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Rangiku dances! Slice the invisible enemy!
Kanji 乱菊舞う!見えない敵を斬れ
Romanji Rangiku, mau! Mienai teki o kire!
Episode Number 86
Manga Chapters None
Arc The Bount arc
Previous Episode Deadly Battle of Tears! Rukia vs. Orihime
Next Episode Byakuya is summoned! The Gotei 13 start to move!
Japanese June 20, 2006
English November 1, 2008
Theme Music
Opening Tonight, Tonight, Tonight
Ending Hanabi
Episode 86 Screenshots

Rangiku dances! Slice the invisible enemy! is the eighty-sixth episode of the Bleach anime.

10th Division Lieutenant Rangiku Matsumoto, Yasutora Sado, Noba, and Ururu Tsumugiya face off against the elderly Bount, Sawatari.



Rangiku Matsumoto runs through Karakura Town while ruminating on the ongoing battles.

At nighttime in Karakura Town, 10th Division Lieutenant Rangiku Matsumoto leaps through the air and begins running across multiple rooftops while recalling 11th Division 5th Seat Yumichika Ayasegawa declining to participate in the clashes across the city since his division prefers to fight one-on-one battles. Noting that Yumichika left after stating this, Rangiku wonders why 3rd Division Lieutenant Izuru Kira and 9th Division Lieutenant Shūhei Hisagi would also run off as soon as they arrived.


Sawatari confronts Yasutora Sado and his friends in a park.

Rangiku concludes that she should be the leader of this team since they were ordered to come to the Human World by her captain, Tōshirō Hitsugaya, and that she will be complaining about them once she returns before noticing Sawatari confronting Yasutora Sado, Ururu Tsumugiya, and Noba in a nearby park. Down in the park, Sawatari muses on how nice it feels to be young and decides to take his time as he enjoys his first Soul in a long time, prompting Sado to question why he is devouring the Souls of living Humans, though Sawatari simply brushes this off.


Rangiku joins Sado and his friends in the park.

While Sado demands he stop attacking Humans, Sawatari declares he wants to gain more power, and when Sado inquires about what he will do once he gains this power, Sawatari sternly claims he cannot tell Sado this, causing the latter, Noba, and Ururu to assume battle stances in response. Suddenly, Rangiku pops up in front of Sado and begins repeatedly clapping her hand on his shoulder as she cheerfully greets him. With a confused Sado wondering what she is doing here while Ururu and Noba stare at her in shock, Rangiku asserts she is glad to have found Sado since he is having trouble here and explains how she arrived because Hitsugaya suddenly sent her here.


Rangiku exchanges greetings with Ururu Tsumugiya and Noba.

After mentioning how lieutenants like herself cannot come to the Human World too often, which has left her with little understanding of what is going on due to how long it has been since her last visit, Rangiku praises how interesting the Human World is with the many events occurring in it. When Sado gets her attention, Rangiku sees Ururu and Noba staring at her from behind Sado and assume they are his friends, which leads Ururu and Noba to introduce themselves to Rangiku and her to introduce herself to them in turn. Upon being asked by Rangiku what they are doing here, Noba raises his hand and points at Sawatari, whom he identifies as a Bount to Rangiku.


Sawatari's Doll, Baura, causes the ground to ripple.

Though Rangiku is surprised at an old man being a Bount, Sawatari affirms that it is true and decides to prove it to a smirking Rangiku by tapping his cane on the ground and ordering his Doll, Baura, to go, causing the ground to begin rippling underneath the feet of Sado and his friends. Rangiku inquires if this is his Doll, and after confirming this, Sawatari sinks into the ground along with his seat, leaving Sado and his friends to brace themselves and look around the park expectantly. While Rangiku realizes that Sawatari's Reiatsu disappeared, Sado asks Noba if he senses anything, but as he initially denies this, Noba suddenly tells his friends to jump.


Baura reveals himself to Sado and his friends.

With Sado and his friends leaping away, Baura bursts out of the ground, revealing himself to be a large, whale-like rock creature before diving back into the ground. As Rangiku stands in the air above and questions what this was, she sees the shadow of Baura swimming around underneath the ground, prompting Sado, Ururu, and Noba to debate what kind of fish Baura most resembles. Proclaiming that it does not matter, Rangiku draws her Zanpakutō and comes down on the shadow with a downward stab, only to not receive any response from her blade piercing the concrete. When Noba alerts her to Baura emerging behind her, Rangiku is unable to pull out her Zanpakutō.


Noba saves Rangiku from Baura with his Mod-Soul Teleportation.

Baura comes down on Rangiku and seemingly swallows her whole, prompting Sado to call out to her in concern, only to see Noba teleport Rangiku onto the ground nearby while Ururu joins them. Upon being thanked by Rangiku, who uses his shoulder to pull herself up, an embarrassed Noba zips his hood closed in response, leaving Rangiku to question why he would do this when she is simply thanking him as Ururu indicates that Noba is bashful. Suddenly, Baura emerges from the ground behind the group and slides down the top section of his back protrusions to reveal Sawatari, who observes that Sado and his friends have escaped death.


Sawatari explains the spatial manipulation of Baura.

Introduced to Sado and his friends by Sawatari, Baura comments on how he was summoned on a good night, and when Rangiku expresses surprise at Baura being able to talk, Noba tells her Dolls have minds of their own as Sawatari reveals Baura can create special alternate dimensional spaces and swim freely within them in a manner similar to Noba's teleportation ability, though he mockingly declares Noba is still outclassed. With Noba inquiring if he is sure about this, Sawatari criticizes him for being arrogant and suggests Baura display the difference in their power, but Rangiku proclaims she and the others will be the one displaying this difference.


Baura prepares to devour Rangiku's Shikai, Haineko.

After releasing her Shikai, Haineko, Rangiku sends the ash toward Sawatari, who hides himself within Baura and has the latter open his mouth to inhale the ash. When Rangiku frantically recalls the ash before it can enter the mouth of Baura and reforms her blade, Sado wonders why she did this, which leads Sawatari to praise her judgement as correct and push his face out of the hide of Baura while detailing how Rangiku would have lost her Zanpakutō had she allowed Baura to devour the ash of Haineko. Hearing this, Noba tells a confused Sado that the mouth of Baura seems to also be connected to an alternate dimensional space.


Rangiku requests a spatial freeze and Soul protection.

As Sawatari gloats about having nearly acquired a Shinigami's Zanpakutō, Rangiku pulls a communicator out of her shihakushō and requests a spatial freeze for 300 meters around her in addition to Soul protection from the Shinigami Research and Development Institute, which is granted, before asking that the same be done for Izuru and Hisagi. However, the technician on the other end of the line reveals to Rangiku that 6th Division Lieutenant Renji Abarai engaged in battle without Soul protection and was injured while protecting a Human, shocking Rangiku, who returns the communicator to her shihakushō and tells an inquisitive Sado that everyone is having a hard time.


Sado attacks Baura with an energy blast.

With Sawatari laughing at them, Rangiku informs the others that the space around them is now protected by Soul Society, which means that they no longer have to restrain themselves. Acknowledging this, Sado manifests his Fullbring, Brazo Derecha de Gigante, and fires an energy blast at Baura, who dodges it by sinking into the ground and swimming underneath Sado before emerging. While she and the others leap back to evade Baura, Rangiku fires Hadō #4. Byakurai at him, only for Baura to dive back into the ground right before the beam hits him and proceed to swim around as Rangiku continues to fire at his shadow, though Noba reminds her this is pointless.


Ururu kicks Baura away from Sado and Rangiku.

Still in midair, Rangiku finds Baura lunging at her from the ground and attempts to slash him after stepping onto his fin, but fails to wound him while he returns to the ground. Upon being warned by Rangiku that Baura is headed his way, Sado sees Baura charging toward him and fires another energy blast directly at him, only for Baura to open his mouth and inhale the blast, leaving a stunned Sado to be pulled into the air by Rangiku prior to Baura closing his mouth over the area where Sado was standing. When Baura circles around the park and pursues Sado and Rangiku into the air, Ururu leaps up and kicks Baura solidly in the underside, sending him flying.


Sado and his friends move to a rooftop to regroup.

As Rangiku praises Ururu's skill and Baura slams into the ground below, Noba draws Ururu's attention and leaps away with her over a jungle gym while Baura sinks into the ground behind them. Shortly afterward, Sado, Ururu, Noba, and Rangiku move to a rooftop overlooking the park, and with Ururu recalling how Baura absorbed his energy blast, Sado concludes that it is useless to attack him from the front. Questioning what they are supposed to do now, Rangiku turns to Noba and asks him if he can sense when Baura is moving to attack, prompting Noba to explain that Baura creates ripples in space when he surfaces from his alternate dimensional space.


Sado, Noba, and Rangiku discuss the power of Baura.

When Sado inquires if he can predict this in advance, Noba shakes his head and clarifies he can only sense Baura right before he appears, which leads Rangiku to muse they can only manage to dodge at the last second. With Sado wondering how Baura knows where they are, Noba speculates Baura is using something like sonar since he can sense a subtle wave of Reiatsu from within the ground, but refutes Rangiku's idea of them being able to track Baura this way because it is too weak, to her disappointment. Sado reminds them Baura pursues them from within the ground, which means they should be safe in a high place, and suggests they think of a plan.


Ururu pushes Sado out of the path of Baura.

Suddenly, as Ururu affirms this, Baura emerges from the side of the building next to the group and bears down on an astonished Sado with his mouth open, only for Ururu to push Sado out of the way and take his place in the path of Baura, resulting in Baura swallowing her and sinking into the rooftop while an agonized Sado calls out to Ururu. Within the alternate dimensional space of Baura, Ururu falls through the void and expresses happiness at Sado being safe. Back on the rooftop, Sado lands in a crouch and looks at the portion of the building carved out by the path of Baura before being alerted by Noba, who stands on an upper section with a water tower next to Rangiku.


Sado, Noba, and Rangiku flee from Baura.

After beckoning Sado to follow her and Noba, Rangiku runs across the rooftops of several buildings of different heights with them and questions where Baura is. While Sado confirms he is not behind them, Rangiku wonders if the appearance of Baura on the building means height does not mean anything to him as long as there is a wide surface to emerge from, which Sawatari confirms, startling the group into stopping in their tracks and looking around the rooftop with a large four-sided billboard they are currently standing on. As he notes Baura has taken out one combatant, Sawatari emerges on the other end of the rooftop while sitting on the back of Baura.


Rangiku surrounds herself, Sado, and Noba with Haineko.

Sawatari assures Sado and his friends that Ururu is fine, since he is having her stay in the alternate dimensional space within the stomach of Baura, but stands up and warns them that she cannot stay there for a long period of time due to the unique ability of him and Baura to engulf, dissolve, and absorb an entire Human body instead of just Souls. Angered by this, Sado demands that Sawatari return Ururu to them, but a laughing Sawatari promises to have Baura devour each of them one by one and has Baura fly toward the group, prompting Rangiku to refuse to let this happen as she releases Haineko once more, surrounding herself, Sado, and Noba with ash.


Rangiku evades Baura by cutting through the rooftop.

Though Sawatari declares that this does not matter and orders Baura to swallow them, Haineko carves a rough circle into the rooftop around the group, causing them and the severed portion to fall into the building right before Baura crashes into the area where they were standing. With a shocked Sawatari running to the edge of the newly-created hole, Rangiku stands on the severed portion of the rooftop with Sado and Noba below while mocking Sawatari's specialty of diving into the ground and advising him to watch his head. Looking around in confusion at this, Sawatari sees the billboard next to him fall on top of him, having had its support struts cut through by Haineko.


Sado, Noba, and Rangiku hide in an alleyway.

As a large plume of dust rises from the collapsed billboard, Baura flies out from the side of the building and moves to a lower rooftop, where Sawatari emerges on his back and curses Rangiku for making a fool of him. With Baura observing that they have not gone far and Sawatari proclaiming that they will be pursing the group, Sado, Noba, and Rangiku huddle in an alleyway far from them, where Noba affirms to Rangiku that this area should be safe because Baura cannot exit from his alternate dimensional space without a sufficiently wide space to emerge from, with the enormous amount of energy he uses to travel through space not able to be opened up in cramped quarters.


Noba prevents Sado from hastily leaving to save Ururu.

Seeing Sado looking down in concern, Rangiku gets his attention and assures him that this is not his fault, but Sado asserts that his power is meant for protecting others and recalls Oscar Joaquín de la Rosa giving him his coin, 8th Division Captain Shunsui Kyōraku cutting him down in the Seireitei, and Ichigo Kurosaki promising to fight to protect what Sado holds dear, as well as the latter's fierce battles to save Rukia Kuchiki and him getting cut down by Sōsuke Aizen in front of Sado. After concluding that there is no point to having his power at this rate, to Rangiku's concern, Sado claims that they should go save Ururu and attempts to stand up, only for Noba to grasp his shoulder.


Noba explains his plan to save Ururu from Baura.

Noba tells Sado to calm down as Rangiku inquires about what Sado was planning to do and if he has a plan, and when Sado suggests that he take Ururu's place, Rangiku dismisses this idea due to the unlikelihood of Sawatari releasing Ururu for this reason when the Bount only see Humans as food. While Rangiku states that they need to think of a plan, Noba proposes that he suck Baura into his own alternate dimensional space, to Rangiku's delight, and details how he can extinguish the energy of Baura by surrounding him with his power to move everything he has swallowed through space, which will allow him to save Ururu, illustrating this with a stick in the dirt.


Rangiku decides to be the decoy and intimidates Sado into silence.

Though Rangiku is uncertain this will worth, Noba asserts it should work in the same way that alternate dimensional spaces are created by Reiryoku and that it is possible, leaving Rangiku perturbed that this is the only viable method. Upon being asked by Sado about what he and Rangiku should do, Noba instructs them to lure Baura in front of him without the latter noticing. When Sado offers to be the decoy, an annoyed Rangiku declares she will be the decoy and orders Sado and Noba to support her from the back. As Sado points out how she will be in danger, Rangiku exerts her white Reiatsu and sternly demands to know whom he believes he is talking to.


Rangiku evades Baura and moves into the air.

With Sado and Noba intimidated by this, Rangiku cheerfully walks away and instructs Sado and Noba to follow her and not waste any more time, startling them into getting up. Soon afterward, at a football field, Rangiku lands on the ground and invites Sawatari to come out since she knows that he is nearby and is alone, but does not receive a response. Suddenly, Baura rears up below Rangiku's feet, prompting her to move several feet away and dodge a subsequent lunge from Baura with Shunpo prior to moving into the air when Baura flies upward from underneath her, where Rangiku criticizes his attacks as being predictable and slashes at the hide of Baura.


Sado obscures Baura from view with his attacks.

While an unharmed Baura falls back toward the field, a yelling Sado runs toward him from the other side and fires an energy blast with Brazo Derecha de Gigante, only for Baura to disappear into the ground before the blast can hit him. When Sado fires two more blasts at the area Baura submerged himself in, creating a large cloud of smoke, Rangiku chides him for doing so since she can no longer see where Baura is. Upon landing on the ground and looking around for Baura, Rangiku has her left ankle pulled on by Sawatari's cane emerging from the ground, which causes Rangiku to fall over as Baura emerges behind her and rushes forward to devour her.


Baura manages to resist being drawn into Noba's Wormhole.

However, after engulfing Rangiku, Baura rears up with his mouth still open, to Sawatari's confusion, and as she keeps the mouth of Baura propped open by holding her Zanpakutō and its sheath vertically end-to-end in front of her, Rangiku proclaims Sawatari fell for it while Sado grabs the tail of Baura and begins swinging him around. With Sawatari immobilized by the force of this, Sado throws him and Baura toward the other end of the field, where Noba opens a massive Wormhole in an attempt to draw in Baura. Despite this, Baura manages to counter Noba's energy with his own as Sawatari refuses to lose to him after absorbing so many Souls for this power.


Noba is forced to release Baura with another Wormhole.

Suddenly, Sado runs up behind Baura and fires another energy blast squarely into his underside, catching Sawatari off-guard and sending Baura crashing into Noba's Wormhole, which disappears while Noba collapses. With Sado and Rangiku running over to him in concern, Noba assures them he is alright and prepares to withdraw Ururu, only to begin convulsing in pain before being suspended in midair as red energy begins gathering around his chest. Warning a concerned Sado and Rangiku to not come near him, Noba involuntarily opens another Wormhole that releases Baura and is sent flying back, forcing Rangiku to move to and catch Noba with Shunpo.


Rangiku finds that Noba is alive, but injured.

Though Rangiku and Noba are relieved to see that an injured Noba is still alive, Sawatari approaches them and mocks the group as being one hundred years too early to be sealing him and Baura away before inviting them to bring this fight to its natural conclusion, leaving Sado and Rangiku to stare at him with trepidation and anger.

Shinigami Illustrated Picture Book[]


An irritated Yasochika Iemura relays Hanatarō Yamada's report.

In the Seireitei, 4th Division 3rd Seat Yasochika Iemura informs his captain, Retsu Unohana, that they have received a report from 7th Seat Hanatarō Yamada. When Unohana asks him what it says, Iemura proceeds to detail how Hanatarō has gotten a part-time job in the Human World and that he says every day is fun before expressing annoyance that he is slacking off while the Fourth Division is handling strenuous tasks every day, all while barely concealing his contempt and envy of Hanatarō. After Unohana thanks him, Iemura excuses himself and walks away expressing disbelief at Hanatarō's actions while Unohana notes that he seems to be enjoying himself.

Characters in Order of Appearance[]


Powers and Techniques Used[]

Zanpakutō Techniques:

  • Senkei (殲景, Slaughterscape) (flashback)

Hohō Techniques:

Kidō Techniques:

Other Techniques:


  • Brazo Derecha de Gigante (巨人の右腕 (ブラソ・デレチャ・デ・ヒガンテ), Buraso Derecha de Higante; Spanish and Japanese for "Right Arm of the Giant")

Zanpakutō released:



Dolls summoned:


Timestamp Track Listing
01:37 No Official Release
02:57 Bleach OST 2 - 06 - Dodo Dance
04:24 Bleach OST 2 - 03 - On the Verge of Insanity
06:17 Bleach 5th Anniversary Box CD 1 - 15 - BL_35
07:55 Bleach 5th Anniversary Box CD 1 - 03 - BL_73
08:43 Bleach OST 1 - 16 - Heat Of The Battle
11:02 Bleach OST 1 - 08 - Raw Breath Of Danger
11:33 Bleach OST 1 - 09 - Enemy Unseen
11:52 Bleach 5th Anniversary Box CD 1 - 04 - BL_75
13:21 Bleach OST 2 - 18 - Back to the Wall
15:19 Bleach OST 1 - 10 - Will of the Heart
17:10 No Official Release
18:46 No Official Release
20:55 Bleach OST 2 - 15 - The Calling
22:02 No Official Release


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Deadly Battle of Tears! Rukia vs. Orihime Byakuya is summoned! The Gotei 13 start to move!