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Zaraki Division's Secret Story! The Lucky Men
Kanji 更木隊秘話!ツイている男たち
Romanji Zaraki tai hiwa! Tsuite iru otokotachi
Episode Number 119
Manga Chapters Chapter 206 (pages 1-16)
Arc The Arrancar arc
Previous Episode Ikkaku's Bankai! The Power that Breaks Everything
Next Episode Hitsugaya Scatters! The Broken Hyōrinmaru
Japanese March 21, 2007
English May 23, 2009
Theme Music
Opening Rolling Star
Ending Sakura Biyori
Episode 119 Screenshots

Zaraki Division's Secret Story! The Lucky Men is the one hundred and nineteenth episode of the Bleach anime.

11th Division 3rd Seat Ikkaku Madarame recalls his history with his captain, Kenpachi Zaraki, and his old friend, 6th Division Lieutenant Renji Abarai.



Ikkaku Madarame returns to the Rukongai after winning another fight.

In the past, as Ikkaku Madarame walks down a street in the Rukongai and glares at the nervous villagers around him with his sheathed sword held over his shoulders, Yumichika Ayasegawa asks him if he killed someone again and observes that there will soon not be anyone left for him to fight while joining him on his walk, prompting Ikkaku to assert that they will simply move to the next area and find more opponents in response.


Ikkaku viciously punches and beats down a thug for attacking him.

Smiling at this, Yumichika suggests that Ikkaku wipe his dirty face since the grime is not very beautiful. After wiping his face, Ikkaku notes that he was filled with impatience, a short temper, and irritability at the time. Some time later, Yumichika sits by as three thugs rush toward Ikkaku. When one of the thugs punches him in the face and grins, Ikkaku withstands the punch and muses that he does not belong in Soul Society or anywhere else prior to knocking the thug down with a punch of his own and gleefully brutalizing the man with several more strikes to the head, to the terror of his comrades, while concluding that only battles and pain feel real to him.


Ikkaku finds Yachiru Kusajishi drawing in an alleyway.

Later that day, with the sun beginning to set, Ikkaku enters another area of the Rukongai with Yumichika and demands to know if there is anyone strong for him to fight there, only for the villagers to look away from him as they huddle outside the surrounding buildings with cloaks on. With Ikkaku questioning if there is even someone who just wants to die, he hears a giggle nearby and rushes off to find its source, but is shocked to find Yachiru Kusajishi drawing on the floor in an alleyway. Upon being warned by Yachiru to run away since Kenpachi Zaraki is in high spirits and will beat him up because of it, a smiling Ikkaku questions what this is supposed to mean.


Kenpachi Zaraki confronts Ikkaku when he threatens Yachiru.

However, Yachiru clarifies that Kenpachi cannot hold back when he is feeling happy since he is having so much fun, and when an annoyed Ikkaku brandishes his sheathed sword in turn, Kenpachi stands up behind Yachiru and warns Ikkaku to not lay a hand on her while his cloak falls off to reveal his body prior to being shredded by a burst of his Reiatsu. Sweating profusely at this, Ikkaku responds to Kenpachi inquiring if he is not going to run away by leaping back and declaring that he is in high spirits as well. As he watches this alongside the concerned local villagers, Yumichika addresses Ikkaku, who instructs him to not help and draws his sword from its scabbard.


Ikkaku is shocked by Kenpachi's sheer strength.

After Ikkaku observes Kenpachi seems strong and promises he is as well, Kenpachi expresses anticipation for their fight and rushes forward while slashing downward with his Zanpakutō, forcing Ikkaku to block with his sword and its scabbard as the ground craters beneath their feet. While Yumichika and the villagers watch this in shock, Ikkaku strains to continue holding Kenpachi back due to how heavy his strike was, only for a grinning Kenpachi to begin rapidly slashing down onto Ikkaku's block and embedding his feet further into the dirt, leaving Ikkaku astonished at his rapid attack speed complementing his strength before leaping back to avoid Kenpachi's last blow.


Kenpachi is pleased by Ikkaku's enjoyment of their fight.

A heavily panting Ikkaku discovers that blood is trickling down his face from a scratch on his forehead and licks some off when it nears his mouth as he notes that this is a first. Explaining to a confused Kenpachi that he has not had this much fun ever since he came to Soul Society, Ikkaku jumps high into the air and comes down onto Kenpachi with a spinning slash, only for the latter to casually block it with his Zanpakutō and congratulate him for this. Forced back by Kenpachi, Ikkaku flips onto the ground with another slash that Kenpachi blocks prior to clashing with him several more times while the two of them smile ferociously and the onlookers watch in fright.


Kenpachi finishes his fight against Ikkaku.

With Ikkaku having a strike deflected by Kenpachi, receiving a light slash to the back as he repositions himself, and continuing to cross blades with Kenpachi, Yumichika is left unnerved by his inability to see most of their attacks as Yachiru expresses delight at Kenpachi enjoying himself so much. Despite this, Yachiru sadly notes the fight will be over soon, to Yumichika's surprise, and Ikkaku separates from Kenpachi to stand several feet back with him with multiple cuts across his body. After observing this has been fun and it has been a while since he enjoyed himself, Kenpachi rushes forward and performs a horizontal slash that cuts Ikkaku's sword in two.


Kenpachi berates Ikkaku for begging for death.

In the aftermath, while dusk approaches, an incapacitated Ikkaku tells Kenpachi to wait, and when the latter turns with Yachiru on his shoulder and notes he is still alive, Ikkaku demands Kenpachi kill him since he has lost. However, Kenpachi claims he has no interest in those who can no longer fight and it is not his job to end Ikkaku's suffering. In response to Ikkaku continuing to insist he deliver the finishing blow, Kenpachi grabs Ikkaku by the collar and berates Ikkaku for begging for death when he loves fighting so much before instructing Ikkaku to never admit defeat until he is dead and to consider himself very lucky if he is still alive after losing a battle.


Kenpachi introduces himself to Ikkaku as he leaves.

After pointing out how Ikkaku would be thinking of ways to stay alive right now if he was smart and concluding that Ikkaku should dedicate himself to killing the one who left him alive with Yumichika watching nearby, Kenpachi admits that he was not holding back when he fought Ikkaku and that his luck saved him as he lets go of Ikkaku and bids him farewell. When a stunned Ikkaku asks for his name, Kenpachi looks back and confidently declares it, leaving Ikkaku to repeat it to himself as Kenpachi disappears into the darkness. Once his wounds heal, Ikkaku proceeds to search all over the Rukongai for Kenpachi so he can fight the latter once more, but is unable to locate him.


Ikkaku learns Kenpachi became the 11th Division captain.

Days later, a bandaged Ikkaku eats rice from a bowl in a room, where Yumichika joins him and inquires about how he is feeling. Affirming that he is alright and drinking tea with satisfaction, Ikkaku questions what Yumichika came to tell him today, prompting Yumichika to reveal that Kenpachi has joined the Gotei 13 as the captain of the Eleventh Division by defeating the former captain. With Captain-Commander Genryūsai Shigekuni Yamamoto addressing a group of new Shinigami and instructing them to be aware of their duties as they join their divisions, Yumichika observes that being a captain is probably the best way for Kenpachi to fight as much as he likes.


Ikkaku decides to track down Kenpachi with Yumichika.

Ikkaku scoffs at the idea of someone like Kenpachi wanting to protect this disgusting world and grabs his sword as he gets up from his bed. With Yumichika smiling and assuming he wants to look into it, Ikkaku confirms this and vows to track down Kenpachi anywhere he goes even if he is in Hell prior to removing his head bandage and leaving the room with Yumichika. Meanwhile, at the Eleventh Division barracks, Yachiru peers through the window at the Shinigami nervously assembled inside and muses on this being what they can expect. When one of the Shinigami notices her and tries to shoo her away, Yachiru leaps through the window in her own shihakushō.


Kenpachi introduces himself to his new subordinates.

After introducing herself as the lieutenant of these Shinigami, to their surprise, Yachiru runs over to the doors at the end of the room and calls out to Kenpachi, who throws them open and sternly looks around the room at the intimidated Shinigami. As Yachiru hops onto his shoulder, Kenpachi walks past the Shinigami and identifies himself as their captain while detailing how he does not care about their personal lives or viewpoints because he only wants them to display strength. Suddenly, Ikkaku voices his agreement with this and steps forward from the opposite side of the room as he proclaims he has come just as Kenpachi told him to, which Kenpachi grins at.


Kenpachi cuts the large Hollow's body to pieces.

Some time later, a massive snake-like Hollow with multiple large tails rampages on the outskirts of the Rukongai and sends two Shinigami flying with its thrashing body when they try to attack it. When Yachiru runs over to a nearby cliff in excitement, Yumichika catches up to and restrains her while warning Yachiru to not underestimate the Hollow since it has already killed fifteen Shinigami, but when Ikkaku decides to attack, Kenpachi stops him and orders that the Shinigami who went in first be pulled out so they do not get in the way before leaping forward and severing seven tails in order to reach the Hollow's head, slash diagonally through its neck, and cut its body to pieces.


Ikkaku and Yumichika join Kenpachi on the battlefield.

Despite this, with Yachiru cheering on his victory and Kenpachi wiping the blood off his blade, multiple identical Hollows emerge from the cloud of dust behind him and begin roaring, which leads Ikkaku to state that this is bad and grin at Yumichika. Though Kenpachi smiles at the prospect of taking on the new Hollows since he was feeling unsatisfied, Ikkaku and Yumichika appear before him and chastise Kenpachi for this since he is trying to keep all the fun for himself. While Kenpachi demands to know why they have not fallen back like he instructed them to, Yachiru pops up on his shoulder and informs Kenpachi that this is now a contest to see who can cut off the most tails.


Ikkaku meets Renji Abarai for the first time.

After pondering this for a few seconds, Kenpachi agrees to let Ikkaku and Yumichika join him, only to promise to cut them up first if they get in his way, and the three of them rush forward to attack the Hollows. Many years later, during a walk through the Eleventh Division barracks where he returns a greeting from two of his subordinates, Ikkaku is confused to find Renji Abarai bowing before him. Once Renji introduces himself, Ikkaku recognizes him as the Shinigami who joined the Fifth Division under Captain Sōsuke Aizen and was put in a punishment cell on his first day after getting into a massive brawl with his teammates almost immediately.


Ikkaku spars with Renji in a mountain clearing.

Upon being asked why he is here, Renji requests that Ikkaku teach him how to fight, startling the latter. Soon afterward, Ikkaku begins sparring with Renji in a mountain clearing and separates from their blade lock prior to performing several slashes that Renji narrowly blocks and rapidly thrusting his Zanpakutō forward to cut Renji ten times, eventually disarming the latter of his Zanpakutō. With a panting Renji lying on the ground and propping himself up with his arms, Ikkaku points his Zanpakutō at Renji's chest and asserts that the latter would have died ten times by now, but Renji simply expresses a desire to spar once more, which Ikkaku is impressed by.


Ikkaku and Renji prepare to clash with their Shikai.

During their second spar, Ikkaku swiftly overwhelms Renji and sends him crashing into a large rock prior to sitting down while Renji collapses. When Ikkaku questions why he wants to become strong, Renji reveals that there is someone he wants to surpass, which Ikkaku grins at. Days later, at night, Ikkaku and Renji face each other and hold their respective Shikai, Hōzukimaru and Zabimaru, as they begin glowing with yellow and red Reiatsu, respectively. When the two of them clash fiercely with their Shikai, the nearby mountain is ruptured in several areas by the force of their attacks and ultimately collapses around them in a cloud of dust and dirt.


Ikkaku concludes his Zanjutsu training with Renji.

However, in the clearing dust, Ikkaku informs Renji that this will be their last day of training because he no longer has anything to teach Renji and wants him to figure the rest out on his own so people do not consider him to be a copy of Ikkaku. After reluctantly returning his Zanpakutō to its sealed state, Renji requests to see Ikkaku's Bankai, which he knows the latter has, and wonders if he is intentionally hiding it, prompting Ikkaku to attribute this to his personal style. Despite an incredulous Renji calling this foolish, Ikkaku explains that he is also chasing someone and is desperate about it as he returns his own Zanpakutō to its sealed state.


Ikkaku explains the importance of introductions to Renji.

Ikkaku introduces himself to Renji and warns him that their next fight will be to the death and Renji's last battle since telling one's name to someone they plan to defeat is a sign of respect, with someone who knows they are going to die in battle deserving to at least know who defeated them before they die. Stunned by this, Renji bows and wholeheartedly thanks a departing Ikkaku. Following Aizen's defection from Soul Society with the aid of the Menos Grande, the unseated Shinigami are left discussing his betrayal and his alliance with the Hollows as an uninterested Ikkaku walks through the Seireitei and is met by Renji in a deserted street.


Ikkaku refuses to become a captain.

When Ikkaku turns down his request and tells him to find someone else while walking away, a startled Renji runs after him and claims it has to be Ikkaku because none of the other lieutenants can perform Bankai and he would not ask them even if they could, making Ikkaku the only choice to fill the void Aizen left by becoming the next captain. Despite this, Ikkaku simply reminds Renji he has no intention of telling anyone other than him and Yumichika he can perform Bankai due to such a revelation ultimately resulting in more people like Renji begging him to become a captain, though Renji asserts this does not matter because they need to find a new captain right now.


Ikkaku stands behind Edrad Liones following their clash.

However, Ikkaku denies that this is the time for it and clarifies that he does not want to become a captain since it would prevent him from fighting under Kenpachi. With Ikkaku revealing that his dream is to fight and die under Kenpachi like Renji's dream is to surpass Byakuya Kuchiki and ordering him to never ask this again, Renji bows understandingly. In the present, in the air above Karakura Town, the broken guandao blade of Ikkaku's Bankai, Ryūmon Hōzukimaru, falls out of a cloud of smoke and embeds itself in the ground below, leaving Ikkaku holding the shattered handle and cursing as he coughs up blood and falls to the ground below as well.


Edrad admits that he is glad Ikkaku introduced himself.

Behind Ikkaku, Edrad Liones notes that he is glad to have learned Ikkaku's name due to his right arm and a large chunk of his torso having been destroyed by Ikkaku's final attack prior to coughing up blood while he falls to the ground below in turn. With Edrad's body creating a huge explosion of force on impact several blocks away from him, Ikkaku lies on the ground and clutches the broken handle of the guandao. Ikkaku drags himself along the ground, leaving a trail of blood behind him, and is met by Yumichika, who smiles and asserts that he knew Ikkaku would still be alive as Ikkaku affirms this and observes that he was luckier than Yumichika could imagine today.

Shinigami Illustrated Picture Book[]


Kon takes control of Hanatarō Yamada's Gigai.

While hosting his radio show, Kon declares that he is finally going to put his plan into action, and when 4th Division 7th Seat Hanatarō Yamada opens the door to the recording studio and inquires about what this is, Kon kicks him hard in the face to knock Hanatarō out and take control of his Gigai by removing his own Gikongan with a special pad and causing it to bounce into Hanatarō's mouth, where he proclaims that his erotic conquest of Soul Society will begin in the next episode now that he has access to Hanatarō's face to attract women with.

Characters in Order of Appearance[]


Powers and Techniques Used[]

Hollow Techniques:

  • Negación (反膜 (ネガシオン), Negashion; Spanish for "Negation", Japanese for "Counter-Membrane") (flashback)

Zanpakutō released:



Resurrección released:

  • Volcánica (火山獣 (ボルカニカ), Vorukanika; Spanish for "Volcanic" and Japanese for "Volcanic Beast")


Timestamp Track Listing
01:30 Bleach OST 3 - 17 - Soundscape to Ardor
03:53 No Official Release
04:53 Bleach OST 2 - 02 - Emergence of the Haunted
07:19 No Official Release
09:15 No Official Release
09:47 Bleach: Memories of Nobody OST - 10 - Blast!
11:20 Bleach OST 1 - 18 - Battle Ignition
12:49 No Official Release
13:15 Bleach 5th Anniversary Box CD 1 - 08 - BL_60
14:35 No Official Release
15:41 Bleach OST 2 - 20 - Torn Apart
19:16 Bleach 5th Anniversary Box CD 1 - 12 - BL_16 (Destiny Awaits - Other Version)

Anime Notes[]

  • Ikkaku fighting off three thugs in the Rukongai and musing on how all he felt at this point in his life was irritation and impatience.
  • Ikkaku looking for an opponent in the Rukongai and inadvertently encountering Kenpachi Zaraki, who overwhelms him with superior speed and power and repeatedly wounds Ikkaku during their ensuing battle.
  • Ikkaku musing on Kenpachi's name and his inability to find the latter when searching for him after their duel until Yumichika Ayasegawa informs him of Kenpachi becoming the new captain of the Eleventh Division of the Gotei 13, which prompts them to pursue him.
  • Genryūsai Shigekuni Yamamoto overseeing the introduction of new Shinigami to the Gotei 13.
  • Kenpachi and Yachiru meeting their new subordinates and reuniting with Ikkaku, whose actions of joining the Gotei 13 to serve under him please Kenpachi.
  • Kenpachi slaughtering a Hollow and being joined in the fight by Ikkaku and Yumichika when more identical Hollows appear.
  • Renji tracking down Ikkaku and requesting that the latter train him in Zanjutsu, which leads Ikkaku to spar with him several times until he feels that he cannot teach Renji any more without the latter becoming a copy of him, at which point he explains his stance on introducing oneself to an enemy so they can die knowing the name of the one who killed them and leaves.
  • A flashback to Sōsuke Aizen's defection from Soul Society with the aid of the Menos Grande.
  • Ikkaku walking past several Shinigami discussing Aizen's betrayal and alliance with the Hollows.
  • A flashback to Ikkaku using Ryūmon Hōzukimaru in his battle against Edrad Liones.
  • Renji insisting that now is the time for Ikkaku to pursue becoming a captain since they need one and Ikkaku countering that there is no time for this.
  • Flashbacks to Kenpachi displaying his power during his battle against Ichigo Kurosaki.

  • 206Ikkaku demands

    Ikkaku's injuries following his defeat by Kenpachi as depicted in the manga.

    • Following his defeat at the hands of Kenpachi, Ikkaku is far less injured and bloody, with a much smaller pool of blood coating the ground beneath him.
    • Blood does not spurt from Ikkaku's injuries when Kenpachi lets go of his collar.
    • Ikkaku is covered in much less blood and does not cough up any blood prior to falling out of the air.
    • Edrad's fatal torso wound is not bleeding or spattered in blood.
    • Edrad coughs up much less blood when he dies.
    • Ikkaku does not leave a trail of blood on the ground when he pulls himself along it.

  • In the manga, Ikkaku's fight with Kenpachi takes place in a rocky, desert-like area of Soul Society; here, it instead takes place in the Rukongai.
  • In the manga, Ikkaku informs Renji that he has a Bankai during his training of the latter; here, Renji instead deduces this on his own.
  • In the manga, Edrad's eyes roll back into his head when he coughs up blood and falls out of the air; here, they instead remain focused.

  • Navigation[]

    Previous Next
    Ikkaku's Bankai! The Power that Breaks Everything Hitsugaya Scatters! The Broken Hyōrinmaru