My Hero Academia Wiki
My Hero Academia Wiki

That's right, you'll never be All Might, or Deku. Because I've only ever done battle with the weakness within. So don't even dwell... on the notion of some grand rebirth. Go on, keep cursing the true enemy - that weakness. That's... the only thing... that has kept you alive.
Enji Todoroki to Endeavor in "Regarding the Enemy"

Enji Todoroki ( (とどろき) (えん) () Todoroki Enji?), also known as the Flame Hero: Endeavor (フレイムヒーロー エンデヴァー Fureimu Hīrō Endevā?),[3] is the Pro Hero with the highest tally of resolved cases in history.

Following All Might's retirement, Endeavor temporarily became the No. 1 Hero after being the No. 2 Hero for a very long time and after the latest Hero Billboard Chart JP announcement, officially became the No. 1 Hero.[4]

In the aftermath of the Final War, Endeavor officially retires from active hero duty, due to the injuries he sustained during the war, choosing to spend the rest of his life making amends for his actions.[5]


Enji is a tall, sturdily-built man with a very muscular physique. He has short crimson hair, which he wears spiked up around his head, and sharp turquoise eyes. His beard and mustache appear to be made of fire, but when he voluntarily turns off the flames on his face, a slight amount of stubble shows around his jaw.[1]

His hero costume is comprised of a tight, navy turquoise bodysuit, with flames streaming across his chest, upper torso, arms, and most prominently, his shoulders. He uses his flames as a makeshift mask around his eyes, and his tall boots appear to be either made of fire themselves or constantly left alight, as only their soles and laces are visible around the flames. He sports white bracers on his lower arms, styled in a cage pattern, and a blue belt with a pouch on either side.

After officially becoming the No. 1 Pro Hero, Endeavor's costume was upgraded. His bracers have been redesigned to look sharper and armor-like, and they now completely encase his arms. On the back of his hands are grill handguards with holes to flush a torrent of flames out the back of his hands if needed, and his fingers are exposed from the base knuckles. His bodysuit now has large stripes running across his torso, completely engulfing the spaces between his flames. Endeavor also added shoulder pads and a new belt that are made of the same material as his bracers. His belt is a stylized kanji for ¨Flame¨ (?).

During his battle against Hood, the left side of his face was greatly damaged after being hit by a surprise attack. After receiving surgery and being healed by Recovery Girl's Heal Quirk, his eye was shown to be intact, though he now has a large, jagged scar reaching from his hairline all the way down to his chin.[6][7]

During the battle against All For One, he loses his right arm, being ripped off after being hit by one of the Rivet Stabs.[8] Following his battle against Dabi, his face and body have been severely burned.[9]

In the aftermath of the Final War, Enji's face is heavily bandaged, with significant burns still visible. He is also now unable to stand on his own, requiring a wheelchair to get around.[5]

During his childhood days, he bore a striking resemblance to his own son, Natsuo.[8]



Shoto has described his father as a prideful and ambitious man, driven by his goal to surpass the No. 1 Hero, All Might.[10]

Endeavor's cold eyes

Endeavor's eyes obsessively focusing on his hopeless goal.

This obsessive drive to surpass All Might in strength and power has followed Enji throughout his entire life, and repeated failure has plagued him since his youth. Dedicated to his studies and hero work, Enji strived to become the absolute strongest Pro Hero in the country. However, the figure of All Might proved itself too much of an insurmountable obstacle for him or anyone else to overcome, leaving Enji in a growing state of despair as he became increasingly aware that closing the gap between him and the Symbol of Peace was futile.[11] As a result, Enji turned into a cold, callous person who didn't care for anything but his impossible dream, something a young Inasa Yoarashi would notice by just looking at his eyes.

Enji has always been aware of his limitations, but due to his stubbornness, he never once considered relinquishing his wish, wanting to accomplish it at any cost and even passing on his aspirations to another person if necessary. As a way to balance the downsides of his Quirk, something he always found cumbersome, Enji sought to have a child with an ice Quirk user to create someone that could inherit his will and conceive a child who had the perfect mix of both fire and ice. This way, Enji would not only have his Quirk inherited but also his training and experiences by a "perfect" successor.

Enji training young Shoto

Enji ruthlessly training Shoto from a young age.

Enji would become a cold, even abusive father and husband, with his actions negatively affecting all members of the family he formed. Shoto, his youngest child, was considered his masterpiece, a tool with all the correct elements to exceed All Might's ability and nothing else. As a result, Enji focused all his hopes on Shoto, forcing him through incredibly harsh training from a young age and showing no concern for his son's desires. The rest of his children were ignored and perceived as "failures" that weren't allowed to interact with their younger brother. Enji became verbally and physically violent towards his wife, Rei, whenever she tried to defend Shoto from the brutal training, to the extent where she began to fear him and started seeing him in the faces of their children. When his wife succumbed to a mental breakdown and injured Shoto, Enji sent her to a psychiatric ward to prevent her from getting in the way of his child's development.

Enji with his children Toya and Fuyumi

In the past, Enji had a healthier relationship with his family.

At the same time, he wasn't entirely without feelings and concern for his family. Upon learning that his first son, Toya, had stronger fire powers but a body that could not handle his flames, Enji quickly stopped forcing his efforts on Toya in fear for his well-being and was frustrated when he refused to quit and kept burning himself. Beforehand, he was content with training Toya to be his successor, despite him not inheriting the ideal Quirk that he desired, and his training with Toya was nowhere near as harsh or brutal as he would be with Shoto. Also, despite their arranged marriage, he did show some sentiment towards Rei when they first got together, remembering her favorite flower despite her only telling him about it once. While he wasn't that involved in the personal lives of his children, relying on Rei, their housekeeper, and later Fuyumi, to look after his younger sons, this shows that Enji did not start out as such an abusive father and husband. At the very least, he had a more positive relationship with his family and his obsession with surpassing All Might had not yet consumed him.

As the years passed however, Enji became more stubborn and impatient to fulfill his lifelong goal. Being so devoted to his hero work and his dream, he never took the time to learn how to be a family man, believing that all he could show anyone was the world of a hero. Rei accused Enji of using his hero status to avoid his problems as a father, and he would admit this to be true to Natsuo years later, confessing that all he could do was dodge his responsibilities and blame others. This avoidance of his parental responsibilities led to the abuse of his wife and the neglect of his children, especially Toya, who drove himself hysterical yearning for his father's acknowledgment after being replaced in favor of Shoto. While Toya's apparent death devastated him, Enji's obsession with training Shoto remained, feeling as though it would have all been for nothing had he given up.

Endeavor's reaction to All Might's retirement

Endeavor burns his training room due to All Might's retirement.

After the Kamino Incident, which resulted in All Might's retirement and Enji's succession as the No. 1 Hero, Enji's character shifted in a course. Enji's interest in the title of No. 1 Pro Hero was always based on earning it through merit and ability, valuing his work in attaining the No. 1 spot more than the spot itself. As such, he became furious about reaching the top through a technicality, feeling that his efforts from a lifetime were now wasted. As much as he disliked his longtime rival All Might, Enji still respected his power and feats as the No. 1 Hero, to the point of not believing that the "real" All Might was a sick and weak-looking man.[12]

Sensing the rising crime and unrest in a society losing its Symbol of Peace, Enji began questioning his role and duty as the new No. 1 Hero. After a conversation with All Might about what being the No. 1 Hero means to the world, Enji starts considering how he treated his family up until then. He starts visiting his estranged wife with frequency, even though the doctors in charge of her recovery have stated that this action is not best for her, and he wishes to become an actual father figure to his children, despite Natsuo's vocal desire to not have the older man involved in his life. While aware that his two sons resent him, Enji still attempted to atone for his past actions and made an effort to connect with his children; knowing that he wouldn't be so easily forgiven, he at least wanted to repent and help them recover from the dreadful childhood he made them go through. However, Enji soon concludes that his family is better off without him and would go on to buy a new home for his children and their mother while he remains by himself, willing to distance himself from them so they can be happy.

Endeavor mad at Hawks

Endeavor angry at Hawks for coming off as disrespectful.

As a Pro Hero, Enji is depicted as confident, reliable, and imposing, thanks to his excellent track record of solving cases. His rude and aggressive personality is well-known to the public, with his fans thinking of them as a selling point while others are scared by his overall violent attitude.[13] Endeavor is particularly sensitive to being compared to All Might as he's always painted unfavorably towards the former No. 1 Hero.[14] Despite this, he does make an effort to interact with his fans upon becoming the new No. 1, as seen with him greeting Hiroshi Tameda, although he was shocked to see his new, more amicable side be met with harsh criticism.[15] Furthermore, Enji realized that he could have been a friendly and kind Hero like All Might had he wanted the prestige and respect that the latter had received, but instead became obsessed with reaching his position at the very top of Japan's Hero rankings, which led him down his dark and bitter path.

Enji, whether during work or outside of it, is known for his bad temper. He has a very no-nonsense attitude towards those he meets and is easily angered by goofier personalities. This disposition, however, does not affect his competence as a Pro Hero in any shape or form. Thanks to his studies, training, and valuable experience obtained as the No. 2 Hero, Enji knows how to strategically direct forces in battle, immediately understand his situation, and resolve incidents as fast as possible, with minimal casualties. Enji and his agency pride themselves as experts in the three basics of heroism (suppression, rescue, and evacuation), believing that a true hero excels at all of those areas.[16]

Episode 106

Endeavor facing a rare moment of hesitation.

However, even Enji can have lapses in his bravery and immense resolve. After Natsuo was kidnapped and held hostage by Ending, Enji froze in place and could not move, fearing that his son would never speak to him again had he saved him, only to embrace Natsuo in relief after he was saved. Following the Paranormal Liberation War, after Enji's seemingly deceased son was revealed to be the League of Villains member Dabi, Enji fell into tears of despair after realizing that his actions as a father led to his son becoming a villain and mass murderer, going as far as to tearfully apologize to his family for all the harm he caused them, while also realizing that his hero career was doomed with his past having been revealed to the public.[17]

Endeavor willing to make amends

Endeavor resolves that he'll continue fighting to make things right.

After being encouraged by Shoto and supported by his family to confront Dabi, however, Enji manages to regain his strength and willingness to move forward; rather than lying or trying to deflect any blame, he comes clean to the public about his past and promises to do everything he can to defeat the villains. Even with people blaming him and the other heroes for the current state of things, Enji only tells the public to throw any burdens or complaints they have at him while he promises to bring society back with everything he has.[18]

During the Final War, it is revealed that Enji's motivation to be a hero stemmed from when he was a child after he saw his father try and save a little girl from a villain, only to die alongside her. The death of Enji's father deeply impacted him, causing him to blame it on his weakness and leading to his desire to become a strong hero, to the point where he chose the hero name "Endeavor" to reflect all his hard work and efforts. While fighting All For One, Enji comes to terms with no longer being able to redeem himself as a hero, acknowledging that he'll never be like All Might or Deku.[8] Enji accepts that he's responsible for his son becoming a villain and that the people Dabi has killed fall on him as well but resolves that he'll continue to atone for his crimes so that his mistakes won't burden the next generation of heroes.[19]

Following the Final War, after suffering the loss of his arm and being bound to a wheelchair, Enji effectively retires from his hero position, having intended to do so prior to the war while saying that Endeavor was burned up by Dabi's flames. While facing a dying Toya being kept in stasis, Enji reflects on how he failed him as a father and promises to visit Toya every day along with the rest of his family, wanting to keep his son company during the time he has left. Following the visit, Enji vows that he will spend the rest of his life atoning for his actions as to make sure that his family won't be dragged down with him, believing this to be the reason why he survived.[5]


Endeavor and Edgeshot vs All For One

Edgeshot and Endeavor team up to take on the incredibly powerful All For One.

Overall Abilities: Endeavor was ranked 2nd of Japan's heroes before taking the spot of No. 1 after All Might's retirement. He is known for having the most solved cases out of any crime fighter, and by the age of 20, Endeavor took his place as the No. 2 Pro Hero. He also possesses a professional handle on his powerful Quirk, Hellflame, using his flames to overwhelm his opponents with extreme heat, becoming airborne with flame propulsion, among other applications.

As he is ranked highly, Endeavor is a mighty hero, which has been proven in his fight against the League of Villains. He has repeatedly faced and defeated multiple grades of Nomu without sustaining any damage, something for which he is praised by the likes of All For One, history's most dangerous and experienced villain.[11] During the Kamino Incident, Endeavor teamed up with Edgeshot to temporarily battle All For One, and emerge unscathed. Endeavor has also displayed the ability to contend with High-End Nomu such as Hood and Woman with help from other heroes. In the previous bout with Hood, Endeavor displayed his high speed and power by dicing a large portion of a skyscraper before it could collapse and incinerating most of Hood's body thrice. In the Paranormal Liberation War, Endeavor proved to be integral against the 75% body-enhanced Tomura Shigaraki, inflicting the most amount of damage (alongside Izuku Midoriya) that caused the villain's body to eventually break down, despite the Flame Hero being outmatched by Tomura. Shoto even remarked that Endeavor was the only one, besides Izuku, with any hope to defeat All For One. He later proved this to be accurate, as with assistance from Hawks, he overwhelmed and would have incinerated the Demon Lord had it not been for his acquisition of the reverse-engineered Quirk-Destroying Drug.

  • Enhanced Strength: After years of physical training, Endeavor obtained enhanced physical strength, though it is not at the level of All Might. Impressively, he could knock the enormous Gigantomachia backward with a flame-propelled skull bash.
  • Enhanced Durability: Endeavor possesses above-average durability as he was able to withstand being thrown through multiple concrete-laced skyscraper walls by Hood, who was using various Quirks, and emerged with moderate injuries.[20] When fighting a body-modified Tomura Shigaraki, Endeavor endured the impalement of the latter's Rivet Stab Quirk and several of his augmented blows despite the villain possessing physical strength that nearly rivals that of All Might. Afterward, Endeavor could skull-bash the thick-bodied Gigantomachia without suffering significant head trauma, but his attack knocked the pyromancer unconscious.
  • Enhanced Stamina: Endeavor is far more resistant to pain than the average Pro Hero, as seen when he could stand up, despite receiving numerous attacks from Hood and long after his body should have become unable to move.[21] During the climax of the Paranormal Liberation War, Endeavor's movements were stymied by his Quirk overuse burning his lungs and being repeatedly stabbed by Tomura's Rivet Stab Quirk. Despite the injuries, the pyrokinetic hero could still stand and eventually knock down Gigantomachia though Endeavor himself was put out of commission afterward.
  • Enhanced Reflexes: Due to training to become the No. 1 hero, Endeavor learned to react exceedingly fast to dangerous situations and people in need. During his battle with Hood, he could counter one of his attacks with his "Jet Burn" despite his clouded vision. Later, while having a conversation outside with Izuku, Endeavor reacted to a cry for help before the shout reached the One For All inheritor.

Keen Intellect: Endeavor has extraordinary intelligence, having used it to tally up the most resolved criminal cases in history. He has very keen deductive skills, shown when he deduced that Izuku's Quirk resembled that of All Might after only seeing it used briefly. During the Hosu Incident, Endeavor identified the nature of Four-Eyed Nomu's Absorption and Release Quirk and noticed that the creature retained damage from the low-temperature flame attack Endeavor employed, even after the creature redirected it back at the Flame Hero. Throughout his battle against Hood, Endeavor displayed more intelligence as he analyzed the situation against the High-End Nomu while fighting against it.

When he witnessed Hood regenerate itself, while recollecting how the lighter-colored Nomus lacked the said ability, Endeavor surmised that the black Nomus have more capabilities than the other Nomu breeds. Endeavor later recalled how Hood was seeking a strong opponent, and discerned that the High-End Nomu wasn't interested in weaker opponents, hence the reason the villain spawned lower-level Nomu hindered the ignikinetic's reinforcements. Seeing Hood self-decapitate twice made Endeavor realize that said body part is the central weak point of the villain. In the climax of the strenuous bout, Endeavor took notice of Hood's higher feral and the Super Regeneration keeping up with the internal burns. To avoid collateral damage, Endeavor directed Hawks with an arrow of flame to use his nearly incinerated plumages to help Endeavor take to the skies even further. While facing the body-modified Tomura, Endeavor realized that the villain could leap vast distances through the air, not through Quirk usage, but due to pure strength yielding air pressure, similar to All Might.

Plus Ultra Prominence Burn

Endeavor embraces the "Plus Ultra" creed and surpasses his limits to destroy the High-End Nomu, Hood finally.

Indomitable Will: One of Endeavor's most prominent traits is his ability never to give up, befitting his hero's name. This tenacity is shown in two significant instances: he continues to bridge the gap between himself and All Might regardless of the differences in their abilities and continues to push past his limits and injuries in his battle against Hood.[21] In the latter instance, Endeavor, seeing his old self reflected in Hood, resolved to no longer be the misguided and virulent person he has been his whole life and used that resolution to go beyond his bodily limitations and finally defeat the High-End Nomu for good, all while finally embracing U.A. High School 's "Plus Ultra" credo that he previously deplored.

In the climax of the Paranormal Liberation War, after failing to destroy a body-augmented Tomura Shigaraki, an injured and exhausted Endeavor could summon the strength to attack Gigantomachia despite Dabi's attempts to break his spirit thanks to the words of Izuku. In the aftermath of the war, Endeavor's will was revealed to have been monumentally shaken regarding Dabi revealing himself as Endeavor's thought-to-be-deceased son, Toya, which took the entire Todoroki family, including his wife, Rei, to give him enough willpower to stand back up.

Teaching: Despite his unfriendly demeanor, Enji has proven to be an effective mentor in the area of heroics. Upon taking on Izuku and Katsuki during his agency's work-study, Enji quickly took note of their goals; for Izuku, to master his new ability to the point where he can perform it naturally, and for Katsuki, to learn of what areas he needs to improve upon. During a patrol, Enji taught Izuku, Katsuki, and Shoto the fundamentals of being a hero; to know one's current area and pick up on small disturbances, to be able to reach the scene of the emergency as fast as possible, while also keeping collateral damage to a minimum and keeping civilians out of the crossfire. He told the three students to make those points their priority during their work-study with him, while also pointing out that while U.A. prioritizes effort, the hero field itself requires experience. He then set the three a goal to achieve during their work-study: to stop one villain faster than him. Impressively, during the first day of the work-study, Enji was able to decipher through Izuku's mumbling and also humble Katsuki's arrogant attitude.

Most notably, Enji was able to teach Izuku about parallel processing in order to help him master his Quirk's techniques, telling him to practice using Air Force until it became second nature to him, and then to add something else. The Flame Hero compared parallel processing to learning how to drive (instinctively steering the wheel, checking the mirrors, adjusting the breaks, and so on), saying that no matter how strong Izuku's power is, that foundation has to be built on steady diligence. Enji's tutoring showed to pay off, as it helped push Izuku, Katsuki, and Shoto further than they had gone in a single week. Many months later, Izuku was able to use the experience he had learned from Enji to properly use Bruce's Fa Jin for the first time during his battle with Lady Nagant, even combining it with One For All and Blackwhip to create his Faux 100 Percent technique.


Hell Flame anime

Endeavor generating flames.

Hellflame (ヘルフレイム Herufureimu?):[2] Enji's Quirk allows him to produce and manipulate large amounts of extremely intense fire at will.

He appears to be immune to other flames, and can easily control the shape and temperature of the blaze as well.[22] Enji's level of control enables him to utilize his flames in unorthodox ways, such as concentrating flames and heat to his feet to achieve limited flight. He has been shown shaping his flames into long-range and melee weapons, such as when he struck a Nomu with a spear made of fire and is even capable of emitting fire from his eyes as shown when he burned All For One's hand when the villain attempted to steal his Quirk.

Using too much of his power will overheat Endeavor's body, causing a depletion of stamina, and an impairment of his physical functions.[6]

Ultimate Moves

Flashfire Fist

Endeavor's signature technique: Flashfire Fist.

  • Flashfire Fist ( (かく) (しゃく) (ねっ) (けん) Kaku Shakunekken?): Endeavor's signature technique, he raises his fire's temperature to its highest level and maximizes his power. Doing so, the Flame Hero can unleash devastating flame attacks or increase his speed dramatically.
    • Jet Burn (ジェットバーン Jettobān?): This attack allows Endeavor to shoot a blast of fire at his desired target. This attack is quite powerful, as it damaged High-End, and sent him flying out of the building. According to Endeavor, this attack cannot be used too much as it heats up his body a lot.[15]
    • Hell Spider (ヘルスパイダー Heru Supaidā?): This attack allows Endeavor to send out long, thin blasts of fire out of the tips of his fingers which he can use to cut through this target. He is able to slice the top half of a skyscraper into many pieces using this attack. Like before, this attack cannot be used too much.[20]
    • Hell's Curtain (ヘル カーテイン Heru Kātein?): Endeavor throws both of his fists back while concentrating all of his flames into a single point. He then throws his arms forward, emitting a massive blanket of flames on to his opponent.[23]
    • Prominence Burn

      Endeavor's most powerful attack: Prominence Burn.

      Prominence Burn (プロミネンスバーン Purominensu Bān?): This attack allows Endeavor to launch a massive, concentrated beam of fire from his entire body that is able to vaporize his target.[6] Endeavor himself stated that this is his most powerful technique.
      • PLUS ULTRA Prominence Burn (PLUS (プルス) ULTRA (ウルトラ) プロミネンスバーン Purusu Urutora Purominensu Bān?): Going beyond his limit and grappling his target, Endeavor unleashes a Prominence Burn that is more powerful than the original, enabling him to put away villains, like the High-End Nomu, Hood, or near the level of Tomura Shigaraki.[24][25][26]
  • Hellfire Storm (ヘルファイアストーム Herufaiasutōmu?): This attack allows Endeavor to create a powerful flaming whirlwind that burns opponents within its range.[27]
  • Hell Minefield (ヘルマインフィールド Herumainfīrudo?): Endeavor breaks the ground with his fist and ignites his flames, sending a wave of fire towards his opponent. He then sends a second eruption of flames underneath, creating a massive explosion.
  • Vanishing Fist (バニシングフィスト Banishingu Fisuto?): Endeavor rushes towards his opponent while engulfing his arm in flames before delivering a powerful hook punch. This technique was first used against Tomura Shigaraki during the Paranormal Liberation War.
  • Vanishing Jet Burn (バニシングジェットバーン Banishingu Jettobān?): A combination of Jet Burn and Vanishing Fist, Endeavor forms a giant fist using his flames and blasts his opponent away with great force.[19]
  • Ignited Arrow (イグナイテッドアロー Igunaiteddo Arō?): Using this attack, Endeavor pulls his arm back and launches a scorching arrow of flames.


5/5 A
5/5 A
5/5 A
4/5 B
2/5 D
Enji's stats, according to the Ultra Archive Book

6/6 S+
5/6 A+
5/6 A
4/6 B
Helicopter Parent
6/6 S
Enji's stats, according to the Ultra Analysis Book

Battles & Events



Chapter Appearances

Entrance Exam Arc
1. Izuku Midoriya: Origin Screen
2. Roaring Muscles Absent
3. Entrance Exam Fantasy
4. Starting Line Absent
U.A. Sports Festival Arc
22. That's the Idea, Ochaco Absent
23. Roaring Sports Festival Absent
24. Mad Dash and Knockdown Mentioned
25. In Their Own Quirky Ways Mentioned
26. Chase Down the Leader Absent
27. Earth-Shatteringly Fateful Negotiations Absent
28. Strats, Strats, Strats Debut
29. Unaware Appears
30. Cavalry-Match Finale Appears
31. The Boy Born with Everything Appears
32. Smile, Prince of Nonsense Land! Absent
33. Shinso's Situation Absent
34. Victory or Defeat Appears
35. Battle On, Challengers! Absent
36. Bakugo vs. Uraraka Absent
37. Midoriya and Endeavor Appears
38. Todoroki vs. Midoriya Appears
39. Shoto Todoroki: Origin Appears
40. Emancipation Appears
41. Fight On, Ida Appears
42. Final-Match Time Appears
43. Todoroki vs. Bakugo Appears
44. Relaxing Day Off Mentioned
Vs. Hero Killer Arc
45. Time to Pick Some Names Mentioned
46. Bizarre! Gran Torino Appears Mentioned
47. Struggling Absent
48. Getting the Knack Absent
49. Midoriya and Shigaraki Absent
50. Kill 'Em Dead Absent
51. No, Knock It Off, Ida Appears
52. Hero Killer Stain vs. U.A. Students Absent
53. From Todoroki to Ida Flashback
54. Re: Ingenium Absent
55. Conclusion?! Appears
56. Conclusion Appears
57. The Aftermath of Hero Killer Stain Pictured
58. Internship's End Mentioned
59. Listen Up!! A Tale from the Past Absent
Hideout Raid Arc
84. From Ida to Midoriya Appears
85. Nothing but Fools Absent
86. Before the Storm Appears
87. Clash Appears
88. All For One Appears
89. All for a Certain One Appears
90. Reach Out Absent
91. Symbol of Peace Absent
92. One For All Absent
93. One For All's Ember Appears
94. From Teacher to Disciple Appears
95. End of the Beginning, Beginning of the End Appears
96. Home Visits Absent
97. Tell It Like It Is, Mom Absent
Provisional Hero License Exam Arc
98. Moving into Dorms Absent
99. Goodbye Two-Digit Chapters, Hello Three Digits Absent
100. Creating Ultimate Moves Absent
101. The Girl Called Mei Hatsume Absent
102. On Cloud Nine Absent
103. The Test Absent
104. White-Hot Battle! To Each Their Own Strengths! Absent
105. Shiketsu High Lurking Absent
106. Class 1-A Absent
107. Denki Kaminari's Thoughts Absent
108. RUSH! Absent
109. Rescue Exercise Mentioned
110. Rescue Exercise Continued Mentioned
111. Smoldering Start Flashback
112. What's the Big Idea? Flashback
113. Test's Aftermath Absent
114. Results' Aftermath Absent
115. Unleashed Pictured
116. Meeting in Tartarus Absent
117. A Talk About Your Quirk Absent
118. Meaningless Battle Absent
119. Deku vs. Kacchan, Part 2 Absent
120. The Three Absent
121. Second Semester Opening Ceremony Absent
Remedial Course Arc
163. Smoldering Flames Appears
164. Masegaki Appears
165. Win Those Kids' Hearts Appears
166. Be Proud, License Trainees Appears
167. Number One Hero's Starting Line Appears
168. The Strange Tale of Aoyama Absent
Pro Hero Arc
184. Japanese Hero Billboard Chart Appears
185. Wing Hero: Hawks Appears
186. Endeavor and Hawks Appears
187. Flaming Roar! vs. Nomu: High-End Appears
188. Your Father, the Number One Hero Appears
189. Why He Gets Back Up Appears
190. His Start Appears
191. Dabi, Hawks, Endeavor Appears
192. The Todoroki Family Appears
193. Vestiges Absent
Joint Training Arc
194. Cold Skies over U.A. High! Absent
195. Clash! Class A vs. Class B! Absent
196. Make It Happen, Shinso!! Absent
197. Quaotic Quirkstravaganza Absent
198. Know Where You Stand when It Counts!! Absent
199. Operation New Improv Moves! Absent
200. Clever Commander! Absent
201. Foresight Absent
202. Match 3 Flashback
203. Flexible! Juzo Honenuki! Appears
204. Tuning Up Flashback
205. Detour Flashback
206. Match 3 Conclusion Absent
207. Early Bird! Absent
208. Match 4 Conclusion Absent
209. Match 5 Start Absent
210. The One For All Dream Absent
211. That Which Is Inherited Absent
212. That Which Is Inherited, Part 2 Absent
213. Realm of Souls Absent
214. Our Brawl Absent
215. Final Face-Off! Midoriya vs. Shinso! Absent
216. Class A vs. Class B: Conclusion! Absent
217. The New Power and All For One Appears
Meta Liberation Army Arc
218. The Meta Liberation Army Absent
219. Go, Slidin' Go! Absent
220. My Villain Academia Absent
221. Memento from All For One Absent
222. Tomura Shigaraki: Distortion Absent
223. Cockroaches Mentioned
224. Revival Party Absent
225. Interview with a Vampire Absent
226. Bloody Love Absent
227. Sleepy Absent
228. Wounded Soul Absent
229. All It Takes Is One Bad Day Absent
230. Sad Man's Parade Absent
231. Path Mentioned
232. Meta Abilities and Quirks Absent
233. Bright Future Absent
234. Destruction Sense Absent
235. Tenko Shimura: Origin Absent
236. Tenko Shimura: Origin, Part 2 Absent
237. Tomura Shigaraki: Origin Absent
238. Liberation Absent
239. Successor Absent
240. Power Mentioned
Endeavor Agency Arc
241. Do That Interview! Mentioned
242. Have a Merry Christmas! Mentioned
243. Off to Endeavor's Agency! Appears
244. Recommended Reading Appears
245. Rise to Action Appears
246. Message Appears
247. Status Report! Appears
248. One Thing at a Time Appears
249. The Hellish Todoroki Family Appears
250. Ending Appears
251. Just One Week Appears
252. The Unforgiven Appears
Paranormal Liberation War Arc
253. Shirakumo Absent
254. More of a Hero than Anyone Mentioned
255. Hero Hopeful Absent
256. The High, Deep Blue Sky Mentioned
257. Pass It Forward, to Whomever Absent
258. Friends Appears
259. A Quiet Beginning Appears
260. Life's Work Appears
261. High-Ends Appears
262. Mirko, the No. 5 Hero Absent
263. I Wanna Be with You Guys!! Absent
264. One's Justice Absent
265. Villains and Heroes Absent
266. Happy Life Absent
267. Flames Appears
268. Scramble! Appears
269. The Three of Us Appears
270. Inheritance Absent
271. Dark Cloud Absent
272. Good Morning! Appears
273. The Thrill of Destruction Appears
274. Search Appears
275. Encounter, Part 2 Appears
276. You Cheated...! Appears
277. Who...? Appears
278. Disaster Walker Absent
279. League of Villains vs. U.A. Students Absent
280. Red Riot, Part 3 Appears
281. Plus Ultra Appears
282. Footfall of Destruction Appears
283. 75 Appears
284. Deep Blue Battle Appears
285. Katsuki Bakugo Rising Appears
286. The Ones Within Us Appears
287. Mistake Mentioned
288. Save Takeo!! Absent
289. Miss Candid and Miss Shut-Away Appears
290. Dabi's Dance Appears
291. Thanks For Going Strong Appears
292. Threads of Hope Appears
293. Hero-Saturated Society Appears
294. Final Performance Appears
295. Tenacious Appears
296. Hellish Hell Appears
297. Tartarus Absent
298. Sounds of Collapse Appears
299. Like Those Tragic Tales Flashback
300. The Hellish Todoroki Family, Part 2 Appears
301. The Wrong Way to Put Out a Fire, Part 1 Appears
302. The Wrong Way to Put Out a Fire, Part 2 Appears
303. Top Three Appears
304. Izuku Midoriya and Toshinori Yagi Mentioned
305. Izuku Midoriya and Tomura Shigaraki Flashback
306. The Final Act Begins Appears
Dark Hero Arc
307. Been a While!! Absent
308. Full Power!! Absent
309. Can't Be a Child Anymore Appears
310. Masters and Pupil Mentioned
311. Here We Go!! Appears
312. Hired Gun Absent
313. High-Speed Long-Range Mobile Cannon Flashback
314. The Lovely Lady Nagant Flashback
315. Platitudes Absent
316. Your Turn Appears
317. Scars, Blood, Filth Appears
318. Reckless Appears
319. Friend Flashback
320. Deku vs. Class A Mentioned
321. From Class A to One For All Appears
322. Great Explosion Murder God Dynamight Mentioned
323. That Single Step Appears
324. A Young Woman's Declaration Appears
325. The Bonds of One For All Appears
326. Who Are You Really? Absent
327. Rest!! Appears
328. No Man Is an Island Mentioned
Star and Stripe Arc
329. In the Nick of Time, a Big-Time Maverick from the West! Appears
330. Me and Myself Absent
331. United States of America Mentioned
332. State-of-the-Art Hypersonic Intercontinental Cruise... Appears
333. Specter Absent
334. Parting Gift Appears
U.A. Traitor Arc
335. Zygotes Mentioned
336. Villain Mentioned
337. A Disposable Life Absent
338. The Story of How We All Became Heroes, Part 1 Absent
339. The Story of How We All Became Heroes, Part 2 Absent
340. The Story of How We All Became Heroes, Part 3 Mentioned
341. The Story of How We All Became Heroes, Part -1 Mentioned
342. The Extreme Quiet Before the Storm Appears
Final War Arc
343. Let You Down Appears
344. Stars Appears
345. Division Appears
346. Super Hyper Unfair Broken Stage Absent
347. Inflation Absent
348. Unrequited Absent
349. Battle Flame Mentioned
350. Bound to a Fiery Fate Flashback
351. Two Flashfires Flashback
352. Ultimate Moves Flashback
353. Endeavor Appears
354. Oopsie Daisy!! Appears
355. Extras Appears
356. Regarding the Enemy Appears
357. Wounded Hero, Burning Bright and True!! Appears
358. The Guy Who's Made Some Progress Absent
359. Place of Learning Absent
360. Despite It All... Absent
361. Abnormal Happenings Absent
362. Light Fades to Rain Absent
363. Those Who Defend, Those Who Violate Appears
364. Why We Wield Power Appears
365. No. 4 and No. 5 Absent
366. Full Moon Absent
367. Deku vs. All For One Absent
368. Rev Up, One For All Absent
369. A Chain of Events, Across the Ages Absent
370. HIStory Absent
371. Together with Shoji Absent
372. Naked Absent
373. Friends Absent
374. Butterfly Effect Appears
375. Chaotic Confusion Appears
376. On Knife's Edge Appears
377. The Chain Thus Far Absent
378. The Story of How We All Became Heroes, Part 4 Absent
379. Hopes Absent
380. A Skosh Mentioned
381. Dark Appears
382. Don't Let Him Go Mentioned
383. Meek Spirits Absent
384. It's a Small World Flashback
385. The Impulses of Youth Absent
386. I AM HERE Mentioned
387. Congealing Appears
388. Toya Appears
389. Assurance and Prayers Appears
390. Shoto Todoroki Rising Appears
391. Rejecting the World Appears
392. Villain Name Absent
393. A Girl's Ego Absent
394. Ochaco Uraraka vs. Himiko Toga Absent
395. Built Upon the Joy of Others Appears
396. Battle Without A Quirk Absent
397. Trash Cleanup Absent
398. Toshinori Yagi: Rising/Origin Absent
399. Organic, Mingling Clusters of Light Absent
400. Beyond Limits Absent
401. The Lunatic Absent
402. The Tearful Days Absent
403. The End of an Era, and... the Beginning Absent
404. We Love You, All Might!! Absent
405. The Final Boss!! Flashback
406. Get a Grip on Your Quirk!! Mentioned
407. An Exceptional Child Absent
408. The Eyes Tell All!! Absent
409. Quirk: Explosion!! Absent
410. Farewell, All For One!! Absent
411. History's Greatest Villain Absent
412. History's Maddest Hero Absent
413. Leaden Mass Absent
414. Overlay Absent
415. Rejection Absent
416. Wrench It Open, Izuku Midoriya!! Absent
417. Shimura Absent
418. Meek Spirits Absent
419. Design Flashback
420. From Aizawa Absent
421. We Are Here Appears
422. Izuku Midoriya Rising Absent
423. One For All vs. All For One Absent
424. Epilogue Absent

Anime Appearances

Season 1
1. Izuku Midoriya: Origin Absent
2. What It Takes to Be a Hero Absent
3. Roaring Muscles Absent
4. Start Line Fantasy
5. What I Can Do for Now Absent
6. Rage, You Damn Nerd Absent
7. Deku vs. Kacchan Absent
8. Bakugo's Start Line Absent
9. Yeah, Just Do Your Best, Ida! Absent
10. Encounter with the Unknown Absent
11. Game Over Absent
12. All Might Absent
13. In Each of Our Hearts Absent
Season 2
14. That's the Idea, Ochaco Pictured
15. Roaring Sports Festival Mentioned
16. In Their Own Quirky Ways Mentioned
17. Strategy, Strategy, Strategy Appears
18. Cavalry Battle Finale Appears
19. The Boy Born with Everything Appears
20. Victory or Defeat Appears
21. Battle on, Challengers! Absent
22. Bakugo vs. Uraraka Appears
23. Shoto Todoroki: Origin Appears
24. Fight on, Ida Appears
25. Todoroki vs. Bakugo Appears
26. Time to Pick Some Names Mentioned
27. Bizarre! Gran Torino Appears Appears
28. Midoriya and Shigaraki Absent
29. Hero Killer: Stain vs U.A. Students Appears
30. Climax Appears
31. The Aftermath of Hero Killer: Stain Pictured
32. Everyone's Internships Screen
33. Listen Up!! A Tale from the Past Mentioned
34. Gear up for Final Exams Absent
35. Yaoyorozu: Rising Absent
36. Stripping the Varnish Absent
37. Katsuki Bakugo: Origin Absent
38. Encounter Absent
Season 3
39. Game Start Flashback
40. Wild, Wild Pussycats Absent
41. Kota Absent
42. My Hero Absent
43. Drive It Home, Iron Fist!!! Absent
44. Roaring Upheaval Absent
45. What a Twist! Absent
46. From Ida to Midoriya Appears
47. All For One Appears
48. Symbol of Peace Appears
49. One For All Appears
50. End of the Beginning, Beginning of the End Appears
51. Moving into Dorms Absent
52. Create Those Ultimate Moves Absent
53. The Test Absent
54. Shiketsu High Lurking Absent
55. Class 1-A Absent
56. RUSH! Absent
57. Rescue Exercises Mentioned
58. Special Episode: Save the World with Love! Absent
59. What's the Big Idea? Flashback
60. A Talk about Your Quirk Mentioned
61. Deku vs. Kacchan, Part 2 Absent
62. A Season for Encounters Screen
63. Unrivaled Absent
Season 4
64. The Scoop on U.A. Class 1-A Flashback
65. Overhaul Absent
66. Boy Meets... Pictured
67. Fighting Fate Absent
68. Let's Go, Gutsy Red Riot Absent
69. An Unpleasant Talk Absent
70. GO!! Absent
71. Suneater of the Big Three Absent
72. Red Riot Absent
73. Temp Squad Absent
74. Lemillion Absent
75. Unforeseen Hope Absent
76. Infinite 100% Fantasy
77. Bright Future Absent
78. Smoldering Flames Appears
79. Win Those Kids' Hearts Appears
80. Relief for License Trainees Appears
81. School Festival Absent
82. Prepping for the School Festival Is the Funnest Part Shadow
83. Gold Tips Imperial Screen
84. Deku vs. Gentle Criminal Absent
85. School Festival Start!! Absent
86. Let It Flow! School Festival! Absent
87. Japanese Hero Billboard Chart Appears
88. His Start Appears
Season 5
89. All Hands on Deck! Class 1-A Appears
90. Vestiges Appears
91. Clash! Class A vs. Class B! Flashback
92. Make It Happen, Shinso! Absent
93. Operation New Improv Moves Absent
94. Foresight Absent
95. Match 3 Appears
96. Match 3 Conclusion Flashback
97. Early Bird! Absent
98. That Which Is Inherited Absent
99. Our Brawl Absent
100. The New Power and All For One Appears
101. Have a Merry Christmas! Flashback
102. Off to Endeavor's Agency! Appears
103. One Thing at a Time Appears
104. Long Time No See, Selkie Appears
105. The Hellish Todoroki Family Appears
106. The Unforgiven Appears
107. More of a Hero Than Anyone Flashback
108. My Villain Academia Pictured
109. Revival Party Flashback
110. Sad Man's Parade Absent
111. Tenko Shimura: Origin Absent
112. Tomura Shigaraki: Origin Absent
113. The High, Deep Blue Sky Flashback
Season 6
114. A Quiet Beginning Appears
115. Mirko, the No. 5 Hero Appears
116. One's Justice Absent
117. Inheritance Appears
118. The Thrill of Destruction Appears
119. Encounter, Part 2 Appears
120. Disaster Walker Appears
121. League of Villains Vs. U.A. Students Appears
122. Katsuki Bakugo Rising Appears
123. The Ones Within Us Appears
124. Dabi's Dance Appears
125. Threads of Hope Appears
126. Final Performance Appears
127. Hellish Hell Appears
128. Tartarus Appears
129. The Hellish Todoroki Family, Part 2 Appears
130. The Wrong Way to Put Out a Fire Appears
131. Izuku Midoriya and Tomura Shigaraki Appears
132. Full Power!! Appears
133. Hired Gun Appears
134. The Lovely Lady Nagant Appears
135. Friend Appears
136. Deku vs. Class A Appears
137. A Young Woman's Declaration Appears
138. No Man Is an Island Appears
Season 7
139. In the Nick of Time! A Big-Time Maverick from the West! Appears
140. Specter Appears
141. Villain Flashback
142. The Story of How We All Became Heroes Flashback
143. Let You Down Appears
144. Division Appears
145. Inflation Flashback
146. Two Flashfires Flashback
147. Extras Appears

Vigilantes Chapter Appearances

Vigilantes Beginnings Arc
1. "I'm Here" Fantasy
2. Takeoff Absent
3. Nice Guy Reborn Fantasy
4. Honesty Absent
5. Bee Debut
6. No Need to Hold Back Absent
6+ Alpha. Hero Conference Appears
6+ Beta. Hero Visit Absent
7. Top Runner Absent
7.5. Appearance Matters Fantasy
8. Him Absent
Stendhal Arc
9. Judgment Absent
9.5. Mask Absent
10. Scream Mentioned
11. Crossing Lines Absent
Vs. Queen Bee Arc
12. Senpai Absent
13. Makoto/Truth Fantasy
14. MAJOR Absent
15. Playboy Absent
16. Mom Descends Absent
17. Tag Team! Absent
18. Force of Will Acceleration! Absent
19. Family Absent
20. Event Announcement! Absent
21. Ensemble, Assemble! Absent
22. The Day Of Fantasy
23. Daughter Absent
24. A Father-Daughter Talk Absent
25. Goodbye to Dad Absent
26. Tamao Absent
27. Business as Usual Absent
28. What a Man Takes with Him Absent
Sky Egg Arc
36. Must-Have Merchandise Absent
37. Public and Private Absent
38. High-Speed Absent
39. A Rational Man Absent
40. A Rational Team-Up Absent
41. Ultimate Move! Absent
42. Mixer Absent
43. Casanova Absent
44. One Outrageous Traveler Absent
45. The Man Returns Absent
46. Christmas Eve Hero Absent
47. Farewell Party! Appears
48. Investigation Start! Steamy Romance Spotted?! Absent
49. Zero Hour Absent
50. Defend the Tower! Absent
51. I Do What I Can Absent
52. Balloon Soul Absent
53. Limits and Catastrophe Absent
54. Hotline Absent
55. This Is a Hero!! Absent
56. I'm No Hero Absent
57. Explosive Man Absent
58. International Flight Home Absent
Final Performance Arc
66. Graduation and Career Path Absent
67. Professional / International / Spicy Curry Absent
68. I'd Better Not Lose Absent
69. Hero on the Scene Absent
70. True Self Absent
71. Thanks for the Guidance Absent
72. Searching for You Absent
73. The Queen Descends Absent
74. After the Storm Absent
75. Letter Fantasy
76. Deadly Weapon Absent
77. Strategy Absent
78. Dispatch Appears
79. Inferno Number Two Appears
80. Who's That, Now? Appears
81. Bee My Pop Appears
82. High-Speed Hero II Appears
83. Earthbound Perp Appears
84. Dreams of a Hero Appears
85. Questioning Screen
Naruhata Lockdown Arc
95. Moon Absent
96. Negotiations Absent
97. Pursuers Absent
98. Intentional Persuasion Technique Absent
99. Faceless Invasion Absent
100. Detonate! Absent
101. Soar into the Night Absent
102. Intruder Absent
103. Should've Aimed for the Head Absent
104. This Face Absent
105. Commence Operation Escape Absent
106. Crawler Chase Absent
107. Hundred-Hit Rush Absent
108. Things That Live in the Abyss Absent
109. Encirclement Absent
110. Careless Absent
111. Return of the Fist Pictured
112. The Ends to Miscalculation Absent
113. The Worst Villain Absent
114. Dogfight Absent
115. Conclusion to Power Absent
116. The Final Lesson Absent
117. The Absolute Worst One Absent
118. Golden Age Absent
119. That's Why I'm... Absent
120. Rootin' For Ya! Absent
121. Reinforcements Arrive Appears
122. One-Two Finish Appears
123. Bye Bye, Hero Appears
124. Forever Absent
125. Each of Our Futures Absent
126. The Skycrawler Rising Appears


Endeavor Prototype

Enji's prototype design.

  • Enji's name contains the kanji for "roar" ( todoroki?), "flame" ( en?), and "boss" ( ji?), which is also a common component of male names.
    • Written with the Latin alphabet, his name is the same as that of the fire god in Albanian mythology, Enji, worshiped by the Illyrians.
  • Enji likes to keep his Quirk active around his face even while outside of work, in order to showcase power and intimidation.
  • Enji's blood type is AB, while Shoto's is O. For that to be possible, Enji must have a rare genetic mutation known as Cis AB, the only genetically possible way for an AB blood type person to have a child with O blood type.
  • Enji's favorite food is kuzumochi.
  • In the original concept, Enji was an instructor at U.A. This concept was discarded, due to it shifting the balance of power towards the protagonists too much, as having both the 1st and 2nd ranking hero in the protagonist's side would mean most conflicts would be easy to deal with.
  • He shares his birthday with Taishiro Toyomitsu and Shuichi Iguchi.
  • Enji is ranked first on the "Heroes That Look Like Villains" ranking.[28]
  • Enji's Rankings in the Popularity Polls are as follows:
    • Enji ranked 28th in the first Popularity Poll.
    • Enji ranked 40th in the second Popularity Poll.
    • Enji ranked 21st in the third Popularity Poll.
    • Enji ranked 8th in the fourth and sixth Popularity Polls.
    • Enji ranked 18th in the fifth Popularity Poll.
    • Enji ranked 11th in the seventh Popularity Poll.
    • Enji ranked 4th in the eighth Popularity Poll.
    • Enji ranked 6th in the ninth Popularity Poll.
  • Enji's hero name means "attempting to achieve a goal", which is very fitting for his character.
  • Enji overall shares many parallels with Katsuki Bakugo:
    • Both possess ignition-based Quirks, such as Hellflame for Enji and Explosion for Katsuki.
    • Both aim to be the number one hero.
    • Both have a rivalry with an One For All user, such as Enji to Toshinori and Katsuki to Izuku.
    • Both are known for their hot tempers and aggressive attitude.
    • Both were known for their lack of cooperative skills, having improved them throughout the story.
    • Both act abusively toward a major character, such as Enji to his son Shoto and Katsuki to Izuku.
    • Both express their remorse after understanding All Might's words, with them both taking steps to becoming better people.
    • Both also lose the ability to use their right arm after the Final War, with Enji losing his right arm to All For One in combat, and Katsuki's being broken by Tomura and rendered immobile.
  • Though he ranks 1st in the overall Hero rankings, he ranks 4th in the Hero popularity rankings.


  • (To Shoto about using the fire half of his Quirk) "So you've finally accepted it! Yes! Excellent!! It all starts now for you! With my blood pumping through your veins, you will surpass will fulfill my ambitions!!"[29]
  • (To All Might on being the Symbol of Peace) "I gave Shoto everything. By age 20, I'd already climbed to the #2 position. It was because I made that climb that I understood... unless I reached the summit, it was all for nothing. If all I cared about was titles, I could've worn a smile like you... and played the part of the lovable fool. But I wanted to be the strongest!"[30]
  • (To Hood during their fight) "I've hated this school credo for as long as I can remember! PLUS ULTRA; PROMINENCE BURN!"[31]
  • (To Katsuki lecturing him on his attitude) "Bakugo, you said you wanted to learn what you couldn't do right? Your ability is top notch, well for a rookie at least. But as you are, you will never be able to surpass me. This winter might just be training, but if you're too slow, you won't be able to use your normal excuse anymore. This is not a classroom, if you're ever too slow, you won't be losing points, but rather human lives."[32]
  • (To his family, recalling his response to Toya's "death") "If only I'd given it all up that day... But having killed Toya... I felt there was no turning back, so I poured all my energy into Shoto... at the expense of everything else."[33]
  • (To Dabi) "I take full responsibility. I swore to bear that burden... and live my life atoning for it all. However, you've been watching me all this time, while I couldn't be there to watch you. You were someone I especially needed to do right by. No, I can't let you meet your end alone... but I won't let anyone else get caught up in our tragedy!"[34]


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 My Hero Academia Manga: Vol. 5, Omake
  2. 2.0 2.1 My Hero Academia: Ultra Archive: The Official Character Guide.
  3. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 25 and Episode 16.
  4. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 184 and Episode 87.
  5. 5.0 5.1 5.2 My Hero Academia Manga: Chapter 426.
  6. 6.0 6.1 6.2 My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 188 and Episode 88.
  7. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 192 and Episode 90.
  8. 8.0 8.1 8.2 My Hero Academia Manga: Chapter 356.
  9. My Hero Academia Manga: Chapter 390.
  10. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 30 and Episode 18.
  11. 11.0 11.1 My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 93 and Episode 49.
  12. My Hero Academia Manga: Chapter 93.
  13. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 115 and Episode 62.
  14. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 165 and Episode 79.
  15. 15.0 15.1 My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 186 and Episode 87.
  16. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 247 and Episode 103.
  17. My Hero Academia Manga: Chapter 300.
  18. My Hero Academia Manga: Chapter 306.
  19. 19.0 19.1 My Hero Academia Manga: Chapter 357.
  20. 20.0 20.1 My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 187 and Episode 88.
  21. 21.0 21.1 My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 189 and Episode 88.
  22. My Hero Academia Anime: Episode 30.
  23. My Hero Academia Manga: Chapter 274.
  24. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 190 and Episode 88.
  25. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 285 and Episode 122.
  26. My Hero Academia: Ultra Analysis: The Official Character Guide.
  27. My Hero Academia: Vigilantes Manga: Chapter 79.
  28. My Hero Academia Manga: Volume World Heroes.
  29. My Hero Academia Manga: Chapter 40.
  30. My Hero Academia Manga: Chapter 165.
  31. My Hero Academia Manga: Chapter 190.
  32. My Hero Academia Manga: Chapter 248.
  33. My Hero Academia Manga: Chapter 302.
  34. My Hero Academia Manga: Chapter 387.

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