Meet Your Maker Sector 1: Dreadshore Review – Raiding New Landscapes

Meet Your Maker Update 1.27

In our Meet Your Maker review, we couldn’t but express our appreciation for the brutality and claustrophobic murder traps of Behaviour’s latest. A mean, lean killing machine that often plays out as the most authentic of horror game shows, as death looms around every corner and every ramp, it also encourages creativity as you built your outpost for other players to raid. Now, with the release of the Sector 1: Dreadshore DLC, we get a new environment, a new suit, and a few more reasons to travel into the wastelands to scavenge more genetic material for the Chimera.

Into the Murky Lands of Dreadshore

The clash for the most interesting addition in Meet Your Maker’s first major content expansion was a tight one, but the new environment came out on top. The charm of the Red Sands, the game’s first and only backdrop until now is beyond question, with the arid surroundings and the hopeless landscape giving it an unmistakable Mad Max feel.

With Dreadshore, the somewhat clear sights of the desert area are exchanged for an infinitely ominous and desolate wasteland, where you start under heavy rain that conveniently pauses as you approach the outpost. Aesthetically it’s brilliant, with fog and an oppressive atmosphere that is enhanced by the rotating beam of the ominous lighthouse in the horizon. The industrial debris scattered across the land give this environment a look that is closer to some of the grittier Fallout games, and works as a great alternative to the original Red Sands landscape.

Meet Your Maker Sector 1: Dreadshore Review

The new Custodian is the second-best addition coming with this expansion. It’s a new suit, a new playable class of sorts, and it may trigger memories of Bioshock and the series’ iconic Big Daddy. Donning an ancient diving suit complete with a thick metal diving helmet, this hulking figure is exactly what it looks like, a class focused on defensive attributes. The Nautilus, as it is called, enhances the effects defensive weaponry, with suitable biolinks that decrease weapon recharge times, among others. It’s a balanced addition to the roster, encouraging a playstyle that was somewhat overlooked until now, as players only had the choice between a suit focused on ranged combat and another one that excels at melee combat.

The remaining extras aren’t as significant, yet add to Meet Your Maker in small but relevant ways. The Ravager is a new guard that you can both use as outpost protection and face in your raids, a one-armed scarred monstrosity who fires bolts that spread out, consequently increasing the range of the deadly projectiles, making a late escape nearly impossible. Combining a few Ravagers often results in an array of bolts that make it hard to avoid unless by sheer luck or a well-timed evasion using the grapple hook.

A new trap of devilish proportions makes an appearance. Called the Sentry Beam, it’s an orb that tracks the player and shoots a laser beam that bounces off surfaces. Using a few of these traps in clever positions and adding some creativity to spice up the area, such as a few Ravager guards here and there, your outpost can turn into a magnetic beam show of death, with little to no respite for anyone but the cautious and the skilled. Adding mods that widens the deflection and increases the number is a surefire way to make it even more stressful for raiders.

Meet Your Maker Sector 1: Dreadshore Review

The last highlight is the new weapon, the Demolition Cannon. Same as the others, you must track down your shots so that you don’t run out of ammo, but the great thing about this one is the explosive shell that blows up enemies into a bloody pulp. There is also one Nautilus suit cosmetic, a Demolition Cannon cosmetic, and decorative additions to place in your outpost, fitting with the expansion’s theme.

Even if this doesn’t sound like enough to tempt you – and it should if you’re a fan of Meet Your Maker – you have a sweet deal coming, as everyone owning the base game can grab the Sector 1 Arsenal Pack for free until July 10.

Hauntingly Addictive

Meet Your Maker Sector 1: Dreadshore Review

Meet Your Maker is one of the most creative games of recent years, and a chilling experience that somehow could do with more and more content – more traps, mods, guards, any other options that shake the foundation of the current layouts and foster creativity in even more twisted ways.

Sector 1: Dreadshore builds upon this long-term goal, and while it’s not a huge expansion, having a new grim environment and a new Custodian are trump cards that add both mechanical variety and cosmetic flair. Meet Your Maker fans should dive into this new landscape without reservations, hoping that this is the first of many for a unique game.

Score: 8/10


  • New environment looks great, quite the contrast with the desert area
  • New Custodian changes the game by focusing on defensive skills
  • You can get the arsenal pack free for a limited time


  • A step in the right direction, but could feature even more content

Meet Your Maker Sector 1: Dreadshore review code was provided by the publisher. You can read MP1st’s review and scoring policy right here.

Vitor Braz

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