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Storyline like A Gelatinous Cube

At this point the story-line has me like a gelatinous cube. Here are a couple screenshots of the highlights and a condensed video of the MSQ boss battle.

Our heroes rush to the scene but they were too late, all of the snacks had already been eaten! (>.<)

In an echo of pain, he escapes.

A mountain fortress arises into the sky as beautifully scenic as it is menacing.

The shared intent to protect each other can create a tension of sorts, these two don't seem to be planning on bailing on one another anytime soon.

There are some battles that must be fought with the pen and spoken word. A silent adventurer like Ahpook knows when to play support or take a knee.

...And as suspected we get to see Alphinaud shine in the story in a way that none of the other characters can. (^o^)

This MSQ boss battle was incredibly fun as i could not wait to get a chance to take this guy on! I tried a couple different editing effects and think it may have turned out a touch too busy. Let me know what you guys think in the comments!

That's it for today, if it's nice out touch some grass and if it is rainy out have a listen!
Hope you come back next time!
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