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The Grenadier Bracers ( () () Kote?) are support items used by Katsuki Bakugo.


Izuku Midoriya uses a Grenadier Bracer

Izuku using one of the gauntlets to attack All Might.

This is a specification that was added to Katsuki's Hero Costume, which stores his sweat to amplify the power and effects of Explosion to their fullest potential. Once filled, he can pull out the grenade pin to release a massive powerful explosion. The aforementioned blast was powerful enough to nearly destroy the building Katsuki was fighting Izuku during the Battle Trial.[1]

This modification was created so that Katsuki could release powerful explosions while minimizing damage to himself.[2]

During the First Term Final Exam, Katsuki allowed Izuku to use one of the gauntlets to blast All Might. Izuku commented that the strong recoil took a toll on his shoulder,[3] although Katsuki seems to be completely unphased by it, due to his superior athletic ability.


  1. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 9 and Episode 7.
  2. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 38 and Episode 23.
  3. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 63 and Episode 37.

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