Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

Learn how to optimize your behavior in life or death situations!

Rat Race is a quest cut from the Fallout 76 update Wild Appalachia.


Quest stages[]

Quest stages
StageStatusDescriptionLog Entry
? Inspect the nearby intercomThere's a suspicious intercom in this room, maybe I should go investigate it.
? Find out who was talkingApparently I may have just become sort of test subject. I should go into the next room to see who was talking to me through the intercom.
? Pick up the Motivational CollarDr. Ladek wants to help me optimize my behaviors in life and death situations. He told me there's a Motivational Collar that helps monitor my vitals. This can only be helpful, right?
? Equip the Motivational Collar
? Find the door's key codesI have to find the key codes that open the steel door.
? Enter code into keypad
? Get through the locked door
?Quest finishedI did it!
