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Quote1 Listen up! The situation has changed! I'll explain later! For now-- Let's go get those butchers! Quote2
Captain America

Appearing in "Berserker!"

Reprint of the 1st story from
Marvel Super Heroes Secret Wars #7

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


Races and Species:




  • Galactus' Worldship
  • The Wrecking Crew's alien tank
  • The Villains' alien ship
  • The X-Men's alien ships

Synopsis for "Berserker!"

Reprint of the 1st story from
Marvel Super Heroes Secret Wars #7

The heroes gathered on Battleworld by the Beyonder have discovered someone spying on them at their camp. When the Torch corners her, the mystery woman introduces herself as Spider-Woman. When the other heroes question how another human they haven't previously met could be on Battleworld, Mister Fantastic theorizes that since the Beyonder constructed Battleworld from planetary fragments a portion of Earth must have been used as well. Spider-Woman confirms this by explaining that the entire city of Denver has been brought to Battleworld. When she explains that she has come to help, she shows that she is more than capable of demonstrating her enhanced strength. The other heroes decide to trust her considering the fact that Dr. Doom has too much raw power to need to plant a spy among them. Suddenly they are attacked by a giant vehicle. When the Wrecker pops out of the porthole, he tosses out the seemingly deceased body of the Wasp before the villains take off. Some of the heroes try to chase after them but the vehicle is too fast. Quickly, She-Hulk picks up the Wasp's body and hands it over to their healer, the alien woman known as Zsaji, who tries to use her powers to revive the Wasp but to no avail. The Avengers are furious at the death of their comrade and are ready to rush off and get revenge when Captain America stops them and reminds them of the threat of Galactus who is still preparing to consume Battleworld. Convincing the others to stay their hand, they begin to plan their next course of action, all save for She-Hulk, who storms off on her own.

Elsewhere, the X-Men retreat from the active volcanic region, and although they failed to stop a group of villains Xavier is impressed that they were able to send Titania, Molecule Man, Absorbing Man, and Doctor Octopus packing. However, instead of returning to base, Xavier tells them to follow after their foes while he, Magneto, Storm and Nightcrawler rendezvous with them. Meanwhile, aboard the villains' craft, they care for the Molecule Man, who was seriously wounded by Wolverine's claws. Seeing Owen's condition from the monitors at Doombase, Volcana rushes to the Enchantress and asks the Asgardian sorceress to teleport her to Owen's side. When Volcana tells Amora that she is willing to do anything, the Enchantress teleports her away, satisfied by this offer. Volcana appears within the ship just as the two containing the X-Men and Magneto attack. During the course of the ensuing battle, Wolverine manages to chop off the Absorbing Man's arm while he is in the form of stone, but is burned badly by Volcana. Outnumbered and outgunned, Volcana calls a strategic withdrawal and uses her powers to cover their escape. At that moment aboard Galactus' ship, Doctor Doom continues to search for something that will allow him to defeat Galactus and the Beyonder. However, his plan to create a distraction by creating volcanic eruptions on the other side of Battleworld has backfired and has succeeded only in alerting Galactus to Doom's presence. Locating the intruder, Galactus uses his power to violently eject Doom from his ship.

Back at Doombase, Doctor Octopus and his crew return and Volcana begs the Enchantress to save the Molecule Man's life. At first, Amora refuses, but Titania warns her that if Owen Reece dies she will rip out her throat. Elsewhere, the Absorbing Man wonders what to do about his severed arm. By holding it in place where it was cut, he risks changing back to human form and is surprised when his gambit pays off and his arm reattaches itself. While down below in the dungeon the members of the Wrecking Crew lock the Lizard in a cell since he cannot be controlled after they seemingly killed the Wasp. Leaving the Lizard to rot, the Wrecking Crew are unaware that Klaw has been secretly watching the entire situation unfold. When Bulldozer retires to his room he notices that the wall has been ripped open from outside. Suddenly he is ambushed by She-Hulk, who begins to pummel on him for his part in the Wasp's death. Hearing the commotion, Titania enters the room and sees that the She-Hulk has defeated every member of the Wrecking Crew in a fight. She gets the jump on She-Hulk just as Doctor Octopus and Absorbing Man enter the fray. In yet another part of Doombase, the Enchantress laments over her current situation and pines for the love of Thor. Her thoughts are distracted by the return of Doctor Doom who has just barely survived being ejected from the Worldship of Galactus. He stumbles into his room and passes out, proclaiming that the battle is over.

As the other villains are pummeling She-Hulk, the other heroes have discovered that she is missing. When Hulk and Hawkeye tell this to Cap and try to get him to mobilize a searching party, Captain America denies their request. When Cap sees that others want to go out and rescue her, he reminds them all that the stakes are too high to make decisions of the heart. Elsewhere in the village, Colossus is finally up and about after recovering from his injuries. He goes looking for Zsaji and finds her as she is leaving her hut. When she suddenly collapses he is there to catch her. Suddenly, Captain America is contacted by Professor X who tells him that he and his team can go after She-Hulk while the X-Men take their place watching over Galactus. With this bit of news, Captain America orders everyone to get ready to move out.

Solicit Synopsis

Marvel’s monthly celebration of the finest crossover of them all continues with the shocking introduction of a new Spider-Woman! But just as the heroes of Battleworld gain a new recruit, could it be that one of the greatest of their number has fallen? Grief-stricken over the fate of her friend, She-Hulk seeks revenge on the Wrecking Crew — but bites off more than she can chew as the Absorbing Man and the powerhouse named Titania join the fight on the side of the villains! Plus: The X-Men stand their ground against an enemy attack! Galactus takes action against Doctor Doom! And Captain America wrestles with a difficult decision! It’s one of the all-time great Marvel comic books, boldly re-presented in its original form, ads and all! Reprinting MARVEL SUPER HEROES SECRET WARS #7.

See Also

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