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Intro to Crafting! Part 3: Advanced Strategy

IVc.(Strategies: How to efficiently level) Leveling a craft can be tedious for many, as countless hours are spent in one spot potentially crafting the same item over and over. There are ways to combat this, and keep the crafting interesting and prevent yourself from hitting a brick wall. The first thing I would recommend is completing the level 20 main story quest on a battle class in which you designate your Grand Company. The reason that you should do this is because the Grand Companies sell items that give experience points boosts to DoH and DoL classes that cost company seals. If you feel you're at a slow point, or missed the level you wanted to reach by a few thousand experience points, this is a great way to make up for it. That being said, here is the way I found to level the absolute fastest.

CRAFT EVERYTHING. For each item you craft for the first time, you receive bonus experience points that are extremely significant. By crafting each item in your crafting log, you are maximizing the amount of EXP you can get in a short period of time. There are very few items I have skipped in each crafting log, and the only reason I have is because acquiring the materials was either too expensive on the market boards, or I couldn't get them myself.

Reach the highest quality possible on EVERYTHING you craft. The experience points your receive from each item crafted is based on the quality that it finishes with. You do not have to create a HQ item in order to receive bonus EXP. This means with a 10% HQ chance, even if you create a normal item, you get a huge exp boost. When crafting it is important to be as efficient as possible. Get progress 1 synthesis away from complete, use the rest of your durability on "touch" commands to raise quality, then complete the item. I will go into some strategies on what skills to use when at the end of this section.

NEVER use quick synthesis. At level 10 of any disciple of the hand, you unlock the ability to quickly synthesize any number of an item you have created at least once. Trust me when I say this is a mistake. The items crafted quickly have a chance to fail (which you can easily avoid by crafting it yourself) causing you to lose the materials. The base EXP received is also significantly reduced, and this prevents you from increasing the quality to effectively receive a bonus in EXP. Many players use quick synthesis to create component pieces such as ingots or cloth, and I urge you not to do so. When you get to points when you need to grind one item over and over, you save yourself a lot of pain by avoiding quick synthesis especially early on when each point of EXP counts.
Comments (4)

Sonic Fox

Tonberry [Elemental]

Hi there, u mentioned that there are items sold by Grand Companies, what are those? Can u elaborate a bit on the rank and seals needed?

Valentius Catullus

Malboro [Crystal]

There are two different levels of the item. You can buy the first books as soon as you have attained your Grand Company allegiance. The second set of books is available once you have reached Tier 2 in ranks for your grand company. I believe the costs are somewhere around 5,000 and 7,250 respectively. They give a 50% exp bonus up to a cap of a certain about (20k and 40k?).

Sonic Fox

Tonberry [Elemental]

Oh so it's like an expendable then? Thanks. Will check it out.

1 more question, how do u find the grand company gear in comparison with the crafted gear of same level, seeing that u r already @50.

Valentius Catullus

Malboro [Crystal]

Grand company gear is really a start point for your end game. Ilvl is only 55, where as the end game crafted gear is Ilvl 70. The darklight gear is Ilvl 70 so the stats on the crafted pieces are only slightly less than that of darklight. If you have a craft to 50, being able to make the Ilvl 70 equipment will save you a lot of time, and will be great initial end game equip.
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