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I can't get through twinkle twinkle little star, as when I need to input the keys CVB at once, only one or two get recognized as being hit, therefore it's a guaranteed mistake. But if there are other sets of three keys at once, they get recognized.

Hey! So sorry that's happening :( I'll work on a fix for this today, thanks for letting me know. In the meantime, maybe try playing in two-key mode. Also, what type of keyboard are you using?

Hey, thanks for the quick reply and the heads up :). I played the game with my built-in Laptop keyboard. But I think I will simply wait for the fix or maybe later try if it for some reason works in six-key mode.

Hi! I'm having the same issue as you right now, but I figured out that if you kind of roll your fingers to press the keys separately instead of simultaneously, it will not count it as a mistake since it grades each key on its own. I would also recommend looking into your Key Rollover test with online tools to see if that is the issue :)

Hey, thanks, fsr it slipped my mind to look for rollover tests lol. I really have to check my settings, as the problem is dependent on the row of keys and what keys specifically. Like the asd-row has no upper boundary, while the row below and above has specific combinations that makes some keys not getting recognized, which by itself is weird. And some of these combinations are sadly some of the patterns in the game. I will simply have to resolve the problem myself and get back to it later.

Hi! I was experiencing the same issue when suddenly then it got worse for some reason. I was playing find in six key mode, but it randomly started being problematic, where even in two key mode it would not register both V and B. On the other hand, I looked at the known issues you listed and looked into my laptops key rollover count. When testing the keys, I found that my max count is 4 KRO, but for some reason certain key combinations cannot reach that maximum, one of them being CV and B. I can press XC and BN for example. I'm not sure what what the technical details of that would be, but I hope this information helps! Maybe add button mapping so players with a lower KRO can adjust it to their own keyboards? 

Hey epona! Sorry you're experiencing this too! I'm actually in the midst of creating a button mapping system which should be coming very soon. I might add a simple KRO tester in the menu too. Thanks so much for letting me know :)