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If you're here, that means you want to become a Demon Slayer, right?


Home win raid open

Raid is a special mode of Brave Frontier that allows you to team up with up to 3 other players to complete missions given to you by Elise. This game mode enables you to find exclusive materials for exclusive spheres and items in Randall (i.e. Legwand Gem) not found elsewhere in Quests. The mode is also played in real time, so players must work quickly to defeat the bosses! Each Orb fills in an hour. There is no level requirement to access Raid Battle.

Raid Class

Raid Class determines your rank as a Demon Slayer in Raid. A higher RC (Raid Class) means access to higher level missions, which increase in difficulty, but also in the value of the rewards obtained. Completion of all normal missions for an RC unlocks the final mission which, upon completion, unlocks the next level of RC missions and a promotion to the next RC.


Creating a Room

Rooms can be made by anyone, but access can be limited by the room master. Certain restrictions that can be made are:

  • Playing Style - Only players who are playing a certain way are allowed access. If you choose a style that suits you, your mission might go more smoothly!
  • Expel - Allows the Room Master to kick out players from the Room.
  • Join Midway - Players can join the quest in the Room even though it has started already.
  • Lowest Lv. - Allows the Room Master to set a minimum level requirement for players in order to join their Room. You can't select a higher level than your own.
  • Quest - You have to select on which quest you would like to mobilize in. Only Quests that you have already cleared can be selected.
  • Comment - You can enter a short message to convey to others on your mission and so forth.
  • Lowest RC - You can select the lowest Raid Class required for other members to join the Room. You can't select a class higher than yours, but you can select lower classes. Help out your fellow Summoners and quest on! 
  • Password - You can set a 4 digit password. Once a password has been set, it will be required for other summoners to enter it in order to join the Room.
  • Auto-join - Players can automatically join your room. If you want to prevent other Summoners from entering the Room automatically, set this option to Off. This setting will reflect during searches.

Hosts (or masters) are also allowed to set a comment, visible to other Summoners searching for a room.

Searching for a Room

Summoners can opt to search for a room instead of creating one. Limitations for searching a room are the same as the limitations of creating a room. Here are the various options for searching a room:

  • Search for Room - This option allows you to select your preferred Playing Style, Quest and Lowest RC rank on a room. 
  • Auto-Join Room - This option allows you to join a room which contains more summoners regardless of your RC rank.
  • Friend Search - This option allows you to join a room where your friends are located at. The chances of getting into a room with more of your friends is much higher as compared to those rooms with fewer friends.

Communication & Smileys

  • Summoners can also communicate with other players, but only limited to using the Raid Stamps provided by the game which can be access from the chat tab. You can purchase additional Raid Stamps on the 'Purchase Stamps' option of the shop on the game menu to be added on your chat tab.
  • Each summoner has a "smiley" beside their in-game name, which indicates:
    • Green: Currently Active
    • Yellow: Away from Device for a short period of time.
    • Purple: Away from Device for a long period of time.


Summoners can choose to play a mission alone, or join forces with other summoners! Entering a mission uses one Raid Orb. Each Raid Orb replenishes at the rate of 1 per hour. However, all Raid Orbs can be replenished at the cost of 1 gem. Leveling up refills Raid Orbs.


Lives are denoted by a number next to a heart at the upper left-hand corner of the screen when in a mission. All summoners will receive a total of 3 hearts per missions. When a summoners' squad is wiped out, one life is lost. Losing all three lives means that summoner can no longer participate in the mission unless they restore one of their lives for one gem.


There are multiple points on a map where a summoner can harvest items. These items found may be able to synthesize in the Official Guild of Synthesizers located in Imperial Capital Randall. Some items found from Harvesting may also be regular items, not always belonging exclusively to synthesizing in Randall. You can only harvest up to three times per points.


At the base camp, summoners can allow their squad to rest. Resting replenishes a certain amount of HP for all units including dead units, hence reviving dead units without the use of Revives.


Missions can only be completed by fulfilling the requirements for completion of that mission. Upon succeeding the mission, you get Raid Medals, these Medals are for Slots that's located in the Administration Office located in Imperial Capital Randall. The higher the RC level, the more Medals you will get. There is a chance that you might not get any Medals for completing any mission from RC 1.


Each mission has a 30 minute time limit (with the exception of RC7 missions that are not Dichroma Chaos and Dichroma Mayhem, which have a 35 minute time limit) which starts counting down immediately after the host starts the mission. If the mission is not completed before the time limit is up or if all summoners lose all their lives, everyone fails the mission. Giving up a mission also counts as failing the mission. Failure of a mission forfeits any items that the boss might have dropped.

List of Raid Battle Missions

Raid Battle
Main Missions

Raid Class 1Raid Class 2Raid Class 3Raid Class 4Raid Class 5Raid Class 6

RC7 Missions

Element Fire FireElement Water WaterElement Earth EarthElement Thunder ThunderElement Light LightElement Dark Dark

Element Twilight Dichroma ChaosElement Magma Dichroma MayhemElement Tempest Dichroma Havoc

Global X Missions

Raid X1Raid X2Raid X3Raid X4Raid X5Raid X6

Event Missions

Medal Rush

Past Collaboration Missions

Tales of Link CollaborationTrigun Collaboration

Today's RC7 Missions

Today is Monday. The following Raid Class 7 missions are currently active:
Element Light Light and Element Earth Earth
Not displaying the right date? Click here to update the date.


Completion of a mission

Rewards for completion of a mission include:

  • Zel - The higher your RC is, the more Zel you will receive, this can also vary depending on your contribution points, which may increases it
  • Karma - The higher your RC is, the more Karma you will receive, this can also vary depending on your contribution points, which may increases it,
  • Honor Points - Depends on the number of summoners in the room, the higher the number of summoners, the more you will receive. It also depends on the RC level of the mission you are in.
  • Materials - From harvesting and killing of bosses.
  • Brave Medals - The higher the mission in that RC, the more Medals you will receive.

First Clear Rewards

Objective Reward(s)
Promotion to Raid Class 2
Crystal thum Gems x3
Unit ills thum 20302 Sphere Frog x1
Promotion to Raid Class 3
Crystal thum Gems x5
Unit ills thum 20302 Sphere Frog x1
Promotion to Raid Class 4
Unit ills thum 20494 Noah x1
Promotion to Raid Class 5
Unit ills thum 20302 Sphere Frog x1
Unit ills thum 50612 Almighty Imp Arton x4
Unit ills thum 10313 Burst Emperor x4
Promotion to Raid Class 6
Unit ills thum 20302 Sphere Frog x2
Item thum 70400 Atk Crystal x20
Item thum 70500 Def Crystal x20
Promotion to Raid Class 7
Crystal thum Gems x3
Item thum 800907 Elementum Tome x40
Clear Raid Class X1 - RC1 "Trial by Combat"
Unit ills thum 10312 Burst Frog x3
Clear Raid Class X1 - RC2 "Sweet Doppelganger"
Crystal thum Gems x1
Unit ills thum 10452 Power Imp Pakpak x1
Unit ills thum 20442 Guard Imp Ganju x1
Clear Raid Class X1 - RC3 "Unleash the Horde"
Crystal thum Gems x1
Unit ills thum 40432 Vigor Imp Molin x1
Unit ills thum 30432 Healing Imp Fwahl x1
Clear Raid Class X1 - RC4 "Draegar the Demi-God"
Crystal thum Gems x3
Unit ills thum 20302 Sphere Frog x1
Clear Raid Class X2 - RC1 "War Never Ends"
Unit ills thum 10313 Burst Frog x3
Clear Raid Class X2 - RC2 "What Lies Above"
Unit ills thum 10313 Burst Frog x1
Crystal thum Gems x1
Clear Raid Class X2 - RC3 "Uprising"
Crystal thum Gems x1
Item thum 880100 Plasma Fragment x1
Item thum 880101 Obsidian Quartz x1
Clear Raid Class X2 - RC4 "Exodus"
Crystal thum Gems x3
Unit ills thum 50612 Almighty Imp Arton x1
Clear Raid Class X2 - RC4 "Relics of a Forgotten Era"
Item thum 880112 Hydraloid's Wrath x1
Item thum 880111 Cyclaw's Rage x1
Clear Raid Class X3 - RC3 "Crowd Control"
Crystal thum Gems x1
Unit ills thum 50612 Almighty Imp Arton x1
Clear Raid Class X3 - RC4 "Dazzle in the Dark"
Crystal thum Gems x1
Unit ills thum 10313 Burst Emperor x1
Clear Raid Class X3 - RC5 "The Coin Toss"
Crystal thum Gems x3
Item thum 880211 Fury of the Destroyer x1
Item thum 880212 Scorn of the Ice Queen x1
Clear Raid Class X4 - RC3 "Flesh and Bone"
Crystal thum Gems x1
Unit ills thum 50612 Almighty Imp Arton x1
Clear Raid Class X4 - RC4 "Third Eye"
Crystal thum Gems x1
Unit ills thum 10313 Burst Emperor x1
Clear Raid Class X4 - RC5 "He Who Sold The World"
Crystal thum Gems x3
Item thum 880214 Grief of the Storm Champion x1
Item thum 880213 Bond of the Monster Hunter x1
Clear Raid Class X5 - RC4 "A Reason for Rest"
Crystal thum Gems x1
Unit ills thum 50612 Almighty Imp Arton x1
Clear Raid Class X5 - RC5 "Half-twisted Truths"
Crystal thum Gems x1
Unit ills thum 10313 Burst Emperor x1
Clear Raid Class X5 - RC6 "A Black Bargain"
Crystal thum Gems x3
Clear Raid Class X6 - RC3 "Meeting a Lonely Wolf"
Crystal thum Gems x1
Unit ills thum 50612 Almighty Imp Arton x1
Clear Raid Class X6 - RC4 "At the Gates of Gunegarth"
Crystal thum Gems x1
Unit ills thum 10313 Burst Emperor x1
Clear Raid Class X6 - RC6 "A Small Victory"
Crystal thum Gems x3
Item thum 880301 Corroded Token x1
Promotion to Raid Class 5
Unit ills thum 20302 Sphere Frog x1
Unit ills thum 50612 Almighty Imp Arton x4
Unit ills thum 10313 Burst Emperor x4
Clear Raid Class 5 - Demon Counterattack
Unit ills thum 10514 Owen x1
Clear Raid Class 5 - A Nightmare Anew
Sphere thum 5 8 Sacred Crystal x1
Clear Raid Class 6 - Orebus Recon 1: Fire
Crystal thum Gems x2
Clear Raid Class 6 - Orebus Recon 2: Water
Crystal thum Gems x2
Clear Raid Class 6 - Orebus Recon 3: Earth
Crystal thum Gems x2
Clear Raid Class 6 - Orebus Recon 4: Thunder
Crystal thum Gems x2
Clear Raid Class 6 - Orebus Recon 5: Light
Crystal thum Gems x2
Clear Raid Class 6 - Orebus Recon 6: Dark
Crystal thum Gems x2
Clear Raid Class 7 - Hot on the Trail
Event token 2001 item icon Orebi Shards x500
Clear Raid Class 7 - Fiend of Fire
Event token 2001 item icon Orebi Shards x1000
Clear Raid Class 7 - Fiend of Fire II
Event token 2001 item icon Orebi Shards x1500
Clear Raid Class 7 - Slippery Spoor
Event token 2001 item icon Orebi Shards x500
Clear Raid Class 7 - Tidal Terror
Event token 2001 item icon Orebi Shards x1000
Clear Raid Class 7 - Tidal Terror II
Event token 2001 item icon Orebi Shards x1500
Clear Raid Class 7 - Jungle Hunt
Event token 2001 item icon Orebi Shards x500
Clear Raid Class 7 - Subterranean Shadow
Event token 2001 item icon Orebi Shards x1000
Clear Raid Class 7 - Subterranean Shadow II
Event token 2001 item icon Orebi Shards x1500
Clear Raid Class 7 - Chasing Storms
Event token 2001 item icon Orebi Shards x500
Clear Raid Class 7 - Thundering Tyrant
Event token 2001 item icon Orebi Shards x1000
Clear Raid Class 7 - Thundering Tyrant II
Event token 2001 item icon Orebi Shards x1500
Clear Raid Class 7 - Lightfinder
Event token 2001 item icon Orebi Shards x500
Clear Raid Class 7 - Shattered Sentinel
Event token 2001 item icon Orebi Shards x1000
Clear Raid Class 7 - Shattered Sentinel II
Event token 2001 item icon Orebi Shards x1500
Clear Raid Class 7 - Piercing the Gloom
Event token 2001 item icon Orebi Shards x500
Clear Raid Class 7 - Devil in the Dark
Event token 2001 item icon Orebi Shards x1000
Clear Raid Class 7 - Devil in the Dark II
Event token 2001 item icon Orebi Shards x1500
Clear Raid Class 7 - Dichroma Chaos
Crystal thum Gems x5
Clear Raid Class 7 - Dichroma Mayhem
Crystal thum Gems x5
Clear Raid Class 7 - Dichroma Havoc
Crystal thum Gems x5


  • Previously, players were required to reach Level 40 to access Raid Battle. Prior to this, players were required to reach Level 80.
  • If all units in battle are defeated as the boss flees, no life will be lost. Upon engaging a battle, the battle will end immediately and a life will be lost.
  • A mission available only for certain days cannot be played outside of its schedule, even if the player has the mission selected for the room from the previous day prior to the server reset.


Date Description
January 24, 2019
  • Promotion quests from RC 1 to RC 5 no longer have prerequisite missions required.
February 27, 2019
  • Element restriction had been removed on promotion quests to RC 7.