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Live Previews

Never worry again how your images will look after sharing.

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Sometimes it can be a bit scary sharing an image without knowing just how it's going to look in advance. With Stencil's Live Previews, you can see just how your image will look on mobile and desktop before you share it on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram or Pinterest. You can also add a description right from Stencil and that will update in the preview as well. This way, there'll be no surprises and you can expect your image to look great wherever you share it.

Toggle Between Desktop Preview and Mobile Preview

If you want to see how your image will look on desktop vs. mobile, you can easily switch between them to see how your image will appear on different devices. Never worry again how your image will look after you've shared!

Live Previews

See Description Updates in Real-Time

With Live Previews, you can also see how your post will look with description text added. This text will also get passed along to Facebook and Twitter when shared directly via Stencil, saving you even more time!

For Twitter, Stencil has a character counter that will let you know once you've passed the maximum character limit for Twitter. This will ensure your descriptions never get cut off and that your full tweet is always displayed.

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