

  • 14

Just my adventures as Bayo bunny 🤗

So my plan to temporarily phanta into bunny has been such a great experience that im not sure when ill go back to elf..........or IF ill go back.
Bunny looses the ability to wear most hats ...yes but unlike perhaps the vast majority of people i don't actually wear hats very often at all so that is really no huge loss .

But something i didn't anticipate was how adorable some viera specific animations are 🥰
I mean who wouldn't fall on love with the cute little head shake on the bed edge when waking up or the carefree fun little aeroplane arms spin as the default /dance emote 😍

So my adventures continue, ive made a large amount of progress through stormblood as well as heading out clubbing to catch up with some friends id missed dearly while on my break ❤️ my ability in a fight is not always successful as one particular photograph demonstrates 😂 yes that's me dead in a pool of water while my gorgeous (and VERY tough) friend Tyria tries to defeat the big baddie 💪😂

Perhaps its time to show some pictures 🤗

Enjoy 😎

Comments (14)

Baidarz Dal'zin

Lich [Light]

Haha love it! You go Bayo! Doing your own thing, I think your character looks great as either a Viera or an Elezen to be honest. Whatever makes you happy is the main thing!

Bayonetta Lakill

Seraph [Dynamis]

Haha thank you so much baidarz ❤️ it's funny when i first started i spent sooooo long in character creator making the (at the time) perfect bayo who was consistent with my other games - purple hair , soft purple/pink eye makup , purple lip and my irl eye color to put ME into the character but after my break i changed ff14 bayo (& others) to be more irl me , with shorter brown hair and often glasses despite thinking id never change even the purple hair let alone my beloved elf & now im a bunny 😂

Baidarz Dal'zin

Lich [Light]

Your welcome 🤗 the great thing about these games is that you can be whoever you want, design them how you wish. It's all about your own happiness at the end of the day,.you seem to be happy, so that's great 😃

Nero Cursesouls

Seraph [Dynamis]

one day little bun we should hang out haha one day when I will not be zombie at like 8pm because you used to know me as Severa Voidstails haha let's say I might have gained a little bit of height x)

Akira Miyajima

Coeurl [Crystal]

Looking lovely as ever! I love the Bayobunetta. She’s sleek and amazing looking. I’m jelly there’s a club you frequently visit. Maybe I’ll join next time, looks fun!

Bayonetta Lakill

Seraph [Dynamis]

Thank you akira ❤️ you would be the star of the dancefloor i bet 😍 haha nero i saw you transformed on loadstone here 😂 i dare say you've gained more than just height 🤭

Nero Cursesouls

Seraph [Dynamis]

not my fault I am handsome haha x) but ya drastic change isn't smallest to biggest it's weird but fun to be tallx)

Bayonetta Lakill

Seraph [Dynamis]

Haha nero im sure its a huge change, if you were on in the last half hour you could have met me for a chat but maybe next time 🤗

Nero Cursesouls

Seraph [Dynamis]

ya stuck at work still sadly but hey part of life right?

Bayonetta Lakill

Seraph [Dynamis]

Haha yes , im just arriving at work, gotta make the $ to pay the sub .....and buy nice clothes off mogstation 🤭

Cassie Tyaka

Goblin [Crystal]

i love that bun butt

Bayonetta Lakill

Seraph [Dynamis]

Haha thank you cassie , im quite fond of it myself 😂

Midori Tigris

Sargatanas [Aether]

Firstly, welcome back to Eorzea with your new vibe and energy (((smiles))) And btw, Thank You for showing so much love on the things I share. You are appreciated! ♥

Bayonetta Lakill

Seraph [Dynamis]

Thank you midori on your kind words and warm welcome in your discord 🤗 i look forward to spending more time there getting to know you all ❤️
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