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The Sanctum is a location in the Pitt based in and below a pre-War cathedral. It is connected to the Trench.


Prior to the Great War, and despite raising over two million dollars in September 2077,[1] the priesthood in charge of the cathedral found themselves short on money. Management decided to enact a donation quota system, where each team member was required to raise at least $155,000.[2] Brother Michael attempted to reach out to a third party for enough money to "keep the doors open," though they ultimately left them "with nothing" except suggesting tours of the "spooky catacombs" to raise funds.[3]

After the War, the Sanctum became only reachable via underground passages that lead to and from the Trench, as the surface surrounding the cathedral is surrounded by radioactive chemical waste[4] which continues to expand over time.[5] The chemical waste likely consists, at least in part, of a toxic waste byproduct of a prototype drain cleaner made by Abraxodyne Chemical.[6] After the Pittsburgh Union Railroad refused to continue transporting the byproduct out of Pittsburgh,[7] Abraxodyne Chemical began stockpiling it in their warehouse,[8][9] until they decided to illegally dump it nearby.[10]

Despite the dangerous waste surrounding the Sanctum, it became used as a Pittsburgh Union safehouse.[11][12] After the Fanatics began to cause chaos throughout the Pitt, Bella Gerber brought civilians fleeing them to the Sanctum, which she believed was the safest location in the city.[13][14] At some point, the Fanatics discovered a lead which led them to the Sanctum, which was hard to get to but poorly defended.[12][15] Soon after, the safehouse was captured by the Fanatics,[16] who realized that such a location would make a perfect prison and labor camp.[17][18]

Those captured by the Fanatics are usually sent to the Sanctum, where they "get beaten down into shells" and subsequently sent elsewhere to serve as slave labor.[19] The Fanatics routinely torture and kill their prisoners, including breaking a failed escapee's jaw and then electrocuting them,[20] determining the best method of torture to prolong a prisoner's life while preventing them from moving,[21] bricking up one of the prisoners in the wall of the catacombs,[22] and electing the new Foreman based on who can get the "best scream" out of their prisoner.[23] The prisoners are guarded by the Fanatics during the day and by the trogs at night.[24] The trogs are such a threat to the prisoners that the Fanatics sometimes do not even bother locking the cells.[25]


The Sanctum consists of two levels; the underground level which holds both the catacombs and the connecting sewers, while the upper level is the cathedral.


Notable loot[]


  • Runner's log 03: Too much - Holotape, to the right after entering into the sewer section.
  • Dominance - Note, in the torture room with the hanging chains, on a desk.
  • Goodbye Cliffy - Note, in the torture room with the electric chair, on a cart.
  • Hearing things - Note, in the room with the large Tesla arc trap, on a barrel.
  • Test results - Note, in the torture room with the coffin, fridge and bathtub.
  • Tonight's entertainment - Note, in the dining room on the main table.
  • Trogs - Note, at the first checkpoint before reaching the Sanctum sign.

The catacombs[]

  • Runner's log 04: Lambs to the slaughter - Holotape, next to a coffin illuminated by candles just before entering the cathedral.
  • Ness Meyers - Note, pinned to the wall of the bottom-level corner cell.
  • Nighttime - Note, on a table in the cell closest to the door to the cathedral.
  • No escape - Note, on a table in the cell closest to the shallow pool with the fishes.
  • Sealed away - Note, on a table near the first level of the main hallway of the catacombs.
  • Wall instructions - Note, on a table next to some coffins overlooking the shallow pool.

The cathedral[]

  • Bad omens - Note, on the second floor of the room where the Fanatic foreman is fought, on a coffee table.
  • Few more days - Note, on a table in the penned-in area, where the Fanatic hopefuls are found.
  • Memo to team - Note, on the second floor, in a side office, on a table.
  • Priest's letter - Note, on a desk in the main priest's office.
  • Top donors - Note, on a desk in the second floor side office, the same one as the "memo to team."
  • Potential recipe - On the second floor of the room where the Fanatic foreman is fought, on a shelf.


The Sanctum appears only in Fallout 76, introduced in the Expeditions: The Pitt update.

Behind the scenes[]

Level designer David Dobert and world artist Russell Rector worked on creating the Sanctum, including all three of its catacombs, cathedral and sewer sections.[Non-game 1][Non-game 2][Non-game 3]





See also[]


  1. Top donors - Total money raised from their "top donors" equals $2,742,973.
  2. Memo to team
  3. Priest's letter
  4. Danilo: "When you're ready, we need to head underground. It's the only way in or out of the Sanctum. Everything else is untraversable. The Sanctum itself - the cathedral - it's crawling with Fanatics. Them, and the unfortunate victims they're holding hostage. Sorry to say it's not going to be any more pleasant down there than it is up here. Let me know when you've steeled yourself."
    Vault Dweller: "There's really no other way to the Sanctum?"
    Danilo: "Not unless you're already a ghoul and don't mind swimming through a sea of chemical waste. I know the Trench. It's impossible."
    (Danilo's dialogue)
  5. Bad omens
  6. The Trench terminal entries; research terminal, Product Research Log #794
  7. The Trench terminal entries; Yardmaster's terminal, Important Change
  8. The Trench terminal entries; Jacob's terminal, Pitt. Union Rail Incident?
  9. Janitor note 1
  10. Janitor note 3
  11. Description for From Ashes to Fire on expedition selection page: "Break into the Sanctum, a former Union safehouse turned into a nightmare."
  12. 12.0 12.1 Safe haven
  13. Runner's log 01: Career change
  14. Runner's log 02: White lies
  15. The Sanctum terminal entries; Foreman's terminal, Foreman's Log #1
  16. Vault Dweller: "Tell me about the mission first. What's our goal here?"
    Danilo: "We're hitting the Sanctum, a former Union safehouse taken over by Fanatics."
    (Danilo's dialogue)
  17. Vault Dweller: "Can you tell me more about the Trench?"
    Danilo: "It's a radioactive wasteland that eats up anyone stupid enough to wander in. Safe spots are few and far between. It's near impossible to get out alive if you don't know what you're doing. Makes it a perfect prison. The Fanatics realized that, and they're taking full advantage of it."
    (Danilo's dialogue)
  18. Vault Dweller: "Can you tell me about the Sanctum?"
    Danilo: "It's an old cathedral. Used to belong to the Union. It was a safe haven from the dangers of this place. When the Fanatics discovered it, they... took over. Turned it into a labor camp. Now there's no worse place to be in the Pitt."
    (Danilo's dialogue)
  19. Danilo: "Past here is the cathedral - the Fanatics' favorite prison camp. The captives here... they get beaten down into shells. Then they're sent elsewhere. This is the reality of the Pitt, for ordinary people. If you're not strong or cruel enough, everything but your life is stripped from you."
    (Danilo's dialogue)
  20. Goodbye Cliffy
  21. Test results
  22. Ness Myers
  23. The Sanctum terminal entries; Foreman's terminal, Foreman's Log #4
  24. Nighttime
  25. No escape

