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Late Monday blog :)


Hi there! Thank you for checking out or returning to my blog! Opening the screenshots today is a picture from the archive. It is WHM, a class I admit i don't use often but thought it was a great picture!

Back into the thicket of our main story, our Ahpook is having migraines. (name drop in screenshot.) (^-^)

Trying to get these rust buckets up and running. I thought this couple was adorable and did not think they would impact the story as much as they did!

My personal take on one of life's greatest questions, "Is the glass half full or half empty?" well, I suppose if you are in the process of filling it, it would be half full. If you are emptying it's contents it would be considered half empty! Lol what do you think? Let me know in the comments.

Okay I know those are good guys but the showdown aesthetic of this picture was too good to pass up.

An adventurers work never seems to be done!

Here is a YouTube of some of the MSQ. I had overslept for the meeting and could immediately tell not everyone was happy I had made it. What can i say, warriors of light need their beauty sleep! Once the mech's were up and running we were on our way, but it would seem our arrival would not go unnoticed.

That's everything for you fans today! Hope you enjoyed reading and the loot drops are premium! See you next time!
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