Comparing the before and after of the Blackout Period

Harnessing the Power of Darkness: How the Blackout Period Enhances Taste, Flavor, Nutrient Density, and Yield in Microgreens

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As a microgreens grower, I am concerned about only three things when it comes to “blackout periods”: yield, taste and flavor, and nutrient density.

Why blackout microgreens? The blackout period for microgreens enhances germination by simulating natural soil conditions. It promotes uniform sprouting, strong root systems, and optimal stem elongation, improving yield, taste, and nutrient density. Tailoring the blackout duration to specific microgreens ensures robust growth and superior produce quality.

The concept of a blackout period in seed germination is scientifically grounded in the need to create optimal environmental conditions that mimic natural soil cover. During this period, seeds are kept in the dark to promote specific physiological responses that enhance germination and early growth.

Using a blackout period can be a game-changer! But knowing what, when, and how can be a mystery. Save yourself days of experimentation and frustration.

The blackout technique promotes healthy plant growth, strengthens root systems, and results in excellent yields. This method stimulates stem elongation, which is essential for plant development. Plus, it enhances nutrient uptake, ensuring your plants are thriving and nourished.

Duration varies by variety, which is essential for best results. Sunflowers need 48 hours, while chickpeas can benefit from up to 96 days.

In this post, I demystify the science of the blackout period and show you precisely which microgreens need it and how you can use it to increase your yields and profits.

Key Takeaways: Microgreens Blackout Period
  • Science-based: The blackout period is a scientifically grounded technique that mimics natural soil cover conditions to promote optimal germination and early growth in microgreens by controlling light exposure.
  • Germination Quality: Understanding the specific light requirements of different microgreen varieties (positive photoblastic, negative photoblastic, or non-photoblastic) and accordingly tailoring the blackout period can significantly improve germination rates and overall plant health.
  • Tailored Interventions: The duration of the blackout period varies depending on the microgreen variety, with some requiring more extended periods (e.g., peas and chickpeas) and others benefiting from shorter periods (e.g., basil and lettuce).
  • Nutrient Density and Flavor: The blackout period can enhance the flavor profile of microgreens by influencing factors such as bitterness, sweetness, and texture, allowing growers to create unique and appealing products for their target market.
  • Optimal growth Conditions: Proper management of external factors such as water, temperature, oxygen, and soil salinity during the blackout period is crucial for successful germination and the development of strong, healthy microgreens.

Build A Commercial Microgreens Startup

In this free 10-lesson email course, we explain why you shouldn’t create a “business plan.”

From there, we take you on a journey of discovery that has been trekked by tens of thousands of other entrepreneurs just like you.

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Microgreens Blackout Period: Enhancing Germination Success

Microgreens undergoing the germination process

To get a good understanding of the blackout period so we can use it effectively, we must first grasp the process through which a new plant develops from its seed: germination.

Understanding the process and types of seed germination is essential for successful plant growth and cultivation.

Germination occurs in four main stages:

  1. Water Absorption: The seed absorbs water and softens.
  2. Activation: Enzymes activate, and the embryo starts growing.
  3. Growth: The root (radicle) and shoot (plumule) emerge from the seed.
  4. Development: The first leaves (cotyledons) appear, and the seedling starts making its own food (photosynthesis).

Blackout Period Adjustments

There are two types of germination in plants:

Epigeal Seed Germination
Hypogeal Seed Germination

Epigeal Germination:

  • Shorter blackout period.
  • Early and careful transition to light.
  • Close monitoring to avoid etiolation.

Hypogeal Germination:

  • Longer blackout period.
  • Focus on root and stem development.
  • Gradual light introduction once true leaves emerge.

Understanding these differences allows you to tailor the blackout period to the specific needs of your different microgreens, optimizing growth conditions and improving overall plant health and yield.

Managing External Factors for Blackout

External factors like water, temperature, oxygen, and soil salinity significantly affect seed germination.

Seeds require sufficient water to activate enzymes and initiate growth. Most seeds (basil, broccoli) germinate best between 60.8°F and 75.2°F (16°C and 24°C), with some (spinach) preferring cooler (50°F to 60°F / 10°C to 15.5°C) or (corn) warmer (75.2°F to 89.6°F, 24°C to 32°C) temperatures. Oxygen is essential for respiration, which provides energy for the metabolically active seed, and high soil salinity can inhibit water uptake and cause seed dormancy (Science Facts).

During germination, the seedlings focus on establishing a solid foundation before they are exposed to light for photosynthesis.

Growth Hack

Vinegar can enhance seed germination by breaking down the hard seed coat through its acetic acid content, allowing moisture and oxygen to reach the seed embryo.

For microgreens growers, soak seeds in a solution of one teaspoon of white vinegar and one cup of water for 6-12 hours. This can speed up germination, promoting quicker growth.

However, be cautious as not all seeds respond well to vinegar, and excessive exposure can damage seeds. Research specific microgreen varieties to ensure vinegar is suitable for them.

Use vinegar with caution to avoid adverse effects on germination (Dangalan, Claire, “House Digest” 2023).

Duration of Blackout Period for Optimal Results

Containers & Soil

Plants vary significantly in response to light with respect to seed germination. The seeds that respond to light for their germination are named photoblastic. Three categories of photoblastic seeds are recognized:

Positive photoblastic (photophilic) seeds (lettuce, cress, purslane, etc.) do not germinate in darkness but require exposure to sunlight (maybe for a brief period) for germination.

Negative photoblastic (photophobic) seeds (onion, amaranthus, quinoa, etc.) do not germinate if exposed to sunlight.

Non-photoblastic seeds (fenugreek, bok choy, cilantro, etc.) germinate irrespective of the presence (exposure) or absence (non-exposure) of light (Liu, Qiyuan, et al.).

To ensure the ideal growth and development of your microgreens, understanding the duration of the blackout period for each variety is essential. The duration of the blackout period can vary greatly depending on the microgreen varieties you are cultivating.

It is essential to find the right balance between providing sufficient blackout time for germination and avoiding excessive blackouts that could lead to mold or other issues.

Here is a table to help you determine the best blackout period for some common and non-so-common microgreen varieties:

Positive Photoblastic Seeds (require light to germinate)*Negative Photoblastic Seeds (germinate better in darkness)Non-photoblastic Seeds (non-responsive to light)**
Basil: noneSunflower: 48 to 72 hoursFenugreek
Chia: noneBeet: 48 to 72 hoursMustard
Cress: noneAmaranth: 48 to 72 hoursRadish
Celery: 0-12 hoursPea: 72 to 96 hoursSorrel
Oregano: 0-12 hoursBuckwheat: 48 to 72 hoursTatsoi
Marjoram: 0-12 hoursCorn: 72 to 96 hoursMizuna
Savory: 0-12 hoursLentil: 48 to 72 hoursWatercress
Chamomile: 0-12 hoursChickpea: 72 to 96 hoursCabbage
Dill: 0-12 hoursQuinoa: 24 to 48 hoursKohlrabi
Lettuce: noneMung Beans: 48 to 72 hoursBok Choy
Endive: noneBroccoli: 48 to 72 hoursCilantro
Caraway: noneKale: 48 to 72 hoursParsley
Purslane: 0-12 hoursSpinach: 48 to 72 hoursFennel
Chicory: 0-12 hoursArugula: 48 to 72 hoursChervil
Sorrel: 0-12 hoursSwiss Chard: 48 to 72 hoursCarrot
Radicchio: 0-12 hoursPak Choi: 48 to 72 hoursLeek
*A blackout period is generally not recommended for positive photoblastic seeds as they require light to germinate. However, if seeds need to be kept in the dark for a short period due to practical reasons (e.g., transportation or preparation), a minimal blackout period of 0-12 hours can be applied.
**For non-photoblastic seeds, a short blackout period (24 hours) may still be beneficial.

Checking your seeds after 48 hours during the blackout period can give you a good indication of their progress. Aspects such as air and soil temperature should also be taken into account when determining the length of the blackout.

Remember, the goal of the blackout period is to allow your seeds to germinate, develop strong roots, and adequately mature before they are exposed to light for photosynthesis.

By timing the blackout period correctly, you establish the foundation for healthy growth and excellent results in your microgreen cultivation.

Benefits of Blackout Technique for Seedling Growth

Photosynthesis begins during the Development stage of germination. This stage occurs after the root (radicle) and shoot (plumule) have emerged and the first leaves, known as cotyledons, appear.

The cotyledons, or seed leaves, contain chlorophyll and start the process of photosynthesis as they are exposed to light. This allows the seedling to begin producing its own food. It marks the transition from relying on stored energy within the seed to using light energy to fuel further growth.

By creating the right conditions during the blackout period, the microgreens can grow to their full potential.

Impact of Blackout on Seedling Development

The blackout period is significant for microgreen seedlings. In darkness, seedlings stretch towards the light, making them taller with stronger stems. This stretching helps them absorb water and nutrients more effectively.

How Blackout Promotes More Uniform Sprouting

Keeping seeds in the dark during the initial germination phase can lead to more uniform sprouting, which is particularly useful for commercial growers aiming for consistency in crop production. The blackout period also helps prevent photodamage to newly emerging shoots and roots by shielding them from potentially harmful light intensity.

How Blackout Promotes Strong Root Systems

The blackout technique helps microgreens develop strong and deep root systems before being exposed to light, ensuring uniformity in germination and initial growth, which is essential for commercial and research purposes. This leads to higher harvest weights and better-quality microgreens.

The blackout period often involves covering the seeds with a medium that retains moisture and provides a stable temperature.

These conditions are critical for enzymatic activities and metabolic processes that drive germination. The absence of light helps maintain consistent moisture levels and prevents rapid drying, which is crucial for seed viability. Utilizing methods like clear domes can create a humid environment that encourages your microgreens to stretch and grow more robustly.

For commercial microgreens growers, using weights on seeds during the blackout period can improve germination and growth.

However, the decision ultimately comes down to personal preference and experimentation.

Factors like seed size, growing medium, and watering method influence whether weights are necessary. Larger seeds like sunflower, peas, and corn may not need weights, while smaller seeds like basil, lettuce, and thyme can benefit from them.

Growers should try different methods and observe the results to determine if weights provide a noticeable benefit for their specific setup and chosen microgreen varieties. Some growers find that weights lead to better seed-to-soil contact, more even moisture absorption, and less seed displacement during watering. Others achieve satisfactory results without weights by using proper growing medium preparation and watering techniques.

The key is to experiment, record observations, and adjust techniques based on the unique needs of each microgreen crop and growing environment (“Advantages of Blackout Humidity Domes for Maximizing Microgreen Growth.” 2 July 2023).

In summary, understanding and manipulating the natural responses of seeds to light and darkness can significantly benefit growers by increasing yields and improving overall profitability. By leveraging the knowledge of how seeds respond to light and darkness, you can create optimal conditions that promote higher germination rates, uniform growth, and robust plant development, ultimately leading to increased yields.

Now, let us look at how the blackout period enhances yield, taste, flavor, and nutrient density.

Microgreens Blackout Period Maximizes Flavor and Taste

Incorporating Fenugreek Microgreens into a Balanced Diet

Enhance the flavor and nutrition of your dishes when you implement a microgreens blackout period, enriching your culinary experience with vibrant colors and robust flavors. Here’s how using a blackout period during microgreen cultivation can help you achieve the ultimate dining experience for your customers:

Flavor Development

The blackout period stimulates longer stems and increased nutrient concentration in microgreens, resulting in a more intense and complex flavor profile.

  • For example, some herbs like basil and mint may develop a more intense or characteristic flavor profile when exposed to a suitable blackout period followed by appropriate light conditions.
  • The blackout period significantly influences the production of volatile organic compounds (VOCs), which are responsible for the aroma of microgreens, in addition to flavor compounds.

Bitterness and Sweetness

The blackout period can affect the development of bitter compounds and sugar content, impacting the perceived sweetness and bitterness of microgreens.


  • Some microgreens, such as those from the Brassicaceae family (e.g., radish, mustard, and arugula), are known for their sharp, spicy, or slightly bitter flavors.
  • The blackout period can affect the development of these bitter compounds, with more extended blackout periods potentially leading to a more intense bitter taste.
  • Conversely, shorter blackout periods or earlier exposure to light may result in milder or less bitter flavors in these microgreens.


  • The blackout period can impact the sugar content in microgreens, which contributes to their perceived sweetness.
  • In some cases, more extended blackout periods may lead to a higher accumulation of sugars, resulting in a sweeter taste.
  • However, this effect may vary depending on the plant species and other growing conditions.

Texture and Mouthfeel

The blackout period can impact the texture and mouthfeel of microgreens by influencing factors such as stem elongation and leaf development.

  • The duration of the blackout period is a crucial determinant. More extended blackout periods, for instance, can yield microgreens with more tender or delicate textures. In contrast, shorter blackout periods or earlier light exposure can lead to firmer or crunchier microgreens.
  • The balance between tenderness and crunchiness can affect the overall eating experience and consumer preferences.

Color and Visual Appeal

While not directly related to taste, the blackout period can significantly influence the color and visual appeal of microgreens.

  • More extended blackout periods may result in paler or more etiolated seedlings. In comparison, shorter blackout periods or earlier light exposure can lead to deeper, more vibrant colors.
  • The visual appeal of microgreens is not just a matter of aesthetics. It plays a significant role in shaping consumer perception and their expectations of taste and quality.

Growers can experiment with different blackout periods and light conditions to find the optimal balance that delivers the desired taste and flavor profile for their specific microgreens. This may involve conducting taste tests, gathering consumer feedback, and adjusting the blackout period accordingly.

By understanding and manipulating the blackout period, you can potentially create microgreens with unique or enhanced flavor profiles that appeal to their target market. This can help differentiate your products and add value to their microgreen offerings.

Microgreens Blackout Period Boosts Nutrient Density

The blackout period can influence the nutritional profile of microgreens and other seedlings in several ways. It promotes compact growth and reduces water content, leading to more nutrient-dense microgreens.

Chlorophyll Content

Exposing seedlings to light after the blackout period stimulates chlorophyll production, resulting in greener and more nutrient-dense microgreens.

  • Chlorophyll is essential for photosynthesis and is associated with various health benefits, such as antioxidant properties and potential anti-carcinogenic effects.
  • Exposing seedlings to light after the initial blackout period stimulates chlorophyll production, resulting in greener and more nutrient-dense microgreens.
  • The timing and duration of the blackout period can be optimized to maximize chlorophyll content in the harvested microgreens.

Enhanced Vitamin and Mineral Concentrations

More extended blackout periods can lead to higher concentrations of vitamins and minerals in certain microgreen varieties.

  • The blackout period can influence the accumulation of specific vitamins and minerals in seedlings.
  • For example, some studies have shown that more extended blackout periods can lead to higher concentrations of vitamin C, vitamin K, and beta-carotene in certain microgreen varieties.
  • The specific effects on vitamin and mineral content may vary depending on the plant species and the duration of the blackout period.

Phytochemical Profiles

Phytochemicals are beneficial compounds produced by plants, often in response to environmental stressors.

  • The absence of light during the blackout period can trigger the production of specific phytochemicals, such as anthocyanins and other phenolic compounds, which are known for their antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.
  • Manipulating the blackout period can potentially be used to enhance the phytochemical content of microgreens, providing additional health benefits to consumers.

Reduced Nitrate Accumulation

Nitrates are naturally occurring compounds in plants that can be harmful in high concentrations.

  • Light exposure plays a role in the accumulation of nitrates in seedlings, with higher light intensities often leading to lower nitrate levels.
  • By carefully managing the blackout period and subsequent light exposure, growers can potentially reduce nitrate accumulation in microgreens, ensuring a safer and healthier product.

Enhanced Antioxidant Levels

More extended blackout periods prompt plants to produce higher antioxidant levels, making your microgreens not only flavorful but also incredibly beneficial for your health.

It is important to note that the specific effects of the blackout period on the nutritional profile of microgreens can vary depending on factors such as the plant species, growing conditions, and duration of the blackout period. More research is needed to fully understand the relationship between light manipulation and the nutritional composition of microgreens.

However, by optimizing the blackout period and subsequent light exposure, growers can potentially enhance the nutritional value of their microgreens, offering consumers a more nutrient-dense and health-promoting product.

This, in turn, can increase the marketability and value of the microgreens, contributing to the overall profitability of the growing operation.

Microgreens Blackout Period Maximizes Yields

Improving Microgreens Yield

By providing optimal light or dark conditions for specific seed types, growers can increase the percentage of seeds that successfully germinate, leading to a higher yield per unit of seed sown.

Ensuring seeds are kept in the dark during the initial stages can improve their germination rates, leading to a higher yield per unit of seed sown.

Tailored Light Exposure

Positive photoblastic seeds require light to break dormancy and initiate germination. Providing these seeds with adequate light exposure can enhance germination rates.

Conversely, negative photoblastic seeds need darkness to germinate effectively. Ensuring these seeds are kept in the dark during the initial stages can improve their germination rates.

Uniform Growth

Creating a controlled environment that mimics natural conditions can improve germination rates.

  • Growers can use transparent covers or grow lights to provide consistent light for positive photoblastic seeds. For negative photoblastic seeds, using blackout covers or germination chambers can create the necessary darkness.
  • Maintaining a consistent temperature range optimal for the specific seed type during the blackout period promotes uniform germination and growth.
  • Carefully regulating humidity levels prevents both drying out and oversaturation of the growing medium, which can hinder germination and lead to fungal growth.

Consistent Conditions

  • Providing a uniform light or dark environment ensures that all seeds experience the same conditions, leading to more consistent and uniform growth. This is particularly important for commercial growers who need uniformity in their crops to maximize yield potential.
  • Consistent light or dark conditions during germination and early growth stages promote uniform development across the crop, allowing for more efficient use of growing space as plants mature at a similar rate and size.
  • Even growth also simplifies harvesting, as the majority of the crop reaches maturity at the same time, reducing labor costs and potential waste and crop losses.

Timed Interventions

Understanding the optimal duration for light or dark exposure allows growers to time interventions accurately.

  • For example, after an initial blackout period, growers can gradually introduce light to negative photoblastic seeds to encourage even growth across all seedlings.
  • Gradually exposing seedlings to light after the initial blackout period prevents shock and damage to the delicate leaves, allowing the seedlings to adapt and develop more robust photosynthetic systems.
  • By tailoring light exposure to the specific needs of each seed type, growers can optimize the use of resources such as water, nutrients, and growing space.
  • Optimal light conditions can promote faster germination and growth rates, allowing growers to complete more crop cycles in a given period, leading to higher annual yields and increased revenue.

In summary, by leveraging the knowledge of how seeds respond to light and darkness, growers can create optimal conditions that promote higher germination rates, uniform growth, and robust plant development. These factors contribute to increased yields by maximizing the potential of each seed sown, optimizing resource utilization, and minimizing crop losses.

Ultimately, understanding and manipulating light conditions can help growers achieve higher yields and improve the overall efficiency and profitability of their operations.

Practical Tips for Growers

It’s important to note that the specific effects of the blackout period on taste and flavor can vary greatly depending on the plant species, growing conditions, and duration of the blackout period.

Some microgreens may be more sensitive to light manipulation than others, and the optimal blackout period for flavor development may differ from that for yield or nutritional content.

Seed Selection and Preparation

Choose seeds based on their photoblastic nature and prepare them accordingly.

  • For negative photoblastic seeds, start them in a dark environment.
  • For positive photoblastic seeds, ensure they receive light exposure immediately after sowing.

Environmental Control

Use tools like blackout covers, grow lights, and germination chambers to control the light environment. Adjust these tools based on the specific needs of the seeds being grown.

Monitoring and Adjustment

Regularly monitor the seeds’ progress and adjust the light or dark exposure as needed.

  • This may involve gradually transitioning from dark to light environments or adjusting light intensity and duration.
  • Throughout the germination and early growth process, regularly monitor the seedlings for signs of stress, disease, or uneven growth.
  • If issues arise, adjust factors such as light exposure, temperature, humidity, and fertilization to correct the problem and promote healthy, uniform growth.

Experimenting and Record-keeping

Conduct small-scale experiments with different blackout periods, growing media, and environmental conditions to determine the optimal settings for specific seeds and growing setups.

Keep detailed records of these experiments and their outcomes to refine techniques and consistently achieve the best results.

Your 9-Day Blueprint to Microgreen Mastery

Avoiding Common Mistakes

Here are some common mistakes to avoid and troubleshooting tips if you are a new grower to using the blackout period:

OverwateringOverwatering during the blackout period can lead to excessive moisture, which can cause mold growth, damping off, and poor germination.Water the growing medium thoroughly before sowing the seeds, and then avoid watering again until after the blackout period. If necessary, lightly mist the surface to maintain moisture levels.
Insufficient darknessNot providing complete darkness during the blackout period can lead to uneven germination and inconsistent growth.Ensure that the growing area is completely dark by using opaque materials like black plastic or a dark room. Check for any light leaks and seal them to maintain total darkness.
Incorrect temperatureFailing to maintain the proper temperature range during the blackout period can slow down or inhibit germination.Research the optimal germination temperature for your specific microgreen variety and use a thermometer to monitor the temperature in the growing area. Use heating mats or adjust room temperature as needed.
Premature exposure to lightExposing the seedlings to light too early can disrupt the germination process and lead to uneven growth.Follow the recommended blackout period for your specific microgreen variety and resist the temptation to check on the seedlings too frequently. Use a schedule or reminder system to ensure you remove the blackout covers at the appropriate time.
Inadequate seed densitySowing the seeds too sparsely or too densely can lead to uneven growth and difficulty in harvesting. Follow the recommended seeding rates for your specific microgreen variety and use a seeding tool or template to ensure even distribution. Adjust the seeding rate based on your observations and desired yield.
Incorrect growing mediumUsing a growing medium that is too compact, too loose, or lacking in nutrients can hinder germination and growth.Choose a high-quality, well-draining growing medium formulated explicitly for microgreens. Avoid using garden soil or heavy potting mixes that can compress and limit root development.
Neglecting sanitationFailing to maintain a clean growing environment can lead to disease outbreaks and contamination.Use clean, sanitized trays and tools, and start with fresh growing medium for each crop. Regularly clean and disinfect the growing area, and avoid introducing contaminants from outside sources.

Remember, the key to success with the blackout period is observation, experimentation, and record-keeping.

Start with the recommended guidelines for your specific microgreen varieties, but be prepared to make adjustments based on your unique growing conditions and preferences. Keep detailed notes on your successes and challenges, and use this information to refine your technique over time.

Join the Health-Conscious Microgreens World Community

Join the Health-Conscious Microgreens World Community

Joining the health-conscious Microgreens World community offers a wealth of benefits for those looking to improve their well-being through fresh, nutrient-packed greens. By understanding the blackout benefits for seed germination and plant development, you can enhance your microgreen growing experience.

The Microgreens World community provides a supportive environment where you can learn about the advantages of blackout periods in enriching the flavor and nutrition of your meals.

Embracing blackout methods can lead to improved seed germination and healthier microgreens, ensuring a steady supply of essential vitamins and minerals in your diet. Through the community’s resources, you can explore the intricacies of plant development during blackout phases, optimizing growth and yield for a more bountiful harvest.

Related Questions

Do Microgreens Need Darkness to Germinate?

Darkness during germination is essential for microgreens. It encourages stem elongation, vibrant growth, and strong roots. The blackout period sets the stage for healthy, thriving microgreens ready to enrich your dishes.

Is Blackout Necessary for Microgreens?

A blackout period is not necessary for all microgreens. For negative photoblastic seeds like sunflower, broccoli, and corn, a period of darkness is essential for high-quality microgreens! It’s vital for peak growth and flavor. Letting your greens thrive in darkness triggers their finest development. You’ll see tastier, nutrient-packed results. Trust the process!

Why Do Microgreens Need a Blackout Period?

Microgreens need a blackout period to boost growth and flavor. It triggers plants to stretch for light, enhancing taste and yields. Weight down seeds during a blackout for strong roots. Best timing shifts lead to successful growth.

How Long to Blackout Pea Microgreens?

For pea microgreens, blackout usually lasts 3-4 days. Tailor based on temp and moisture. After 48 hours, check progress. Critical timing guarantees tall, healthy microgreens. Control your harvest success with precise blackout timing.

What is the reason for needing to shield the microgreens from light for some time?

Covering microgreens after germination for 1-3 days, followed by a 3-5 day blackout phase, encourages them to stretch and grow into long, delicate seedlings. However, this growth depletes their limited energy reserves from the endosperm. Exposing them to light after the blackout period initiates photosynthesis, making the microgreens stronger and thicker, preventing collapse. Some microgreens naturally remain short despite this process.

When should microgreens be exposed to light?

Most microgreens can benefit from 2-3 days of darkness before being exposed to light. However, some, like oregano and thyme, need 4-7 days, while fast growers like kale and broccoli are okay with 1-2 days. Factors like environment and seed quality also affect growth. Once exposed to light, increase water and ensure good air circulation to prevent mold.

Wrap-up: Why Blackout Microgreens?

The blackout period is a game-changing technique that every microgreen grower should embrace to unlock the full potential of their operation. By harnessing the power of darkness and mimicking natural conditions, you can optimize germination rates, enhance plant health, and maximize crop yields.

Moreover, the blackout period is vital to enhancing the flavor profile, nutritional content, and visual appeal of your microgreens. By manipulating light exposure, you can create unique, nutrient-dense products that stand out in a competitive market.

Embracing the blackout period can significantly impact the success and profitability of your microgreens business. Consistently producing high-quality, flavorful, and visually appealing microgreens will attract health-conscious consumers, command premium prices, and build a loyal customer base.

To elevate your microgreen game, combine the science of seed germination with the art of microgreen cultivation by utilizing the blackout period. This powerful technique will help you create nourishing products and set your business up for long-term success in a growing health-focused market.

Build A Commercial Microgreens Startup

In this free 10-lesson email course, we explain why you shouldn’t create a “business plan.”

From there, we take you on a journey of discovery that has been trekked by tens of thousands of other entrepreneurs just like you.

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For further reading and scientific references, consult sources such as “Seed Germination: Theory and Practice” by Norman C. Deno and relevant articles in journals like “Plant Physiology” and “Seed Science Research.”

Advantages of Blackout Humidity Domes for Maximizing Microgreen Growth. 2 July 2023,

Carrera-Castaño, Gerardo, et al. “An Updated Overview on the Regulation of Seed Germination.” Plants, vol. 9, no. 6, June 2020, p. 703,

Dangalan, Claire. “Vinegar Is the Secret to Getting Plants to Germinate.” House Digest, 15 Sept. 2023,


Heslop-Harrison, John. “Germination.” Encyclopædia Britannica, 9 May 2024,

Hobson, Helen. “What Is Blackout & Why Do We Do It?” Greens Bali, 24 Mar. 2023,

Jameson, Molly. “The Science of Germination.” Gardening in the Panhandle, 1 Feb. 2024,

Liu, Qiyuan, et al. “Systematic Analysis of Photo/Sko-Regulated Germination and Post-Germination Development of Shallow Photodormant Seeds in Nicotiana Tabacum L.” Frontiers in Plant Science, vol. 13, 4 Jan. 2023, p. 1042981,,

Michaels, Tom, et al. “2.2 Introduction to Seed Germination.”, June 2022,

Nonogaki, Hiroyuki, et al. “Germination—Still a Mystery.” Plant Science, vol. 179, no. 6, Dec. 2010, pp. 574–81,

Takaki, Massanori. “New Proposal of Classification of Seeds Based on Forms of Phytochrome instead of Photoblastism.” Revista Brasileira de Fisiologia Vegetal, vol. 13, no. 1, 2001, pp. 104–8,

Science Facts. “Seed Germination: Definition, Steps, & Factors Affecting Them.” Science Facts, 7 Oct. 2020,

Tuan, Pham Anh. “Seed Germination – an Overview | ScienceDirect Topics.”, 2014,

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