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This is Ginhikari's workspace for the Bleach Wiki:Revelations Project. Please do not edit this. If you wish to leave a suggestion, put it in the talk page.



Bleach manga; Chapter 34: Quincy Archer Hates You[]

  • Page 16: First appearance of a traditional Quincy garb.
  • Page 17: First appearance of a Quincy cross.
  • Page 18: First appearance of a Quincy Spirit Weapon.
  • Page 21: First mention of the term Quincy.

Bleach manga; Chapter 36: 我ら、報復の為に死に至りて[]

  • Pages 12-14: The Quincy are revealed to have been exterminated 200 years earlier.
  • Page 12: It is revealed that the Quincy were once scattered all over the world.
  • Page 13: The Quincy are revealed to completely destroy Hollows instead of cleansing them.


Bleach manga; Chapter 480: The Blood Warfare[]

  • Pages 1-3: There is revealed to be someone who is mass-exterminating Hollows.
  • Page 10: First appearance of a member of the Wandenreich.

Bleach manga; Chapter 481: The Tearing[]

  • Pages 15-16: First clear appearance of a member of the Wandenreich.
  • Pages 16-17: A member of the Wandenreich is shown to be an Arrancar.

Bleach manga; Chapter 482: Bad Recognition[]

  • Pages 8-9: It is revealed that members of the Wandenreich use Quincy Crosses and Spirit Weapons.
  • Pages 15-17: Members of the Wandenreich are revealed to somehow be able to get inside Seireitei.
  • Pages 15-17: The Wandenreich is revealed to have some grudge against Soul Society and want their destruction.

Bleach manga; Chapter 483: Kriegserklärung[]

  • Pages 9-15: Members of the Wandenreich are revealed to be able to do something to Bankai.
  • Page 18: The name Wandenreich is revealed.

Bleach manga; Chapter 484: The Buckbeard[]

  • Pages 3-4 and 10-11: The Wandenreich is revealed to be able to transport themselves using shadows.
  • Pages 12-13: The Wandenreich’s headquarters are shown.
  • Pages 16-17: The Wandenreich’s emperor, Yhwach, appears for the first time.

Bleach manga; Chapter 485: Foundation Stones[]

  • Pages 11 & 15-17: The Wandenreich is revealed to have conquered Hueco Mundo.
  • Page 15: The Wandenreich is revealed to be composed of mainly non-Arrancar.

Bleach manga; Chapter 486: The Crimson Cremation[]

  • Page 10: The Wandenreich is revealed to have abducted Arrancar to use them as soldiers.
  • Page 16: The Wandenreich is revealed to have a military branch called the Jagdarmee which is in charge of capturing Arrancar in Hueco Mundo.

Bleach manga; Chapter 488: Bond Behind Blast[]

  • Page 11: The Wandenreich is revealed to be an empire of Quincy.

Bleach manga; Chapter 489: March of the StarCross[]

  • Page 12: The Wandenreich is revealed to have some a communications unit which maintains contact between the headquarters and Hueco Mundo.
  • Page 13: The Wandenreich is revealed to have a military branch called the Sternritter.

Bleach manga; Chapter 490: MARCH OF THE STARCROSS 2[]

  • Page 1: The Wandenreich is revealed to have designated five people as “Special War Potentials”.
  • Page 1: It is revealed that the Wandenreich has some means of transport called the Gate of the Sun which allows travel to Soul Society.

Bleach manga; Chapter 495: BLEEDING GUITAR BLUES[]

  • Pages 4, 8 & 11: Certain members of the Wandenreich are revealed to have been assigned letters.

Bleach manga; Chapter 496: KILL THE SHADOW[]

  • Page 17: The Wandenreich medallions are revealed to be capable of stealing Bankai.

Bleach manga; Chapter 499: RESCUER IN THE DARK[]

  • Page 4: The Wandenreich is revealed to be strong enough to slaughter thousands of Shinigami in a matter of minutes.
  • Pages 12-18: Certain members of the Wandenreich are revealed to possess unique powers.

Bleach manga; Chapter 500: Rescuer in the Deep Dark[]

  • Page 15: The letters some members are assigned are revealed to be representative of their unique powers.

Bleach manga; Chapter 511: 立ちて死すべし[]

  • Pages 14-15: The Wandenreich is revealed to have a large military force called the Soldat.

Bleach manga; Chapter 514: BORN IN THE DARK[]

  • Page 12: The Wandenreich’s domain is revealed to be called Schatten Bereich.

Bleach manga; Chapter 546: THE LAST 9DAYS[]

  • Pages 9-12: It is revealed that the Wandenreich can replace Seireitei with their own city.

Bleach manga; Chapter 547: Peace from Shadows[]

  • Page 9: It is revealed that the Wandenreich was founded a thousand years ago by the Quincy survivors from the Quincy-Shinigami war.
  • Pages 9-10: It is revealed that the Wandenreich’s headquarters was created from the excess Reishi in Seireitei’s shadows and has existed within the shadows since.

Bleach manga; Chapter 559: THE NIGHT RIGHT[]

  • Page 6: The Wandenreich’s palace is revealed to be called Silbern.

Bleach manga; Chapter 565: God Like Me[]

  • Page 9: It is revealed that the Sternritter Grandmaster Jugram Haschwalth takes over as ruler when emperor Yhwach is asleep.


Bleach manga; Chapter 484: The Buckbeard[]

  • Pages 16-17: Yhwach's first appearance.
  • Pages 15-17: Yhwach states that he dislikes conflict and shows that he is brutal enough to cut off one of his subordinates' arms just to stop it.

Bleach manga; Chapter 485: Foundation Stones[]

  • Page 14: Yhwach shows his brutal personality and utter contempt for Arrancar through mercilessly killing two of his Arrancar subordinates once they had fulfilled the missions he gave them.

Bleach manga; Chapter 489: March of the StarCross[]

  • Pages 16-17: It is revealed that Captain-Commander Yamamoto tried to kill him a thousand years ago, but failed to do so.

Bleach manga; Chapter 505: The Fire[]

  • Page 18: Yhwach's name is revealed.

Bleach manga; Chapter 506: The Fire2[]

  • Pages 13-14: The form of Yhwach's Spirit Weapon is first revealed.

Bleach manga; Chapter 507: The Fire3[]

  • Page 2: It is revealed that when Yamamoto tried to kill Yhwach a thousand years earlier, Yhwach witnessed Yamamoto's Bankai, Zanka no Tachi.

Bleach manga; Chapter 510: The Extinction[]

  • Page 11: Yhwach is revealed to possess a medallion that he can use to steal a Shinigami's Bankai.
  • Page 14: Yhwach is revealed to be capable of manifesting a broadsword made of Reishi.

Bleach manga; Chapter 511: 立ちて死すべし[]

  • Pages 11-12: Yhwach is shown to be capable of firing countless Heilig Pfeil from his finger.

Bleach manga; Chapter 513: The Dark Moon Stroke[]

  • Pages 11-12: Yhwach's Blut is shown to be strong enough for him to be completely unaffected by a Getsuga Tenshō from Ichigo Kurosaki's Bankai.
  • Pages 12-14: Yhwach is shown to be a capable hand-to-hand combatant and swordsman who can easily subdue an opponent of considerable strength.

Bleach manga; Chapter 514: BORN IN THE DARK[]

  • Pages 11-12: It is shown that Yhwach can only be outside of Schatten Bereich for a limited time.

Bleach manga; Chapter 537: Everything But the Rain op.10 "Prinz von Licht"[]

  • Page 7: It is revealed that Yhwach performed Auswählen 9 years ago in order to steal the powers of all Quincy he considered impure and thereby restore his own powers.
  • Pages 7-8: It is revealed that Yhwach is spoken about in Quincy folklore as "The Sealed King" who would regain his heart over 900 years, his intellect over 90 years and his powers over 9 years.

Bleach manga; Chapter 540: THE SWORD FIVE[]

  • Page 17: Yhwach's appearance from a thousand years ago is revealed.

Bleach manga; Chapter 543: Letters[]

  • Page 16: Yhwach's designation "A" is revealed.

Bleach manga; Chapter 546: THE LAST 9DAYS[]

  • Page 14: It is revealed that the Quincy folklore about Yhwach is called the Kaiser Gesang and that there is an additional verse which states that the sealed king will regain the world over 9 days.

Bleach manga; Chapter 559: THE NIGHT RIGHT[]

  • Page 10: Yhwach is shown to be merciless against other Quincy as well.

Bleach manga; Chapter 565: God Like Me[]

  • Page 1: It is revealed that Yhwach could not use any of his senses when he was born, yet he did not have any fear because he knew he could survive.
  • Page 2: It is revealed that when he was a baby he was treated like a treasure by those around him because of his special ability.
  • Page 2: Yhwach's special ability to distribute his own soul is revealed.
  • Pages 2-3: It is revealed that when people who has absorbed part of his soul dies, their powers become part of him and makes him stronger and heals him.
  • Page 3: It is revealed that anyone who was healed by his powers died soon afterwards.
  • Page 3: It is revealed that Yhwach managed to gain his senses through the power of those who died and had absorbed part of his soul.
  • Pages 3-4: It is revealed that Yhwach named himself after the God his people worshipped.
  • Page 4: Yhwach's appearance as a child is shown.
  • Page 8: It is revealed that when he sleeps he becomes "father of the Quincy" again and his power is restored.
  • Page 11: It is revealed that Yhwach can carve an initial of a power into someone's soul to share a stronger part of his soul with them.
  • Page 12: It is revealed that he can carve an initial into someone's soul through having them take in a part of him, such as his blood.
  • Page 14: It is revealed that if someone is killed by someone who has had an initial carved into their soul by Yhwach, their soul is also offered to Yhwach.
  • Page 15: It is revealed that Yhwach will revert back to the state he was in when he was born if he does not continue absorbing souls.

Uryū Ishida[]

Bleach manga; Chapter 29: Stop that stupid!![]

  • Page 5: Uryū's first appearance.

Bleach manga; Chapter 33: ROCKIN' FUTURE 7[]

  • Pages 17-18: Uryū's first clear appearance.

Bleach manga; Chapter 34: Quincy Archer Hates You[]

  • Page 7: Uryū’s name is first shown.
  • Page 7: Uryū is revealed to be intelligent enough to get top grades.
  • Pages 16-21: Uryū is properly introduced.
  • Page 16-17: Uryū reveals that he is aware of Hollows and Shinigami.
  • Pages 17-20: Uryū shows that he can manifest some sort of spiritual bow that he can use to shoot Hollows, even from a considerable distance.
  • Page 21: Uryū’s name is revealed.
  • Page 21: Uryū reveals that he is a Quincy.
  • Page 21: Uryū states that he hates Shinigami.

Bleach manga; Chapter 35: Can You Be My Enemy?[]

  • Page 10: Orihime Inoue states that Uryū doesn’t talk very much.
  • Page 10: Uryū is revealed to be a member of the Karakura High School’s handicrafts club.
  • Pages 11-12: Uryū is shown to be quite skilled at sewing.

Bleach manga; Chapter 36: 我ら、報復の為に死に至りて[]

  • Page 18: Uryū is shown to possess bait that can lure Hollows to a certain area.
  • Pages 18-19: Uryū is shown to be ready to risk the life of all the people of Karakura just to prove himself superior to Ichigo Kurosaki.
  • Page 19: Uryū is shown to be confident that he can single-handedly take on several Hollows.

Bleach manga; Chapter 44: Awaken[to the Threat][]

  • Page 10-11: Uryū is revealed to have had a now deceased master who he wants to avenge.

Jugram Haschwalth[]

Bleach manga; Chapter 486: The Crimson Cremation[]

  • Page 14: Haschwalth's first unmasked appearance.

Bleach manga; Chapter 490: MARCH OF THE STARCROSS 2[]

  • Page 2: Haschwalth is revealed to be a member of the Sternritter.

Bleach manga; Chapter 496: KILL THE SHADOW[]

  • Pages 1-2: Haschwalth is shown to not be interested in killing the lower ranked Shinigami.

Bleach manga; Chapter 511: 立ちて死すべし[]

  • Page 7: Haschwalth's surname is revealed.

Bleach manga; Chapter 514: BORN IN THE DARK[]

  • Page 16: Haschwalth's Spirit Weapon is first seen.

Bleach manga; Chapter 543: Letters[]

  • Page 10: Haschwalth's full name is revealed.
  • Page 10: Haschwalth's designation "B" is revealed.

Bleach manga; Chapter 544: Walking With Watchers[]

  • Pages 12-14: Haschwalth is shown to be intelligent enough to see Yhwach's true intentions in proclaiming who his successor would be.

Bleach manga; Chapter 547: Peace from Shadows[]

  • Page 12: Haschwalth's position as the Sternritter Grandmaster and the advisor to Yhwach is revealed.

Bleach manga; Chapter 559: THE NIGHT RIGHT[]

  • Pages 11-15: Haschwalth is shown to have some ability connected with balance and luck.

Bleach manga; Chapter 565: God Like Me[]

  • Page 9: It is revealed that Haschwalth takes over as ruler when emperor Yhwach is asleep.

Askin Nakk Le Vaar[]

Bleach manga; Chapter 494: THE CLOSING CHAPTER PART ONE[]

  • Page 16: Askin's first appearance.

Bleach manga; Chapter 543: Letters[]

  • Page 13: Askin's first clear appearance.
  • Page 14: Askin's name is revealed.
  • Page 14: Askin's designation "D" is revealed.

Bambietta Basterbine[]

Bleach manga; Chapter 490: MARCH OF THE STARCROSS 2[]

  • Page 2: Bambietta's first appearance.

Bleach manga; Chapter 494: THE CLOSING CHAPTER PART ONE[]

  • Page 17: Bambietta's face is shown for the first time.

Bleach manga; Chapter 495: BLEEDING GUITAR BLUES[]

  • Page 11: Bambietta's name is revealed.
  • Page 11: Bambietta's designation "E" is revealed.
  • Page 11: Bambietta is shown to enjoy killing her enemies.

Bleach manga; Chapter 497: KILL THE SHADOW 2[]

  • Page 1: Bambietta is revealed to possess a medallion that she can use to steal a Shinigami's Bankai.

Bleach manga; Chapter 505: The Fire[]

  • Page 11: Bambietta's Spirit Weapon is first seen clearly.

Bleach manga; Chapter 544: Walking With Watchers[]

  • Pages 6-7: Bambietta is shown to be brutal enough to be capable of murdering someone in cold blood after luring them into her room under false pretenses.

Bleach manga; Chapter 554: Desperate Lights[]

  • Pages 6-8: Bambietta special ability to create explosions is first shown.
  • Pages 15-16: Bambietta is revealed to be able to use Quincy: Vollständig.

Bleach manga; Chapter 555: THE HERO[]

  • Pages 14-16: Bambietta's Vollständig is first shown.

Bleach manga; Chapter 556: The Wolfsbane[]

  • Page 2: Bambietta's epithet "E - The Explode" is revealed.
  • Page 9: It is revealed that Bambietta's explosions are the result of her sending her Reishi into objects, thereby making them into explosives, thus making her explosions impossible to block.

Bleach manga; Chapter 557: 命はとうに置いてきた[]

  • Page 10: Bambietta is revealed to believe that Bankai have no lives.

Äs Nödt[]

Bleach manga; Chapter 494: THE CLOSING CHAPTER PART ONE[]

  • Page 18: Äs Nödt's first appearance.

Bleach manga; Chapter 495: BLEEDING GUITAR BLUES[]

  • Page 7: Äs Nödt's Spirit Weapon is first revealed.
  • Page 8: Äs Nödt's name is revealed.
  • Page 8: Äs Nödt's designation "F" is revealed.

Bleach manga; Chapter 496: KILL THE SHADOW[]

  • Page 16: Äs Nödt is revealed to possess a medallion with the power to steal a Shinigami's Bankai.

Bleach manga; Chapter 501: Hear.Fear.Here[]

  • Page 8: Äs Nödt's Fear Inducement ability is revealed.
  • Pages 8-14: Äs is shown to have the utmost confidence in fear.

Bleach manga; Chapter 566: What Is Your Fear?[]

  • Pages 9-10: Äs Nödt says that he is lonely without Senbonzakura and shows that he regards the Bankai as his own.
  • Page 15: It is shown that the fear in Äs Nödt's thorns can get through solid objects such as ice.

Bleach manga; Chapter 567: Dance With Snowwhite[]

  • Page 6: The fear in the thorns is revealed to infect their target through simple touch rather than through causing wounds.

Bleach manga; Chapter 568: Hear.Fear.Here 2[]

  • Pages 4-5: Äs' only true fears are revealed to be to feel Yhwach's wrath and to lose his body.
  • Page 6: Äs' mask is revealed to hide a decaying mouth with no lips.
  • Pages 6-7: Äs is revealed to be able to activate his Vollständig through a Quincy cross on the underside of one of his eyeballs.
  • Page 7: Äs' Quincy: Vollständig, Tatarforas, is revealed.
  • Pages 10-12: Äs is revealed to be able to induce fear in his opponents through them simply seeing him while his Vollständig is activated.
  • Pages 12-13: Äs is revealed to be able to surround opponents with eyes while in his Vollständig, thus making them unable to escape his gaze.

Bleach manga; Chapter 569: The White Haze[]

  • Pages 8-9 & 12-13: Äs shows he can take on a larger monstrous form by ripping his own stomach open and transforming.
  • Pages 14-15: Äs is revealed to be afraid himself.

Bleach manga; Chapter 570: Closer, Closer[]

  • Page 1: It is revealed that Äs was once hospitalized.
  • Page 1: Äs is revealed to be religious.
  • Pages 1-3: Äs is revealed to be very afraid of death and hell.
  • Pages 2-3: Äs is revealed to have been approached by Yhwach who offered him power when he lay in life support.

Liltotto Lamperd[]

Bleach manga; Chapter 544: Walking With Watchers[]

  • Page 8: Liltotto's first appearance.
  • Page 9: Liltotto's name is revealed.
  • Page 9: Liltotto's designation "G" is revealed.


Bleach manga; Chapter 490: MARCH OF THE STARCROSS 2[]

  • Page 2: Bazz-B's first appearance.

Bleach manga; Chapter 494: THE CLOSING CHAPTER PART ONE[]

  • Pages 11-16: Bazz-B is shown to be able to fire a Heilig Pfeil and use Hirenkyaku.
  • Page 16: Bazz-B's face is shown for the first time.

Bleach manga; Chapter 511: 立ちて死すべし[]

  • Page 15: Bazz-B is shown to be able to survive Yamamoto's Shikai.

Bleach manga; Chapter 543: Letters[]

  • Pages 5-12: Bazz-B is shown to be impulsive and violent.
  • Page 6: Bazz-B is shown to call Jugram Haschwalth "Jugo".
  • Page 8: Bazz-B's designation "H" is revealed.

Bleach manga; Chapter 547: Peace from Shadows[]

  • Page 17: Bazz-B's special ability to create Reishi flames is revealed.

Bleach manga; Chapter 548: The Thin Ice[]

  • Page 7: Bazz-B's epithet "H - The Heat" is revealed.

Bleach manga; Chapter 550: Blazing Bullets[]

  • Pages 13-14: It is revealed that Bazz-B and two other Sternritter survived Yamamoto's Shikai because Bazz-B's flames were powerful enough to counter the flames of Ryūjin Jakka.
  • Page 17: Bazz-B reveals his technique "Burner Finger 1".

Bleach manga; Chapter 551: The Burnt Offerings[]

  • Pages 8-9: Bazz-B reveals his technique "Burning Stomp".
  • Pages 13-14: Bazz-B reveals his technique "Burner Finger 2".

Cang Du[]

Bleach manga; Chapter 495: BLEEDING GUITAR BLUES[]

  • Page 14: Cang Du's first appearance.

Bleach manga; Chapter 496: KILL THE SHADOW[]

  • Page 14: Cang Du's face is shown for the first time.

Bleach manga; Chapter 497: KILL THE SHADOW 2[]

  • Page 1: Cang Du is revealed to possess a medallion that he can use to steal a Shinigami's Bankai.

Bleach manga; Chapter 505: The Fire[]

  • Page 9: Cang Du's Spirit Weapon is shown for the first time.

Bleach manga; Chapter 543: Letters[]

  • Page 8: Cang Du's name is revealed.
  • Page 8: Cang Du's designation "I" is revealed.

Bleach manga; Chapter 551: The Burnt Offerings[]

  • Page 15: Cang Du is first shown to speak after being silent in all his earlier appearances.

Bleach manga; Chapter 552: The Fundamental Virulence[]

  • Page 3: Cang Du's epithet "I - The Iron" is revealed.
  • Page 3: Cang Du is revealed to have a personal philosophy that says that those who lived together should die together.

Bleach manga; Chapter 553: Frozen Cross[]

  • Page 12: Cang Du is shown to be a skilled martial artist.
  • Pages 12-13: Cang Du is revealed to believe that Bankai have no souls.
  • Pages 15-16: Cang Du's "Shé Jìn Zhǎo" technique is first seen.

Bleach manga; Chapter 554: Desperate Lights[]

  • Page 16: Cang Du is revealed to be capable of using Quincy: Vollständig.

Bleach manga; Chapter 559: THE NIGHT RIGHT[]

  • Page 12: Cang Du's ability to turn his skin into iron is revealed.

Quilge Opie[]

Bleach manga; Chapter 487: Breathe but blind[]

  • Page 11: Quilge's first appearance.
  • Page 11: Quilge's name is revealed.
  • Page 11: Quilge's rank as the Executive Hunting Captain of the first Jagdarmee is revealed.
  • Pages 13-16: Quilge is shown to have a very authoritative and sadistic personality.
  • Page 17: First appearance of Quilge's Spirit Weapon.

Bleach manga; Chapter 490: MARCH OF THE STARCROSS 2[]

  • Page 13: Quilge's Quincy: Vollständig is revealed.

Bleach manga; Chapter 491: TODEN ENGEL[]

  • Page 10: Quilge's Blut Vene is revealed to be strong enough to take a direct hit from Zangetsu's Shikai without taking any damage.
  • Page 14: The name of Quilge's Vollständig, Biskiel, is revealed.

Bleach manga; Chapter 493: LIGHT OF HAPPINESS[]

  • Pages 4-6: Quilge's Sklaverei ability is revealed.

Bleach manga; Chapter 498: THE DARK RESCUER[]

  • Pages 6-7: Quilge is revealed to possess a medallion that he can use to steal a Shinigami's Bankai.

Bleach manga; Chapter 499: RESCUER IN THE DARK[]

  • Page 14: Quilge is revealed to be capable of Ransōtengai.
  • Pages 15-17: Quilge's special ability to create Reishi restraints is revealed.

Bleach manga; Chapter 500: Rescuer In The Deep Dark[]

  • Page 15: Quilge's epithet ,"J - The Jail", is revealed.

Bleach manga; Chapter 514: BORN IN THE DARK[]

  • Pages 6-7: It is revealed that Quilge's jail can't hold Quincy.


Bleach manga; Chapter 495: BLEEDING GUITAR BLUES[]

  • Page 13: BG9's first confirmed appearance.

Bleach manga; Chapter 497: KILL THE SHADOW 2[]

  • Page 1: BG9 is revealed to possess a medallion with the power to steal a Shinigami's Bankai.

Bleach manga; Chapter 543: Letters[]

  • Page 8: BG9's name is revealed.
  • Page 8: BG9's designation "K" is revealed.

Bleach manga; Chapter 549: The StormBringer[]

  • Page 3: BG9 is revealed to possess several tendril-like appendages.
  • Page 5: BG9 is shown to be capable of mercilessly killing an innocent child if it believes it would help it gain an answer to a question it has asked.
  • Page 9: BG9's Spirit Weapon is first seen.

Bleach manga; Chapter 550: Blazing Bullets[]

  • Page 9: BG9 is revealed to be a mechanical entity and not a biological organism.
  • Page 10: BG9 is revealed to have missiles beneath the plating on its shoulders, arms and hips.

Bleach manga; Chapter 559: THE NIGHT RIGHT[]

  • Page 10: BG9 is revealed to be capable of using Quincy: Vollständig.
  • Page 10: BG9 is shown to fear death.

Driscoll Berci[]

Bleach manga; Chapter 494: THE CLOSING CHAPTER PART ONE[]

  • Page 16: Driscoll's first appearance.

Bleach manga; Chapter 503: Wrath as a Lightning[]

  • Page 11: Driscoll's Spirit Weapon is first seen.
  • Page 12: Driscoll's name is revealed.
  • Page 12: Driscoll's epithet "O - The Overkill" is revealed.
  • Page 12: Driscoll's special power to get stronger every time he kills is revealed.
  • Page 13: Driscoll is revealed to be the one who killed 106 Shinigami, including Chōjirō Sasakibe, during the Wandenreich's declaration of war.
  • Page 17: Driscoll is revealed to be in possession of Chōjirō Sasakibe's Bankai, Kōkō Gonryō Rikyū.

Meninas McAllon[]

Bleach manga; Chapter 544: Walking With Watchers[]

  • Page 8: Meninas' first appearance.
  • Page 9: Meninas' name is revealed.
  • Page 9: Meninas' designation "P" is revealed.

Berenice Gabrielli[]

Bleach manga; Chapter 502: 散桜[]

  • Page 16: Berenice's first appearance.

Bleach manga; Chapter 503: Wrath as a Lightning[]

  • Page 3: Berenice's name is revealed.
  • Page 3: Berenice's epithet "Q - The Question" is revealed.

Jerome Guizbatt[]

Bleach manga; Chapter 502: 散桜[]

  • Page 16: Jerome's first appearance.

Bleach manga; Chapter 503: Wrath as a Lightning[]

  • Page 3: Jerome's name is revealed.
  • Page 3: Jerome's epithet "R - The Roar" is revealed.
  • Page 4: Jerome's special ability to turn himself into a giant ape with an incredibly powerful roar is revealed.

Mask De Masculine[]

Bleach manga; Chapter 495: BLEEDING GUITAR BLUES[]

  • Page 16: Mask's first appearance.
  • Page 16: Mask is shown to be strong enough to shatter the ground with one strike.

Bleach manga; Chapter 543: Letters[]

  • Page 8: Mask's name is revealed.
  • Page 8: Mask's designation "S" is revealed.

Bleach manga; Chapter 559: THE NIGHT RIGHT[]

  • Page 16: Mask is shown to be accompanied by a little man named James who is fiercely loyal to him.

Bleach manga; Chapter 560: Rages at Ringside[]

  • Page 17: Mask's epithet "S - The Superstar" is revealed.
  • Page 17: Mask's special ability to get stronger by people cheering on him is revealed.

Bleach manga; Chapter 561: THE VILLAN[]

  • Page 2: Mask's technique "Star Eagle Kick" is shown.
  • Page 3: Mask's technique "Star Headbutt" is shown.
  • Page 14: Mask's technique "Star Flash" is shown.
  • Pages 14-15: Mask is shown to consider himself a hero and all his enemies villains and act accordingly.

Bleach manga; Chapter 562: THE VILLAIN 2[]

  • Pages 6-7: It is shown that Mask can be healed by his fans' cheers.
  • Page 8: Mask's technique "Star Rocket Headbutt" is shown.
  • Page 11: Mask reveals that when he gets enraged he becomes stronger and a star mark appears on his hand.
  • Page 12: Mask's technique "Star Satsujin Punch" is shown.

Bleach manga; Chapter 563: SUPERSTAR NEVER DIE[]

  • Pages 4-6: Mask reveals that he can take on a new, more powerful, form when he is cheered on sufficiently.
  • Pages 8-11: Mask's technique "Star Lariat" is revealed.
  • Pages 11-12: Mask's belt is revealed to act as a Sanrei glove.
  • Pages 11-12: Mask reveals his Quincy: Vollständig.
  • Pages 13-14: Mask's technique "Star Flash Super Nova" is shown.

Bleach manga; Chapter 564: Red Bristled Kings[]

  • Page 2: It is revealed that James is a part of Mask and that he will always be reborn as long as Mask lives.

Candice Catnipp[]

Bleach manga; Chapter 544: Walking With Watchers[]

  • Page 8: Candice's first appearance.
  • Page 9: Candice's name is revealed.
  • Page 9: Candice's designation "T" is revealed.

Bleach manga; Chapter 555: THE HERO[]

  • Page 15: Candice is shown to be able to use Quincy: Vollständig.

NaNaNa Najahkoop[]

Bleach manga; Chapter 495: BLEEDING GUITAR BLUES[]

  • Page 4: NaNaNa's first appearance.
  • Page 4: NaNaNa's name is revealed.
  • Page 4: NaNaNa's designation "U" is revealed.


Bleach manga; Chapter 570: Closer, Closer[]

  • Pages 13-14: Guenael's first appearance.
  • Pages 13-17: Guenael's special power of disappearing from people's vision and mind is revealed.
  • Page 17: Guenael's epithet "V - The Vanishing Point" is revealed.

Loyd Lloyd[]

Bleach manga; Chapter 502: 散桜[]

  • Page 16: Loyd's first appearance.

Bleach manga; Chapter 503: Wrath as a Lightning[]

  • Page 3: Loyd's name is revealed.
  • Page 3: Loyd's epithet "Y - The Yourself" is revealed.
  • Page 4: Loyd's special ability to copy someone else's appearance and power is revealed.

Bleach manga; Chapter 510: The Extincion[]

  • Page 1: It is revealed that Loyd and Royd Lloyd were identical twins.
  • Page 1: It is revealed that they were identical because they subconsciously mimicked each other even before they were born.

Royd Lloyd[]

Bleach manga; Chapter 502: 散桜[]

  • Page 15: Probable first appearance of Royd.

Bleach manga; Chapter 505: The Fire[]

  • Page: 14: Royd is shown to be able of easily defeating Kenpachi Zaraki.

Bleach manga; Chapter 507: The Fire3[]

  • Page 8: Royd is shown to be able to fire a Heilig Pfeil even without a Spirit Weapon.
  • Pages 11-12: Royd is shown to be capable of using Kirchenlied: Sankt Zwinger.

Bleach manga; Chapter 510: The Extincion[]

  • Page 1: It is revealed that Royd and Loyd Lloyd were identical twins.
  • Page 1: It is revealed that they were identical because they subconsciously mimicked each other even before they were born.
  • Page 2: Royd's special ability to copy another person's appearance and personality and memories is revealed.
  • Page 7: It is revealed that the person who Yamamoto fought who he believed to be Yhwach was actually Royd impersonating Yhwach.
  • Page 7: Royd's epithet "Y - The Yourself" is revealed.

Giselle Gewelle[]

Bleach manga; Chapter 544: Walking With Watchers[]

  • Page 8: Giselle's first appearance.
  • Page 9: Giselle's name is revealed.
  • Page 9: Giselle's designation "Z" is revealed.

Bleach manga; Chapter 555: THE HERO[]

  • Page 15: Giselle is implied to be capable of using Quincy: Vollständig.

Shaz Domino[]

Bleach manga; Chapter 512: THE STAND ABLAZE[]

  • Page 3: Shaz's first appearance.
  • Page 3: Shaz's Spirit Weapon is first seen.

Unnamed Male Sternritter[]

Bleach manga; Chapter 494: THE CLOSING CHAPTER PART ONE[]

  • Page 17: His first appearance.

Bleach manga; Chapter 497: KILL THE SHADOW 2[]

  • Page 10: He is shown to be skilled in Hirenkyaku.
  • Page 10: His spirit weapon is first seen.
  • Pages 11-12: His Quincy: Vollständig, Grimaniel, is first seen.

Bleach manga; Chapter 500: Rescuer In The Deep Dark[]

  • Page 2: He is shown to be a skilled enough marksman to shoot a member of the Riteitai from a long distance while looking in the opposite direction.

Bleach manga; Chapter 511: 立ちて死すべし[]

  • Page 14: He is shown to be able to manifest a Shadow to call forth the Soldat.

Unnamed Male Sternritter 2[]

Bleach manga; Chapter 543: Letters[]

  • Page 14: His first confirmed appearance.

Kanae Katagiri[]

Bleach manga; Chapter 530: Everything But the Rain op.3 "Dark of the Moon"[]

  • Page 10: Kanae Katagiri's first appearance.

Bleach manga; Chapter 531: Everything But the Rain op.4 Dark of the Bleeding Moon[]

  • Page 8: Katagiri is revealed to be a Gemischt Quincy.

Bleach manga; Chapter 536: Everything But the Rain op.9 "June Truth"[]

  • Page 8: Katagiri is revealed to be responsible for protecting Ryūken Ishida.

Bleach manga; Chapter 537: Everything But the Rain op.10 "Prinz von Licht"[]

  • Page 6: Katagiri is revealed to be the wife of Ryūken Ishida and the mother of Uryū Ishida.
  • Page 6: Katagiri's full name is revealed.
  • Pages 6-7: Katagiri is revealed to have fallen into a coma and died 9 years ago due to Yhwach stealing her powers through Auswählen.

Masaki Kurosaki[]

Bleach manga; Chapter 1: Death & Strawberry[]

  • Page 11: Masaki makes her first appearance through the memorial poster in the Kurosaki home.

Bleach manga; Chapter 17: 6/17[]

  • Pages 18-19: It is revealed that Masaki died on the 17th of June.

Bleach manga; Chapter 18: 6/17 op.2 "Can't Smile Don't Blame"[]

  • Pages 3-5: It is revealed that Masaki's son Ichigo was very attached to her.
  • Page 15: It is revealed that Masaki died when Ichigo was nine years old.

Bleach manga; Chapter 19: 6/17 op.3 "memories in the rain"[]

  • Page 11: It is revealed that Masaki was in essence the center of the Kurosaki family.
  • Pages 12-15: It is revealed that on the 17th of June when he was nine, Ichigo ran after a ghost he saw. He ran towards it because it looked as though it was just about to jump into the river, his mother tried to run after him but somehow got killed.

Bleach manga; Chapter 21: 6/17 op.5 "戦う少年"[]

  • Page 11: Masaki is revealed to have been killed by a Hollow called Grand Fisher.

Bleach manga; Chapter 25: 6/17 op.9 "戦う少年2 [The Cigar Blues Mix]"[]

  • Pages 9-10: It is revealed that when Masaki and Isshin first started dating, Masaki told Isshin that he looked cool when he smoked. This was the first and only compliment on his appearance she ever gave him.

Bleach manga; Chapter 514: BORN IN THE DARK[]

  • Page 7: Yhwach hints that there is something about his mother that Ichigo doesn't know.

Bleach manga; Chapter 528: Everything But the Rain[]

  • Pages 15-17: It is revealed that Masaki was a Quincy.
  • Pages 16-17: It is revealed that Masaki and Isshin met under somewhat chaotic circumstances that somehow involved Masaki killing something.

Bleach manga; Chapter 530: Everything But the Rain op.3 "Dark of the Moon"[]

  • Pages 5-6: It is revealed that Masaki lived in the Ishida household as a teenager.
  • Pages 6-7 & 9-10: Masaki is shown to have a somewhat carefree and goofy personality but that stills retains a certain level of seriousness.
  • Page 7: Masaki is revealed to be the last of the pure-blooded Quincy Kurosaki family.
  • Page 11: It is revealed that Masaki was only brought into the Ishida household so she could marry Ryūken and thereby preserve the pure bloodline of the Ishida family.

Bleach manga; Chapter 531: Everything But the Rain op.4 "Dark of the Bleeding Moon"[]

  • Page 13: Masaki is shown to have a very strong personality.

Bleach manga; Chapter 532: Everything But the Rain op.5 "The White Noise"[]

  • Page 14: Masaki's Spirit Weapon is seen.
  • Page 17: Masaki is shown to be able to manifest a small one-handed bow.

Bleach manga; Chapter 536: Everything But the Rain op.9 "June Truth"[]

  • Page 11: It is revealed that after the incident with White and when she had graduated from high school Masaki left the Ishida household.

Bleach manga; Chapter 537: Everything But the Rain op.10 "Prinz von Licht"[]

  • Page 3: It is revealed that Masaki's Blut Vene was exceptionally strong.
  • Page 4-10: It is revealed that Masaki died because Yhwach stole her powers through Auswählen so she couldn't defend herself against Grand Fisher.

Ryūken Ishida[]

Bleach manga; Chapter 124: Crying Little People[]

  • Page 6: Ryūken's first appearance.
  • Pages 6-7: Ryūken is shown to dislike being a Quincy.
  • Pages 6-7: Ryūken is shown to have a bad relationship with his father and son.

Bleach manga; Chapter 186: Tell Your Children The Truth[]

  • Page 1: Ryūken's first appearance in present time.
  • Page 1: Ryūken's Spirit Weapon is first seen.
  • Page 2: Ryūken’s name is revealed.
  • Pages 7-8: Ryūken is shown to claim the title of the Last Quincy.
  • Page 10: Ryūken claims that he is capable of restoring Quincy powers lost through Quincy: Letzt Stil.

Bleach manga; Chapter 189: RESOLVE[]

  • Page 17: Ryūken is revealed to be the director of the Karakura hospital.

Bleach manga; Chapter 226: The Right of The Heart[]

  • Page 9: Ryūken demonstrates his "Klavier" technique.
  • Pages 14-16: Ryūken shows his skill in archery through being able to accurately hit an are exactly 19mm to the right of the heart.

Bleach manga; Chapter 241: Silverflame[]

  • Pages 9-12: Ryūken is shown to know Isshin Kurosaki.

Bleach manga; Chapter 530: Everything But the Rain op.3 "Dark of the Moon"[]

  • Page 8: Ryūken's appearance when he was younger is shown.
  • Page 11: It is revealed that when he was younger he was supposed to marry Masaki Kurosaki to preserve the pure bloodline of the Ishida family.
  • Pages 12-13: It is shown that when Ryūken was younger he cared about the Quincy.

Bleach manga; Chapter 531: Everything But the Rain op.4 "Dark of the Bleeding Moon"[]

  • Pages 8-9: Ryūken is shown to have cared much about Quincy customs when he was younger.

Bleach manga; Chapter 534: Everything But the Rain op.7 "Hole of Reproach"[]

  • Pages 14-18: The circumstances under which Ryūken met Isshin and Kisuke Urahara are shown.

Bleach manga; Chapter 537: Everything But the Rain op.10 "Prinz von Licht[]

  • Page 6: Ryūken is revealed to have been married to the now deceased Kanae Katagiri.

Sōken Ishida[]

Bleach manga; Chapter 44: Awaken[to the Threat][]

  • Page 10: Sōken's first appearance.
  • Page 10: Sōken is revealed to have taught Uryū Ishida.

Bleach manga; Chapter 46: Karneades~Back to Back[]

  • Page 10: Sōken is revealed to have been killed in front of his apprentice.
  • Pages 11-13: It is revealed that Sōken was a pacifist who wanted Quincy and Shinigami to cooperate.

Bleach manga; Chapter 123: Pledge My Pride To[]

  • Page 15: It is revealed that Sōken died because Mayuri Kurotsuchi had the Shinigami who would have saved him delayed.
  • Pages 15-16: It is revealed that Sōken was subjected to several barbaric experiments by Mayuri Kurotsuchi.
  • Page 18: Sōken’s name is revealed.
  • Page 18: Sōken is revealed to have been Uryū’s grandfather.

Bleach manga; Chapter 124: Crying Little People[]

  • Pages 12-15: Sōken is revealed to have given Uryū the Sanrei Shutō.

Bleach manga; Chapter 491: TODEN ENGEL[]

  • Page 7: Sōken is revealed to have rejected certain aspects of Quincy evolution such as the Quincy: Vollständig.


Chōjirō Sasakibe[]

Bleach manga; Chapter 83: COME WITH ME[]

  • Page 1: Sasakibe's first appearance.

Bleach manga; Chapter 146: Demon Loves the Dark[]

  • Page 19: Sasakibe is first shown with Yamamoto.

Bleach manga; Chapter 152: The Speed Phantom[]

  • Page 13: Sasakibe's Shikai, Gonryōmaru, is first seen.

Bleach manga; Chapter 365: Whose Side Are We On[]

  • Page 11: Sasakibe is revealed to have enough knowledge of Kidō to manage the barrier around Fake Karakura.

Bleach manga; Chapter 486: The Crimson Cremation[]

  • Page 4: Sasakibe's full name is revealed.
  • Page 4: It is revealed that Sasakibe had achieved Bankai and that he did so before Kyōraku and Ukitake did.
  • Pages 4-6: It is revealed that Sasakibe never had any wish to become a captain and that he therefore didn't participate in battle.
  • Pages 4-6: It is revealed that Sasakibe had sworn to serve Yamamoto for as long as he lived.

Bleach manga: Chapter 504: 雷鳴の彼方へ[]

  • Pages 1-2: Sasakibes Bankai is first seen.
  • Page 4: It is clarified that Sasakibe had not used for 2100 years before using it against Wandenreich.
  • Pages 10-11: It is revealed that Sasakibe inflicted one of the scars on Yamamoto's forehead.

Shunsui Kyōraku[]

Bleach manga; Chapter 81: Twelve Tone Rendezvous[]

  • Page 19: Shunsui's first appearance.

Bleach manga; Chapter 102: Nobody Beats[]

  • Page 15: Shunsui's name as well as his rank as 8th division captain is revealed.
  • Page 15: Shunsui is shown to call Genryūsai Shigekuni Yamamoto "Yama-jii".
  • Pages 15-16: Shunsui is shown to be very fond of his lieutenant.

Bleach manga; Chapter 106: Cause For Confront[]

  • Page 7: Shunsui is shown to be able to deflect relatively strong attacks with his bare hands.
  • Page 14: Shunsui is shown to be strong enough to throw someone of Yasutora Sado's stature away several meters using a single finger.
  • Pages 17-18: Shunsui's sealed Zanpakutō is first seen unsheated.

Bleach manga; Chapter 155: Redoundable deeds/Redoubtable babies[]

  • Page 7: Shunsui is shown to be very skilled with Shunpo.
  • Pages 8-9: It is revealed that Genryūsai Shigekuni Yamamoto personally taught him and Jūshiro Ukitake and that they became the first graduates of Shin'ō academy to become captains.

Bleach manga; Chapter 156: Welcome to Purgatory[]

  • Pages 12-13: Shunsui's Shikai is first seen.
  • Pages 13-14: Shunsui is revealed to possess one of the very few dual Zanpakutō in Soul Society.

Bleach manga; Chapter -108: TURN BACK THE PENDULUM[]

  • Page 11: It is revealed that Lisa Yadōmaru was Shunsui's lieutenant 110 years prior to Aizen's defection.
  • Page 13: It is revealed that Shunsui became a captain at least 210 years before Aizen's defection.

Bleach manga; Chapter 362: Howling Wolves[]

  • Pages 8-9: Shunsui's "Bushōgoma" technique is first seen.
  • Page 9: Shunsui's "Takaoni" technique is first seen.

Bleach manga; Chapter 363: Superchunky from Hell[]

  • Page 3: Jūshiro Ukitake reveals that Shunsui's Bankai should not be used where people can see.

Bleach manga; Chapter 374: 灰狼・赤血・黒衣・白骨[]

  • Pages 1-5: Shunsui's "Kageoni" technique is revealed.
  • Page 6: The ability of Shunsui's Shikai are first explained.
  • Pages 9-19: Shunsui's "Irooni" technique is first seen.

Bleach manga; Chapter 511: 立ちて死すべし[]

  • Page 1: Shunsui's appearance from when he was a child is shown.

Bleach manga; Chapter 520: KILLERS NOT DEAD[]

  • Page 2: Shunsui's full name is revealed.

Nanao Ise[]

Bleach manga; Chapter 102: Nobody Beats[]

  • Page 13: Nanao's first appearance.
  • Page 15: Nanao's name is revealed.
  • Page 15: Nanao's position as the 8th division lieutenant is revealed.

Bleach manga; Chapter 108: Time For Scare[]

  • Page 5: Nanao is revealed to be able to use some kind of attack, most likely Kidō-based, that takes the form of glowing Reiatsu around her arm.

Bleach manga; Chapter 551: The Burnt Offerings[]

  • Pages 2-3: It is revealed that Nanao is very skilled with Kidō and was appointed as a lieutenant almost solely because of her Kidō.

Retsu Unohana[]

Bleach manga; Chapter 81: Twelve Tone Rendezvous[]

  • Page 19: Unohana's first appearance.

Bleach manga; Chapter 109: 花を踏まぬ虎のように[]

  • Page 7: Unohana's name is revealed.
  • Page 7: Unohana's rank as captain of 4th division is revealed.
  • Page 7: Unohana's sealed Zanpakutō is first seen.

Bleach manga; Chapter 154: The God of Flash[]

  • Pages 1-4: Unohana's Shikai is first seen.
  • Page 2: The name of Unohana's Shikai is revealed.

Bleach manga; Chapter -108: TURN BACK THE PENDULUM[]

  • Page 13: It is revealed that Unohana had been a captain for at least 210 years before Aizen defected from Soul Society.

Bleach manga; Chapter 517: THE STAIRWAY TO HEAVEN[]

  • Page 5: It is revealed that Unohana was taught how to heal by Tenjirō Kirinji.

Bleach manga; Chapter 520: KILLERS NOT DEAD[]

  • Page 16: Unohana is revealed to be the first Kenpachi, Kenpachi Yachiru.

Bleach manga; Chapter 523: Swords of Origin[]

  • Page 15: Unohana is revealed to have one single wound, inflicted years earlier by Kenpachi Zaraki.
  • Page 16: Unohana is revealed to be the one who scarred Kenpachi Zaraki's face.
  • Page 17: It is revealed that Unohana was a founding member of the Gotei 13 and the first captain of 11th division.
  • Page 17: It is revealed that Unohana was an unprecedented horrible criminal before she was recruited by Yamamoto.
  • Page 17: It is revealed that Unohana knows all the arts of Zanjutsu.

Bleach manga; Chapter 524: The Drop[]

  • Page 17: It is revealed that Unohana "imposed a sin" on Kenpachi Zaraki several years ago.

Bleach manga; Chapter 525: Edges[]

  • Page 6-13: It is revealed that many years ago, Unohana encountered a young Kenpachi Zaraki while on a mission in the Rukongai. The two fought, and both Unohana and Zaraki were able to enjoy the fight, because they were fighting people who were at their own approximate level, the only difference being that Zaraki was stronger. Zaraki unconsciously restrained his own strength so that Unohana would not lose against him, so that he wouldn't lose his only equal. That was the "sin" that Unohana imposed on him.

Bleach manga; Chapter 526: The Battle[]

  • Page 3: It is revealed that Unohana mastered healing Kidō so that she could fight longer.
  • Page 4: Unohana's Bankai is first seen.

Isane Kotetsu[]

Bleach manga; Chapter 109: 花を踏まぬ虎のように[]

  • Page 6: Isane's first appearance.

Bleach manga, Chapter 149: Countdown to The End:1 [Only Mercifully][]

  • Page 18: Isane's face is shown for the first time.
  • Page 18: Isane's given name is revealed.

Bleach manga; Chapter 152: The Speed Phantom[]

  • Page 13: Isane's Shikai is seen for the first time.

Bleach manga; Chapter 172: end of hypnosis4 [Prisoners in Paradise][]

  • Pages 4-7: It is revealed that Isane is skilled enough with Kidō to use Kakushitsuijaku and Tenteikūra.

Bleach manga; Chapter 298: INTRUDERZ3[]

  • Page 16: Isane's full name is revealed.

Sōsuke Aizen[]

Bleach manga; Chapter 79: FOURTEEN DAYS FOR CONSPIRACY[]

  • Page 9: Aizen's first appearance.
  • Page 10: Aizen's name is revealed.
  • Page 10: Aizen's rank as captain of 5th division is revealed.

Bleach manga; Chapter 80: The Shooting Star Project[]

  • Pages 15-16: Momo Hinamori is revealed to be Aizen's lieutenant.

Bleach manga; Chapter -17: 逸れゆく星々の為の前奏曲[]

  • Page 30: GIn Ichimaru is revealed to have been Aizen's lieutenant several years earlier.

Bleach manga; Chapter 169: end of hypnosis[]

  • Pages 10-15: It is revealed that Aizen faked his death.
  • Page 16: Aizen is revealed to be capable of killing his own lieutenant in cold blood.

Bleach manga; Chapter 170: end of hypnosis2 [the Galvanizer][]

  • Pages 11-13: It is revealed that Aizen has been conspiring against the Soul Society for a long time with the aid of Gin Ichimaru.
  • Page 14: Aizen reveals that he made Momo Hinamori his lieutenant because she admired him and therefore was very easily manipulated.

Bleach manga; Chapter 171: end of hypnosis3 [the Blue Fog][]

  • Pages 7-10: The name and true power of Aizen's Shikai are revealed.
  • Page 10: It is revealed that Aizen had fooled the Gotei 13 into believing that his Zanpakutō had the power to manipulate water to create illusions.
  • Pages 11-12: Kyōka Suigetsu's "Kanzen Saimin" ability is explained.
  • Pages 12-13: Kaname Tōsen is revealed to have conspired with Aizen.

Bleach manga; Chapter 173: end of hypnosis5 [Standing to Defend You][]

  • Pages 6-7: Aizen states that he's a completely different person than the person the Gotei 13 knew as Sōsuke Aizen.

Bleach manga; Chapter 174: end of hypnosis6 [The United Front][]

  • Pages 12-16: Aizen is shown to be capable of surviving Renji Abarai's "Higa Zekkō", stopping Ichigo Kurosaki's Tensa Zangetsu with a single finger and then easily incapacitate the two without even being injured himself.

Bleach manga; Chapter 175: end of hypnosis7 [Truth Under My Strings][]

  • Pages 9-14: It is revealed that Aizen is interested in Hollowfication and that his goal is to obtain the Hōgyoku, an object that can remove the barrier between a Shinigami and a Hollow, that was invented by Kisuke Urahara and hidden inside Rukia Kuchiki.

Bleach manga; Chapter 176: end of hypnosis8 [the Transfixion][]

  • Page 6: It is revealed that Aizen was once the lieutenant of 5th division.
  • Pages 11-13: Aizen is shown to be able to use high level Kidō such as "Kurohitsugi", albeit not perfectly.
  • Pages 19-21: Aizen is revealed to have found a way to extract the Hōgyoku from a soul without damaging the soul.

Bleach manga; Chapter 178: end of hypnosis10 [No One Stand On the Sky][]

  • Pages 14-16: It is revealed that Aizen's true ambition is to ascend to greater heights and transcend everyone else.

Bleach manga; Chapter 188: CRUSH THE WORLD DOWN[]

  • Pages 12-14: It is revealed that Aizen is using the Hōgyoku to build up an army of Arrancar.

Bleach manga; Chapter 223: The Scarlet Creation[]

  • Pages 1-11: It is revealed that Aizen intends to create the Ōken by sacrificing Karakura and its inhabitants.

Bleach manga; Chapter 229: The Howling Tempest[]

  • Page 15: It is revealed that Aizen possesses at least twice the normal amount of reiryoku of a normal captain.

Bleach manga; Chapter -108: TURN BACK THE PENDULUM[]

  • Pages 3-6: It is revealed that Aizen was the lieutenant of 5th division under captain Shinji Hirako 110 years prior to his defection.

Bleach manga; Chapter -105: Turn Back The Pendulum 4[]

  • Pages 17-19: It is revealed that Aizen met Gin Ichimaru 110 years prior to his defection.

Bleach manga; Chapter -100: Turn Back The Pendulum 9[]

  • Pages 17-19: It is revealed that Aizen experimented on the Shinigami who became the Visored 101 years prior to his defection.

Bleach manga; Chapter 371: Kingdom of Hollows[]

  • Pages 4-15: It is revealed that Aizen once went Hueco Mundo back when he was still a captain and visited the king of Hueco Mundo, Baraggan Louisenbairn.

Bleach manga; Chapter 375: EXecution, EXtinction[]

  • Pages 1-4: It is revealed that at some point after his defection, Aizen recruited Coyote Starrk and Lilynette Gingerbuck into his army.

Bleach manga; Chapter 383: TOO EARLY TO TRUST[]

  • Page 19: It is revealed that Aizen has given Kaname Tōsen Hollowfication.

Bleach manga; Chapter 396: THE BITE[]

  • Page 17: Aizen is revealed to have implanted the Hōgyoku in himself.

Bleach manga; Chapter 397: Edge of The Silence[]

  • Pages 1-16: It is revealed that Aizen has been observing Ichigo and helping his powers grow during Ichigo's entire life.

Bleach manga; Chapter 415: deicide17[]

  • Pages 1-2 and 15-16: Aizen is revealed to have been conducting experiments on Rukongai inhabitants even before Gin Ichimaru became his lieutenant.

Bleach manga; Chapter 421: DEICIDE23[]

  • Pages 18-19: It is revealed that Aizen has seen the Soul King or something relating to it.

Bleach manga; Chapter 423: Bleach My Soul[]

  • Page 3: It is revealed that Aizen has become immortal.

Bleach manga; Chapter 529: Everything But the Rain Op.2"The Rudiments"[]

  • Page 17: Aizen is shown to have been appointed captain of 5th division at least 20 years prior to his defection.

Bleach manga: Chapter 532: Everything But the Rain op.5"The White Noise"[]

  • Page 4: Aizen and his accomplices are revealed to have created a Hollow based on several Shinigami souls.

Rangiku Matsumoto[]

Bleach manga; Chapter 80: The Shooting Star Project[]

  • Pages 15-16: Rangiku's first appearance.
  • Page 16: Rangiku's name is revealed.
  • Page 16: Rangiku's position as lieutenant of 10th division.
  • Page 16: It is revealed that she is the lieutenant of captain Hitsugaya.

Bleach manga; Chapter 129: Suspicion [for Assassination][]

  • Page 1: It is revealed that Rangiku was saved from starvation by Gin Ichimaru when she was younger
  • Page 3: It is revealed that Rangiku and Gin were in the same class at Shin'ō academy.

Bleach manga; Chapter 169: end of hypnosis[]

  • Page 6: Rangiku's Shikai, Haineko, is first seen.

Bleach manga; Chapter -16[]

  • Pages 12-13: It is revealed that Rangiku was a Shinigami before Tōshiro Hitsugaya.

Bleach manga; Chapter 330: CROSSING SWORDS[]

  • Pages 8-10: Haineko's special ability is first explained and seen properly.
  • Page 11: Haineko's "Neko Rinbu" technique is first seen.

Bleach manga; Chapter 415: deicide17[]

  • Pages 17-18: It is revealed that sometime in the past, Aizen and some subordinates of his did something to Rangiku.

Bleach manga; Chapter 497: KILL THE SHADOW 2[]

  • Pages 5-6: Rangiku is shown to be able to use Kidō of relatively high level such as Tenteikūra.

Bleach manga; Chapter 529: Everything But the Rain Op.2 "The Rudiments"[]

  • Page 6: Rangiku is revealed to have been Isshin Shiba's lieutenant.

Bleach manga; Chapter 548: The Thin Ice[]

  • Pages 12-14: Rangiku and Hitsugaya are revealed to have developed a technique that allows Hitsugaya to create ice with several layers using Haineko's ashes.

Kirio Hikifune[]

Bleach manga; Chapter -108: TURN BACK THE PENDULUM[]

  • Page 14: First mention of Hikifune.
  • Pages 14-15: Hikifune is revealed to have been promoted to the Royal Guard.

Bleach manga; Chapter -107: Turn Back the Pendulum 2[]

  • Page 7: Hikifune's name is revealed.
  • Page 15: It is revealed that Hiyori Sarugaki thought of Hikifune as a mother.

Bleach manga; Chapter 516: THE SQUAD ZERO[]

  • Page 16: Hikifune's first appearance.

Bleach manga; Chapter 517: THE STAIRWAY TO HEAVEN[]

  • Page 5: Hikifune's title "Ruler of Grain" ("Kokuō") is revealed.
  • Page 5: It is revealed that Hikifune has changed a lot since she was the captain of 12th division.

Bleach manga; Chapter 521: A Piggy Party[]

  • Page 4: Hikifune's palace is revealed to be named "Gatonden".
  • Pages 5-10: Hikifune is revealed to be an exceptionally good chef.
  • Page 11: Hikifune's true, thin, form is revealed.
  • Page 14: It is revealed that when Hikifune cooks she expends her Reiatsu so that she becomes thin. Therefore she has to bulk up between cooking sessions.
  • Page 15: It is revealed that Hikifune invented the Gikongan and the theory of inserting Reiatsu into a foreign body.

Kisuke Urahara[]

Bleach manga; Chapter 13: BAD STANDARD[]

  • Page 7: Urahara's first appearance.

Bleach manga; Chapter 16: Wasted but Wanted[]

  • Page 16: Urahara's cane is showed to have the power to push a soul out of a body.
  • Page 17: Urahara is revealed to be able to see spirits.

Bleach manga; Chapter 29: Stop that stupid!![]

  • Page 15: Urahara is revealed to possess some Soul Society equipment.

Bleach manga; Chapter 36: 報復の為に死に至りて[]

  • Pages 11-14: Urahara is shown to be aware of the Quincy.

Bleach manga; Chapter 48: メノスグランデ[]

  • Page 15: Urahara is shown to be able to use Kidō.

Bleach manga; Chapter 51: DEATH 3[]

  • Pages 8-9: Urahara is shown to know a black cat called Yoruichi.

Bleach manga; Chapter 59: Lesson 1: One Strike! + Jailed at Home[]

  • Page 12: Urahara is revealed to have constructed a giant secret training ground under his shop.

Bleach manga; Chapter 64: BACK IN BLACK[]

  • Page 21: Urahara is revealed to have a sword hidden in his cane.

Bleach manga; Chapter 65: Collisions[]

  • Page 19: The sword hidden in Urahara's cane is revealed to be a Zanpakutō named "Benihime".
  • Page 19: Urahara's Shikai is first seen.

Bleach manga; Chapter 67: End of Lessons[]

  • Page 13: Benihime's "Nake, Benihime" technique is first seen.
  • Page 15: Benihime's "Chikasumi no Tate" technique is first seen.

Bleach manga; Chapter 70: Where Hollows Fear to Tread[]

  • Page 3-8: Urahara is revealed to have a Senkaimon that can change normal matter to Reishi in his secret training ground.
  • Page 18: It is revealed that Urahara can't pass through the Senkaimon.

Bleach manga; Chapter 87: Dancing With Spears[]

  • Page 12: It is revealed that Urahara was once a high-ranking Shinigami.

Bleach manga; Chapter 130: Suspicion2 [of Tears][]

  • Page 9: It is revealed that Urahara built the secret training ground under Sōkyoku hill when he was younger and later modeled the one under his shop after the one in Soul Society.
  • Page 10: It is revealed that Urahara and Yoruichi used to play in the secret training ground under Sōkyoku hill when they were younger.
  • 10-12: It is revealed that Urahara is the former captain of 12th division and the first president and founder of the Shinigami Research and Development institute.

Bleach manga; Chapter 132: Creeping Limit[]

  • Page 17: It is revealed that Urahara achieved Bankai using a method he himself created to achieve it in only three days.

Bleach manga; Chapter 159: LONG WAY TO SAY GOODBYE[]

  • Page 15: It is revealed that a long time ago, Yoruichi helped Urahara escape from punishment during unknown circumstances.

Bleach manga; Chapter 175: end of hypnosis7 [Truth Under My Strings][]

  • Pages 12-13: It is revealed that Urahara invented the Hōgyoku.

Bleach manga; Chapter 188: CRUSH THE WORLD DOWN[]

  • Page 6: It is revealed that Urahara had something to do with Isshin Kurosaki losing his Shinigami powers twenty years earlier.

Bleach manga; Chapter 224: Imitated Gaiety[]

  • Page 15: Urahara reveals that his Bankai isn't suited for training or helping people.

Bleach manga; Chapter 233: El Violador[]

  • Page 12: Benihime's "Kamisori, Benihime" technique is first seen.

Bleach manga; Chapter 235: The Frozen Clutch[]

  • Pages 5-6: Urahara reveals that he has invented a portable Gigai.
  • Page 8: Benihime's "Tsuppane, Benihime" technique is first seen.

Bleach manga; Chapter 240: Regeneration[]

  • Pages 1-3: Urahara is shown to be able to open a Garganta.

Bleach manga; Chapter -108: TURN BACK THE PENDULUM[]

  • Pages 17-18: Urahara is revealed to have been promoted to captain of twelfth division 110 years prior to Aizen's defection.

Bleach manga; Chapter -107: Turn Back The Pendulum 2[]

  • Page 8: It is revealed that Urahara was the third seat of 2nd division before becoming 12th division's captain.

Bleach manga; Chapter -106: Turn Back The Pendulum 3[]

  • Page 5: It is revealed that Urahara used to be the Corps Commander of the Onmitsukidō's Detention Unit.

Bleach manga; Chapter -101: Turn Back The Pendulum 8[]

  • Page 17-19: It is shown that Urahara has invented a Reiatsu-hiding cloak.

Bleach manga; Chapter 402: Deicide 4[]

  • Pages 9-14: Urahara is shown to be able to use several high-level Kidō, including Sajō Sabaku and Senjū Kōten Taihō.

Bleach manga; Chapter 403: Deicide 5[]

  • Pages 1-7: Urahara is shown to have developed a technique capable of burning an opponent from within using their own Reiatsu.

Bleach manga; Chapter 404: Deicide 6[]

  • Page 5: Urahara is revealed to have developed the anti-hierro armor worn by Yoruichi.

Bleach manga; Chapter 405: Deicide 7[]

  • Pages 15-17: Benihime's techniques "Shibari, Benihime" and "Hiasobi, Benihime, Juzutsunagi" are revealed.

Bleach manga; Chapter 421: Deicide 23[]

  • Pages 13-21: Urahara is revealed to have developed a Kidō named Kyūjūrokkei Kakafūmetsu to seal Aizen.

Bleach manga; Chapter 460: Deathberry Returns 2[]

  • Pages 7-8: Urahara is revealed to have been working on a method of giving Ichigo his Shinigami powers back.

Bleach manga; Chapter 499: RESCUER IN THE DARK[]

  • Page 7: Urahara is shown to possess a computer-like device.

Bleach manga; Chapter 518: The Shooting Star Project (ZERO MIX)[]

  • Pages 1-3: Urahara is shown to have modified Kon to act as a transmitter for video messages.

Bleach manga; Chapter 535: Everything But the Rain op.8 "Defenders"[]

  • Pages 8-9: It is revealed that Urahara prevented Soul Suicide for the Visored by administering a vaccine made by Quincy Heilig Pfeil and Human souls.
  • Pages 11-13: It is revealed that Urahara can save a Hollowfied Quincy from Soul Suicide by tying together the souls of the Quincy and a Shinigami in a Human-based Gigai through a special procedure.

Bleach manga; Chapter 551: The Burnt Offerings[]

  • Page 17: Urahara is revealed to have on found a way of recovering a Bankai that has been stolen by the Wandenreich.


Orihime Inoue[]

Bleach manga; Chapter 2: Starter[]

  • Page 5: Orihime's first appearance.

Bleach manga; Chapter 3: Headhittin'[]

  • Page 12: It is revealed that Orihime had an older brother named Sora who died at the Kurosaki clinic.

Bleach manga; Chapter 4: WHY DO YOU EAT IT?[]

  • Page 12: The bruise on Orihime's leg is revealed to have been inflicted by the Hollow that was her brother.

Bleach manga; Chapter 5: Binda•blinda[]

  • Pages 13-14: It is revealed that when her brother died, Orihime prayed for him every day, but when she met Tatsuki and Ichigo she began praying less and less for him.

Bleach manga; Chapter 6: microcrack.[]

  • Page 1: It is revealed that Orihime and her brother's parents were very abusive and that her brother, who was 15 years old when she was born, raised her. They ran away from home when Orihime was three years old.
  • Page 11: It is revealed that Orihime's hairpins were a present from her brother and that she has used them every day since his death.
  • Page 15: It is revealed that Orihime didn't like the hairpins when she first got them, and because she was still angry with him when he left for work, she didn't even say goodbye, and that was the day Sora died.

Bleach manga; Chapter 28: Symptom of Synesthesia[]

  • Page 9: Orihime is revealed to have some Reiatsu since she can hear a ghost.

Bleach manga; Chapter 35: Can You Be My Enemy?[]

  • Page 3: Orihime is shown to be smart enough to be the third best student in the class.

Bleach manga; Chapter 37: Crossing The Rubicon[]

  • Page 11: Orihime is revealed to be resistant to the memory chikan.

Bleach manga; Chapter 41: Princess & Dragon[]

  • Page 1: Orihime is revealed to have enough Reiatsu to see Hollows.

Bleach manga; Chapter 42: Princess & Dragon PART .2"The Majestic"[]

  • Pages 13-15: It is revealed that Orihime was bullied when she was younger, usually because of her hair. But Tatsuki befriended her and stopped people from bullying her.
  • Pages 17-19: Orihime's Shun Shun Rikka is shown for the first time.

Bleach manga; Chapter 43: Princess & Dragon PART .3"Six Flowers"[]

  • Page 4: The name of Shun Shun Rikka is revealed as well as their appearances.
  • Pages 11-12: Orihime's Santen Kesshun ability is first seen.
  • Pages 13-14: Orihime's Sōten Kisshun ability is first seen.
  • Pages 15-17: Orihime's Koten Zanshun ability is first seen.

Bleach manga; Chapter 81: Twelve Tone Rendezvous[]

  • Page 1: Orihime is shown to be somewhat skilled at using her Reiatsu for Kidō-like things.

Bleach manga; Chapter 119: Secret of the Moon[]

  • Pages 13-14: Orihime is revealed to be an adept martial artist.

Bleach manga; Chapter 121: In Sane We Trust[]

  • Pages 9-11: According to Mayuri Kurotsuchi, Orihime's abilities are quite extraordinary.

Bleach manga; Chapter 214: Immanent God Blues[]

  • Page 7: Orihime is revealed to have improved her powers.

Bleach manga; Chapter 225: Slip Into My Barrier[]

  • Pages 2-3: Orihime is shown to be able to move freely through Hachigen Ushōda's barriers.

Bleach manga; Chapter 228: Don't Look Back[]

  • Page 13: Orihime's abilities are revealed to be very similar to Hachigen Ushōda's.

Bleach manga; Chapter 240: Regeneration[]

  • Page 13: Aizen says that Orihime's Sōten Kisshun has the power to completely reject phenomena.

Bleach manga; Chapter 449: Not be a Drug[]

  • Pages 12-16: Orihime's Shiten Kōshun ability is first seen