spear with an explosive end that detonates upon impact. Continuing the battle, the surrounding wreckage was eventually reduced to sunken rubble, with both combatants having very little room to move on. Determined, Luffy began striking the spear itself, and eventually broke the end. Grinning with confidence, Luffy told Krieg to prepare himself.[24]

Krieg was knocked down once again by Luffy. When one of Krieg's crewmates stated that he believed Luffy to actually be stronger than Krieg, he arose, telling them to shut up before combining his shoulder plates together to form his "Giant Battle Spear", which he slammed into the ground next to Luffy, creating an explosion.

While Luffy wondered how the spear made an explosion, Krieg swung it again, sending Luffy flying over the ocean, but luckily, he stretched towards a platform floating. However, due to the fact that he had lost lots of blood thanks to Krieg, and that the platform he was standing on was unstable, he soon fell to his knees. Krieg continued his assault on Luffy, who was dodging for his life.

Finally, Luffy lost balance and jumped over Krieg's blow, but this made him wide open for an attack. However, just in the nick of time, Luffy grabbed the lance before it could hit him. Enraged, Krieg slammed the lance into the ground, forcing Luffy to let go. Krieg proceeded to ram his lance into Luffy, who grabbed the tip, but Krieg merely whipped it around, creating an explosion which sent Luffy flying. As Krieg swung again, Luffy was hit head-on. Krieg then proceeded to tell that he was stronger than Luffy.

However, Luffy answered by slamming his foot into the ground, breaking the spear's tip, much to Krieg's confusion and horror. Luffy told him that he hit the tip five times, and that with the wide area they had landed in, Luffy could beat him.[21]

Luffy Breaks Krieg's Armor With Gomu Gomu No Bazooka

Luffy breaks Krieg's armor.

Krieg attacked Luffy again and wanted to execute him because he was brave to challenge "The Most Powerful Captain" in East Blue. Luffy dodged the attack and hanged onto a mast. Krieg then sliced the mast, but his attacks did not hurt Luffy. Luffy threw the mast at him, but Krieg destroyed it by shooting fire at it. Luffy countered with a "Gomu Gomu no Gatling", but Krieg's armor protected him. Luffy continued by trying "Gomu Gomu no Pistol" and sent Krieg flying, but the armor still did not break. Krieg planned to throw bombs from top of the mast. Luffy tried to stop him and ran faster. Finally, he destroyed the armor by using "Gomu Gomu no Bazooka" and made it crack into pieces.[35]

Even though Krieg lost his spirit, he attacked Luffy in the air by shooting an iron net at him. Unfortunately for Luffy, he was trapped in it and below them was the ocean. If still in that condition, Luffy would sink, and because of that, Krieg was really satisfied. However, Luffy planned to use his hands and feet for one last attack. Anticipating Luffy's next move, Krieg ordered his crew to shoot at Luffy, but they were stopped by Sanji. Luffy was successful in using "Gomu Gomu no Ozuchi", smashing Krieg's head into the dock, causing him to lose consciousness. After losing the battle, Krieg stood up again and went berserk. Before he could continue, Gin punched Krieg in the stomach. Gin then departed the Baratie with Krieg and the rest of his crew.[36]

Final Saga[]

Egghead Arc[]

Two years later, on Hachinosu, Krieg walked alongside Gin during Vegapunk's broadcast.[37]

Major Battles[]

Adaptation Differences[]

In the manga, Krieg's hair has a deep blue color, as opposed to its purple hue in the anime.

For unknown reasons, the anime does not depict Krieg's shuriken bomb, making his threat to deploy the MH5 a serious one from the start.

In the live-action series, Krieg does not survive his battle with Dracule Mihawk and so does not show up at the Baratie.[38]

Translation and Dub Issues[]

Name and Title[]

Krieg is German for "war", alluding to Krieg's heavy arsenal and massive naval fleet.[39] In German translations of the series, it is rendered as Creek.

Additionally, while Krieg's "Teitoku" (提督?) epithet is rendered as "Admiral" by both the 4Kids-dubbed anime and the VIZ manga, it should be noted that the term is not the one used for the Marines' "Admiral" (大将, Taishō?) rank. The Funimation anime instead translates it as "Commodore"—a convention it would later use for the anime-original Nelson Royale.


Due to its general policy against graphic violence and bloodshed, 4Kids digitally edited Krieg's Gatling gun spears into "poison suction cups" (presumably smeared with contact poison). Curiously, this edit only applied to the spears after they had struck Luffy; the initial scenes of Krieg firing them were left unaltered.

On the same principle, 4Kids also recolored Krieg's pistols to appear more toy-like, though most of the firing animations were left unchanged.

Early Concepts[]

Early Don Krieg

Early concept of Krieg in One Piece Green.

One Piece Green: Secret Pieces revealed an early concept-draft of Krieg, depicting him as a cyborg named "Krieg - 9000".


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Non-Playable Appearances[]


  • In the first version of Opening 1, Krieg's hair was shown as long, causing confusion among fans. It was later revealed this look was taken from his wanted poster, rather than his more recent appearance.
  • He shares the same Japanese dub voice actor with Sakazuki, and the same Funimation dub voice actor with Wapol.
  • Krieg is the first antagonist in the series to mention One Piece, and be depicted with open ambitions of being the Pirate King.
  • Krieg's favorite food is roasted whole Sea King.[3]
  • Krieg's name means "war" in German, which is probably a reference to his warmongering behavior.


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 6 Chapter 45 and Episode 21, Patty, Carne, and several other Baratie cooks debate the dangers of Krieg and his reputedly 5000-strong crew. Meanwhile, a barely-recovered Gin regroups with Krieg and tells him about the Baratie.
  2. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 5 Chapter 44 and Episode 21, Lines' slightest mention of Krieg sends panic through the Baratie, one customer identifying the Krieg Pirates as the strongest in the East Blue.
  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 Vivre Card - One Piece Visual Dictionary (Card #0084), Information about Krieg is revealed.
  4. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 6 Chapter 46 (p. 12) and Episode 22, Krieg's manga intro-box and the chapter's corresponding anime episode both use the "Admiral" epithet.
  5. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 11 Chapter 96 (p. 5) and Episode 45, In a presentation of East Blue bounties, Brannew indicates Krieg's "Admiral" epithet is known in-universe as well.
  6. 6.0 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 6 Chapter 46 (p. 17) and Episode 22, Carne recounts Krieg's reputation and past atrocities.
  7. SBS One Piece Manga — Vol. 84 (p. 60), Krieg's age is revealed.
  8. One Piece Blue Deep: Characters World (p. 53), Krieg's birthday is revealed.
  9. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 11 Chapter 96 (p. 6) and Episode 45, Krieg's bounty before being defeated by Luffy is revealed.
  10. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 6 Chapter 49 and Episode 23.
  11. One Piece Manga — Chapter 1117 (p. 2).
  12. 12.0 12.1 One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 7 Chapter 55 and Episode 25.
  13. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 8 Chapter 69 (p. 8) and Episode 31, Yosaku's mentions Arlong's strength.
  14. 14.0 14.1 One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 6 Chapter 48 and Episode 23.
  15. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 7 Chapter 60 (p. 4) and Episode 27.
  16. 16.0 16.1 16.2 16.3 One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 6 Chapter 47 and Episode 22.
  17. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 8 Chapter 65 (p. 9) and Episode 29, Luffy throws one of the Dreadnaught Sabre's spars at Krieg, who casually burns it to ash with his flamethrower. Note that Krieg uses it only this once during the battle, suggesting a very limited fuel supply.
  18. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 8 Chapter 66 (p. 4) and Episode 29, Krieg uses an iron net to capture Luffy and drag him down to the sea.
  19. 19.0 19.1 One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 7 Chapter 62 and Episode 27.
  20. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 7 Chapter 60 (p. 10-13) and Episode 27, Krieg shoots what he claims to be the MH5 from his left shoulder-plate; when Luffy tries to intercept it, he is immediately cut by the shuriken shrapnel. For unknown reasons, this weapon is not featured in the anime.
  21. 21.0 21.1 One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 8 Chapter 64 and Episode 28.
  22. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 8 Chapter 65 (p. 2-8) and Episode 29, Krieg continues using the Battle Spear's explosions to great effect, despite Luffy breaking its tip and leaving it "just a bomb on a stick" with half its original power.
  23. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 7 Chapter 62 (p. 9) and Episode 27, Luffy tries to reach Krieg by running across the Dreadnaught Sabre's fallen mast, only for Krieg to punch it apart.
  24. 24.0 24.1 One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 8 Chapter 63 and Episode 28.
  25. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 7 Chapter 54 (p. 16) and Episode 25, Krieg uses his spiked ball against Luffy.
  26. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 7 Chapter 61 (p. 10) and Episode 27, Krieg flicks a bomb into the sea, throwing up a huge wave that prevents Luffy from seeing his next attack.
  27. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 6 Chapter 46 and Episode 22.
  28. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 6 Chapter 49 and Episode 23.
  29. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 6 Chapter 51 and Episode 24.
  30. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 6 Chapter 52 and Episode 24.
  31. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 6 Chapter 53 and Episode 25.
  32. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 7 Chapter 54 and Episode 25.
  33. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 7 Chapter 60 and Episode 27.
  34. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 7 Chapter 61 and Episode 27.
  35. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 8 Chapter 65 and Episode 29.
  36. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 8 Chapter 66 and Episode 29.
  37. One Piece Manga — Chapter 1117 (p. 2).
  38. One Piece Live-Action — Eat at Baratie!.
  39. SBS One Piece Manga — Vol. 18 (p. 166), Krieg's name explained.

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