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High-Resolution Downloads

Download super crisp quality images, ready to use on any platform.

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Stencil's 5,000,000+ photos and 3,100,000+ premium icons are available in high-resolution. This means you can download them to use for almost any purpose. We recommend Stencil mostly for digital images, but you can certainly output print-ready graphics just as easily.

Optimized Image Sizes

We've gone to great lengths to perfect the image compression process, so you don't have to think much about it. Depending on the nature of the image, we'll recommend the best download settings and help take the guesswork out of downloading the best quality image, with the most optimal file size. Of course, you can always modify the recommended settings, especially if you have specific requirements.

High Resolution Downloads

Your images are always available to be downloaded as:

  • JPG or PNG (we recommend the best option based on your image)
  • Standard or Retina @2x resolution
  • Digital or Print (300dpi for print)
  • Standard or Maximum Compression for the smallest image size

Download Images for Print Too

While Stencil is best suited for digital images, it also supports 300dpi downloads that can be used for print purposes. You can download images for t-shirt designs, book covers and even physical posters! Just remember to choose "Print" as the Media Type when downloading your image.

Stencil is the web's favorite graphic design tool.

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