Brave Frontier Wiki
For other uses, see Elphelt (disambiguation).
Unit No. 1642
Data ID 51207
Element Element Light Light
Gender Gender female Female
Rarity Phantom icon Omni
Max Lv. 150
Cost 45
Arena Type 2
Colosseum Legality BFWiki Warrior Class
BFWiki Gladiator Class
BFWiki Conqueror Class
BFWiki Hero Class
Base 5,940 2,200 2,090 2,270
Lord 7,770 2,750 2,620 2,860
Anima 8,888 2,750 2,620 2,562
Breaker 7,770 3,048 2,322 2,860
Guardian 7,770 2,750 2,918 2,711
Oracle 7,770 2,750 2,471 3,307
Rex 9,633 2,974 2,844 3,084
Final, in-game stats may differ slightly
Unit Types also provide special passive bonuses. For more information, see this page.
Max Imp Unit ills thum 40432 1,250
Unit ills thum 10452 460
Unit ills thum 20442 460
Unit ills thum 30432 820
Omni+1 Unit ills thum 40432 1,400
Unit ills thum 10452 520
Unit ills thum 20442 520
Unit ills thum 30432 880
Omni+2 Unit ills thum 40432 1,700
Unit ills thum 10452 640
Unit ills thum 20442 640
Unit ills thum 30432 1,000
Omni+3 Unit ills thum 40432 2,150
Unit ills thum 10452 820
Unit ills thum 20442 820
Unit ills thum 30432 1,180
Note: Omni+ Boost stats are only available in the Global version of Brave Frontier.
Miscellaneous Info
Normal 6-Hit Combo 42Icon dc (7Icon dc/hit)
Hit Count
Drop Check
Damage Modifier
BB 11 (AOE) 11Icon dc(1Icon dc) 370% 28 BC Battle crystal icon
SBB 12 (AOE)
5 (ST)
12Icon dc(1Icon dc) (AOE)
5Icon dc(1Icon dc) (ST)
580% (AOE)
600% (ST)
27 BC Battle crystal icon
(55Battle crystal icon total)
UBB 21 (AOE) 21Icon dc(1Icon dc) 1500% 30 BC Battle crystal icon
Leader Skill: Marionette
40% boost to Def, Rec, max HP, negates all status ailments, restores HP each turn & HC collected boosts BB gauge once
Effect Values
Passive Effect Potency
Stat up icon Parameter Boost 40% boost to HP, 40% boost to Def and 40% boost to Rec
Statusnull poison Status Negation Negates all status ailments
Gradual heal Gradual Healing Heals 800~1000 + 10% Rec of HP each turn
Bb over time BC Fill after receiving HC Boosts BB gauge by 4 BC when 1 or more HC is collected
Extra Skill: Match Made in Heaven
Negates all status ailments & probable 15% damage reduction
Effect Values
Passive Effect Potency Target
Statusnull poison Status Negation Negates all status ailments To self
Regular mitigation Chance Mitigation 10% chance of reducing damage taken by 15% To self
Brave Burst: Genoverse
11 combo Light attack on all foes, greatly restores HP & considerably boosts BC, HC drop rate for 3 turns
Buff Values
Active Effect Potency Buff Duration Target
Aoe norms Regular Damage 370% damage modifier All enemies
Gradual heal Burst Healing Heals 3100~3400 + 22% Rec of HP instantly All allies
Item rate up Drop Rate Boost Boosts BC drop rate by 30% and HC drop rate by 30% 3 turns All allies
Super BB: Judge Better Half
12 combo powerful Light attack on all foes, 5 combo powerful Light attack on single foe, greatly restores HP & greatly restores HP for 3 turns
Buff Values
Active Effect Potency Buff Duration Target
Aoe norms Regular Damage 580% damage modifier All enemies
Aoe norms Regular Damage 600% damage modifier Single enemy
Gradual heal Burst Healing Heals 3200~3500 + 22% Rec of HP instantly All allies
Gradual heal Gradual Healing Heals 2500~3000 + 15% Rec of HP each turn 3 turns All allies
Ultimate BB: Magnum Wedding
21 combo massive Light attack on all foes, enormous 2 turn Atk reduction, fully restores HP for 3 turns & damage taken enormously restores HP for 3 turns
Buff Values
Active Effect Potency Buff Duration Target
Aoe norms Regular Damage 1500% damage modifier All enemies
Gradual heal Gradual Healing Heals 98999~99999 + 10% Rec of HP each turn 3 turns All allies
Heal when hit Heal when attacked 100% chance of recovering 100% of damage taken as HP 3 turns All allies
Stat down icon Parameter Reduction 100% chance of reducing 80% Atk 2 turns All enemies
Hidden buff value(s) is/are based on unit's max levelled BB/SBB (10).
Value(s) may be lower if the level is not at max.
SP Enhancements
Category Option SP
Skill Description
Parameter Boost A 20 20% boost to Rec, max HP
B 10 Boosts Rec when HP is below 50%
Boosts Rec by 50%
Damage Reduction C 20 Negates elemental damage
Special D 30 Enhances SBB's greatly restores HP each turn effect
+1000 HP & +10% Rec, 3500~4000 + 25% of healer's Rec total
E 30 Enhances BB/SBB's greatly restores HP effect
+1000 HP & +10% Rec, 4100~4400 + 32.5% of healer's Rec total on BB, 4200~4500 + 32.5% of healer's Rec total on SBB
F 30 Adds status ailment removal effect to BB/SBB
G 40 Adds probable slight HP restoration when attacked for 3 turns effect to BB/SBB
25% chance to recover 20~25% of damage taken
List of Recommended Builds
Animation Frame Data
Move Idle Attack
32 104 179
Movement Speed/Type
Normal Attack Skill (BB/SBB/UBB)
Move Speed 0.0033 0.0033
Speed Type 3 3
Move Type Moving Moving
Normal Attack
Frames 63, 67, 71, 75, 79, 83
Distribution (%) 25, 20, 16, 14, 13, 12
Brave Burst
Frames 63, 67, 71, 75, 79, 83, 87, 91, 95, 99, 103
Distribution (%) 20, 13, 6, 11, 8, 7, 5, 8, 10, 5, 7
Total Distribution: 100%
Effect Delay 2
Super Brave Burst
Frames (AOE) 63, 69, 75, 81, 87, 93, 99, 105, 111, 117, 123, 129
Distribution (%) 18, 12, 6, 11, 8, 4, 8, 5, 4, 8, 10, 6
Total Distribution: 100%
Effect Delay 2
Frames (ST) 135, 140, 145, 150, 155
Distribution (%) 34, 11, 22, 11, 22
Total Distribution: 100%
Effect Delay 0
Ultimate Brave Burst
Frames 63, 66, 69, 72, 75, 78, 81, 84, 87, 90, 93, 96, 99, 102, 105, 108, 111, 114, 117, 120, 123
Distribution (%) 14, 8, 6, 3, 7, 6, 3, 4, 4, 3, 3, 5, 4, 3, 6, 3, 3, 4, 3, 3, 5
Total Distribution: 100%
Effect Delay 1
How to Obtain
  • Guilty Gear Community Milestone Event
  • Exchange Hall Free Giveaway (Special Event Only)
Unit Quotes
Summon This is my Virgin Road!
I'm not much good at anything, but please be kind to me!
Fusion May my love strike true!
I've still got another love dart!
Unit Lore
A young woman clad in a dress, given to a violent style of fighting with her guns. She was created as one of the 'Valentines,' living weapons which were created for the purpose of eradicating humanity. However, she decided to side with humanity having gained self-awareness. She loves nature and animals, having also a caring heart which cannot ignore lonely individuals. She is also very optimistic, believing that any problem can be overcome as long as one takes action. However, these feelings also give rise to an extraordinary passion within her to wed.
Event Bazaar Bonus Tokens
Token Dungeon Bonus
Guilty Gear Token The Magnum Wedding 10 Event token 0001 item icon