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A SGE Start Story

So when not spending my time in the Bozjan Southern Front -- my most recent addiction in this game -- I've been working on learning the Sage class. This is my first time playing as a healer in FFXIV. And by and large, my first time playing as a healer in any MMO. I mean, I do sometimes fly "logi" repair ships in Eve Online, but it's nowhere near the same. And usually I'm in a massive fleet "blob," with several other logi. If I alone get blown up, it's usually nbd.

Anyway, it's been going alright so far.

It's definitely and obviously an entirely different way to play from regular DPSing. Which means I'm starting slow with the basics. Even though SGE starts at Lvl 70, I've been running only ARR content. I've been working my way up (down?) the dungeons list so I can learn the spells and abilities with a restricted set. I figured going straight into something like Orbonne Monastery with a pretty full skillbar, with no idea what any of these spells did would probably not be great. At least not for my fellow party members! As such, I've been doing every dungeon several times to learn the spells, as well to simply gain confidence.

Coming from DPS, where we're a dime a dozen and always at least two of us, to an actually needed class, where there's often only one healer, is a bit scary. I don't want to let the party down. But so far, there have been far fewer party member deaths or full wipes than I expected. Think my parties have only wiped two or three times. And usually it's because the tank went full balls-to-the-walls pulling while I was out of MP or something.

As it stands, I'm currently up to Dzemael Darkhold, so I still have a long way to go. I'm getting a good grasp on the spells and abilities and when to use them. And finally remembering to use some like Soteria. I'm glad I can finally use Druochole; that's saved me and my party members more than a few times. Since The Stone Vigil, I'm actually having to heal more than just the tank. Having to watch the whole party can be tough, but I seem to be doing OK.

Though, I figure the amount of commendations I've gotten must mean I'm doing something right. ~75 in a month as SGE. In comparison, I had about 500 total as BLM/RDM/MCH. Which I collected over the last 3-4 years!

Overall, I'm glad I decided to do something other than DPS. And I'm enjoying it; it's a nice new challenge. Maybe I'll see you in a dungeon, trial, or raid one day. Or maybe even the Southern Front! And hopefully I'll be able to keep you alive and kickin'.

...Though my apologies in advance if I can't. Sorry! 😅
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