Meet Your Maker Raiding Tips and Tricks: How to Die Less and Raid Faster

meet your maker raiding tips and tricks

Looking for Meet Your Maker raiding tips and tricks? We’ve got a few helpful Meet Your Maker raiding tips and tricks to help you get started. Raiding in Meet Your Maker is a unique PvE experience, as you’re tasked to retrieve GenMat from an outpost that’s designed and planned out by another player. You’ll come across cheesy trap placements, clever puzzles, and sometimes a huge mess of a layout that’ll scratch your head on where to go next. 

If you’re struggling with nabbing GenMat from other Outposts, here are some raiding tips and tricks to help you get better at raiding.

Meet Your Maker Raiding Tips and Tricks

Peek Through Corners

Traps can lurk around every corner in Meet Your Maker, and clearing them out can be difficult if you’re greeted by one the moment you pass by one. Thankfully, the game allows you to peek through corners, allowing you to get a quick look at any potential traps on the other side of a wall without actually triggering them. You can do this on a controller by pressing on the left and right sticks to lean left and right, respectively.

While it can be tempting to peek all the time, doing so actually slows down your movement, which will make it difficult to run away from traps or Guards. As such, you’ll only ever want to use peeking for checking corners. Knowing when and where to peek will make your raiding attempts a lot smoother.

Be Wary of Blind Spots

While peeking can help you clear corners fairly easily, there’s more than one way to hide a trap, and that’s through the use of blind spots. By positioning traps above, below, or to your side in such a way that you won’t notice them at a glance, they can catch you off guard, resulting in death. Fortunately, once you’ve familiarized yourself with how these blind spots work, you’ll find that it’s easier to plan for them.

A lot of blind spots are usually found near ramps. You can find them on the floor at the end of a ramp or right behind the ramp as you’re climbing it. Ramps themselves are also great spots for traps themselves, as they can cover angles in interesting ways. In other words, when there’s a ramp nearby, stay alert. 

Whenever you die to a trap for the first time, consider why you died and how you weren’t able to notice the trap in the first place. If it was hidden in a potential blind spot, try remembering how it was hidden, so that you’ll be able to be wary of similar designs in future raids.

Second Wave Traps

There are some traps, known as Second Wave traps, that only appear after collecting the GenMat. Depending on how the player designed the Outpost, this can make it pretty difficult to actually get out of the Outpost without dying a few times. There are certain limitations to these types of traps, however.

For one, Second Wave traps cost a little bit more than traps that are active from the get-go. This means that builders will need to expend more of the Outpost capacity to actually install them, and as a result, you’ll typically not see a whole lot of them. Secondly, Second Wave traps cannot appear where traps originally were placed. So if you break a trap on a certain wall or floor, that same wall or floor will not have a Second Wave trap on it when leaving with the GenMat.

By knowing these limitations, you can figure out where Second Wave traps may or may not be. As they’ll need to be on a wall or floor that wasn’t already occupied by a trap, areas of the Outpost with lots of broken traps will likely be clear of them entirely. Alternatively, innocuous-looking sections of the Outpost that you simply breezed past may have a trap or two in them, so keep that in mind when making your way out.

Follow the Harvester

Early on in the game, you learn that the Harvester actually knows the way to the GenMat, and following it will lead you to your objective. This means that on Outposts with maze-like structures and complicated layouts, the Harvester will be your key to finding the shortest possible path. However, there are a couple of things you need to keep in mind while doing this.

The Harvester doesn’t trigger any traps, nor does it become the target of any nearby Guards. This allows it to cross the shortest path to the GenMat no matter how dangerous that path is. And while it may not activate traps and alert Guards, you will, and this means that you’ll still need to do your due diligence and peek corners and look for traps whenever necessary.

It’s also worth noting that the Harvester can actually be killed. It is possible for you to kill it yourself, but you can also cause its death by triggering traps or Guard attacks while the Harvester is caught in the crossfire. Because of this, you want to avoid killing the Harvester if you want to follow its path. Try being just a few steps behind the Harvester to ensure that any traps you trigger or Guards you alert won’t end up killing the Harvester in the process.

Take Your Time

While it can be tempting to rush into an Outpost and take the GenMat in one fell swoop, you’ll likely die quite a few times as a result, and maybe even get frustrated in the process. Remember, players want you to die as many times as possible in order for them to collect resources, and this means that many Outposts are designed to kill, not necessarily protect. This is especially true when it comes to killboxes, which are Outposts that essentially contain an overwhelming amount of traps and guards to prevent the player from ever reaching the GenMat.

As such, you’ll want to be a bit slower when taking on Outposts. Try remembering where the traps were placed, especially the ones that killed you, so that your subsequent runs will become faster and more optimized. You’ll find that slowing down a bit can really give you a clearer view of the Outpost’s layout, especially if you take the time to remember where the traps and Guards were placed.

Raiding can be tough, especially for newcomers to Meet Your Maker, but with these useful tips, you’ll be well on your way to raiding tougher Outposts in no time. For a Meet Your Maker detailed settings guide, click here.

Carlos Perez

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