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Miriam Strout: "You remind me so much of her. You share many of her best qualities. You're reserved, sensitive, and thoughtful. Just like she was."
Jacob's sibling: "Agreed. That sounds just like the Talbott I know."
Miriam Strout and Jacob's sibling regarding Talbott's good qualities[src]

Talbott Winger was a wizard who attended Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry in 1984 and was Sorted into Ravenclaw house. He was also an Animagus and took the form of an Eagle. At some point in the 1970s or early 1980s, his parents were murdered by Death Eaters.


Early life (1970s–1983)[]

Talbott was born at some point in 1972 or 1973.[1] He did not have any siblings.[9] His mother taught him how to become an Animagus, taking the form of an eagle. During the First Wizarding War, his parents helped in the war efforts against Lord Voldemort and his Death Eaters.[10]

In response, the Dark Lord's Death Eaters attacked their home, a conflict during which both of his parents were murdered while Talbott himself successfully escaped with his life thanks to his Animagus ability.[5]

Hogwarts years (1984–)[]

Early years[]

Talbott started attending Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry on 1 September 1984[1] and was Sorted into Ravenclaw and excelled in Transfiguration. He also helped Care of Magical Creatures Professor Silvanus Kettleburn tame a Hippogriff once, a feat also achieved by Jacob's sibling in their fourth year.[5]

During the 1985–1986 school year, Talbott was kidnapped in his Animagus form as Todd and Corrine Cribb had mistaken him as a pet. He stayed disguised as a pet during the kidnapping, then helped Jacob's sibling and Merula Snyde defeat the poachers whilst still in his Animagus form. During the party afterwards, he revealed his involvement to Jacob's sibling and thanked them for being a friend to animals everywhere.[11]

In or prior to the 1986–1987 school year, he admitted the truth to Minerva McGonagall. While she understood his initial reasons for keeping it secret perfectly (namely the fear that if he registered, the Death Eaters might learn of it and come after him), she nevertheless sternly instructed him to abide by the law that all Animagi had to register with the British Ministry of Magic, to which he half-heartedly agreed.[10]

Third year[]

During his third year, Talbott took Divination as an elective.[12]

He helped Jacob's sibling become an Animagus at the beginning of this year.[5][13] During Jacob's sibling's and Talbott's talk with McGonagall, she proclaimed that both of them must register with the Ministry as Animagi, and if Talbott did not agree, she "will take it as a personal offence and drag him to the Ministry myself". He later told Jacob's sibling about his parents' murder after they beat him at Gobstones. After wishing them luck on becoming an Animagus, he changed into his Animagus form and flew away.

Around the anniversary of his parents' murder, he lost his necklace, whose feather had been extracted from his mother's Animagus form, a White Swan. This made him extremely upset and he became more isolated than ever. Upon learning about this from Penny Haywood, Jacob's sibling helped him find the necklace. They made use of their advantage of transforming into animals and eventually decided it was in Filch's office or being played with by Mrs Norris. They saw Mrs Norris with the necklace, and Jacob's sibling transformed into their Animagus form to distract her while Talbott retrieved the necklace. Talbott befriended Jacob's sibling after this experience.[14][15]

When the Mirror of Erised went missing, Talbott initially helped Jacob's sibling search for the mirror, however he eventually ended up moving the mirror from the Herbology Classroom to the Owlery after gazing into it and seeing an image of his mother and father alive, as if they'd never been killed by Death Eaters.[16]

Fourth year[]

At some point, someone told him Garrick Ollivander owned a peacock. He later told Jacob's sibling about this in the Hogwarts Library.[17]

Around Valentine's Day, Talbott was one of the six students chosen by Gilderoy Lockhart as a part of the Voyages, Vampires, and Valentines! event, seemingly at random. Talbott was given the task to find doves. As he was searching for them in the Clock Tower Courtyard, Jacob's sibling came to see how he was doing. The two searched for doves together but were unable to find any. After giving up on the search, Talbott told them that he was suspicious of Lockhart's true intentions, and that he suspected Lockhart knew he was an Animagus. Talbott also confessed to Jacob's sibling that he wanted them to be his Valentine. He later attended the event with the other students, wearing a pink outfit with a tie, designed by Andre Egwu. During the event, Lockhart cast a Memory Charm in hesitation, causing him and the other students to lose some of their recent memories.[18]

Later during the same school year, when Jacob's sibling went into the Great Hall to discuss Potions with their friend Penny Haywood, the best in their year at that subject, he was seated at his house table, where he cryptically warned them that he thought "there [was] a storm coming...", suggesting he might have known something more about the events going on at the school than the average student.[19]

Fifth year[]

In his fifth year, Talbott came to talk to the Grey Lady alongside Jacob's sibling and their other Ravenclaw friends Tulip Karasu and Andre Egwu.[20]

During the Equinox Enchanted school play, he was sad as he didn't get to perform the scene of love with Jacob's sibling. However, he sat in the front row during Jacob's sibling's performance and cheered them on.

Near the end of the school year, Talbott was in the Great Hall when it was almost time for him and the other fifth years to take their O.W.L.s, at which time he admitted to being anxious about getting a good score on his exams, as he harboured aspirations of becoming an Auror.[21]

Sixth year[]

Talbott Winger continued taking Divination classes in his sixth year.[12]

Following the murder of Rowan Khanna at the hands of Patricia Rakepick in the Forbidden Forest, Talbott became a member of the student organisation the Circle of Khanna, in memory of the deceased student.[8] He also helped Jacob's sibling various times (which, granted, still took some convincing) in his Animagus form.

Seventh year[]

Talbott Winger was one of the five seventh-year students who visited St Mungo's to complete assignments as part of their work experience at the hospital.[22][23][24]

During his visit, he saw a white swan. Because it was close to the anniversary of his mother's death, he initially thought that it was her ghost that was haunting St Mungo's, only for Jacob's sibling to later clarify that it was actually a Patronus, and the two briefly discussed the identity of the castor.

After Miriam Strout had recovered from the laughing curse that was attached to a cursed CD case that been given to Jacob at the hospital as a supposed get-well gift, [25][26]she informed him, Jacob and his sibling that the white swan Patronus was hers, and how it reflected her friendship with Talbott's mother. She also gifted Talbott with his mother's St Mungo's Certified Healer Insignia, with Talbott commenting that he intended to become a Healer himself.

Ministry career (1991–)[]

Soon after graduating from Hogwarts, he was employed as a Hit Wizard in the Magical Law Enforcement Patrol at the British Ministry of Magic.[6] He didn't find the job to be as stimulating as he thought it would be, so Jacob's sibling took him out for a day on the town.[27]

In 1992, Talbott, along with Liz Tuttle, Barnaby Lee and Merula Snyde went to visit their former classmate Charlie Weasley at the Romanian Dragon Sanctuary and he asked them for a favor, to meet his younger brother Ron at the top of the Hogwarts Astronomy Tower and retrieve a a baby dragon that Hagrid had won gambling.[28]

When the four of them arrived, they met Harry and Hermione for the hand off. Ron couldn't make it as the dragons venomous bite had made him sick. While this was going on Jacob's sibling served as lookout and distracted Filch.[28]

The hand off was done without a hitch, and the little Norwegian Ridgeback was taken to the Sanctuary, where Charlie prepared a place while the others were away.[28]

Physical description[]

Talbott Winger - HM

Talbott's teenage appearance

"Talbott looks so regal as an eagle."
Jacob's sibling on Talbott's Animagus's physical appearance[src]

In his human form, Talbott had brown ombré straight hair, dark skin and striking orange eyes, with pouty lips, thick eyebrows and an angular face.[4] When he was younger, he kept his hair slicked back, but after his graduation from Hogwarts, his hair had grown out a bit more and he started wearing it more loose.

In his Animagus form, he took the form of a brown eagle, sometimes with a cream chest.[5]

Personality and traits[]

Talbott was a remarkably skilled and intelligent young wizard, who possessed many traits of Ravenclaw House, in particular intelligence and individuality. He was academically minded, and was very passionate about his schoolwork, as he wished to become an Auror, showing him to have been very ambitious in his life goals. He was also rather perceptive and intuitive, as shown when he warned Jacob's sibling about bad things that were going on, implying he knew much more about the dark happenings that were going on during his school time than the average student did.

He was also shown to be sarcastic and witty, as seen in his interactions with Jacob's sibling.

Talbott Winger was known to be an extreme introvert and a loner, and before befriending Jacob's sibling, his only friends were Penny, Tonks, and despite being the Head of Gryffindor House: Professor McGonagall, due to her being a fellow Animagus (cat) and her previous work in the Ministry of Magic. Due to his reserved personality, Talbott often talked to himself.

Magical abilities and skills[]

Talbott Winger Animagus

Talbott Winger in his Animagus form

  • Transfiguration: Talbott was a high academic achiever in Transfiguration class, showing his proficiency in this highly complex, scientific and even dangerous branch of magic. He was also remarkably skilful in Human Transfiguration, the most difficult branch of Transfiguration. He was actually able to become an Animagus when he was a young child, before he ever even came to Hogwarts.[5]
  • Herbology: He was also known to be talented in this subject at school, given he worked in the family garden helping his mother, who was a Healer, handling both magical and mundane plants. He later took the subject at N.E.W.T. level.[29]
  • Care of Magical Creatures: Talbott was shown to be interested and skilled in Magizoology, as he, like Jacob's sibling, had both successfully tamed a Hippogriff, which Hagrid told Jacob's sibling about during their process in becoming an Animagus. This was an impressive feat indeed, given how Hippogriffs are rather difficult beasts to handle and tame.
  • Charms: Talbott appeared to be gifted with charm-work, as he was capable of casting the rather advanced Human-presence-revealing Spell.
  • Divination: Talbott was skilled in the field of divination, having earned an O.W.L. in the subject at Hogwarts, and also studied it N.E.W.T. level.
  • Poetry: Talbott was known to very much enjoy writing and reading poetry in his spare time, often due to his very solemn, mournful and solitary personality. He was evidently a talented poet, as he commented that several of his poems were published in the Daily Prophet, a newspaper which his father was once a writer for. However, he did remark that his poems were not so good at the age of six.
  • Potions: Talbott earned an O.W.L. in this subject at Hogwarts, and continued it further at N.E.W.T. level, showing he was knowledgeable about this subject.[citation needed]
  • History of Magic: Talbott earned an O.W.L. in this subject at Hogwarts, and continued it further at N.E.W.T. level, showing he was knowledgeable about this subject.[citation needed]
  • Astronomy: Talbott earned an O.W.L. in this subject at Hogwarts, and continued it further at N.E.W.T. level, showing he was knowledgeable about this subject.[citation needed]
  • Muggle Studies: Talbott earned an O.W.L. in this subject at Hogwarts, and continued it further at N.E.W.T. level, showing he was knowledgeable about this subject.[citation needed]
  • Forgery: Talbott notably possessed a rather unique gift for forging handwriting.[citation needed]

Behind the scenes[]

"Talbott Winger is an aloof Ravenclaw who prefers to fly solo rather than stick with the flock. Though slow to trust and sarcastic, Talbott knows how to keep a secret and can help you out of tricky situations."
— Talbott's character description[src]
  • If Talbott succeeded in obtaining the results necessary to qualify for the Auror training programme and subsequently passed it, he, alongside Nymphadora Tonks, would have become two of the last Aurors taken on in two years by the time of the 1995–1996 school year.
  • As of Year 3 Chapter 9, Talbott and Jacob's sibling are both unregistered Animagi when they finally became friends (if Jacob's sibling decides not to register, even when they could decide to do so).
  • He often makes bird puns in reference to his Animagus form and solitary personality.
  • He is also not very adept at Duelling or Flying, seeing as he wasn't chosen for the Dragon Club.
  • It is possible that Talbott lived with his grandmother when he was not at Hogwarts.


The Harry Potter Wiki has 132 images related to Talbott Winger.

Notes and references[]

  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery, Year 3, "Become an Animagus" Achievement - Tulip Karasu states he is in the same year as her.
  2. Since both of his parents were wizards, Talbott could not have been Muggle-born.
  3. "World Exclusive Interview with J K Rowling," South West News Service, 8 July 2000 - "Hogwarts just serves Britain and Ireland."
  4. 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery appearance
  5. 5.0 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery, Year 3, "Become an Animagus" Achievement
  6. 6.0 6.1 6.2 Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery, Year 7, Chapter 59 (It's Never Goodbye, It's Just Until Next Time)
  7. 7.0 7.1 Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery, Year 3, "WELCOME TO THE SPHINX CLUB" Achievement
  8. 8.0 8.1 Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery, Year 6, Chapter 20 (A Circle of Friends)
  9. Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery, Year 5, "PORTRAIT PANIC" Achievement
  10. 10.0 10.1 Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery, Year 3, "Become an Animagus" Achievement - Part 3, Side Quest "Animagus Lessons"
  11. Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery, Year 2, Side Quest "HOGWARTS' MISSING PETS"
  12. 12.0 12.1 Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery, Year 6, Chapter 2 (Curses and Prophecies)
  13. Become an Animagus! | Jam City Support
  14. Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery, Year 3, "Birds Of A Feather" Achievement
  15. Talbott Friendship Adventure | Jam City Support
  16. Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery, Year 3, Side Quest "The search for the Mirror of Erised"
  17. Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery, Year 4, Side Quest "Become a Prefect"
  18. Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery, Year 4, "Valentine's Day" Achievement
  19. Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery, Year 4, Side Quest "Become a Prefect"
  20. Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery, Year 5, Chapter 6 (The Ghosts of Hogwarts)
  21. "Taking the O.W.L.s" side quest. Seen here.
  22. Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery, Year 7, Chapter 19 (St Mungo's Hospital for Magical Maladies and Injuries)
  23. Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery, Year 7, Chapter 20 (A Different Kind of Hospital Drama)
  24. Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery, Year 7, Chapter 21 (Burning Up)
  25. Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery, Year 7, Chapter 25 (Swan Dive)
  26. Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery, Year 7, Chapter 26 (No Laughing Matter)
  27. Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery, Beyond Hogwarts, Volume 1,
  28. 28.0 28.1 28.2 Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery, Beyond Hogwarts, Volume 1, "NORBERT'S TRANSPORT" Achievement
  29. Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery, Year 7, Side Quest "No Laughing Organic Matter"
  30. 30.0 30.1 30.2 Talbott was identified in Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery, Beyond Hogwarts, Volume 1, "NORBERT'S TRANSPORT" Achievement as having been a member of Charles Weasley's friends, a group that transported Norberta from the Astronomy Tower to the Romanian Dragon Sanctuary in Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone. Therefore, he can be said to have appeared in the book and its respective game, as well as on Pottermore, although he was first identified in Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery.
GF 37
Before registration system
Falco Aesalon (Falcon) · Cliodna (Sea Bird) · Morgan le Fay (Bird) · Morrigan (Crow) · Unidentified Native American Animagus (Eagle)
Minerva McGonagall (Tabby cat) · Adrian Tutley (Gerbil) · Talbott Winger's mother (White Swan) · Unidentified witch (Black cat) · Five unidentified individuals (Unknown)
Patricia McManners (Calico cat) · Olivier Kikkert (Frog) · Sirius Black (Black dog) · Peter Pettigrew (Rat) · James Potter (Stag) · Rita Skeeter (Beetle) · Talbott Winger (Eagle)
Unknown registry status
Mudiwa Onai (African fish eagle) · Natsai Onai's father (Giraffe) · Natsai Onai (Gazelle) · Poacher Animagus (Wolf) · Jacob's sibling (Brown dog, Black and white cat or Falcon) · Bly (Lemur) · Ambrose Turner (Butterfly) Fictional Animagi
Babbitty Rabbity (Rabbit)