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Some more bayo bunny adventures 🥰

Its been a little while since i posted and after hitting the photo storage limit of loadstone ive had to remove some older pics to make room for newer ones 😩 so if you see black boxes in older blogs then you now know the reason why 🤗
So a progress update is perhaps in order and im happy to say i HAVE made progress, I'm actually about to retake the castle in stormblood so maybe half way through the msq of stormblood...or not, i don't know but its okay 😂 been sidetracked too trying to level a few crafting jobs and of course been VERY sidetracked glamming and taking photos 🤗

Sooooo its a short update BUT ive resubbed for another 3 months so thats a positive 🤗 but i guess that's it for now , i guess its photo time ❤️

Till next time my beautiful friends 💋
Comments (6)

Baidarz Dal'zin

Lich [Light]

Booya! Good to see you back posting Bayo, looking as gorgeous as ever with some lovely gposing 🥰 ooh ready to kiss some garlean ass! Yay!

Baidarz Dal'zin

Lich [Light]

Damn autocorrect :-O I meant Kick!

Bayonetta Lakill

Seraph [Dynamis]

Thank you baidarz, you probably have seen me Posting more on discord but loadstone is still a special place to me so its nice to post when i can make a little photo space ❤️ and
LOL!!! ....but are you sure it was auto correct 🤔 and not a Freudian slip 🤭🤭

Baidarz Dal'zin

Lich [Light]

Yeah, it's lovely to see you both her and there ^^ of course can't forget the old lodestone yay! Well it was but I'm sure I could say it was on purpose too :-P

Sigrid Seren

Excalibur [Primal]

Very nice pics! It's great that you are progressing in the game. Sometimes it's very difficult for me to advance in the main story. I try to do at least one MSQ, but most of the time, I end up doing something else like leveling secondary jobs or cooking. So, I understand you very well :)

Bayonetta Lakill

Seraph [Dynamis]

Thank you so much sigrid ❤️ yes sometimes saving the world just needs to wait while we kick back and do other things 😂
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