DC Database

Sgt. Jeb Stuart commanded the Stuart M3 Tank during World War II. He named the tank after his grandfather General J.E.B. Stuart, whose spirit ended up accompanying him throughout the war.

After the United States entered the war, the spirit of Alexander the Great assigned the ghost of General Stuart to act as guardian to his Grandson Sgt. Jeb Stuart. Only Jeb and people who were near death could see and hear the general's ghost. Jeb's tank crew thinks that their commander is merely imaging the ghost and is partly crazy, but they have seen him in action and have complete faith in his combat skills. The general's ghost is allowed to counsel Jeb, but he can only give him warnings in cryptic ways. He was later promoted to Lieutenant. The crew was not always successful as they lost various tanks in battle, but salvaged and repaired their way through the war. The crew later took control of a Sherman tank.

The Haunted Tank crew consisted of Private Rick Rawlins, the tanks gunner; Corporal Slim Stryker, the driver; and Corporal Arch Asher, the loader. Tragically young Asher was killed inside a German tank that exploded. He was replaced by a new recruit Corporal Gus Gray, a former black Olympic athlete. Stryker, while temporarily acting as gunner was replaced as driver by Sgt. Bill Craig, who had served for thirty years in the army, first with the horse cavalry and then in a tank in World War I.

The crew's final recruit was, Eddie Craig, Bill's son. Eddie became the new loader, and Gus became the second gunner. Jeb and Rick were the only two members to the crew to survive the war. Jeb Stuart became a American History teacher at Calvin College. He lived to an old age as he was around to witness America's Bicentennial.


All members of the Stuart family are able to view and hear the spirit of their ancestor confederate General J.E.B. Stuart. His soul was bound to that of his descendant and his presence was limited to their immediate location.



The Haunted Tank: Jeb Stuart was the commander of the Haunted Tank, a Light Tank M3 Stuart in service during World War II. Jeb's tank was distinguished from other M3 Stuarts by virtue of the dogged Confederate flag that Jeb attached to it in honor of his grandfather. After serving time in a German prisoner of war camp, Jeb briefly commanded a custom-designed vehicle built from scrap metal and spare parts which he referred to as the "Jigsaw Tank". Towards the end of the war, Jeb discontinued use of the Jigsaw Tank and commanded an M4 Sherman tank.

  • Although this character was originally introduced during DC's Earth-One era of publication, their existence following the events of the 1985–86 limited series Crisis on Infinite Earths remains intact. However, some elements of the character's Pre-Crisis history may have been altered or removed for Post-Crisis New Earth continuity, and should be considered apocryphal.
  • None of the members of the Haunted Tank crew ever believed that Jeb could communicate with the spirit of his ancestor J.E.B. Stuart. As such, they always felt that Jeb was slightly "off his rocker".


